project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Opportunities for market diversification and increased farm resilience with unusual and exotic vegetables and edible flower production in Wales
Opportunities for market diversification and increased farm resilience with unusual and exotic vegetables and edible flower production in Wales

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The growing of micro salads, unusual vegetables and edible flowers has been a sensation in the top restaurant trade for a number of years. Demand for new and exotic foods from across the globe is now more prevalent than ever before. This represent a strong opportunity for Welsh growers seeking to diversify their offering and increase productivity. Although these niche crops have been grown successfully in different countries, there is no agronomic advice available which is specific to the climate of Wales.


Bu micro saladau, llysiau anghyffredin a blodau bwytadwy yn boblogaidd iawn mewn bwytai crand ers blynyddoedd lawer. Mae’r galw am fwydydd newydd ac egsotig o bob cwr o’r byd yn awr yn fwy nag erioed. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i dyfwyr yng Nghymru sy’n awyddus i arallgyfeirio eu harlwy a chynyddu eu cynhyrchiant. Er bod y cnydau arbenigol hyn wedi cael eu tyfu’n llwyddiannus mewn gwahanol wledydd, nid oes dim cyngor agronomeg sy’n ymwneud yn benodol â hinsawdd Cymru ar gael.


This two year project will run on two commercial horticulture units in north Wales and will aim:

1) to gain practical experience of growing edible flowers and exotic vegetables, supported with technical evidence for best practice cultivation in Wales to maximise production potential.
2) to develop an evidence base to support growers seeking to implement new crop types on their holdings, including toolkits for new products support with agronomic and marketing advice.


Bydd y prosiect dwy flynedd hwn yn rhedeg ar ddwy uned garddwriaeth fasnachol yng ngogledd Cymru a’r nod fydd:

Magu profiad ymarferol o dyfu llysiau egsotig a blodau bwytadwy, gyda chymorth tystiolaeth dechnegol o’r arferion trin tir gorau yng Nghymru er mwyn cael y cynhyrchiant gorau posibl.
Sefydlu sylfaen dystiolaeth i helpu tyfwyr sy’n ceisio tyfu mathau newydd o gnydau ar eu daliadau, gan gynnwys pecynnau cymorth ar gyfer cynhyrchion newydd gyda chyngor ar agronomeg a marchnata.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Flintshire and Wrexham

€ 47058

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

This two year project will run on two commercial horticulture units in north Wales and will aim:

1) to gain practical experience of growing edible flowers and exotic vegetables, supported with technical evidence for best practice cultivation in Wales to maximise production potential.

2) to develop an evidence base to support growers seeking to implement new crop types on their holdings, including toolkits for new products support with agronomic and marketing advice.

Over three growing seasons, a range of information will be collected from sowing through to harvest:

- Seed densities

- Nutritional management

- Crop production timeframe, including time of sowing, time to harvest and how this interacts with seasonal variation.

- Hardiness, requirements for protection and response to environmental stress, disease/pest risk.

- Plant management

- Compatibility with other crops and easy of cultivation. 

- Crop yields and quality

This project will hopefully provide practical information on guidance to growers who wish to expand their product range to include these high value, niche unusual or exotic plants.

Bydd y prosiect dwy flynedd hwn yn rhedeg ar ddwy uned garddwriaeth fasnachol yng ngogledd Cymru a’r nod fydd:

1) Magu profiad ymarferol o dyfu llysiau egsotig a blodau bwytadwy, gyda chymorth tystiolaeth dechnegol o’r arferion trin tir gorau yng Nghymru er mwyn cael y cynhyrchiant gorau posibl.

2) Sefydlu sylfaen dystiolaeth i helpu tyfwyr sy’n ceisio tyfu mathau newydd o gnydau ar eu daliadau, gan gynnwys pecynnau cymorth ar gyfer cynhyrchion newydd gyda chyngor ar agronomeg a marchnata.

Dros dri chyfnod tyfu, caiff llu o wybodaeth ei chasglu o’r amser hau drwodd i’r amser cynaeafu:

- Dwyseddau hadau

- Rheoli maethynnau

- Ffrâm amser cynhyrchu cnydau, gan gynnwys amser hau, amser tan eu cynaeafu a sut mae hyn yn rhyngweithio ag amrywiadau tymhorol.

- Gwytnwch, angen eu gwarchod ac ymateb i straen amgylcheddol, risg o blâu/clefydau.

- Rheoli planhigion

- Pa mor gydnaws ydynt â chnydau eraill a pha mor hawdd eu tyfu ydynt. 

- Maint ac ansawdd cnydau

Gobeithio y bydd y prosiect hwn yn darparu gwybodaeth ymarferol i roi arweiniad i dyfwyr sydd eisiau ehangu eu dewis o gynhyrchion i gynnwys y planhigion anghyffredin neu egsotig, arbenigol hyn sy’n uchel eu gwerth.  

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Project coordinator

  • Will John

    Project coordinator