project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

By-Products for Biorefineries (COBRAF)
Coprodotti per BioRAFfinerie (COBRAF)

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
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Starting the agro-industrial sectors in Tuscany since the co-products of 4 oilseed crops (hemp, safflower, linseed and camelina) with the creation of a technical platform and regional logistics.
Therefore, develop an articulated system of biorefineries that allows maximum exploitation of the biomass of oil crops that can be used in rotation. The system involves the use of various parts of biomass and production residues for the development of innovative and more sustainable bioproducts for at least 6 sectors of the Tuscan industry: food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, construction, wood, automotive (camper).


Avvio di filiere agroindustriali in Toscana a partire dai co-prodotti di 4 Colture oleaginose (canapa, cartamo, lino e camelina) con la creazione di una piattaforma tecnica e logistica Regionale.
Sviluppare quindi un sistema articolato di bioraffinerie che permetta la massima valorizzazione della biomassa di colture oleaginose utilizzabili in rotazione. Il sistema prevede l’utilizzo di varie parti della biomassa e residui di produzione per lo sviluppo di bioprodotti innovativi e più sostenibili per almeno 6 settori dell’industria toscana: alimentare, cosmesi, farmaceutica, edilizia, legno, automotive (camper).


1. Introduction of innovative oleaginous crops (hemp, safflower, flax and camelina);
2. Optimization of sustainable cropping techniques and the transfer of relevant knowledge;
3. Development of new systems for collecting and drying the seeds;
4. Introduction of new systems for processing seeds and straws for semi-finished products;
5. Development of new derivative products (bioactive compounds, products for cosmetics, non-toxic adhesives, hemp fiber composite for panels and blocks), cannabidiol (CBD) for pharmaceutical use;
6. Development of regional agro-industrial supply chains integrated with a better distribution of the value for farms


1. Introduzione di colture oleaginose innovative (canapa, cartamo, lino e camelina);
2. Ottimizzazione di tecniche colturali sostenibili e trasferimento delle relative conoscenze;
3. Sviluppo di nuovi sistemi di raccolta e di essiccazione dei semi;
4. Introduzione di nuovi sistemi di trasformazione dei semi e delle paglie per semilavorati;
5. Sviluppo di nuovi prodotti derivati (composti bioattivi, prodotti per la cosmesi, adesivi atossici, composti in fibra di canapa per i pannelli e per blocchi), cannabidiolo (CBD) a uso farmaceutico;
6. Sviluppo di filiere agroindustriali regionali integrate con una migliore ripartizione del valore per le aziende agricole


The partner farms operate in various Tuscan territories (Pisa, Arezzo, Florence, Pistoia); their traditional products, cereals above all, are affected by the economic crisis aggravated by the drought of the 2017 season, which has led to a record drop in durum wheat production. Some companies have started to introduce innovative crops in rotation with cereals with the dual objective of diversifying income opportunities and favoring an improvement in soil quality and agri-ecosystem resilience. The critical success factor is obviously the profitability of the new crops. To this end, the COBRAF project has identified 4 oleaginous species - camelina, hemp, safflower and flax - of considerable health interest. These products are destined to the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical sectors, which are growing rapidly in Italy and in the world. The residual oil extraction panels are also of interest for innovative applications, such as adhesives for the wood panel industry. The flax and hemp straws, rich in fiber, suitably worked are used in various manufacturing applications.
The preparatory phase of the COBRAF project has confirmed the interest of the Tuscan industry, in particular food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, construction, camper industry. But there are critical issues to be addressed:
- the poor experience of the agricultural world in the cultivation of these species, especially with integrated and biological agriculture methods;
- the lack of adequate systems of first transformation: in Tuscany there are several innovative technologies in the field of oil extraction, but without relation to the local agricultural world. In addition, throughout the whole of Central Italy, a plant for the first processing of hemp and flax straws is lacking

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP010 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Toscana
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Arezzo, Firenze

€ 337186.83

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

COBRAF project was to launch a regional bioeconomy model on the basis of products and byproducts derived from 4 oil crops: camelina, hemp, safflower and flax. All species cultivated for millennia in Europe, but in reality innovative for the current Tuscan and Italian cultivation systems, and for their multiple uses. The partners of the COBRAF Group - farms, industrial firms in various sectors, research bodies and associations - have developed and tested various innovative products and processes, verifying the environmental and economic sustainability of the supply chains from the field to the finished product. In particular, the project has achieved the following results:

1. the introduction of innovative crops using organic practices to encourage new rotations and improve soil fertility and agricultural biodiversity.

2. development of new products, in particular: • Oils and flours with high nutritional and cosmetic value from integrated short chain; • Plant-based, non-toxic adhesives for the wood panel industry; • Vegetable dyes for the cosmetics industry; • Blocks based on hemp for building; • Hemp fibre composites; • Extraction of cannabidiol (CBD) and other active principles from industrial hemp.

3. Development of biorefineries

The other fundamental objective of the project was the development in Tuscany of a network of plants and processes that would allow the real usability of the various co-products of COBRAF crops. We point out in particular the birth in Tuscany, in Vecchiano (Pi), of an industrial plant for the scutching and retting of hemp fiber, primarily intended for use in the textile and paper industries.

Il progetto COBRAF ha avviato un modello di bioeconomia regionale sulla base di prodotti derivabili da 4 colture oleaginose: camelina, canapa, cartamo e lino. Tutte specie coltivate da millenni in Europa, ma in realtà innovative per gli attuali ordinamenti colturali toscani, e italiani, e per i loro molteplici impieghi. I partner del Gruppo Operativo COBRAF - aziende agricole, imprese industriali di vari settori, enti di ricerca e associazioni hanno sviluppato e testato vari prodotti e processi innovativi, verificando la sostenibilità ambientale ed economica delle filiere dal campo al prodotto finito. In particolare il progetto ha conseguito i seguenti risultati:

- introduzione di colture innovative con pratiche biologiche, idonee a favorire nuove rotazioni e a migliorare la fertilità dei suoli e la biodiversità agricola 

- sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, in particolare: Oli e farine a elevato valore nutrizionale e cosmetico da filiera corta integrata; Adesivi atossici a base vegetale per l’industria dei pannelli in legno; Coloranti vegetali per l’industria della cosmesi; Blocchi a base di canapulo per edilizia; Compositi in fibra di canapa; Estrazione di cannabidiolo (CBD) e altri princìpi attivi dalla canapa industriale

- Sviluppo di bioraffinerie

Si è creata, inoltre, una rete di impianti e di processi che consente l’utilizzabilità reale dei vari co-prodotti delle colture COBRAF, segnaliamo in particolare la nascita di un impianto industriale di stigliatura e macerazione della fibra di canapa, destinata prioritariamente a impieghi nei settori tessile e cartario. 

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Project coordinator

  • Buonandi Simona

    Project coordinator

Project partners