project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Precision treatment systems and inoculum management techniques for rationalising the use of phytosanitary products to control apple scab - SCABKILL
Sistemas de tratamiento de precisión y técnicas de manejo del inóculo para la racionalización del uso de fitosanitarios en el control del moteado del manzano - SCABKILL

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• Develope tools to manage the primary inoculum
• Assess different systems to force the release of the inoculum at a time when there is no risk, in order to inactivate it
• Improve the efficiency of phytosanitary treatments, either by using precision spraying systems or by using different treatment strategies
• Assess organic, biological and defence-boosting products as alternatives or supplements to synthetic products
• Define an integrated strategy for apple scab control that helps reduce the number and environmental impact of phytosanitary treatments
• Inform the sector of the actions carried out and their results in the framework of the project, to promote the implementation with the best results.


  • Desarrollar herramientas para gestionar el inóculo primario
  • Evaluar diferentes sistemas para forzar la liberación del inóculo en un momento en que no haya riesgo para inactivarlo
  • Mejorar la eficiencia en los tratamientos fitosanitarios, ya sea utilizando sistemas de pulverización de precisión
  • Evaluar productos orgánicos, biológicos y estimuladores de las defensas como alternativas o complementos a los productos de síntesis
  • Definir una estrategia integrada por el control del moteado que ayude a reducir el número y el impacto ambiental de los tratamientos fitosanitarios
  • Informar al sector de las actuaciones que se han llevado a cabo y los resultados obtenidos en el marco del proyecto


Activity 1. Assessing different primary inoculum management systems. This activity will involve the design and manufacture of a leaf suction prototype and a leaf management system to eliminate or inhibit the development of the fungus. 
Activity 2. Improving treatment strategy and efficiency to reduce the economic and environmental impact. This activity will address different aspects to improve the efficiency of applying fungicide products to control apple scab, which can have a major impact on reducing the use of phytosanitary products.
Activity 3. Transferring results to the sector. Priority will be given to drawing up a communication plan with field trips and workshops.


Actividad 1. Evaluación de distintos sistemas de gestión del inóculo primario. En el desarrollo de esta actividad se realizará el diseño y fabricación de un prototipo de aspiración de hojas.
Actividad 2. Mejora de la estrategia y eficiencia de los tratamientos para reducir el impacto económico y medioambiental. En esta actividad se abordarán diferentes aspectos para conseguir mejorar la eficiencia de la aplicación de productos fungicidas por el control del moteado, y que pueden tener un impacto muy importante en la reducción del uso de fitosanitarios.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Actividad 3. Transferencia de resultados en el sector. Se considera prioritario desarrollar un plan de comunicación con jornadas de campo y de sala.


One of the problems affecting apple production in the Girona area is apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, which significantly affects the viability of the apple crop. In the Girona area, scab control makes up over 80% of phytosanitary treatments. One of the critical points for managing the disease is controlling primary infections that develop in spring. A highly effective way of limiting or reducing primary infections is by reducing the primary inoculum, through farm sanitation, and by applying treatment based on agro-climatic prediction models (the best known are the Mills and RIMpro models), which indicate favourable conditions for infections to thrive. However, the number of pesticide treatments used to control the disease is still very high, and in the current European context, with the imposition of reductions in pesticide use imminent, developing and defining new control strategies for apple scab that significantly reduce the number and impact of pesticide treatments is essential.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 165360

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Àlex Creixell

    Project coordinator