project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Platform on reseraches and open data about Organic Farming, Urbanism and Land Use Planning and Sustainable Food Systems
Plataforma de investigaciones y datos abiertos sobre Agricultura ecológica, Urbanismo, ordenación del territorio y Sistemas Alimentarios sostenibles

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Completed | 2018 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2021 Spain
Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


The project seeks to promote and provide support to researches and faming practices aimed at the development of organic agricultural production, sustainable and local food systems and land use planning adapted to local resources. It will develop an online platform that facilitate access to research, studies, information and results on these issues, taking into account the interests and needs of the primary and secondary sector.


Impulsar y dar servicio a las investigaciones y prácticas orientadas al desarrollo de la producción agraria ecológica, los sistemas alimentarios sostenibles y locales y la ordenación del territorio adaptada a los recursos locales. Pondrá en marcha una plataforma que facilite el acceso a investigaciones, estudios, información y resultados en estos temas, teniendo en cuenta los intereses y necesidades del sector primario y secundario.


1. Generation of a collection of standardized and relational databases with information on entities and researches.
2. Design and implementation of an online research platform, based on open source.
3. Prototype to characterize collaborative data, based on the analysis of processes and tools used in standardization organisms for generation of common vocabularies
4. Creation of a network of experimental farms for the implementation of prototypes for data capture and loading.
5. Dissemination and communication plan.


1. Generación de una colección de bases de datos normalizadas y relacionales con información de entidades e investigaciones.
2. Diseño y puesta en marcha de una plataforma online de investigaciones, basada en programación de código abierto.
3. Prototipo de caracterización de datos colaborativos, a partir del análisis de procesos y herramientas utilizadas en organismos de estandarización para generación de vocabularios comunes.
4. Constitución de una red de fincas experimentales para implantación de prototipo s de toma y carga de datos.
5. Plan de divulgación y comunicación.


From our experience as researchers and as producers and participants in alternative food networks, we find that the absence of a clear channel of access to information about research and studies on these issues is one of the
causes that lead to the successive repetition of research that duplicates efforts and do not take advantage of energies or time devoted to research. Initiatives such as FAIR Data and European Open Data Cloud aim to make research and scientific data accessible to citizens.

A partir de nuestra experiencia como investigadoras y como productoras y participantes en redes alternativas alimentarias, constatamos que la ausencia de un canal claro de acceso a información sobre investigaciones y estudios en estos temas, es una de las causas que conducen a la sucesiva repetición de investigaciones, que duplican esfuerzos y no aprovechan adecuadamente energías ni tiempos dedicados a la investigación. Iniciativas como FAIR Data y Eu ropean Open Data Cloud pretenden hacer accesiblesilidad de las investigaciones y datos científicos para la ciudadanía.

Additional information

Expected outocomes of the project: R1 A network of research groups and agents will be stablished, with at least 25 partners. R2. A collection of databases of entities and research related to the topics covered by the Operating Group will have been generated. R3. The PAUSA digital research platform with search engine has been created and will be operational by categories and linked to a spatial data infrastructure (IDE) with links to documentary repositories of publications and data, with at least 200 geolocated entries. R4 A collaboration will be established with at least 6 research centers or groups and with at least 4 farms spread across the geography of the Community of Madrid, which will operate as farms "experiential laboratories", providing relevant data for the areas of work of PAUSA R5 A prototype for collaborativ e generation of databases in accordance with the FAIR standard will have been created, tested and validated, together with an application that allows the data collected in experiential laboratories or applied research projects related to the sector to be i ncorporated into the platform. agroecological R6 There will be an Integration Plan for the platform and services in the IMIDRA structure
'The platform includes intuitive interface that allows easy acces to data about yields, socio.economic and environment al impacts at the farm and landscape level, associated to different ecological and agroecological agrarian practices.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP012 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Comunidad de Madrid
Main geographical location

€ 46196.34

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Project keyword

Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


Project coordinator

  • Dr. Alejandro Benito Barba

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • AUPA

    Project partner

  • Belén Martínez Madrid

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía del CSIC

    Project partner

  • Observatorio para una Cultura del Territorio, OCT

    Project partner

  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Project partner