project - Research and innovation

Reducing mineral fertilizers and chemical use in agriculture by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char products (REFERTIL)
Reducing mineral fertilisers and chemical use in agriculture by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char products (REFERTIL)

Completed | 2011 - 2015 Other, European Union
Completed | 2011 - 2015 Other, European Union
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The objective driven goal of the 4 years SME targeted REFERTIL project is to improve the currently used compost and biochar treatment systems, towards advanced, efficient and comprehensive bio-waste treatment and nutrient recovery process with zero emission performance. Recovery of the critical raw material Phosphorus and the EU Fertilizers Regulation revision policy/law harmonization support for biochar and innovative fertilizer cases are the core elements of the project.


The improved output products are safe, economical, ecological and standardized compost and bio-char combined natural fertilizers and soil amendment agricultural products used by farmers. The targeted high quality output products aiming to reduce mineral fertilizers and intensive chemicals use in agriculture; enhancing the environmental, ecological and economical sustainability of food crop production; reducing the negative footprint of the cities and overall contributing to climate change mitigation. In this context the improved bio-waste treatment process opens new technical, economical, environmental and social improvement opportunities, while improving the use, effectiveness and safety of the resulting compost and bio-char products in agriculture. The output products developed in a standardized way to meet all industrial, agricultural and environmental norms and stands in European dimension. Proactive and coherently integrated cooperation made between multi level stakeholder in Europe, with result oriented potential benefit to SMEs and farmers for more efficient utilization of the final products by the end-users.

Project details
Main funding source
Other EU research and development funds
Project acronym
Agricultural sectors
Crops (generic)


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1 Practice Abstracts

REFERTIL is conversion of biochar science into industrial practice. Comprehensive and detailed biochar policy, law harmonization system and common quality standard requirements and recommendations worked out for the EC related to the revision of the Fertilisers Regulation. Plant based biochar is a high carbon content soil improver with doses up to 20 tons/ha, in average 10 t/ha. but having no fertilizer effect with economical importance. Animal Bone bioChar "ABC" is a recovered organic P-fertiliser, made from food grade animal bone grist, having high nutrient density (30% P2O5) and pure P-content. The rendering industrial origin food grade category 3 animal bone grist processed ABC is a macroporous organic fertilizer with as high as 92% pure calcium phosphate and 8% carbon content only. ABC is BIO-NPK-C formulation optimized for significant enhancing of soil microbiological life, having high water holding and macromolecular organic nutrient retention. The fully safe ABC is used at low doses (100–600 kg/ha) and in cases when justified even up to 1,000 kg/ha, in average 300 kg/ha. Therefore the ABC product functionalities are organic fertilizer, soil improver, growing medium and/or fertilising product blend. The substitution of the Cadmium and Uranium toxic contaminated mineral phosphate import by recovered Phosphorus is an important goal for the European agriculture already in short term. [pt1]

The imported mineral Phosphorus agri substitution potential by bio ABC –BIO-NPK-C in European dimension is >5% in short term (<2025) and up to >27% in medium long term (>2030).

As biochar is irrevocably applied in open ecological soil systems, therefore only qualified, safe and EU/MS Authority permitted biochar to be applied. The aim is to ensure the biochar quality and safety that are fully consistent with the EU Directives and Regulations. Any biochar manufacturing and product applications require mandatory EU/MS Authority permits. Moreover biochar manufacturing, import, placing on the market and use above 1 t/year capacity require approved REACH registration as well.

Voluntary biochar certificates having no any legal effects and technical validity. Fertilisers Regulation (EC No. 2003/2003) is only regulating the mineral fertilizers and not applicable to biochar products. REFERTIL provided a strong policy support for the EU Commission in revision of the Fertiliser Regulation and inclusion of biochar as safe organic fertiliser/soil improver. The legal and economical sustainability of the biochar under market based commercial conditions has been evaluated. [pt2]

Harmonized and standardized analytical measurements developed for determination of the physical-chemical properties, Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) content and Organic Pollutants of the biochar materials. Biochar EU quality and safety criterion system has also been set up which is maximizing the PTEs and Organic Pollutant content for safe applications. Detailed policy support report has been submitted to the Commission. The REEFERTIL biochar is Authority permitted. [pt3]

REFERTIL is conversion of biochar science into industrial practice. Comprehensive and detailed biochar policy, law harmonization system and common quality standard requirements and recommendations worked out for the EC related to the revision of the Fertilisers Regulation. Plant based biochar is a high carbon content soil improver with doses up to 20 tons/ha, in average 10 t/ha. but having no fertilizer effect with economical importance. Animal Bone bioChar "ABC" is a recovered organic P-fertiliser, made from food grade animal bone grist, having high nutrient density (30% P2O5) and pure P-content. The rendering industrial origin food grade category 3 animal bone grist processed ABC is a macroporous organic fertilizer with as high as 92% pure calcium phosphate and 8% carbon content only. ABC is BIO-NPK-C formulation optimized for significant enhancing of soil microbiological life, having high water holding and macromolecular organic nutrient retention. The fully safe ABC is used at low doses (100–600 kg/ha) and in cases when justified even up to 1,000 kg/ha, in average 300 kg/ha. Therefore the ABC product functionalities are organic fertilizer, soil improver, growing medium and/or fertilising product blend. The substitution of the Cadmium and Uranium toxic contaminated mineral phosphate import by recovered Phosphorus is an important goal for the European agriculture already in short term. [pt1]

The imported mineral Phosphorus agri substitution potential by bio ABC –BIO-NPK-C in European dimension is >5% in short term (<2025) and up to >27% in medium long term (>2030).

As biochar is irrevocably applied in open ecological soil systems, therefore only qualified, safe and EU/MS Authority permitted biochar to be applied. The aim is to ensure the biochar quality and safety that are fully consistent with the EU Directives and Regulations. Any biochar manufacturing and product applications require mandatory EU/MS Authority permits. Moreover biochar manufacturing, import, placing on the market and use above 1 t/year capacity require approved REACH registration as well.

Voluntary biochar certificates having no any legal effects and technical validity. Fertilisers Regulation (EC No. 2003/2003) is only regulating the mineral fertilizers and not applicable to biochar products. REFERTIL provided a strong policy support for the EU Commission in revision of the Fertiliser Regulation and inclusion of biochar as safe organic fertiliser/soil improver. The legal and economical sustainability of the biochar under market based commercial conditions has been evaluated. [pt2]

Harmonized and standardized analytical measurements developed for determination of the physical-chemical properties, Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) content and Organic Pollutants of the biochar materials. Biochar EU quality and safety criterion system has also been set up which is maximizing the PTEs and Organic Pollutant content for safe applications. Detailed policy support report has been submitted to the Commission. The REEFERTIL biochar is Authority permitted. [pt3]

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Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator

Project partners

  • TERRA Humana Clean Technology Development Engineering and Manufacturing Ltd.

    Project partner

  • Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Oederzoek (DLO)

    Project partner

  • Aaarhus University

    Project partner

  • Videncentret for Landbrung

    Project partner

  • Universita Degli Studi di Torino, University of Torino- Agroinnova

    Project partner

  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitaet Hannover

    Project partner

  • Wessling Hungrary Kft.

    Project partner

  • KOTO proizvodno in trgovsko podjetje doo

    Project partner

  • Comune di Grugliasco

    Project partner

  • Renetech Bioresurces Ltd

    Project partner

  • Proficomp Environmental Technology Plc.

    Project partner

  • Biomasa del Guadalquivir, S.A.

    Project partner