project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Rationalisation of the use of phytosanitary treatments to control Alternaria in apple trees using risk prediction models and crop management technique
Racionalización del uso de fitosanitarios en el control de la Alternaria en manzano mediante modelos de predicción de riesgo y técnicas de manejo del cultivo

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The main objective of this project is to improve control of Alternaria by minimising the use of phytosanitary treatments. Two priority areas have been considered to that end: first, validating and assessing various risk prediction models for Alternaria infections in order to reduce the number of fungicide treatments by improving their positioning; and second, influencing the source of primary inoculum for Alternaria in order to reduce the pressure of inoculums on farms, thereby reducing the incidence of the disease.


El objetivo principal de este proyecto es mejorar el control de la Alternaria minimizando el uso de fitosanitarios. Por este motivo, se han planteado dos líneas prioritarias: por un lado, validar y evaluar diferentes modelos de predicción de riesgo de infecciones de Alternaria para reducir el número de tratamientos con fungicidas mejorando su posicionamiento, y por el otro, incidir en la fuente de inóculo primario de Alternaria para reducir la presión de inóculo con el fin de reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad.


Task 1. Validation of several risk prediction models for Alternaria. 

Task 2. Evaluation of the control strategy for Alternaria based on different risk prediction models. 

Task 3. Study of the effect of reducing the inoculum by removing leaves on spore dispersal and infections of Alternaria. A differential strategy for the removal or treatment of fallen leaves will be applied on various farms, and this will be compared with elsewhere on the farm. Various inoculum management strategies are envisaged.

Task 4. Implementation of the Alternaria risk prediction model in the phytosanitary alert service, so as to obtain predictions in real time.


Tarea 1. Validación de diferentes modelos de predicción de riesgo de infección de Alternaria.

Tarea 2. Evaluar la estrategia de control de Alternaria según los diferentes modelos de predicción de riesgo. 

Tarea 3. Estudio del efecto de la reducción del inóculo mediante la eliminación de las hojas sobre la dispersión de esporas y las infecciones de Alternaria. En diferentes fincas se aplicará una estrategia diferencial de eliminación o tratamiento de hojas caídas y se comparará con el resto de la finca .Se contemplan diferentes estrategias de gestión del inóculo.

Tarea 4. Inclusión del modelo de predicción de riesgo en el servicio de avisos fitosanitarios para poder obtener predicciones en tiempo real.


Alternariosis in apple trees, caused by the fungus Alternaria spp., is an emerging disease that was first reported in Girona in 2013. This disease causes leaf necrosis, which can lead to the premature defoliation of trees, but its most critical effect is its impact on the fruit, where small but highly visible necrotic lesions appear, reducing its quality and making it more difficult to market. This damage can lead to losses of between 10 and 40% of production, depending on the year and the property affected. The disease spread and affected around 20% of commercial apple farms in the province of Girona in 2017, and was particularly prevalent in the varieties in the Gala and Golden groups. However, treatments with fungicides specifically designed to control this disease have proven effective, and the figures show that the number of farms affected fell below 10% in 2018. This decline was also due to a 20 to 30% increase in the total number of treatments. This increase is significant, particularly given that these treatments are applied on a concentrated basis very near the harvest, and therefore have a direct effect on waste in the fruit. Given this situation, measures to reduce the number of treatments are required, either by optimising treatments when necessary, or by reducing the pressure of the disease by managing the inoculum.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 117180

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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