project - Research and innovation

NIVA - A New IACS Vision in Action
NIVA - A New IACS Vision in Action

Ongoing | 2019 - 2022 Netherlands
Ongoing | 2019 - 2022 Netherlands
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NIVA aims to modernise IACS by making efficient use of digital solutions and e-tools, by creating reliable methodologies and harmonised data sets for monitoring agricultural performance while reducing administrative burden for farmers, paying agencies and other stakeholders. The project’s results are a suite of digital innovations and a roadmap for IACS transformation. The project will speed up innovation, reduce administrative burden, sustain broader and deeper collaboration in an innovation ecosystem and provide methods to establish information flows to improve environmental performance.


see objectives in English


Digital tools and methods are developed as 9 Use Cases, each Use Case is lead by an EU Paying Agency. Use Case identifies common

needs for improvements or innovations, this is done in co-creation with actors and stakeholders that are relevant to

the specific Use Case. The expected innovations are piloted in three

‘waves’. First a local pilot in one of the Member States will be conducted. Based on lessons learned, this will then be piloted in other Member State (testing Member State). In the third wave the innovation is available to all (the 12 months operational trial in the Member States). A multi-actor approach is adhered in a staged process, involving different types of users of the digital innovations.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 10677810

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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14 Practice Abstracts

The Use Case 5A focus on helping Paying Agencies with updating LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System). ​The aim of the UC5A has been to show, that LPIS-update do not have to be done manually by LPIS-operators. The use case has focused on developing seven different algorithms for different elements to help identify possible changes for the update of LPIS. The Use Case has good results on buildings, high vegetation, trees in rows, group of trees, ponds incl. brim-vegetation. The benefits of the UC5A are: objective results​, results that can be reproduced and repeated​, less omission in change detection​, accurate, up-to-date LPIS system​, Time/cost reduction in the future LPIS update process​, LPIS operators can focus on more interesting tasks​, LPIS operators will have more certainty on updating correctly. UC5A is available for PA’s to investigate.

See the summary in English.

This platform includes an API layer and UI layer and facilitates machine learning and deep learning with the ability to upload images and select and run AI models through the UI layer or through communication with the API. Currently the models include algorithms to support privacy protection (detect and obscure faces, number plates), image quality, identification of grazing activity, identification of permanent pasture and detection of fruit (apples). The UI allows users to upload images, select the appropriate AI model to run and collect the results once completed. through the API layer the same models and results can be achieved. This is being used in AgriSnap (PA09)

See the summary in English.

With the introduction of Checks by Monitoring and the future Area Monitoring System Paying Agencies (PA) may require farmers to provide additional data to verify their scheme claims. The farmer may have to submit a Geotag Photo at the request of the PA. The photo should be submitted with all of the required information including the geolocation of where it was taken. AgriSnap is a secure mobile application that will allow farmers receive photo requests and understand where they need to take the photo. When the farmer is in the correct location they can take the photo and submit to the PA. The photo and the information behind it will allow the PA make a quick decision on the eligibility of the claim.

See the summary in English.

Society and consumers feel more and more concerned by environmental issues and in particular by the role played by agriculture and supply chain.

For legal, commercial, marketing, or ethical reasons companies may be willing to improve their environmental balance. They can expect a better image, attract more consumers, increase added value for their products and thus offer a better income to the farmers.

As a result, farmers are also directly concerned by the improvment of their practices either for environmental or economical reasons.

Agri-environmental Indicators, such as the ones developped in the NIVA project aim to assess the impact of agricultural practices on environment and climate

Indicator carbon tier 1 and 2 can provide the farmers a first idea of the carbon flux and carbon budget at parcel or even pixel (10x10) level. Carbon tier 3 can even calculate precisely the carbon budget on the basis of a comprhensive agro-pedo-climatic modelisation

Indicator nitrate tier 1 offers the farmers to estimate the risk of lixiviation at parcel or pixel level

For a group of farmers and their advisors involved in a common procedure, those indicators allow to compare each other and assess the potential environmental and economical benefit that can be expected in the different holdings

La société et les consommateurs se sentent de plus en plus concernés par les questions environnementales et en particulier par le rôle joué par l'agriculture et la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Pour des raisons juridiques, commerciales, marketing ou éthiques, les entreprises peuvent souhaiter améliorer leur bilan environnemental. Ils peuvent espérer une meilleure image, attirer plus de consommateurs, augmenter la valeur ajoutée de leurs produits et ainsi offrir un meilleur revenu aux agriculteurs.

De ce fait, les agriculteurs sont aussi directement concernés par l'amélioration de leurs pratiques que ce soit pour des raisons environnementales ou économiques.

Les indicateurs agro-environnementaux, tels que ceux développés dans le projet NIVA visent à évaluer l'impact des pratiques agricoles sur l'environnement et le climat.

Le tier 1 peut être calculé simplement, partout en Europe tandis que le tier 3 nécessite davantage de données mais est plus précis.

Les indicateurs carbone de niveau 1 et 2 peuvent fournir aux agriculteurs une première idée du flux de carbone et du bilan carbone au niveau de la parcelle ou même du pixel (10mx10m). Le tier 3 peut calculer précisément le budget carbone sur la base d'une modélisation agro-pédo-climatique complète

L'indicateur nitrate niveau 1 propose aux agriculteurs d'estimer le risque de lixiviation au niveau de la parcelle ou du pixel.

Pour un groupe d'agriculteurs et leurs conseillers impliqués dans une démarche commune, ces indicateurs permettent de se comparer et d'évaluer le bénéfice environnemental et économique potentiel qui peut être attendu dans les différentes exploitations.

The objectives of the green deal have the consequence of asking the Member States to better take into account environmental issues in their policies and in particular the CAP

It is well documented that agricultural activities have a prominent impact on environment and climate and Policy makers in this domain are strongly asked to improve the environmental conditions of rural areas by promoting relevant agricultural practices.

In the decision phase, policy maker can use the agro-environmental indicators about carbon, nitrate and biodiversity to get better understanding of the situation, e.g. to identify the areas where improvement is required. Data-driven measures can then be decided.

In the monitoring phase, the indicators are computed to provide initial state-of-play (T0) and then at regular intervals (e.g. every year) to measure the improvements and to assess the policy efficiency.

This practice is described in a generic way. A concrete example is the use of agro-environmental indicators by the French Ministry of Environment regarding payments to farmers for ecosystem services.

Les objectifs du green deal ont pour conséquence de demander aux États membres de mieux prendre en compte les questions environnementales dans leurs politiques et notamment la PAC

Il est bien connu que les activités agricoles ont un impact important sur l'environnement et le climat et les décideurs politiques dans ce domaine sont fortement invités à améliorer les conditions environnementales des zones rurales en promouvant des pratiques agricoles pertinentes.

Dans la phase d'élaboration de sa politique d'aide, le décideur politique peut utiliser les indicateurs agro-environnementaux sur le carbone, les nitrates et la biodiversité pour mieux comprendre la situation, par ex. pour identifier les domaines où des améliorations sont nécessaires. Des mesures d'aide basées sur ces données peuvent alors être décidées.

Dans la phase de suivi, les indicateurs sont calculés pour fournir un état des lieux initial (T0), puis à intervalles réguliers (par exemple, chaque année) pour mesurer les améliorations et évaluer l'efficacité de la politique.

Cette pratique est décrite de manière générique. Un exemple concret est l'utilisation d'indicateurs agro-environnementaux par le ministère français de l'environnement concernant les paiements aux agriculteurs pour les services écosystémiques.

Due to the implementation of Controls by Monitoring as well as the forthcoming Area Measurement System there is an emerging need of a sophisticated system to support decisions regarding traffic light status regarding Basic Payment Scheme, Crop Specific payment for Cotton and certain Voluntary Coupled Schemes. The core idea is to develop a decision support system which integrates EO -driven results originating from a classification engine and secondary data (geotagged images) as extra proof of eligibility. NIVA DSS offers the possibility to produce traffic light codes in a parcel level resulting from EO processing by building any desired eligibility Criterion and enables the automating incorporation of secondary data in order to reduce the inconclusive cases. Bearing in mind the administrative burden on behalf of the PA and the effort required by farmers, the interoperability of NIVA DSS and AgriSnap application was accomplished so as the automatically send and receive data (alerts and field photos) in a seamless manner. NIVA DSS helps beneficiaries amend potential non-compliant parcels and provides for a PA inspector a simplified overview of the consecutive decision rounds throughout a claim year.

See the summary in English.

Since each Member State has highly customized Geospatial aid applications, different external registers and aid schemes therefore EU wide harmonized rules should not be expected, however Robot framework will produce methods and algorithms which could benefit any country. Experience gathered for harvesting tools is expected to benefit partners with low/unknown system integration level where robots should be used to harvest external data. Supporting application data harvesting methods including robotized tools and workflows designed should be usable in later stages of application submission and administration process. High Integration and interoperability enable automated data accessibility and harvesting from one system to another. But when integration is limited or not possible, they have to be done manually. However, manual activities are expensive, time-consuming, redundant, and error-prone. A solution is the robotic process automation that automates and simulates manual activity.

Kiekviena valstybė narė turi skirtingą paraiškų priėmimo informacinę sistemą su skirtingais išoriniais registrais ir paramos schemomis, todėl Europos Sąjungos lygiu nereikia tikėtis suderintų taisyklių, tačiau „Robot Framework“ pateiks metodus ir algoritmus, kurie galėtų būti naudingi bet kuriai šaliai. Tikimasi, kad sukaupta patirtis, susijusi su duomenų rinkimo įrankiais bus naudinga partneriams, turintiems žemą ar nežinomą sistemos integravimo lygį, kur robotai turėtų būti naudojami renkant išorinius duomenis. Palaikomi programų duomenų rinkimo metodai, įskaitant robotizuotus įrankius ir sukurtas darbo eigas, turėtų būti naudojami vėlesniuose paraiškų teikimo ir administravimo proceso etapuose. Aukštas integracijos ir sąveikos lygis leidžia automatizuoti duomenų prieinamumą ir rinkimą iš vienos sistemos į kitą, tačiau kai integracija yra neįmanoma arba tik dalinė duomenų perdavimas vyksta tik rankiniu būdu. Tokia veikla yra brangi, reikalaujanti daug laiko ir labai didelė tikimybė padaryti klaidą. Išeitis yra robotizuoti sprendimai, automatizuojantys ir imituojantys rankinę veiklą.

Each year during claim submission period farmer has to check and update his parcel boundaries or delineate new field and choose crop type. The preliminary parcel boundary automatic delineation component based on Sentinel-2 imagery is mostly aimed to benefit the farmers by creating of methodology and algorithm with preliminary information about parcels boundaries thus reducing time spent filling applications and limiting number of farmer errors by boundary delineation suggestion. The delineated boundaries can aid the farmers to speed up the declaration process and for Paying Agencies this tool will help to reduce administrative burden and reduce overall error rate and less sanctions for farmers. Additionally, farmers could be provided with additional data like crop type for the aid submission which will also reduce time spent filling applications and limiting number of farmer errors. Paying agency as stakeholder could get less errors in the farmers’ applications too. At this point any algorithm results can be integrated into prefilled application process for example Sen4CAP project results. During project it will be checked if any results from 2020 CY Sen4CAP crop/land cover type, activity monitoring could be available during declaration period as preliminary crop type data, at what concrete time and of how much quantity (crop types/ parcels/area/farmers).

Kiekvienais metais paraiškų pateikimo laikotarpiu ūkininkas turi patikrinti ir atnaujinti savo sklypo ribas arba įbraižyti naują lauką ir pasirinkti pasėlių tipą. Preliminarios sklypo ribos automatinio nustatymo komponento, pagrįsto Sentinel-2 vaizdais, tikslas labiausiai yra naudingas ūkininkams sukuriant metodiką ir algoritmą su preliminaria informacija apie sklypų ribas, taip sumažinant laiką, praleistą pildant paraiškas, ir ribojant ūkininkų klaidų skaičių pagal pasiūlytą ribą. Nustatytos ribos gali padėti ūkininkams paspartinti deklaravimo procesą, o mokėjimo agentūroms ši priemonė padės sumažinti administracinę naštą ir sumažinti bendrą klaidų lygį bei mažiau sankcijų ūkininkams. Papildomai paraiškos teikimo metu ūkininkams galėtų būti pateikti papildomi duomenys, pvz., pasėlio tipas ir tai taip pat padėtų sumažinti paraiškų pildymo laiką ir sumažintų ūkininkų klaidų skaičių. Mokėjimo agentūra, kaip suinteresuotoji šalis, taip pat gautų mažiau klaidų ūkininkų paraiškose. Šiuo metu bet kokio algoritmo rezultatai gali būti integruoti į iš anksto pildomos paraiškos procesą, pavyzdžiui, „Sen4CAP" projekto rezultatai. „NIVA“ metu bus tikrinama, ar 2020 m. „Sen4CAP“ pasėlių ir (arba) žemės dangos tipo ir veiklos stebėsenos rezultatai deklaravimo laikotarpiu galėtų būti prieinama kaip preliminarūs pasėlio tipo duomenys, kokiu konkrečiu laikotarpiu ir kiekiu (pasėlių skaičius, laukų skaičius, valdų skaičius).

A farmer within the framework of the future CAP wants to apply for the aid and a seamless claim system has been established. The solution is to propose a web service for updating the information, which allows keeping the data of your farm in the proposed registry, so that the Administration can automatically generate the help requests of the producers based on that standardized alphanumeric and graphic information, contained in the registry. This system is able to guarantee all requests are generated on information set defined as standard and minimum.

Una agricultora en el marco de la futura PAC, quiere solicitar las ayudas y se ha establecido un sistema sin solicitudes. La solución es proponer un servicio web de actualización de la información, que permita mantener los datos de su explotación en el registro propuesto, de manera que la Administración pueda generar automáticamente las solicitudes de ayuda de los productores en base a esa información alfanumérica y gráfica estandarizada, contenida en el registro. Podrá garantizar que todas las solicitudes se generan en base a una información establecida como mínima para todas las explotaciones, con una codificación estándar.

The Commission wants to carry out queries to obtain statistical information on agricultural holdings in different Member States. The solution is: A web service that allows obtaining the desired information in a standardized way among Member States, if the proposed data model is adopted to confirm a registry of farms in all participating countries. The Commission could obtain information from different countries in a standard format, through the same medium.

La Comisión quiere efectuar consultas para obtener información estadística de las explotaciones agrícolas de diferentes Estados Miembros. La solución es: proponer un servicio web de consulta que permita obtener la información deseada de manera estandarizada entre estados miembros, si se adopta el modelo de datos propuesto para confirmar un registro de explotaciones en todos los países participantes. La Comisión podría obtener información procedente de diferentes países en un formato estándar, por el mismo medio.

The Administration needs to know the amounts and type of fertilizers used in a certain area, to determine if directives are accomplished, to obtain indicators and to be able to certify if an area is eligible to receive community aid. The solution is: Proposing a web service for consulting standardized information in a register of farms, which allows obtaining the necessary data for further processing and obtaining the specific indicators. Using the standardized information from the registry, the Administration has the guarantee that the information obtained is standardized (although in origin each producer uses a different app to record it) and it can be used from a single point.

La Administración necesita conocer las cantidades y tipo de fertilizantes empleados en determinada zona, para determinar si se cumple con las directivas, obtener indicadores y poder certificar que son superficies admisibles para recibir ayudas comunitarias. La solución es: proponer un servicio web de consulta de información estandarizada en un Registro de explotaciones, que permita obtener los datos necesarios para su posterior procesado y obtención de los indicadores concretos. Con la información estandarizada del registro, la Administración tiene la garantía de que la información obtenida está estandarizada (aunque en origen cada productor emplee una app diferente para grabarla) y puede explotarla desde un solo punto.

Today the farmers, after the presentation of the submission, have no certainty of how much will they be given in terms of economic supplies and if their submission will be followed by sanctions, knowing that there are going to be objective checks from the Paying Agencies. Moreover in the current system are expected to be increases in spending and in time, both for the farmers and for the production chain that deals with the erogation of the requested aids. The new system Starting from the company file updated by the farmer and the company consistency of owned fields, automatically calculates with no mistakes the community's contributes that can be delivered. An easy interface is given, trough which each company or farmer can verify what is available and request immediately the payment, without having to deal with sanctions and saving time and others costs. The system, in a totally transparent manner, acquires data from certified sources, and through rules established a priori, it allows to know the status of eligibility, and consequently guide the farmer in requesting contributions, relieving him of any material error.

Oggi gli agricoltori dopo la presentazione della domanda, non hanno certezza di quanto sarà loro erogato in termini di aiuti economici e nemmeno se a tale richiesta seguiranno sanzioni in quanto a posteriori vengono eseguiti i controlli oggettivi sa parte delle Paying Agencies. Inoltre nel sistema attuale sono previsti aggravi di spesa e di tempo, sia per gli agricoltori che per tutta la filiera che si occupa di erogare gli aiuti richiesti. Il nuovo sistema, partendo dal fascicolo aziendale aggiornato dall’agricoltore e dalla relativa consistenza aziendale dei terreni posseduti, calcola in automatico e senza errori, i contributi comunitari che possono essere erogati. Viene fornita un interfaccia semplice, tramite la quale ogni azienda o agricoltore, puo verificare cosa è concedibile e richiedere immediatamente il pagamento, senza incorrere in nessuna sanzione e risparmiando tempo, costi aggiuntivi e riducendo i tassi di errori amministrativi. Il sistema, in maniera totalmente trasparente, acquisisce i dati da fonti certificate principalmente provenienti dallo IACS (SIGC), e attraverso regole prestabilite provenienti dagli interventi definiti nei Piani Strategici Nazionali permette di conoscere lo stato di eleggibilità, e di conseguenza guidare l’agricoltore nella richiesta di contributi, sollevandolo da qualsiasi errore materiale.

Increasing number of farmers are using a type of software called Farm Management Information System (FMIS) for keeping track of their farming activities. Amongst other information FMIS contains track record of all operations performed in agricultural parcel and other relevant data related to agricultural parcels and in some EU countries (e.g. Estonia) keeping of such record is mandatory. Some of this information is currently used in applying CAP payments and has also potentially wider value, especially in the context of CAP post2020. To decrease the administrative burden in CAP payments and open up new possibilities for using farming data, it is desirable to enable automatic, system to system exchange of data between FMIS and IACS, information system used by Paying Agency. Idea of farmer sharing FMIS data with Paying Agency (on a voluntary basis) needs to be supported by interoperability between information systems, it must be technically possible to interact and systems to must be able to exchange data with unambiguous, shared meaning. Prototype solutions of such data exchange developed in NIVA are a step towards wider use of agricultural data with less administrative burden. Voluntarily shared farming data can be used for applying CAP payments, in CAP payments control process and for providing advisory services or compliance support. In the other hand, some information stored in IACS can be (re-)used in FMIS and farmer must be able to retrieve it from IACS with minimum effort. It is envisioned that exchange of data is always initiated by farmer, voluntary and fully automated.

Üha rohkem põllumajandustootjaid kasutab oma põllumajandusliku tegevuse haldamiseks nn. taluhaldustarkvara (ingl. Farm Management Information System, FMIS). Lisaks muudele andmetele sisaldab FMIS kõigi põldude ning seal tehtud tööde andmeid (põlluraamatut). Mõnes ELi riigis, nt. Eestis, on põlluraamatu pidamine kohustuslik. Osa põlluraamatu andmetest kasutatakse juba praegu ühise põllumajanduspoliitika toetuste taotlemisel ja neil on potentsiaalselt veelgi suurem väärtus, eriti ühise põllumajanduspoliitika raames pärast 2020. aastat. Et lihtsustada ühise põllumajanduspoliitika toetuste taotlemist ja avardada põllumajandusandmete kasutamise võimalusi, on vaja rakendada automaatne andmevahetus makseasutuse kasutatava infosüsteemi IAKS ja FMIS-tüüpi tarkvarade vahel. Ideed, et põllumajandustootja jagab makseasutusega oma FMISi andmeid (vabatahtlikkuse alusel), peab toetama infosüsteemide koostalitlusvõime – suhtlus eri süsteemide peab olema tehniliselt võimalik ja süsteemid peavad suutma vahetada andmeid, mis on mõlemale poolele üheselt mõistetavad. NIVAs välja töötatavad taolise andmevahetuse prototüüplahendused on samm põllumajandusandmete laiema kasutamise suunas, vähendades samas halduskoormust. Vabatahtlikult jagatud põllumajandusandmeid saab kasutada ühise põllumajanduspoliitika toetuste taotlemisel, toetuste kontrolliprotsessis ning nõustamisteenuste pakkumisel. Teisalt on võimalik osa IAKSi andmetest FMISis (taas)kasutada ja põllumajandustootja peab suutma need minimaalse vaevaga IAKSist saada. Visiooni kohaselt algatab taolise andmevahetuse alati põllumajandustootja, see on vabatahtlik ja täielikult automatiseeritud.

A farmer wants to spare biodiversity a small ditch: no fertilising and spraying. The ditch is so small that it is not included in the official IACS plot contours. To avoid overlap in fertilization, he has purchased a precision spreader. If this spreader carries out a standard task map, the ditch is also treated. How does he save the ditch?

The solution is: start in the same way as he did without precision technology: drive the edge spreader along the plot edges, and in the same way along the small ditch. In this way he makes 3 parcels: on the left side of the ditch, on the right side of the ditch and (full with) at the end of the ditch. He records these plots in his board computer, and will on those plots he will base his fertilisation in the future. Within these parcels, the precision spreader ensures that there is no overlap.

In this way, the farmer (as in the past) has to drive a few extra tracks, but he takes care of the 'micro-diversity'.

Een boer wil biodiversiteit een kleine sloot sparen: niet bemesten en spuiten. De sloot is zo klein dat hij niet in de officiele perceelscontouren van RVO is opgenomen. Om overlap bij de bemesting te voorkomen, heeft hij een precisiestrooier aangeschaft. Als die strooier een standaard taakkaart uitvoert, wordt de sloot ook behandeld. Hoe spaart hij de sloot?

De oplossing is: starten op dezelfde manier als hij deed zonder precisietechnologie: met de kantstrooier langs de preceelskanten rijden, en op dezelfde manier langs de kleine sloot. Op die manier maakt hij 3 percelen: links van de sloot, rechts van de sloot en (volle breedte) aan het eind van de sloot. Die percelen legt hij vast in de boordcomputer, en daarop baseert hij in de toekomst zijn bemesting. Binnen die percelen zorgt de precisiestrooier dat geen overlap plaatsvindt.

Daarmee moet de boer (net als vroeger) wel een paar extra sporen rijden, maar hij zorgt voor de 'micro-diversiteit'.

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