project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improving suckler herd management through nutrition and hygiene around calving time to enhance productivity and reduce antibiotic use
Improving suckler herd management through nutrition and hygiene around calving time to enhance productivity and reduce antibiotic use

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There is an urgent need to reduce antibiotic use to slow down the development of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and prolong the useful life of treatments for medical and agricultural use. While in general terms, antibiotic use is lower in beef compared to sheep systems, they are widely used in beef systems against some key problems including E-coli infections, pneumonia and coccidiosis.

The project involves four farmers from Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire which all have herds of between 30 and 45 suckler cows. They aim to improve the management and nutrition of their suckler herds around calving to improve animal health and productivity, while reducing the use of antibiotics. 


Mae angen lleihau'r defnydd o wrthfiotigau er mwyn arafu datblygiad Ymwrthedd Gwrthficrobaidd (AMR) ac ymestyn oes ddefnyddiol triniaethau at ddefnydd meddygol ac amaethyddol. Er bod y defnydd o wrthfiotigau yn is mewn systemau bîff o'u cymharu â systemau defaid, maent yn cael eu defnyddio'n helaeth mewn systemau bîff  i drin rhai problemau allweddol gan gynnwys heintiau E-coli, niwmonia a chocsidiosis.

Mae'r prosiect yn cynnwys 4 ffermwr o Geredigion a Sir Gaerfyrddin sy’n cadw buchesi rhwng 30 a 45 o wartheg sugno. Eu nod yw gwella'r ffordd y maen nhw’n rheoli maeth eu buchesi sugno ar adeg lloia i wella iechyd a chynhyrchiant anifeiliaid, gan leihau’r defnydd o wrthfiotigau ar yr un pryd. 


hey will work towards this by developing and implementing management plans which will include:

1)Ration formulation, based on metabolic profiles and feed/ forage analysis
2) Strategies to increase colostrum quality and absorption
3) Strategies for preventative management of diseases, including cleaning and hygiene protocols, based on the results of bedding analysis, faecal sampling and post-mortem results
4) Framework for decision making on antibiotic treatments


Byddant yn gweithio tuag at hyn drwy ddatblygu a gweithredu cynlluniau rheoli a fydd yn cynnwys:

1) Llunio dognau yn seiliedig ar broffiliau metabolig a dadansoddi’r bwyd/porthiant
2) Strategaethau i gynyddu ansawdd ac amsugniad colostrwm
3) Strategaethau ar gyfer rheoli clefydau'n ataliol, gan gynnwys protocolau glanhau a hylendid, yn seiliedig ar ganlyniadau dadansoddi deunydd gorwedd, samplu ysgarthion a chanlyniadau post-mortem
4) Fframwaith ar gyfer gwneud penderfyniadau ar driniaethau gwrthfiotig

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
South West Wales

€ 46480

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Health issues cost the UK beef industry an estimated £133m in lost productivity and mortality. Scouring in calves alone accounts for £11 million of those losses. On average only 88% of calves are born alive (per 100 cows/heifers to bull) and of those, 4% die between birth and weaning. Common causes include bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD), scouring, pneumonia, cryptosporidium, Rotavirus, Coccidiosis, and corona viruses (O’Shaughnessy et al., 2015).

The impact of these approach on animal health and productivity will be assessed over the two years by measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) relating to growth and development, calf mortality and the incidence of key diseases. Any reductions in antibiotic usage will be measured against RUMA 2020 targets and monitored using the AHDB Electronic Medicine Hub for beef and sheep.

It is hoped that the benefits of the project will include:

Improved cow and young stock health

Reduced antibiotic usage in beef suckler herds

Reduced costs and increased productivity

Development of robust monitoring systems

Better decision making based on the above

Amcangyfrifir bod problemau iechyd yn costio £133m i ddiwydiant bîff y DU o ran colledion cynhyrchiant a marwolaethau. Mae ysgothi ymysg lloi yn gyfrifol am £11 miliwn o’r colledion hynny. Ar gyfartaledd, dim ond 88% o loi sy'n cael eu geni'n fyw (fesul 100 buwch/heffer sy’n cael ei throi at y tarw) ac o'r rheini, mae 4% yn marw rhwng genedigaeth a diddyfnu. Ymhlith yr achosion cyffredin mae dolur rhydd firsyol buchol (BVD), ysgothi, niwmonia, cryptosporidiwm, Rotafeirws, Cocsidiosis, a feirysau coronaidd (O'Shaughnessy et al., 2015).

Caiff effaith y dull hwn o ymdrin ag iechyd a chynhyrchiant anifeiliaid ei hasesu dros y ddwy flynedd drwy fesur dangosyddion perfformiad allweddol sy'n ymwneud â thwf a datblygiad, marwolaethau lloi ac achosion o glefydau allweddol. Bydd unrhyw ostyngiadau yn y defnydd o wrthfiotigau yn cael eu mesur yn erbyn targedau RUMA 2020 a'u monitro gan ddefnyddio adnodd AHDB Electronic Medicine Hub (eMH) ar gyfer bîff a defaid.

Y gobaith yw y bydd manteision y prosiect yn cynnwys:

Gwella iechyd buchod a stoc ifanc

Defnyddio llai o wrthfiotigau mewn buchesi bîff sugno

Lleihau costau a chynyddu cynhyrchiant

Datblygu systemau monitro cadarn

Gallu gwneud penderfyniadau gwell yn seiliedig ar yr uchod

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Project coordinator

  • Tony Little

    Project coordinator