project - Research and innovation

NEWBIE New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in
European agriculture (2 of 2)
NEWBIE New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in
European agriculture (2 of 2)

Ongoing | 2018 - 2021 Netherlands
Ongoing | 2018 - 2021 Netherlands
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The NEWBIE network will facilitate the development and dissemination of new business models, including new entry models, to the full range of new entrants – from successors to complete newcomers to the agricultural sector.

The NEWBIE network offers a unique platform by bringing together new entrants, successors, advisors, researchers, important regional and national actors and relevant stakeholders in national networks.


See objectives in English


Describe the state of the art of new entrant business and entry models

Collect examples of best-practices throughout Europe

Develop new entrant support networks which will identify, further develop and promote innovative business models and entry models for new entrants. Networks will consist of at least 50 members per country.

Develop a practical set of tools (toolkit) with recommendations and guidelines targeted at specific stakeholder groups.


Sustaining a cohort of new entrants is crucial to the ongoing vitality, resilience and competitiveness of the agricultural sector

and rural regions in Europe. New entrants bring with them innovation and entrepreneurialism, as well as practical skills and

networks developed on farms and through off-farm employment. However, new entrants face considerable challenges in

entering the sector, particularly access to land, capital, labour and markets, but also business skills and knowledge

development on both applied and theoretical levels. Analysis of Eurostat figures suggests that there is not an adequate

replacement rate of young farmers in many European countries, although there is evidence of considerable innovation and

comparatively high rates of new entrants in others. The NEWBIE Network has been designed to

address the significant challenge of enabling new entrants to successfully establish sustainable farm businesses in Europe.

The NEWBIE network will facilitate the development and dissemination of new business models, including new entry

models, to the full range of new entrants - from successors to complete newcomers to the agricultural sector. This will be

achieved by a transdisciplinary network of farming organisations, educators, advisors, researchers and industry

stakeholders, who will assemble, assess and exchange the state of the art on new entrant farming enterprises, and establish

national and European new entrant support networks. NEWBIE will focus particularly on enabling innovative business

models developed by new entrants to be integrated into academic research and educational curricula, and broadly

disseminated to new entrants across Europe.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1995040

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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21 Practice Abstracts

The Newbie network brought together teams in Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and the UK to support new entrants. A poll conducted in the H2020 NEWBIE project found that the two largest barriers to new entrants are access to land and access to finance. Consultation with national steering groups and a review of current policies at European, national and regional levels yielded these recommendations:

Access to land can be facilitated by:

• Prioritisation of new entrants for rental or tenancy of publicly owned land

• Tax incentives for landowners to sell land or enter joint ventures with new entrants

• Establishment of land matching services

• Facilitation of succession planning

Access to Finance can be facilitated by:

• Grants, low interest loans and loan guarantees for new entrants

• Tax incentives and tax relief for new entrants

• Business incubation to help establish viable businesses

• Training in how to write business plans and manage a business

New entrants and their supporters also identified the importance of subsidised access to advisory services, particularly advice on:

• how to access funding

• technical aspects of production

• legal issues and accounting

• diversification

• marketing

New entrants would also benefit from advice on environmental protection, and mental health supports.

Although 90% of survey respondents agreed that support payments for new entrant farmers were important to helping new entrants succeed in their businesses, two thirds of surveyed new entrants and their supporters rated current new entrant supports as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. Increases to new entrant supports in CAP 2023-2027 are very welcome.

The core of the NEWBIE project is networking (discussion circles, network meetings promoting and facilitating exchange between practice, advise and research). An important focus is on joint learning in the different participant countries and on transnational learning.

Among the more lasting and widely useful results of the NEWBIE project are the various toolkits developed by the project partners in the period 2018-2021: in total 11 toolkits covering the most important hurdles and needs identified by new entrants and their supportive environment in all nine partners countries.

Toolkits were developed in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders of supportive environments for better addressing the needs and expectations of all included. All developed toolkits are interactive and available online to provide contemporary advice, information and experience for new entrants, advisors, teachers but also established farmers.

Four types of NEWBIE toolkits were developed and tested.

1. Topic specific Toolkits: 8 different toolkits were developed.

2. Umbrella Toolkit: is an integrative online toolkit collecting relevant and accurate information on 13 topics. Available online in all national languages.

3. Hurdles and solutions - Practice Abstracts browser toolkit: 71 examples are available in English and national languages; available online

4. World map – Videos and stories Toolkit: an informative and interactive online toolkit on individual practices-solutions of newbies (100 entries), accessible online, available in national languages and with English subtitles.

Osrednja aktivnost in cilj projekta NEWBIE je mreženje (diskusijski krožki, srečanja, izmenjave itd.). Poudarek je bil na skupnem učenju v različnih državah partnericah in na prenosu znanj med sodelujočimi državami.

Trajni in širše uporabni rezultati projekta NEWBIE so oblikovana različna orodja, ki so jih projektni partnerji razvili v obdobju 2018-2021: skupaj 11 orodij, ki naslavljajo najpomembnejše ovire in potrebe, ki so bile prepoznane med novimi pristopniki in njihovim podpornim okoljem v vseh partnerskih državah.

Vsa orodja so bila razvita v tesnem sodelovanju z deležniki iz podpornih okolij, na ta način so bile obravnavane dejanske potrebe in pričakovanj vseh vključenih. Vsa razvita orodja so interaktivna in dostopna na spletu ter ponujajo najaktualnejše informacije in izkušnje novim pristopnikom, svetovalcem, učiteljem, pa tudi uveljavljenim kmetom.

Razviti in preizkušeni so bili štirje tipi orodij:

1. Tematska orodja: razvili 8 specifičnih orodij.

2. »Umbrella Toolkit«: predstavlja celovito spletno orodje, v okviru katerega so zbrane relevantne informacije za trinajst različnih vsebin. Dostopno na spletu: v nacionalnih jezikovnih različicah.

3. Ovire in rešitve – spletni brskalnik Practice Abstracts:; 71 izbranih primerov v angleškem jeziku in nacionalnih jezikovnih različicah, dostopno na spletu

4. Karta sveta –videi in zgodbe: informativno in interaktivno orodje, kjer je mogoče iskati posamezne primere zgodb novih pristopnikov (100 primerov), dostopno na spletu (, videi opremljeni z angleškimi podnaslovi.

During the implementation of the NEWBIE project, the new entrants emphasized the importance of exchanging experiences and good practices within the country and with new entrants across Europe. Most project activities focused on business models and a formal supportive environment. During NEWBIE exchanges, discussion circles and gatherings, the role of family support (moral and financial), mutual understanding and intergenerational assistance on family farms was insufficiently emphasized.

Therefore, as the last exchange, we conducted an exchange of young new entrant families. Three couples from Slovenia visited newbies in the Eastern Flanders (Belgium). They visited six farms, where in addition to the business model of farms, there was emphasis on discussion about relations between family members of the farm, the role of the farm holder and spouse, understanding of farmer's career, different family roles on farm, division of work and leisure time on farm, financial and social security of new entrants, etc. More details on:


• Exchange of experiences between new entrants from different backgrounds have proven to be very valuable.

• Several similar barriers for newbies in EU countries were identified, hence different approaches and solutions were presented and discussed.

• Gathering in small groups and the possibility of in-depth discussion leads to the new forms of cooperation: between new entrants at home and abroad, educational and research institutions and other actors.

• A supportive environment for new entrants should pay more attention to relationships between farm family members, especially partnership with husband/wife.

V času izvajanja projekta NEWBIE so sodelujoči novi pristopniki posebej izpostavili pomen izmenjave izkušenj in dobrih praks znotraj države in med državami EU. Večina projektnih aktivnosti se je osredotočala na poslovne modele in formalno podporno okolje. Tekom izmenjav, diskusijskih krožkov in druženj se je pokazala premalo poudarjena vloga družinske podpore (moralne in finančne), razumevanja in sodelovanja znotraj družine.

Zato smo kot zadnjo izmenjavo v okviru projekta NEWBIE izvedli izmenjavo mladih družin. Trije mladi kmečki pari iz Slovenije so obiskali novince v kmetijstvo v vzhodni Flandriji (Belgija). Obiskali so šest kmetij, kjer so spoznavali poslovne modele kmetij, a so veliko pozornost namenili izkušnjam in razpravi o odnosih med družinskimi člani na kmetiji, o vlogi nosilca kmetija in partnerja/ice, razumevanju poklica kmeta, delitvi dela, preživljanju prostega časa, zagotavljanju financ in socialne varnosti itd. Podrobneje o obisku v Belgiji:


• Pridobivanje izkušenj v različnih okoljih (tako doma kot v tujini) je izjemno dragoceno za nove pristopnike v kmetijstvo.

• Prepoznali so sorodne ovire novincev v državah EU, a predstavili različne pristope in možnosti reševanja.

• Druženja v manjših skupinah in možnost poglobljenega razgovora vodi v nove oblike sodelovanja: med novimi pristopniki doma in v tujini, izobraževalno-raziskovalnimi ustanovami in drugimi akterji.

• Podporno okolje za mlade kmete in novince mora nameniti več pozornosti tudi odnosom med člani kmetije, zlasti partnerskemu odnosu.

As a new entrant, it is crucial to build constructive relations with:

1) Transferor of the farm. If it is the transfer of farm within or outside family, before the farm transfer you need to discuss in detail: core values of farm that you wish to continue, housing needs, roles of family members on farm and its operation after takeover, legal structure and tax consequences, inheritance agreement and retirement planning, capital, financing, costumers and business chains, communication, risks and schedule of transfer. Read more:

2) Family members: Newbie families face both, operational (disease, natural hazards, governmental regulations, etc.) and farm family stressors (caring for an aging parent, education of school kids, etc.). To ensure that intergenerational differences in experience and perspective do not lead to misunderstanding and conflict, it is important for family members to talk and listen to each other in a non-critical and non-judgmental manner. Herewith, each individual should feel encouraged to contribute his or her skills and perspectives which bring benefits to the farm and family.

3) Other newbies and farmers. Farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange and cooperation with other newbies and farmers.

4) Other institutions (educational and research institutions, advisors, local action group, municipality, etc.) to foster knowledge exchange and build a positive work environment.


• Start the farm transfer process early enough and discuss all relevant steps in detail. During the takeover period think how two family incomes are achievable.

• Family support (moral, financial) and intergenerational assistance on family farms is very relevant.

• Promoting cooperation and farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange via farm visits, workshops, etc.

• Establishing formal and informal enabling environment for new entrants.

Za nove pristopnike v kmetijstvo je ključnega pomena, da vzpostavijo konstruktivne odnose z naslednjimi inštitucijami.

1) S prenosnikom kmetije: ne glede na to, ali gre za prenos kmetije znotraj ali izven družine, se morata prevzemnik in prenosnik vnaprej podrobno pogovoriti o: temeljnih vrednotah kmetije, , stanovanjskih potrebah, razdelitvi vlog med člani, dedni pogodbi in načrtovanju upokojitve, pravni strukturi in davčnih obveznostih, financiranju, prodajnih in poslovnih verigah, komunikaciji, tveganjih in časovnem načrtu. Več:

2) Z družinskimi člani: družine se soočajo tako s stresnimi dejavniki v kmetijstvu (bolezni, vremenske nevšečnosti, predpisi itd.) kot s stresnimi dejavniki v družini oz. gospodinjstvu (skrb za starajoče starše, šolanje otrok idr.). Da medgeneracijske razlike v izkušnjah in pogledih ne vodijo v konflikte, je pomembno, da se družinski člani pogovarjajo in poslušajo drug..

3) Z drugimi novimi pristopniki in kmeti: spodbujanje izmenjave znanja in sodelovanja med novimi pristopniki in drugimi kmeti.

4) Z drugimi inštitucijami (izobraževalne in raziskovalne ustanove, svetovalci, lokalna akcijska skupina, občina itd.) za pospeševanje izmenjave znanja in izgradnjo spodbudnega delovnega okolja.


• Začnite postopek prenosa kmetije dovolj zgodaj in se dogovorite o vseh podrobnostih. V obdobju prevzema kmetije razmislite, kako boste zagotovili dva družinska dohodka.

• Za nove pristopnike je zelo pomembna družinska podpora (moralna, finančna) in medgeneracijska pomoč na kmetiji.

• Spodbujanje sodelovanja in izmenjave znanja med novimi pristopniki.

• Vzpostavitev formalnega in neformalnega spodbudnega okolja za nove pristopnike.

Several Slovenian new entrants tried to re-connect themselves in localities by applying for LEADER/CLLD (Community-Led Local Development) funds in period 2014-2020. The entire national territory is eligible for this rural development measure with 37 LEADER territories and new entrants might become members of the active network – named local action group. Since LEADER/CLLD supports innovative solutions, entrepreneurship, networking and cooperation in local territories, new entrants might find this as a good opportunity to find financial resources to support their ideas.

Alenka Zapušek (Farm Vrhivšek) in the eastern part of Slovenia is a new comer, focused on hemp, spelt, buckwheat production and processing. As a small organic farmer, she tried to diversify: she designed a rich herbal garden and wanted to share her experience on healthy living with different target groups. She needed the finance to set-up a processing unit and a place for presentations and workshops. Therefore, together with some private entrepreneurs and public institutions in the locality she developed project proposals. The later were chosen for LEADER/CLLD co-financing: the farm was allowed to purchase a distiller (for hemp and herb processing) and a yurt as a meeting and working place, where a combination of renewable materials (made of wood and isolated by hemp stem) were used.


- Get familiar with the Local Development Strategy being implemented by the local action group in your LEADER/CLLD territory.

- Make an operational network around an innovative idea.

- Provide a product or service attractive and useful for local institutions and inhabitants.

Več slovenskih novih pristopnikov se je v obdobju 2014-2020 želelo vključiti v lokalno skupnost preko programa LEADER/CLLD (lokalni razvoj, ki ga vodi skupnost). Celotno državno ozemlje je namreč upravičeno do financiranja iz tega programa, zato se lahko novi pristopniki preko lokalne akcijske skupine vključijo v eno (skupaj jih je 37) LEADER območje. Ker program LEADER/CLLD spodbuja inovativne rešitve, podjetništvo, mreženje in sodelovanje v lokalnem okolju, je ta program zanimiva in dobra rešitev za nove pristopnike, saj lahko z razpoložljivimi sredstvi sofinancirajo svoje ideje.

Alenka Zapušek (Kmetija Vrhivšek) iz Lindeka nad Frankolovim, je novinka v kmetijstvu, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo in predelavo industrijske konoplje, pire in ajde. Na majhni ekološki kmetiji so iskali ideje za diverzifikacijo: skupaj z možem sta oblikovala bogat zeliščni vrt in želela deliti izkušnje o zdravem načinu življenja z več ciljnimi skupinami. Potrebovala sta denar za vzpostavitev predelave na kmetiji ter prostor za predstavitve in delavnice. Skupaj z nekaj zasebnimi podjetniki in javnimi ustanovami v lokalnem okolju je Alenka prijavila več projektov. Le-ti so bili izbrani za sofinanciranje iz programa LEADER/CLLD: tako so nakupili destilator (za predelavo industrijske konoplje in zelišč) in iz naravnih materialov (les, konopljina stebla so uporabili za izolacijo) pa jurto, ki služi kot osrednji prostor srečevanja na kmetiji.


- Seznanite se z Lokalno razvojno strategijo, ki jo izvajajo lokalne akcijske skupine na vašem LEADER/CLLD območju.

- Oblikujete operativno mrežo, temelječo na inovativni ideji.

Access to information was identified as a very important hurdle for Slovenian new entrants into farming. Several institutions and organizations (e.g. Agricultural advisory service, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, different farmers´ associations) provide leaflets, brochures, webinars, newspapers, events on issues related to farming. These information resources on agriculture and rural development are focused on established farming sector; there is also some emphasis on young successors, whilst complete newcomers and their concerns have not been addressed.

Therefore, we decided to create an e-newsletter, which would bring relevant information for newcomers, young successors and their supportive environments. We prepared news on events, interesting data, short reports, individual stories, comments, etc. which were generated and inspired by the NEWBIE project findings on national (national discussion circles and steering group meetings) and international level (thematic conferences, bilateral exchange, field visits). We were able to prepare one e-newsletter per year: bringing 20 pages in 2018 and 2019, and expanding to 48 pages in 2020.


- E-newsletter (being available in online and pdf format) reaches a wider audience since it is shared among the members of NEWBIE Network in Slovenia, and also with different agriculture and rural policy- and decision-makers.

- E-newsletter makes new entrants into farming visible in a sector and society as a whole: by pointing out also their results, experiences and issues.

- E-newsletter will be co-created also in the future since there is an interest within identified target groups on information sharing and networking.

Dostop do informacij predstavlja zelo pomembno oviro za slovenske nove pristopnike v kmetijstvo. Več ustanov in organizacij (npr. kmetijska svetovalna služba, Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, različna združenja kmetov in kmetic) izdajajo letake, brošure, pripravljajo spletne webinarje, časopise, organizirajo številne dogodke, povezane s kmetijstvom. Navedeni viri informacij s področja kmetijstva in razvoja podeželja so večinoma namenjeni obstoječemu kmetijskemu sektorju, več poudarka je tudi na mladih kmetih, medtem ko potreb popolnih novincev v kmetijstvo neposredno ne naslavljajo.

Zato smo se odločili, da bomo zasnovali e-novičnik, ki bo posredoval relevantne informacije za novince, mlade prevzemnike in njihovo podporno okolje. Pripravili smo novice o dogodkih, zanimive podatke, krajša poročila, zgodbe posameznikov, komentarje itd., ki so jih generirale ali pa spodbudile ugotovitve projekta NEWBIE, in sicer tako na državni (nacionalni diskusijski krožki, sestanki usmerjevalne skupine) in mednarodni ravni (tematske konference, bilateralne izmenjave, terenski ogledi). Vsako leto izvajanja projekta NEWBIE smo pripravili en e-novičnik; začeli smo z 20 stranmi (2018 in 2019), letnik 2020 pa je bil vsebinsko še bogatejši (48 strani).


- E-novičnik doseže širšo javnost, saj ga delimo tako med člani Mreže NEWBUE v Sloveniji kot tudi z različnimi odločevalci s področja politike razvoja kmetijstva in podeželja.

- E-novičnik je omogočil, da so novi pristopniki v kmetijstvo bolj vidni tako v kmetijskem sektorju kot v družbi nasploh.

- E-novičnik bomo sooblikovali tudi v prihodnosti, ker med prepoznanimi ciljnimi skupinami obstaja interes za izmenjavo informacij in mreženje.

A European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Operational Group was set up to ensure the viability and continuation of the traditional farming method for hay fed milk and meat production in Slovenia.

Meat and milk production by feeding animals hay (without silage) is a traditional farming method which is in decline. Ensuring that this type of farming does not disappear is very important since it has minimum environmental impact and limited labour requirements. Therfore the project was set up to establish a stable system of production, processing, promotion and marketing of hay fed meats and milk, and to develop a collective brand (SENENO) to increase market penetration of the products.

The general objectives of the project are:

• Establish the entire production chain and ensure a decent price for agricultural products with modern sales approaches,

• ensure the existence and development of livestock farms in mountainous and mountainous areas (HGO areas),

• increase the production of hay milk for the needs of complementary activities on the farm, as well as industrial processing,

• make hay meat and milk a recognizable food as a product of higher quality.


• visibility is enabled by a uniform quality and certification scheme for the whole of Slovenia,

• the establishment of a generic-collective brand "SENENO", which can be used by everyone upon payment of a contribution for promotion and compliance with common rules,

• established public database of providers,

• raise awareness of the many benefits and better tastes of hay and milk through appropriate consumer promotion,

• established a network of demonstration farms for hay and milk and an opportunity for new entrants.

More on:

V Sloveniji je bila oblikovana operativna skupina Evropskega partnerstva za inovacije (EIP), ki zagotavlja nadaljevanje tradicionalnega načina kmetovanja za proizvodnjo senenega mleka in mesa.

Pridelava mesa in mleka s krmljenjem živali s senom (brez silaže) je tradicionalen način kmetovanja, ki se opušča. Pomembno je, da ta način kmetovanja ne izgine, saj ima minimalen vpliv na okolje in je delovno manj zahtevno. Zato je bil oblikovan projekt za vzpostavitev stabilnega sistema pridelave, predelave, promocije in trženja senenega mesa in mleka, ter za razvoj kolektivne blagovne znamke (SENENO) - vse za večjo prepoznavnost in tržno prodornost izdelkov.

Splošni cilji projekta so:

• Vzpostaviti celotno proizvodno verigo in s sodobnimi prodajnimi pristopi zagotoviti dostojno ceno kmetijskih pridelkov in izdelkov,

• zagotoviti obstoj in razvoj živinorejskih kmetij na hribovskih in gorskih območjih (HGO območjih),

• povečati pridelavo senenega mleka za potrebe dopolnilnih dejavnosti na kmetiji, kot tudi industrijske predelave,

• seneno meso in mleko narediti prepoznavno živilo, kot izdelek višje kakovosti.


• prepoznavnost omogoča enotna shema kakovosti in certificiranja za celotno Slovenijo,

• vzpostavljena generična-kolektivna blagovna znamka »SENENO«, ki jo lahko vsi uporabljajo ob plačilu prispevka za promocijo in upoštevanju skupnih pravil,

• vzpostavljena javna baza ponudnikov,

• z ustrezno promocijo pri potrošniku dvigniti zavedanje o številnih prednostih in boljšem okusu senenega mesa in mleka,

• vzpostavljena mreža demonstracijskih kmetij za seneno meso in mleko ter priložnost za nove pristopnike.

Več na povezavi:

There is no magic formula to guarantee a successful farm transfer from one generation to the next, but by planning ahead and putting a succession plan in place major pitfalls can be avoided. Legal, agricultural and financial advice should be sought coupled with family discussion, to ensure a fair outcome can be reached.

There are a number of complex issues to be addressed in a family farm transfer, for example.

• Continuation of the farm business.

• Financial independence of the owners.

• Provision for other family members.

• Minimisation of taxes.

The importance of family discussion.

Family involvement in planning for succession is essential with open and honest communication acknowledged as key to a successful outcome. The family discussion should take place early, with the aim to have all the people who will be involved, so that future misunderstandings can be avoided and those involved will know what to expect.

Obvious topics for discussion at this stage would include the following.

• What is the income generating capacity of the farm?

• Starting the succession conversation within the family.

• Income security for parents after retirement.

• Other sibling’s requirements.

Expert Advice

• Consult with agricultural, legal and financial advisers, in relation to your pension and other entitlements and to avoid unnecessary taxation expenses.

• A Will is a legal document ensuring that your property passes to the person of your choice without unnecessary expense or family conflict.

• Careful planning with your legal, financial, agricultural advisers and having the important “round the kitchen table discussion” involving all the family, provides the basis for a successful farm transfer.

There has an increase in the use of contract arrangements for the rearing of young stock on farms in recent years. Contract heifer rearing where a drystock farmer rears replacement dairy heifers on behalf of a dairy farmer has been in use for a number of years.

The contract rearing of calves and weanlings has become more popular in recent years.

Contract rearing of young stock can be beneficial to both the dairy farmer and the contract rearer. From the dairy farmer’s perspective there is less labour required on the farm especially during the calving and breeding seasons allowing them to concentrate on the newly born calves and the main cow herd. It also reduces the demand on calf housing facilities and on pasture.

The contract rearers benefit from the provision of stock at no initial expense and having a consistent agreed income for the duration of the rearing period. The rearer is not affected by market changes, making it an attractive system for those currently involved in beef rearing and subject to volatile prices.

It is an appealing proposition for new entrants as they do not need to have the funding in place to purchase stock upon entering farming.

In response to the increased interest in contract rearing arrangement Teagasc and partners have developed two specimen agreements;

Contract Calf Rearing Agreement…

Contract Calf and Weanling Rearing Agreement…

These templates and further information are available at;…

Access to capital is a major hurdle for many new entrants who want to establish a small business. Microfinance Ireland (MFI) was established to administer a Government ‘Microenterprise Loan Fund’. The fund provides loans to smaller businesses with less than 10 employees and a turnover of less than two million euro.

The Microenterprise Loan Fund is a support provided by the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment and is one of a range of supports provided to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

MFI lends to all sectors and customers who have been unable to secure a loan from a bank are referred by local development agencies or get in contact directly with MFI. Loans of up to €25,000 are available unsecured to both start-ups and existing micro businesses. The unsecured nature of the loans could be of significant interest to new entrants who don’t have collateral to secure a bank loan.

There are a number of loan packages available from MFI including; Start-Up, Expansion, Cashflow, Brexit Business, Covid 19 Business and an Electric Public Service Vehicle loans which can range from €5,000 to €25,000. Small loans of €2,000 to €5,000 are also available.

Further information on Micro Finance Ireland is available at;

Further information on the Microenterprise Loan Fund and the full range of supports provided to SMEs by the Department of Trade and Employment is available at;

When potential and young farmers consider ideas and models for starting a business, they often turn to beekeeping. They believe beekeeping needs less investments and it is the easiest in animal husbandry. The benefits from bee products for humans and bees for agriculture and nature are enormous and indisputable. Bees, honey, pollen and propolis can be used as indicators of environmental pollution for environmental monitoring.

Successful new entrants and experienced beekeepers recommend to consider:

• Basic knowledge of beekeeping and permanent training is required

• Communication with beekeeping community is crucial, they share knowledge and experience, especially with young and curious beekeepers,they provide advice and help

• Good communication with farmers and synergy actions during plant protection are very important for bee survival

• Permanent attention and strict monitoring to avoid many and specific diseases

• Taking into account climatic changes such as drought or high humidity as well as extreme temperatures

• In bad years with insufficient supply for winter, the beekeeper should know the amount of stocks of each bee family and whether it will be enough to survive winter.

•A successful business needs assessment of the apiary location, availability of enough flowers and minimum number of hives

• The price of organic bee products is better, but requires more skills, efforts, strict monitoring and financing.

Когато потенциални и млади фермери обмислят идеи и модели за стартиране на бизнес често се насочват към отглеждане на пчели. Считат, че инвестициите са по-малко и отглеждането им е най-лесно в животновъдството. Ползата от пчелните продукти за хората и от пчелите за земеделието и природата е изключително голяма и безспорна. Пчелите, медът, цветния прашец и прополисът може да се използва като индикатори на замърсяванията в околната среда за екологичен мониторинг.

Успешни нови фермери и опитните пчелари дават препоръките си:

• Необходими са базови познания за отглеждане на пчели и непрекъснато обучение

• Общуването с хората от бранша е ключово, те споделят знания и опит, особено с млади и любознателни пчелари, дават съвети и помощ

• Добрата комуникация със земеделски производители и синхронизирани действия по растителна защита са много важни за оцеляването на пчелите

• Непрекъснато внимание и стриктен мониторинг за многото и специфични болести

• Да се имат предвид неблагоприятните климатични влияния като засушаване или висока влажност както и екстремните температури

• При слаб добив, недостатъчен за презимуване, пчеларят трябва да знае количеството запаси на всяко семейство и дали ще стигне за зимата

• Необходима е добра преценка за местоположение на пчелина, наличие на паша и минимално количество семейства за успешен бизнес

• Цената на пчелните продукти при биологично производство е по-добра, но се изискват повече умения, повече усилия, мониторинг и средства.

Having experience in other sector, usually obtained abroad, young new entrants start small farms, where they raise their children in environmentally friendly agriculture. Newbies generously share their love for nature, pure food, the happiness of being connected to the land in diversification of farming with variety of services. Organizing daily summer child camps on a farm is a funny, creative and very useful service.

So the farm becomes an outdoor school - children learn useful things while playing and having fun. They have the first lessons in farming and acquire skills: sow, transplant, weed, care for animals, compost, learn to recognize plants. And being so close to nature, kids get to know it, love it, learn to value and take care of it. Thus everyone is happy - the farmers who are happy to take care of the children and have additional income, the parents who can work all day, and the happiest are the children to be outdoor, to do interesting and funny things and taste fresh delicious vegetables, picked by themselves.

A good example is Blizkata ferma (Nearby farm) in the village of Negovan, close to Sofia.

There the kids enjoy it and

• learn where potatoes and other vegetables grow

• sow and grow their own vegetables

• pick cucumbers and zucchini themselves and even prepare their own meals

• take carrots out of the ground and taste tomatoes and cherries from a plant

• taste homemade lemonade with fresh herbs and flowers

• build with bales of straw and create with natural materials

• play at will in the fresh air.


• working on a farm can be amazing, interesting and useful for everyone when is done with a lot of creativity and love.

След натрупан опит в друг сектор, обикновено в чужбина, млади нови фермери стартират малки ферми, където отглеждат децата си в спокойна обстановка на природосъобразно земеделие. Споделят щедро любовта си към природата, чистата храна, щастието да си свързан със земята в разнообразни допълнителни услуги към фермерството. Организирането на дневни летни детски лагери във ферма е забавна, креативна и много полезна услуга.

Така фермата става училище на открито – децата учат полезни неща, докогато играят и се забавляват. Усвояват първите уроци по градинарство и придобиват умения: сеят, пресаждат, плевят, грижат се за животни, компостират, учат се да разпознават растенията. А когато са близо до природата я опознават, обикват, научават се да я ценят и да се грижат за нея. Така всички са доволни и фермерите, които с удоволствие се занимават с децата и имат допълнителни доходи, родителите, които могат да работят спокойно цял ден, а най-щастливи са децата да бъдат на чист въздух, да правят интересни неща и опитват вкусни неща, където и те имат принос.

Един добър пример е Близката ферма в с. Негован, недалеч от София.

Там малчуганите се забавляват на воля

• и научават къде растат картофите и други зеленчуци

• да сеят и отглеждат свои зеленчуци

• сами си откъсват краставички и тиквички и дори си приготвят ястия

• изваждат от земята морковчета и вкусват доматки и черита от клонче

• вкусват домашна лимонада с пресни билки и цветове

• строят с бали слама и творят с естествени материали

• играят на воля на чист въздух


• работата във фермата може да е забавна, интересна и полезна за всички, ако се приложи много творчество и любов.

Based on the experience of Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev in entrepreneurship, partnership with public and private organizations supporting farming, communication with new entrants, we apply key phases for a successful farming business. Together with newbies answer important questions while developing and estimating a business idea:

• Extensive market research: who will be our main customers, their preferences, how often they buy , what agricultural products are in demand, what are the prices of the products we will produce, how they are delivered, how and where they are sold

• Careful study of competition: local producers and importers, what they are good at, what weakness they have, whether there is a lack of a product or service that consumers are looking for, any potential to develop, whether we can offer better products with more added value and customer satisfaction, what we will offer to compete with their prices

• Study of the farming business environment: access to land - if we do not have land will we be able to rent long-term at a reasonable price; access to knowledge - who and how will help us with specific knowledge; access to capital - what finance we need and how we will find it; access to labor; access to innovation

• What are the risks and how to prevent them - will climate change affect our business, will we adapt to the dynamic and unpredictable market.


• research, planning and action

• persistence and flexibility

Support for farming business idea development and

На база опита на Бизнес инкубатор- Гоце Делчев в предприемачеството, партньорството с публични и частни организации подкрепящи земеделски стопанства, общуването с нови фермери прилагаме ключови етапи за успешен фермерски бизнес. Търсим отговори на важни въпроси при разработване и оценка на бизнес идея:

• Обстойно проучване на пазара: кои ще са основни ни клиенти, какви са техните предпочитания, колко често купуват,какви земеделски продукти се търсят, какви са цените и продажбите на продуктите, които ще произвеждаме, как се доставят, как и къде се продават

• Внимателно проучване на конкуренцията: местни производители и внос, в какво те са добри, какви недостатъци имат, липсва ли продукт или услуга, които потребителите търсят, има ли потенциал, който да развием, можем ли да предлагаме по-добри продукти с по-голяма добавена стойност и удовлетворение за клиентите, какво ще предложим, за да се конкурираме с техните цени

• Проучване на условията за фермерски бизнес : достъп до земя – ако нямаме наследствена ще можем ли да наемем дългосрочно на приемлива цена; достъп до знания – кой и как ще ни помага със специфични знания; достъп до капитал – какви средства ще са ни необходими и как ще ги осигурим; достъп до работна ръка; достъп до иновации

• Кои са рисковете и как да ги предотвратим – ще се отразят ли климатичните промени на бизнеса ни, ще се приспособим ли към динамичния и непредвидим пазар.


• проучване, планиране и действие

• постоянство и гъвкавост

New entrants consider innovation to make their farms more efficient and competitive and attract young people to agriculture. Traceability is becoming increasingly important for European consumers to ensure the food quality. It can become a reality with block chain technology.

Consumers could track the fruits, vegetables and food, they buy, from the seeds, through their cultivation, packaging, transportation and delivery. All important phases are recorded in a block chain, no possibility of editing, and that guarantees reliability. Any user in a store could scan the QR code of the package by a phone app and traces the complete process and be sure in the quality of products.

Farmers have a competitive advantage when customers are convinced the products they buy are origin and quality-guaranteed. The block chain system can be a digital assistant to farmers for document management, will remind of the action needed, and will help in management of all processes.

An EIP Operational group in Bulgaria is working on the project "Decentralized smart system for tracing the origin and quality of goods " with the aim of improving the visibility of food supply chain, long-term trust between farmer-trader/processor-consumer through transparent and reliable information about origin and food quality.


• Focused actions of leading research and development teams and ambitious new entrants

• Entrepreneurial approach and strong public support.

Новите фермери смятат, че иновациите могат да ги направят по-ефективни, по- конкурентоспособни и да привличат млади хора в земеделието. Все по-голямо значение за европейските потребители има проследяемостта на храните, за да се гарантира качеството им. Може да стане реалност с блокчейн технология.

Потребителите ще могат да проследят плодовете, зеленчуците и храните, които купуват, от семената, през отглеждането им, пакетиране, транспортиране и доставяне. Всички важни етапи се записват в блокчейн, без възможност да се редактира, а това гарантира достоверността. Потребителят в магазина чрез приложение на телефона сканира QR кода на опаковката, проследява целия процес и се уверява в качеството на продуктите.

Фермерите ще имат конкурентно предимство, когато клиентите са убедени, че продукцията им е качествена, ще я предпочетат. Блокчейн системата може да е дигитален асистент за документооборота, напомня за изпълнението, съдейства за управление на процесите.

Оперативна група в България работи по проект „Децентрализирана интелигентна система за проследяване на произхода и качеството на произведените стоки“ като цели подобрена видимост на веригата за доставка на храни, трайно доверие между фермер-търговец/преработвател-потребител чрез прозрачна и надеждна информация за произхода и качеството на храната.


• Фокусирани действия на водещи научни и развойни екипи и амбициозни нови фермери

• Предприемачески подход и силна публична подкрепа.

In the EU, usually farms add social farming and deliver social services to vulnerable groups, while the Wonder Garden in Dobrich, owned by a foundation, started a social farming to provide employment and a dignified life to 22 young people with intellectual disabilities in 2018. The Wonder Garden uses a model of urban social agriculture in which people with intellectual disabilities have jobs, greater independence and better social status. They grow vegetables, fruit trees and 40 types of flowers in 5 greenhouses of 880 square meters and open area of 0.2 ha.

To access the clients they use variety of channels: small shop in the greenhouses, direct sales in 4 spots in Dobrich, on farmers' markets and by couriers. The social marketing and entrepreneurship help them to overcome the Covid-19 challenges.

How this experience could inspire new entrants:

• The balance between an agri-business and social cause might the right approach

• Partnership is crucial: Dobrich Municipality provided 0.4 hectares municipal land and businesses donated a tractor, seeds, fuel

• Attracting and combining resources such as an NGO financed the start awarding them for the best business plan, Employment Agency finances salaries and insurances of some employees with intellectual disabilities

• Local support: donations and volunteer work and wide dissemination by media and social media support

• And the key component – leadership. Maria Metodieva says: Social entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but if there are yet young people who have leadership skills and are not afraid to do so, then roll up their sleeves and work hard.

Обикновено в ЕС социалното фермерство се развива във ферми, които предоставят социални услуги на уязвими групи, докато Чудната градина в Добрич се заема със социално земеделие, за да осигури заетост и достоен живот на 22 младежи и хора с интелектуални затруднения. Собственик на социалното предприятие е фондация. Чудната градина показва модел на градско социално земеделие, в който хора с интелектуални затруднения работят и се чувстват полезни и пълноценни за себе си и обществото. Отглеждат зеленчуци, овошки и 40 вида цветя в 5 целогодишни оранжерии с обща площ 880 м2 и на открит терен от 2 декара.

Използват различни маркетингови канали, за да достигнат до клиентите: магазинче до оранжериите,продават на 4 места в Добрич, на фермерски пазари, правят директни продажби по куриер в цялата страна.. Социалният маркетинг и предприемачество им помагат да се спряват с предизвикателствата на Ковид ситуацията.

Как опитът им може да вдъхнови нови фермери:

• Балансът между земеделски бизнес и социална кауза може е да е точния подход

• Партньорството е ключово: община Добрич предоставя общински терен 4 декара, бизнеси даряват необходимия трактор, семена, горива

• Различни ресурси:НПО финансиране на старта им за най-добър бизнес план на НПО, Агенцията по заетостта финансира заплати и осигуровки на някои от наетите хора с интелектуални затруднения,

• Местна подкрепа: хора помагат с дарения и доброволен труд

• Информиране чрез медии и социални медии

• Силно лидерство: Мария Методиева: „Социалното предприемачество не е за всеки, но ако все пак има млади хора, които притежават лидерски умения и не ги е страх да го правят, то тогава да запретват ръкави.“

Many new entrants start with small areas and produce vegetables, and face challenges complying with legislation. On 20/08/19 there was a discussion circle to clarify legal requirements and to discuss solutions to potential barriers.

It is required:

- Invoicing all sold products. This required registration with the Tax Authorities that has associated costs. Alternatives are:

• Restaurants can self-invoice the producer up to a certain amount;

• The MINGA Cooperative can invoice for the producer, taking over their legal representation, relieving them from associated costs.

- Technical training for application of plant protection products; products can exclusively be applied to crops for which they have been approved and only in the indicated concentrations; Phyto-sanitary products must be stored in a safe and closed storage place, away from the food products

- To transport products for sale under adequate sanitary conditions, in appropriate boxes without any alteration of the products; accompanied by either an Invoice or a Bill of Transport

- Label products - The products must bear the name and address of the producer and country of origin; regulation (EU) No. 1169/201. It is allowed to pack small mixes of horticultural products up to 5 kg (fruits and vegetables);

- Fruit and vegetable producers to be registered as primary producers in the Portuguese National Authority for Animal Health (DGAV), with an operator number assigned to them

Regulation 543/2011 establishes the rules for the trading of fruit and vegetables.

Muitos novos empresários agrícolas começam com pequenas áreas dedicadas à produção hortofrutícola e encontram dificuldades em cumprir os requisitos legais. Assim, no dia 20/08/19 organizou-se uma tertúlia dedicada a esclarecer os requisitos legais e a discutir soluções para potenciais barreiras.

Foi esclarecido que é obrigatório:

- Faturar todos os produtos vendidos. Isto requer abrir atividade com a autoridade tributária e tem custos associados. Possíveis alternativas são:

• Adquirente de bens (restaurante, mercearias..) elaborar faturas pelo produtor – autofacturação

• Associações e cooperativas como a MINGA em Montemor-o-Novo.

- Formação técnica para a aplicação de fitofármacos. Produtos podem apenas ser aplicados nas culturas para os quais foram aprovados e nas concentrações indicadas nos rótulos. Devem ser armazenados em sítios seguros e fechados, em separado dos produtos alimentares.

- O transporte de produtos para venda em embalagens apropriadas e sem alterações ao produto; acompanhados da respetiva fatura ou guia de transporte que pode ser pedida online…

- Etiquetar os produtos – em que conste o nome e morada dos produtores e o país de origem.

- O registo de produtores hortofrutícolas como produtores primários com a Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV), e ter um passaporte fitossanitário atribuído…

O regulamento 543/2011 estabelece as regras para a comercialização de frutas e vegetais.

Multifunctional and shared transformation spaces are a good solution for family farmers and new entrants, as they provide adequate and licensed place for processing and packaging produce.

These spaces gather different tools and apparatus to allow for different processing activities. Beyond the “classical” industrial kitchen equipment, they could further include space for milling, distillation, dehydration, press, loom (for wool) and other activities deemed as important by the local actors.

The development and operationalization of such project can be slow and time consuming, not only due to the initial investment, but also due to technical and legal requirements which are not always easy to understand and comply with.

These spaces can not only contribute to creating products with higher added value, but they can also act as incubators for new projects and as a space for knowledge transfer and network creation.


- The CAEs and types of establishments can be changed later. It is not necessary to execute and plan for all activities right from the start, but to let the project develop organically

- Consult technicians familiar with HACCP certification to outline the project.

- Involve various entities and actors in order to create a shared movement and space.

- Think about applications and projects of this nature at the local level, seeking to involve local authorities in a logic of territorial development

Unidades de transformação multifuncionais e comunitárias são uma boa solução para providenciar um espaço adequado e licenciado para a transformação e embalamento de produtos agro-alimentares a pequenos e novos empresários agrícolas, sem exigir um investimento inicial avultado.

Estas unidades concentraram diferentes maquinarias e espaços para permitir diversas actividades de transformação. Para além do equipamento “clássico” de cozinha industrial, podem ainda incluir espaços para moagem, destilação, desidratação, lagar, tear (para lã), entre outras actividas consideradas relevantes pelos actires locais.

A sua construção e operacionalização pode ser um processo díficil e moroso não só pelo investimento associado mas pelos requerimentos técnicos e legais que nem sempre são fáceis de compreender e de seguir.

Para além de contribuir para criar produtos de maior valor acrescentado estas unidades podem ainda servir de incubadoras a novos projectos e servir como ponto de troca de ideias e de criação de redes.


- Os CAEs e tipologias dos estabelecimentos podem ser alterados posteriormente. Não é preciso executar e planear para todas as actividades logo desde inicio, mas deixar o projecto desenvolver-se orgânicamente

- Consultar técnicos familarizados com a certificação HACCP para delenear o projecto.

- Envolver várias entidades e actores de forma a criar um movimento e espaço partilhados.

- Pensar em candidaturas e projectos desta natureza a nível local, procurando envolver autoridades locais numa lógica de desenvolvimento do território.

Susana and José started the agri-business ‘Pepe Aromas’ in 2014. They received funding from Young Farmers’ Project, used to establish an organic prickly pear cactus plantation on part of their family land in Central Alentejo. They had conducted extensive research to determine the most suitable crop, both drought resistant with high market potential, and to convince the older generation to try something new. Their business model was based on sales of organic fresh fruit, almost exclusively for the wholesale export market. They faced multiple hurdles such as the high perishability and the short seasonality of the product pushing them to think differently and develop novel products through processing and value addition. They expanded into food and cosmetic lines with differentiated products derived from unused part the cactus plant. They converted their father’s existing olive grove to organic mode now also branded under Pepe Aromas and expanded into the tourism and recreation sector, promoting the local heritage farm landscape and even reconverting an abandoned train station into a shop and visitor centre.


• To find successful solutions, it is critical to conduct research and continuously gather new knowledge on all aspects of the farm, from market dynamics, to crop management, processing and waste reduction.

• Following principles of sustainability and environmental responsibility with the concern to recycle, value all by-products leads to creative thinking and innovations

• Establishing diverse selling outlet channels in place for different types of products and services is an important part of diversification (ex. retail, fairs, online, on farm shop linked to recreation activity)

Susana e José iniciaram o agronegócio ‘Pepe Aromas’ em 2014 com financiamento do Projeto Jovens Agricultores, que usaram para estabelecer uma plantação biológica de figueiras-da-índia numa parte da sua exploração familiar no Alentejo Central. Conduziram uma extensa pesquisa para escolher uma cultura adequada, resistente à seca e com alto potencial de mercado, e que convencesse a geração anterior a tentar algo novo. O seu modelo de negócios baseava-se na comercialização de frutas frescas biológicas, focada no mercado grossista para exportação. Enfrentaram vários obstáculos, como a alta perecibilidade e a curta sazonalidade do produto, o que os levou a inovar e desenvolver novos produtos com maior valor acrescentado através da transformação. Criaram uma gama de alimentos e de cosméticos com produtos diferenciados derivados da parte não utilizada do cacto. Converteram o olival já existente para produção biológica que também ficou com a marca Pepe Aromas e expandiram-se para o setor do turismo e recreação, promovendo a paisagem agrícola local e reconverteram uma estação de comboio abandonada numa loja e centro de visitas.

Recomendações Práticas

• Para encontrar soluções de sucesso, é fundamental uma investigação continua e conhecimento actualizado sobre todos os aspetos da exploração, desde dinâmicas do mercado até à gestão da colheita, transformação e redução de resíduos.

• Seguir princípios de sustentabilidade e responsabilidade ambiental com a preocupação de reciclar, valorizar subprodutos e usar os recursos de forma eficiente leva ao pensamento criativo e à inovação

• Estabelecer diversos canais de venda para diferentes tipos de produtos e serviços é uma parte importante da diversificação

The Newbie Network Project runs for four years (2018-2021). After the end of the project several offers will still be available, like the different toolkits. BDL and FHS prepare a thematic toolkit on direct marketing opportunities in agriculture in German language. The toolkit is an informational platform that will be publicly available free of charge on BDL’s own website ( The toolkit especially targets young farmers and other people that are interested in direct marketing opportunities in agriculture.

The toolkit is structured the following way: Preconditions, objectives, products, prices, distribution, marketing, and a checklist. An interactive graphic on the home page gives an overview and enables navigation through the chapters. Every chapter provides a thematic outline and furthermore includes links or websites with more relevant information. If applicable, existing farms are presented in the toolkit to give practical examples. The toolkit serves to give an overview on the topic and to provide a starting point and ideas for (young) farmers that want to enter into agricultural direct marketing. For further questions a contact form is available on the website. The toolkit will be supervised through the Young Farmers Project of BDL beyond the Newbie project.

Das Newbie Netzwerkprojekt hat eine Laufzeit von vier Jahren (2018-2021). Einige Angebote sollen darüber hinaus nutzbar sein. Dazu gehört der Werkzeugkasten (Toolkit), der in Deutschland länderspezifisch zum Thema Direktvermarktung erstellt wird. Das Toolkit wird als Informationsplattform auf eine eigene Webseite ( gestellt, die öffentlich und kostenfrei zugänglich ist. Zielgruppe sind vor allem Junglandwirt: innen und andere Personen, die an landwirtschaftlicher Direktvermarktung interessiert sind.

Inhaltlich untergliedert ist das Toolkit in Voraussetzungen, Zielsetzungen, Produkte, Preis, Distribution, Marketing und eine Checkliste. Eine Übersicht liefert eine interaktive Grafik auf der Startseite, in der die einzelnen Kapitel angewählt werden können. Jedes Kapitel gibt einen inhaltlichen Überblick. Dies ist ergänzt durch Verlinkungen zu Videos oder Webseiten mit weiteren relevanten Informationen. Gegebenenfalls werden zur praktischen Anschaulichkeit auch Beispielbetriebe im Toolkit aufgeführt. Das Toolkit dient dazu einen Überblick über das Thema zu liefern und Ansatzpunkte und Ideen für den Einstieg in die landwirtschaftliche Direktvermarktung zu vermitteln. Falls weitere Fragen auftreten, ist auf der Webseite ein Kontaktformular eingestellt. Das Toolkit wird über das Newbie Projekt hinaus durch das Projekt Junglandwirt: innen des BDL betreut.

The network project runs for four years until end of 2021. However, even after this time, (future) new entrants into farming should be able to take advantage of the project’s activities. One key longer lasting output is a set of pedagogical resources. For this purpose, open access materials have been prepared. They will be made available via universities and advisory institutions, but also directly, to the diverse group of newcomers and successors in agriculture.

The pedagogical resources cover four thematic fields of special relevance for new entrants into farming: Entrepreneurship, social and technological innovations, use of non-farming skills to apply on-farm non-agricultural diversification measures and, last but not least, niches in production and marketing. The teaching units can be worked on interactively by the newbies. Videos, photos and field reports from farmers and their farms are used to create practical references and thus illustrate the presented content. In addition to instructive input, newbies also receive tips and assistance for the targeted rethinking of their own future business orientation or new business idea.

Das Newbie Netzwerkprojekt hat eine Laufzeit von drei Jahren (2018-2021). Doch auch nach dieser Zeit sollen für Newbies Angebote nutzbar sein. Ein Angebot davon, sind die pädagogischen Ressourcen. Dazu wurden Lehrmaterialien erstellt, welche über Hochschulen und Beratungseinrichtungen für landwirtschaftliche Neu- und Quereinsteiger, aber auch für Hofnachfolger zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Inhaltlich werden dabei vier Themen aufgegriffen: Unternehmertum, soziale und technologische Innovationen, Nutzen außerlandwirtschaflicher Fähigkeiten und last but not least Nischen in der Produktion und Vermarktung. Die Lehreinheiten können durch die Newbies interaktiv bearbeitet werden und sind medial aufbereitet. Dabei werden durch Videos, Fotos und Erfahrungsberichte von Landwirten und ihren Betrieben Praxisbezüge hergestellt und so Inhalte veranschaulicht. Neben lehrreichem Input sollen Newbies dabei auch Anleitungen für das zielgerichtete Überdenken der eigenen, zukünftigen Betriebsausrichtung und/oder Geschäftsidee erhalten.

The German Newbie Award 2019 went to "Waygu Sauerland". Wagyu, also known as Kobe, is a Japanese breed of cattle that stands for excellent meat quality and high enjoyment. Katrin Schütz and Christoph Willeke took over a derelict farm (non-family succession) in Arnsberg in 2019, thus laying the foundation for their Wagyu Sauerland farm. Using their own resources and financial means, they leased grassland and stables, financed machinery, stable equipment and the purchase of Wagyu cattle. In addition, they set up the Wagyu Sauerland label for successful marketing without previously existing marketing structures. The meat products are promoted via social media and sold via delivery service, their own online shop, and farm-gate sales. In addition to the special meat quality and origin, the advertising strategy also focuses on highlighting the positive nutritional properties of Wagyu meat compared to other beef breeds.

Wagyu Sauerland shows that it is possible to successfully market a high-priced quality product even in a predominant rural environment. The versatile and innovative marketing channels create lucrative sales. Their strategy of building up the business alongside their full-time jobs gave them the necessary financial security and sufficient investment capital. Today, Katrin works full-time as a new entrant into farming. Overall, a coherent and well thought-out concept that convinced the German Newbie Award Jury 2019 to honour the couple for their constant commitment to making agriculture sustainable and innovative! Read more at:

Der deutsche Newbie-Award ging 2019 an „Waygu Sauerland“. Wagyu, kennt man auch unter dem Begriff Kobe-Rind. Es ist eine japanische Rinderrasse, die für exzellente Fleischqualität und hohen Genuss steht. Das Sauerland ist eine Mittelgebirgsregion im Westen von Deutschland. Hier haben Katrin Schütz und Christoph Willeke im Jahr 2019 in Arnsberg außerfamiliär eine Hofstelle übernommen und so den Grundstein für ihr Unternehmen Wagyu Sauerland gelegt. Aus eigener Kraft und eigenen finanziellen Mitteln pachteten sie Grünland und Ställe, finanzierten Maschinen, Stallausstattungen und die Anschaffung der Wagyu-Rinder. Zusätzlich bauten sie für eine erfolgreiche Vermarktung das Label Wagyu Sauerland ohne bisher bestehende Marketingstrukturen auf. Das Fleisch der Tiere wird über Social media beworben und über Lieferservice, den eigenen Onlineshop und Ab-Hof-Verkauf verkauft. Neben der besonderen Fleischqualität und Herkunft setzt die Werbestrategie der beiden Sauerländer auch auf die Verdeutlichung der positiven ernährungsphysiologischen Eigenschaften des Wagyu-Fleisches im Vergleich zu anderen Fleischrinderassen.

Wagyu Sauerland zeigt, dass man es möglich ist ein hochpreisiges Qualitätsprodukt auch in eher abgelegener Lage erfolgreich zu vermarkten. Die vielseitigen und modernen Vermarktungswege bringen die Katrin und Christoph ins Gespräch und schaffen so einen lukrativen Absatz. Die Strategie das Unternehmen neben ihren Vollzeitjobs aufzubauen, gibt Ihnen die nötige finanzielle Sicherheit und genügend Investitionskapital. Erfahre mehr unter: Wagyu Fleisch online kaufen - Wagyu Sauerland (

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