project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Managing dairy ewes to produce a better outcome for cheese production
Managing dairy ewes to produce a better outcome for cheese production

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When compared to the conventional dairy cow sector in Wales, there is poor understanding of what factors control the bacteriological profile of sheep’s milk.  This project aims to investigate how the breed of sheep, stage of lactation and selenium supplementation influence the bacteriological profile of the milk over the 2019 and 2020 season.


O’i gymharu â’r sector gwartheg godro confensiynol yng Nghymru, mae prinder dealltwriaeth ynglŷn â pha ffactorau sy’n gallu rheoli proffil bacteriolegol llaeth dafad.  Amcan y prosiect hwn yw ymchwilio sut y gall brîd y ddafad, cyfnod o fewn y llaethiad ac ychwanegu seleniwm at y diet gael effaith ar broffil bacteriolegol y llaeth dros dymor 2019 a thymor 2020.


1. Breed of sheep
Milk samples will be taken from a group of Friesland, Lleyn and Friesland x Lleyn ewes to investigate whether genetic differences between breeds have any effect on the bacteriological profile of the milk.

2. Stage of lactation
The ewes will be milked from February to June over three lambing blocks.  Regular milk testing will assess whether there is a pattern in the bacteriological profile of the ewes’ milk during their lactation cycle.

3. Selenium diet supplementation
One group of milking ewes will be used to investigate if selenium supplementation can lead to reduced cases of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis.


1. Brîd y ddafad
Bydd samplau llaeth yn cael eu cymryd o grŵp o ddefaid Friesland, Lleyn a Freisland x Lleyn i ymchwilio a yw gwahaniaethau geneteg rhwng bridiau yn effeithio ar broffil bacteriolegol y llaeth.

2. Cyfnod o fewn y llaethiad
Bydd y defaid yn cael eu godro o fis Chwefror i fis Mehefin dros dri bloc o ŵyna.  Bydd profi’r llaeth yn rheolaidd yn dangos os oes patrwm ym mhroffil bacteriolegol y llaeth yn ystod eu cylchred llaeth.

3. Ychwanegu seleniwm at y diet
Bydd un grŵp o ddefaid yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ymchwilio os gall ychwanegu seleniwm at y diet leihau achosion clinigol ac is-glinigol o fastitis.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location

€ 47053

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Milk is, of course, a key ingredient in many products such as cheese, yoghurt and ice cream.  The high solid content of sheep’s milk (typically 5.4% protein and 7% fat) makes it an ideal ingredient for these products.  Due to this, there is a rapidly increasing demand for sheep’s milk, not only in Wales but throughout the UK.

When compared to the conventional dairy cow sector in Wales, there is poor understanding of what factors control the bacteriological profile of sheep’s milk.  This project aims to investigate how the breed of sheep, stage of lactation, and selenium diet supplementation influence the bacteriological profile of the milk over the 2019 and 2020 season.

Ahead of this potential growth in milking ewes to mass production level, it is important that as much information about the ewes’ milk itself is collected prior to mass production.  The group’s vision is to be at the forefront of this emerging sector in Wales and to put a strong foundation in place where the production system is based on high quality milk for the consumer.

The group hope that by gaining a greater understanding of how these three controllable variables affect the overall quality of milk, recommendations can be made to ensure best practice is applied to management systems.  Hopefully, by increasing the understanding of this sector, it will encourage more farmers to enter the dairy sheep industry.  An increase in dairy sheep farmers will lead to a larger supply base of ewes’ milk.  This can create an industry of niche food producers using Welsh ewe milk as a core ingredient in their products.

Mae llaeth yn gynhwysyn hanfodol mewn nifer o gynhyrchion megis caws, iogwrt a hufen iâ.  Mae’r canran uchel o solidau sydd mewn llaeth dafad (fel arfer 5.4% protein a 7% braster) yn ei wneud yn gynhwysyn delfrydol ar gyfer y cynhyrchion hyn.  O ganlyniad, mae cynnydd sylweddol yn y galw am laeth dafad, nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond ar draws y DU.

O’i gymharu â’r sector gwartheg godro confensiynol yng Nghymru, mae prinder dealltwriaeth ynglŷn â pha ffactorau sy’n gallu rheoli proffil bacteriolegol llaeth dafad.  Amcan y prosiect hwn yw ymchwilio sut y gall brîd y ddafad, cyfnod o fewn y llaethiad ac ychwanegu seleniwm at y diet gael effaith ar broffil bacteriolegol y llaeth dros dymor 2019 a thymor 2020.

Cyn i’r sector llaeth dafad ehangu i lefel masgynhyrchu, mae’n bwysig bod cymaint o wybodaeth â phosibl yn cael ei chasglu ar laeth y ddafad.  Gweledigaeth y grŵp yw bod ar flaen y sector addawol yma yng Nghymru ac i osod sylfeini cryf lle mae’r system gynhyrchu’n seiliedig ar laeth o safon uchel i’r cwsmer.

Mae’r grŵp yn gobeithio trwy gynyddu ei ddealltwriaeth o sut gallai’r tri newidyn y gellir eu rheoli effeithio ansawdd cyffredinol y llaeth, gellir gwneud argymhellion i sicrhau bod yr arfer gorau yn cael ei gymhwyso i systemau rheoli.  Gobeithio trwy gynyddu dealltwriaeth, bydd mwy o ffermwyr yn cael eu hannog i fentro i’r sector llaeth dafad.  Bydd cynnydd yn nifer y ffermwyr godro defaid yn golygu bydd mwy o gyflenwad o laeth dafad.  Gallai hyn greu diwydiant o gynhyrchwyr bwyd arbenigol sy’n defnyddio llaeth dafad fel cynhwysyn craidd i’w cynnyrch.

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Project coordinator

  • Geraint Hughes

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Alan Jones

    Project partner

  • Colin Keyse

    Project partner

  • Dr Carrie Rimes

    Project partner

  • Dr Matt Swarbrick

    Project partner