project - Innovative project

Profiting from Sustainability
Profiting from Sustainability

2016 Other, England, United Kingdom
2016 Other, England, United Kingdom
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Mainstream view of 'sustainable intensification' being an oxymoron, and the general industry view that sustainable systems can only be implemented at a cost to production outputs


Sustainable production that is validated as profitable for the farmer in order to encourage uptake, and disseminated to the farmer with a focus on production benefits.


Validation. Dissemination.


Validation of sustainable systems as being profitable and 'multi-functional', achieved through inclusion of precision agricultural technologies were necessary to address production conflicts.

Current focuses are on inclusion of additional plants within the crop landscape, either within fields (polyculture) or in non-cropped on-farm habitat (e.g. field margins)

Project details
Main funding source
Not yet funded
Agricultural sectors
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1 Practice Abstracts

Proof that sustainable systems can be multi-functional and that their uptake is profitable for farmers, and facilitated by PAT where necessary to address production conflicts

Proof that sustainable systems can be multi-functional and that their uptake is profitable for farmers, and facilitated by PAT where necessary to address production conflicts

Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


Dr David George

Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Stockgridge Technology Centre

    Project partner

  • Future Food Solutions

    Project partner

  • Manterra Ltd

    Project partner