project - Research and innovation

Reasons for grassland reseeding/Preparing for grassland reseeding
Reasons for grassland reseeding/Preparing for grassland reseeding

Completed | 2016 - 2017 Other, European Union
Completed | 2016 - 2017 Other, European Union
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Reseeding is an important part of grassland management on any farm and is essential for maintaining productive grassland. Well-managed grass is the cheapest feed for ruminants and renewing pastures regularly is important to maximise productivity and maintain feed quality. Research has shown that increasing the proportion of the farm reseeded each year increases the amount of grass grown and used on the forage platform, resulting in increased farm net profit. At a cost of £400–700 per hectare, it is important that reseeding is done correctly.

Within the framework of a reseeding survey conducted by AHDB (during 2016 with technical assistance from Field Options) 121 usable responses were analysed. Selected results have been reported in the booklet „Grassland reseeding guide“ - a best-practice guide for reseeding to help achieve the best return from farmers’ investments.



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Other public (national, regional) research funds
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2 Practice Abstracts

Reseeding is an important part of grassland management on any farm and is essential for maintaining productive grassland. Well-managed grass is the cheapest feed for ruminants and renewing pastures regularly is important to maximise productivity and maintain feed quality. Research has shown that increasing the proportion of the farm reseeded each year increases the amount of grass grown and used on the forage platform, resulting in increased farm net profit. At a cost of £400–700 per hectare, it is important that reseeding is done correctly.

Within the framework of a reseeding survey conducted by AHDB (during 2016 with technical assistance from Field Options) 121 usable responses were analysed. Selected results have been reported in the booklet „Grassland reseeding guide“ - a best-practice guide for reseeding to help achieve the best return from farmers’ investments.

The survey has shown that it is important to prepare the reseeding properly - already some months before the actual reseeding: Six months before reseeding, it is important to make sure the field drainage system is working and fit for purpose and to perform a soil test in the field.

Checking the field drainage system:

• Look for wet areas and indicator species such as rushes

• Clear drainage ditches and ensure all outflows are working correctly

• More information can be found in the AHDB Field drainage guide

Steps to perform a soil test in the field

• Walk the field in a ‘W’. Avoid gateways and feeding areas

• Twist a sampling auger/soil corer down to 15 cm (if planning to plough) or 7.5 cm (if only cultivating the surface)

• Collect 25 plugs of soil in a bucket and mix well, take out a subsample

• Seal the soil in plastic bag, and label

• Send the sample to a soil laboratory (via local co-op, fertiliser merchant or independent company)

• Sample at least two months after the last application of manure, fertiliser or lime

Reseeding is an important part of grassland management on any farm and is essential for maintaining productive grassland. Well-managed grass is the cheapest feed for ruminants and renewing pastures regularly is important to maximise productivity and maintain feed quality. Research has shown that increasing the proportion of the farm reseeded each year increases the amount of grass grown and used on the forage platform, resulting in increased farm net profit. At a cost of £400–700 per hectare, it is important that reseeding is done correctly.

Within the framework of a reseeding survey conducted by AHDB (during 2016 with technical assistance from Field Options) 121 usable responses were analysed. Selected results have been reported in the booklet „Grassland reseeding guide“ - a best-practice guide for reseeding to help achieve the best return from farmers’ investments.

Among other the booklet „Grassland reseeding guide“ provides reasons for reseeding and specifies criteria to evaluate whether reseeding makes sense:


• Improves pasture yield and quality, driving higher farm output and reducing bought-in feed requirements

• Addresses soil compaction problems

• Introduces improved grass genetics, with enhanced productivity, durability and disease resistance

• Reduces weed burden

• Increases pasture response to fertiliser, through using more nitrogen-efficient varieties

• Introduces clover into the sward

Reseeding should be considered if two or more of the following criteria have been met:

• Sward productivity has fallen significantly

• Proportion of sown species has fallen below 60%

• High levels of native grasses and weeds are present

• Significant evidence of soil compaction, especially at depth

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