project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Optimisation of product homogeneity and reduction of residual brine in the cured ham industry
Optimización de la homogeneidad de producto y reducción de salmueras residuales en la industria elaboradora de jamones curados INDUSTRIA ELABORADORA DE JAMONES CURADOS

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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The global objective of this project is the optimisation of the processing of cured ham in order to produce a healthier (lower salt content) and higher quality (no defects and the salt bliss point) product, while maintaining food safety (Listeria) and using a sustainable process (reduction of brine discharges and energy spending).


El objetivo global de este proyecto es la optimización del procesado del jamón curado para conseguir un
producto más saludable (reducido en sal), de más calidad (sin defectos y el punto de sal deseado),
manteniendo la seguridad alimentaria (Listeria), y utilizando un procesado sostenible (reducción de
emisiones de salmuera y del gasto energético).


Identify and classify the most suitable raw material to produce safe, low-salt cured ham that is free of sensory defects. Define improvement actions during the salting process to reduce the variability of the product’s salt content and brine discharges without affecting its quality. Intelligent readjustment of the salting process to reduce the variability of the product’s salt content and decrease energy spending during the drying process, homogenising the characteristics of the batches and facilitating their management. Characterisation, classification and labelling of the product, incorporating nutritional declarations and improving the competitiveness of the product.


Identificar y clasificar la materia prima más adecuada para obtener un jamón curado reducido en sal, seguro y sin defectos sensoriales. Definir acciones de
mejora durante el salado para disminuir la variabilidad del contenido de sal de la producción y las
emisiones de salmuera, sin merma de la calidad del producto. Reajuste inteligente del proceso de salado
para disminuir la variabilidad del contenido de sal de la producción y el gasto energético durante el
secado, consiguiendo una producción homogénea y facilitando su gestión.
Caracterización, clasificación y etiquetado de la producción, incorporando alegaciones nutricionales y
mejorar la competitividad del producto.


The aim of this project is to develop innovative salting systems for the production of cured ham with a lower, homogeneous salt content and thereby reduce the discharge of residual brine and decrease energy spending.
Reducing the amount of salt in the preparation of cured ham will directly and proportionally reduce the amount of brine generated by production companies and, therefore, reduce their consumption of water, wastewater treatment costs and the risk of environmental damage at the public wastewater treatment plants (or water courses) that ultimately receive this type of treated water. It will also result in the shortening of the salting and drying stages for part of the production, which will also yield energy savings.
To execute the project, changes will be made to the traditional ham curing process to improve the quality of both the product and the process. These changes will be made based on the knowledge contributed by the IRTA (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology) and the use of online non-destructive technologies (Lenz Instruments), which allow the product to be monitored and classified throughout the entire production process.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 173098

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator