project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Innovations in postharvest treatments against weevils in rice (ELMIRA)
Innovaciones en los tratamientos post-cosecha contra los gorgojos del arroz

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Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
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a. Validate the breeding systems in order to obtain sufficient eggs, larvae and adults.
b.  Assessment of the degree of infestation in order to define the treatment intensities required to guarantee product stability.
c. Carry out preliminary tests in which the insects are killed using microwaves and determine its effects on the survival of the three species of interest.
d. Perform insect removal tests on the radio frequency pilot prototype to determine effectiveness,
e.  Physical, chemical and sensory assessment of the changes that radio frequency treatments produces in rice.
f. Define the technical specifications and requirements that have to be met by the future RF team.
g. Disseminate the results.


a. Validar sistemas de cría de los insectos para obtener un número suficiente de huevos, larvas y adultos para evaluar la efectividad de los tratamientos.


b. Evaluación del grado de infestación para determinar las intensidades de tratamiento necesarias para la estabilidad del producto.


c. Realizar pruebas  de destrucción de insectos mediante microondas para determinar la supervivencia de las 3 especies de interés.


d. Determinar la efectividad de la radiofrecuencia en la eliminación de insectos


e. Evaluación fisicoquímica y sensorial de los cambios que el uso de radiofrecuencia produzca en el arroz.


f. Definir los requisitos técnicos del equipo de RF.


g.  Difundir los resultados.


• Adapting of the breeding systems of Sitophilus oryzae to other insect species of interest  in order to obtain a sufficient number of eggs, larvae and adults to assess the effectiveness of the treatments.
• Carrying out insect destruction tests using microwaves  and RF

oStudies on eggs and 2 different levels of larval development.
oStudies on 3 values of cereal moisture.
•Carrying out tests for the destruction of insects by means of microwaves and RF  in rice with husk.
•Construction of mathematical models for predicting the effect of microwaves on the survival of the species of interest.
•Evaluation of the effect of dielectric heating on the cooking and sensory properties of treated polished rice.



1. Adaptar los sistemas de cría de Sitophilus oryzae a las otras especies para  tener un suficientes huevos, larvas y adultos para evaluar la efectividad de los tratamientos

2. Pruebas de destrucción de insectos mediante microondas  y radiofrecuencia (RF) a 3 niveles de potencia

    • Estudios sobre huevos y 2 diferentes niveles de desarrollo larvario
    • Estudios sobre 3 valores de humedad del cereal.

3. Pruebas de destrucción de insectos mediante microondas y RF en arroz con cáscara.

4. Diseño de modelos matemáticos de predicción del efecto de las microondas en la supervivencia de las especies.

5. Evaluación del efecto del calentamiento dieléctrico en las propiedades de cocción y sensorial del arroz pulido..



The project represents an important step towards reducing the risk of insects developing in postharvest rice, using a physical residue-free technology. The technology to be prepared is based on the industrial application of dielectric heating to eliminate insect infestations in cereals and/or other grains. Dielectric heating raises the temperature of insect larvae that develop within the grains more easily than that of the grain itself. This allows the elimination of pests without changing the properties of the cereals, with moderate energy consumption and potentially avoiding the presence of pesticides in the end product.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 65000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator