The use of novel approaches for genetic improvement of berries in different environments is absent in current breeding programs - caused by the genetic complexity of these species and the complex plant-environment interaction and particular management practices.
The main objective of GoodBerry is to provide the necessary knowledge and procedures to facilitate the development of highly productive and top quality berry fruits, even under multiple suboptimal growth conditions, at competitive costs. The project is based on an integrative multi-actor approach, from cultivation techniques to molecular studies, aiming at the development and validation of a range of tools to improve competitiveness of the European berry production. The selection of the model species can be considered as strategic since strawberry is the most important berry crop in Europe and the production of raspberry and blackcurrant are increasing strongly in recent years.
see objectives in English
The project will apply the most recent technical advances in: The identification of berry germplasm exhibiting advantageous balance of production vs nutritional quality throughout the EU, the search of innovative production systems to maintain high yield in a range of European-wide environments, the development of standardized and reliable analytical tools to evaluate berry production and fruit quality.
see description above
Project details
- Main funding source
- Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
- Horizon Project Type
- Multi-actor project
- Main geographical location
- Málaga
EUR 4,868,332.50
Total budget
Total contributions including EU funding.
Project keyword
- Aquaculture
- Arable crops
- Organic farming
- Agro-ecology
- Crop rotation/crop diversification/dual-purpose or mixed cropping
- Pest/disease control in plants
- Pest/disease control in animals
- Fodder and feed
- Outdoor horticulture and woody crops (incl. viticulture, olives, fruit, ornamentals)
- Greenhouse crops
18 Practice Abstracts
In Chile, raspberry production is concentrated in central Chile (34-37° LS) and ‘Heritage’ is the most common cultivar grown, despite of low yields (8 - 10 ton/ha). Due to climate change, production is moving more south, at areas near Temuco (38° LS). However, it is necessary to test new cultivars better climate adapted. In other countries, protected production of raspberry is more common, to extend the harvest period and to avoid rot due to the early rains in autumn. In an experimental field in Chol Chol (38°36' LS 72°51' LO), six cultivars were evaluated: ‘Dolomia’, ‘Lagorai’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Santa Catalina’, ‘Santa Clara’ and ‘Santa Teresa’, under two conditions; open field and under plastic tunnel. All cultivars presented greater height in protected cultivation conditions, although this did not result in higher yield. The highest yield in both conditions was obtained for the cultivar ‘Santa Catalina’ and ‘Santa Teresa’ with 1726 and 1436 g/plant, respectively (approx. 15.8 ton/ha). In the cultivars ‘Lagorai’ and ‘Heritage’, a significantly lower fruit yield was observed. To cover the crop is a good alternative for the south area, especially for production for fresh consumption. Optimal tunnel management is necessary, adjusting the period of when to cover the crop, opening and closing the tunnel according to day-to-day weather conditions.
En Chile, la producción de frambuesa se concentra en el centro de Chile (34 a 37° LS). Heritage es la variedad más utilizada a pesar de los bajos rendimientos, cerca de 8 a 10 ton / ha. Debido al cambio climático, la zona de producción se está desplazando hacia el sur, surgiendo nuevas áreas, en las que se deben evaluar nuevos cultivares. En otros países, el cultivo protegido en frambuesa se ha utilizado ampliamente con el objetivo de extender el período de cosecha y evitar la pudrición debido al exceso de lluvias tempranas en otoño. En un campo experimental en Chol Chol (38 ° 36 'LS 72 ° 51' LO), se evaluaron seis cultivares: Dolomia, Lagorai, Heritage, Santa Catalina, Santa Clara y Santa Teresa, en dos condiciones, campo abierto y bajo túnel de plástico. Todos los cultivares presentaron mayor altura bajo cultivo protegido, aunque este mayor crecimiento vegetativo no estuvo relacionado con el rendimiento. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo en campo abierto para los cultivares de Santa Catalina y Santa Teresa con 1.726 y 1.436 g/planta, respectivamente (aproximadamente 15.8 ton / ha), aunque similar rendimiento se obtuvo bajo túnel. En los cultivares Lagorai y Heritage, se observó una producción de fruta significativamente menor en ambas condiciones. Cubrir el cultivo es una buena alternativa para el área sur, especialmente para la fruta destinada a mercado fresco. Para ello, es necesario un óptimo manejo del túnel, en el que se debe ajustar el momento en que se cubre el cultivo, así como prácticas de apertura y cierre de acuerdo con las condiciones ambientales presentes.
We studied short-day induction of the strawberry cultivar ‘Malwina’ under both phytotron and field conditions. Flowering was assessed by crown dissection of treated plants and subsequent flowering performance. Serial dissections revealed no visible changes in crown apices during the first 4 weeks of short day (SD) at 18℃ in the phytotron, while after 6 weeks, all plants had formed rudimentary flower primordia with visible sepals. At 9℃, the same stages were reached after 8 and 10 weeks of SD, respectively. When subsequently forced in long day (LD) at 20℃, no substantial flowering took place after less than 6 weeks SD treatment at 18℃, while full flowering required 10 weeks of SD induction. At 9℃, full flowering was not obtained even after 10 weeks of SD treatment. Under field conditions, the ‘Malwina’ plants did not reach floral development stage 2 before 22 October, approximately a month after ‘Frida’ and ‘Sonata’ which reached this stage on 21 September, and three weeks after ‘Florence’. SD exposure resulted in repeated crown branching in ‘Malwina’ and we suggest that early spontaneous abortion of the emerging floral primordium takes place under unsaturated SD induction conditions, thus causing crown branching and hence, delayed floral initiation and development.
’Malwina’ er kjent for sin seine blomstring og modning. For å undersøke de fysiologiske årsakene til dette, har vi utført blomstringsforsøk både i kontrollert klima og i felt. Resultata viser at ‘Malwina’ trenger uvanlig lang tid i kort dag (KD) for å danne blomsteranlegg. Mens de fleste andre KD-sorter danner blomsteranlegg etter 3-4 uker i KD ved optimal temperatur (18℃), trenger ‘Malwina’ minst 6 uker under samme forhold. Under naturlige forhold på friland var blomsterdanningen forsinka med omlag en måned i forhold til andre KD-sorter.
Climate change is bringing an average increase of global temperature, more variable weather and varying precipitation patterns. It is therefore essential to investigate and identify the strawberry cultivars that can give satisfactory vegetative and productive performance, even in different climatic conditions. In this study we have investigated the effects of 0, 400, 700 and 1200 chilling hours (4°C).
The negative effects caused by no chilling application have been manifested by plants through the reduction of the development. It was interesting to note that the optimum chilling hours amount changes according to the genotype. “Romina” and “Sibilla” have the maximum plant/petiole height after 1200 cold hours. While “Cristina” and Day-Neutral cultivars need only 700 chilling hours. The opposite situation emerges for N° floral axes, where decreasing chilling hours gave a greater production. Results also underlined a remarkable influence of chilling hours on the start of ripening. “Romina” and “Cristina” in the test with 0 chilling hours, strongly delayes and anticipates the production, respectively, in respect to 1200 chilling hours trial. The same harvest period among “Albion”, “S. Andreas” and “Monterey” was kept for both 0 and 1200 cold hours.
Finally, results suggest that June-bearing total production is constant and higher even with the application of 0 (“Sibilla” and “Romina”) while for “Cristina” are needed at least 400 chilling hours. The yield is reduced of about 19 % in the 700 and 1200 chilling hours trials. The same trend was registered for Day-neutral varieties, with a greater production lost (-30%) in 1200 chilling hours trial in respect to 0 chilling hours trial.
Il cambiamento climatico sta portando un aumento medio della temperatura globale, condizioni meteorologiche e precipitazioni più variabili. È quindi essenziale studiare e identificare le cultivar di fragola che possono dare buoni risultati vegetativi e produttivi, anche in diverse condizioni climatiche. In questo studio si sono valutati gli effetti di 0, 400, 700 e 1200 ore in freddo (4 °C).
Gli effetti negativi causati dalla mancata applicazione di freddo sono stati manifestati dalle piante attraverso la riduzione dello sviluppo. È interessante come la quantità ottimale di ore in freddo vari in base al genotipo. "Romina" e "Sibilla" hanno l'altezza massima della pianta/picciolo dopo 1200 ore in freddo. Mentre le cultivar "Cristina" e le rifiorenti richiedono solo 700 ore in freddo. Per il numero di assi fiorali il trend è opposto: minori ore in freddo hanno dato una maggiore produzione. I risultati hanno anche sottolineato una notevole influenza delle ore in freddo sull'inizio della maturazione. "Romina" e "Cristina", nel test con 0 ore in freddo, rispettivamente ritardano e anticipano la produzione, rispetto alla prova di 1200 ore in freddo. “Albion”, “S. Andreas "e" Monterey " non hanno variato il periodo di maturazione tra 0 e 1200 ore in freddo.
Infine, i risultati suggeriscono che la produzione totale delle unifere è costante o anche superiore l'applicazione di 0 ore in freddo ("Sibilla" e "Romina"), mentre per "Cristina" sono necessarie almeno 400 ore in freddo. La resa è ridotta di circa il 19% nelle prove di 700 e 1200 ore in freddo. La stessa tendenza è stata registrata per le varietà rifiorenti, con una maggiore perdita di produzione (-30%) in 1200 ore in freddo rispetto a 0 ore.
The aim of this study was to verify any changes in vegetative, productive and qualitative responses at different nitrogen restitutions, to verify if a lower mineral fertilization led to negative effects on the plants, but allowing an economic saving to the farmer. Analyzing the results, it seems that a nutritional intake decrement, from about 100 Units/ha (N100) to about 70 Units/ha (N60) of nitrogen, does not negatively affect the plant development in both June-bearing (“Cristina”, “Romina” and “Sibilla”) and Day-neutral varieties (“Albion”, “Monterey” and “S. Andreas”).
It is interesting to notice that the medium nitrogen input (N80) has a delaying effect on Precocity Index in all Day-Neutral varieties. On the other hand, “Cristina” in lower nitrogen restitution (N60) slightly anticipates its production. The total production is one of the mainly productive parameters. It has not been noticed any significant difference for this parameter among both June-bearing and Day-neutral plants when the nitrogen decreases. Only “Monterey” increased its production at N60. In general, for both June-bearing and Day-neutral cultivars, the average fruit weight is not affected by nitrogen reduction.
Regarding the qualitative parameters, the sugar content value remains stable in fruits from the June-bearing cultivars for all nitrogen supplies. Differently, in Day-neutral varieties, there is a reduction in the fruit sugar content with a lower nitrogen fertilization. “Cristina”, “Romina” and “Sibilla” keep a medium fruit firmness at the 60% nitrogen restitution (N60); while, for the Day-neutral cultivars, firmness of “Monterey” fruits is negatively affected by the reduction of nitrogen intake.
Lo scopo di questo studio è di verificare eventuali cambiamenti nelle risposte vegetative, produttive e qualitative alle diverse restituzioni di azoto, per verificare se una fertilizzazione minerale inferiore causasse effetti negativi sulle piante, ma consentendo un risparmio economico per l'agricoltore. Analizzando i risultati, sembra che un decremento dell'apporto nutrizionale, da circa 100 Unità / ha (N100) a circa 70 Unità / ha (N60) di azoto, non influisca negativamente sullo sviluppo della pianta nè nelle varietà unifere ("Cristina", “Romina” e “Sibilla”) nè nelle rifiorenti (“Albion”, “Monterey” e “S. Andreas”).È interessante notare che l'apporto medio di azoto (N80) ha un effetto ritardante sull'indice di Precocità in tutte le varietà rifiorenti. Al contrario, "Cristina" anticipa leggermente la produzione con il minor apporto di azoto (N60). La produzione totale è uno dei parametri produttivi più importanti. Non è stata notata alcuna differenza significativa per questo parametro nè nelle varietà unifere nè nelle riorenti quando l'azoto diminuisce. Solo "Monterey" ha aumentato la sua produzione in N60. In generale, sia per le cultivar unifere che rifiorenti, il peso medio dei frutti non è influenzato dalla riduzione dell'azoto. Per quanto riguarda i parametri qualitativi, il contenuto zuccherino rimane stabile nei frutti delle cultivar unifere a tutte le quantità di azoto fornite. Diversamente, nelle varietà rifiorenti, c'è una riduzione del contenuto zuccherino dei frutti quando la concimazione azotata diminuisce. “Cristina”, “Romina” e “Sibilla” mantengono una media consistenza del frutto in N60; per le cultivar rifiorenti, la durezza dei frutti di "Monterey" è influenzata negativamente dalla riduzione di azoto.
White strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis f. chiloensis) production decrease every year due to low yield. The optimal environmental conditions for flowering are not yet determined. To characterize the floral induction, as well as determine the chilling requirements for bud break, we used plants of the ‘Contulmo’ ecotype. F. x ananassa cv. ‘Camarosa’ was used as a reference. The white strawberry presented a low and continuous vegetative growth in natural as well as in controlled conditions (9°C and 8 h photoperiod). Floral differentiation only occurred in 30% of the plants in field (Santo Domingo, 33°38´ LS and Temuco, 38°45´ LS), at the end of June. Same proportion flourished in Temuco, but only 16% in Santo Domingo, all plants with one inflorescence/plant. In ‘Camarosa’, growth arrest and floral differentiation occurred rapidly (<4 weeks in chamber or in early fall) in all plants, with more than four inflorescences/plant. The white strawberry requires 900-1000 chilling units (CU) for dormancy release, while ‘Camarosa’ requires <700 CU. Floral induction in white strawberry is favoured by low temperatures (<9°C), more extreme requirements than in short day genotypes of F. x ananassa. To improve fruit yield, a plant production that ensure a complete floral induction is necessary. Also, use of artificial cold storage can for fill the chilling requirements, which are not being covered in the fields of central Chile.
La producción de frutilla blanca (Fragaria chiloensis f. chiloensis) disminuye cada año debido a su bajo rendimiento. A la fecha, aún no se determinan los factores ambientales que favorecen la floración. Para caracterizar la inducción floral, así como determinar los requerimientos de frío que permiten romper la latencia, utilizamos plantas del ecotipo "Contulmo". Plantas del cv. “Camarosa” de F. x ananassa se usaron como referencia. La frutilla blanca presentó un crecimiento vegetativo siempre bajo y continuo, tanto en condiciones naturales como controladas (9 ° C y fotoperíodo de 8 horas). La diferenciación floral solo ocurrió en el estudio de campo (Santo Domingo, 33 ° 38´ LS y Temuco, 38 ° 45´ LS), a fines de junio y en el 30% de las plantas en ambos casos. La misma proporción floreció en Temuco, pero solo el 16% en Santo Domingo, todas con solo una inflorescencia/planta. En Camarosa, la detención del crecimiento y la diferenciación floral ocurrieron rápidamente (<4 semanas en cámara o a comienzos de otoño), en todas las plantas, la que produjeron más de cuatro inflorescencias/planta. La frutilla blanca requiere 900-1.000 unidades de frío (UF) para la salida de dormancia, requisito mayor que Camarosa (<700 UF). La inducción floral en la frutilla blanca se ve favorecida con temperaturas muy bajas (< 9°C), requisitos más extremos que genotipos de día corto de F. x ananassa. Para mejorar el rendimiento de fruta, es necesario que la producción de plantas se realice bajo condiciones ambientales que garanticen una inducción floral completa. Además, un período de almacenamiento en frío puede cubrir los requisitos determinados, los que no se están cumpliendo en gran parte de los campos del centro de Chile.
Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is cultivated in a wide range of environments due to a large number of available varieties. These have a different response to each environment because the temperature and photoperiod conditions determine key physiological processes such as growth, flowering and dormancy. The GoodBerry project is characterizing several genotypes in different environmental conditions to test their adaptability, in a climate change context. In Chile, two short day varieties (Camarosa and Sabrina) and two day neutral varieties (Albión and Monterrey), were evaluated during 2017 season in two locations, Santo Domingo (33° S) and Temuco (38° S). Growth parameters, flowering and fruit production were evaluated. The results indicated that for higher latitudes (southern production), the best productive alternatives are short day varieties. In this area, the beginning of autumn and spring has cold temperatures, damaging flowers and fruits of day neutral varieties. Short day varieties have a fruit production with higher volumes concentrated in spring. On the other hand, in areas of lower latitudes and with cost influence (central production), it is possible to use both cultivar types. The short day cultivars offer an abundant fruit production of a longer period during spring and summer, while the day neutral varieties can produce fruit out of season in autumn and early spring, even in winter if the farmers have a tunnel system with plastic cover. Under these conditions, the advantage of a floral differentiation independent of photoperiod, as for day neutral varieties, is preferred and recommended.
La frutilla (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) se cultiva en una gran diversidad de climas debido a la existencia de gran número de cultivares. Estos responden en forma específica a cada ambiente, principalmente en respuesta a condiciones de temperatura y fotoperiodo, determinando procesos fisiológicos claves como crecimiento, floración y dormancia. El proyecto Goodberry busca caracterizar genotipos en condiciones ambientales diferentes, en un contexto de cambio climático. Dos genotipos de día corto (Camarosa y Sabrina) y 2 de día neutro (Albión y Monterrey), fueron evaluados el 2017 en 2 localidades en Chile, Santo Domingo (33°S) y Temuco (38°S). Se evaluaron diferentes parámetros de crecimiento, floración y produccón de fruta. El estudio indicó que para zonas de producción de mayores latitudes, las mejores alternativas productivas son cultivares de día corto, los que concentran su producción de fruta en primavera. En estas zonas, el inicio de otoño y de primaveras presentan temperaturas frías, lo que daña las flores y frutos en un cultivar de día neutro, por lo que la ventaja de una diferenciación floral constante en estos genotipos no se aprovecha. Por otro lado, en zonas de menores latitudes y con influencia marina, es posible el uso de ambos tipos de cultivares. Los de día corto ofrecen una precoz y abundante producción de primavera-verano, mientras que las de día neutro pueden cubrir periodos de otoño, primavera e incluso invierno si la producción se acompaña con el uso de cubiertas plásticas.
In Chile, raspberry is grown mainly between latitude 34°50' and 37°28' S. The central coastal zone of Chile, which has a temperate climate with maritime influence, is an alternative for fresh fruit production. Pimocane (autumn-fruiting) flowering cultivars can produce well in this type of climate. Six primocane cultivars were evaluated in the locality of Santo Domingo (33°38' S) under two growing conditions: in open field and in plastic tunnels. In the cultivars Heritage and Lagorai, flower production were delayed compared to others cultivars. The late flower differentiation was reflected in a low fruit production for both cultivars. On the other hand, cultivars classified as highly primocane, i.e. Santa Teresa, Santa Catalina, Santa Clara and Dolomia, are well adapted to the temperate zone in Santo Domingo, and reached yields greater than 1000 g/plant. Of these, ‘Santa Catalina’ and ‘Santa Teresa’ were the cultivars with the highest yields (1408 and 1420 g/plant in average, respectively), while ‘Santa Teresa’ and ‘Dolomia’ had the largest fruit size (6.0 and 5.9 g per fruit in average, respectively). There were no significant differences in yield between plants grown under protected and open field conditions, so the farmers can obtain optimal results with low investment. Results allow us to conclude that ‘Dolomia’, ‘Santa Catalina’, ‘Santa Clara’ and ‘Santa Teresa’ can be grown in Santo Domingo under open field conditions, obtaining good yields and high quality fruit, which directly favours farmers in this climate zone in economic terms, either through a lower investment, or by becoming a good alternative for supplying the fresh raspberry market.
Assimilation lights in glasshouses create the possibility for growers to produce fresh strawberries in substrate in the winter months. By choosing everbearing cultivars, the growers can obtain suited fresh plant material at a chosen time in the summer or the autumn. Light intensities of at least 140 µmol/m² s is needed to avoid dormancy effects and to realize photosynthesis and plant growth in the winter months. Trials with the everbearing cultivar Murano, show very nice production rates in a Belgian winter. Fridge A+ plants or mini-trays should be planted in the mid of August at a density of 6 plants per running meter. At the beginning of October the plants will produce the first harvest peak. The larger, second peak will start to deliver fresh strawberries at the end of December. Decent picking rates can be expected until the beginning of March. Assimilation lighting with HPS or LED is applied from the beginning of October between 4.00 am and 8.00 pm to generate long days. A cultivation in the winter of 2017-2018 was executed at Research Centre Hoogstraten with the everbearer cv. Murano. In the winter months, a yield of 7 kg/m² was realized, 4.5 kg/m² was classified as large, high quality fruit. If outbreaks of pests like thrips can be avoided, similar yields to the more common winter cultivations with short day cultivars can be achieved.
Assimilatiebelichting onder glas maakt het mogelijk voor telers om in de winter aardbeien te produceren. Door te kiezen voor doordragers kunnen eender wanneer in de zomer of najaar geschikte planttypes verkregen worden om op te planten. Met lichtintensiteiten vanaf 140 µmol/m².s kunnen we voldoende licht toedienen om dormantie effecten te vermijden en om de fotosynthese en plantgroei in de donkere wintermaanden te verwezenlijken. Proeven met de doordrager Murano geven aan dat een mooie productie in de wintermaanden te realiseren is. Frigo A+ planten of minitrays worden opgeplant midden augustus aan 6 planten per lopende meter en zullen begin oktober de eerste oogstpiek geven. De grote tweede oogstpiek vangt aan eind december en geeft degelijke oogstprestaties tot begin maart. Assimilatiebelichting met SON-T of LED wordt uitgevoerd vanaf begin oktober met belichting van 4u00 tot 20u00 om lange dagen te kunnen blijven geven aan de doordragers. In een teelt op Proefcentrum Hoogstraten werd een winterproductie met Murano verkregen van 7 kg/m² met 4,5kg/m² grote vruchten. Mits het uitblijven van plaaguitbraken als trips kunnen met doordragers dus gelijkaardige teeltprestaties geleverd worden als met zwaar opgekweekte junidragers.
Strawberry cultivars with a high chilling requirement need extra lighting in winter and spring cultivation to break the dormant state of the plants. In the past, growers used 100 or 150 W incandescent bulbs at a density of 10 W/m². In greenhouses the lamps were lit for 15 or 30 minutes per hour from sunset to sunrise in a cyclic lighting program. This night light interruption was applied until a crop stretching of about 20 cm. The incandescent light bulb is no longer allowed for use in horticulture. LED solutions were found in research trials using the short day cultivar Elsanta. In a second cultivation, dormancy is successfully broken with the GreenPower LED flowering lamp (11 W) from Philips, the Civilight Horticulture (15 W) from Vezalux, and the strawberry lamp (12 W) from Focusled. At the Research Centre Hoogstraten, these three lamps with an E27 fitting, proved to be a good alternative for the incandescent bulb at a density of 1 lamp at 10 m². The spectra contain a large peak in the far-red region, which causes the plants to stretch. The LED solution can stimulate crops with a low chilling amount to stretch and thus grow sufficiently long flower trusses to produce optimal yields with high quality fruits.
Aardbeienvariëteiten met een hoge koudebehoefte hebben in winter- en voorjaarsteelten nood aan extra nachtbelichting om de dormantie te doorbreken. In het verleden gebruikten telers gloeilampen van 100 of 150W aan een dichtheid van 10 W/m². In serres brandden de lampen van zonsonder tot zonsop gedurende een kwartier of een half uur van elk uur als cyclische belichting. Deze nachtonderbrekende belichting werd aangehouden tot een voldoende gewasstrekking van meestal ongeveer 20 cm. De gloeilamp is ondertussen niet meer toegelaten voor gebruik in de tuinbouw. LED oplossingen werden gezocht en gevonden in proeven op de junidrager Elsanta. In doorteelten werd een succesvol doorbreken van dormantie behaald met de GreenPower LED flowering lamp (11W) van Philips, de Civilight Horticulture (15 W) van Vezalux en de aardbeienlamp (12 W) van Focusled. Op Proefcentrum Hoogstraten toonden deze drie lampen met E27 fitting zich als een volwaardig alternatief voor de gloeilamp aan een dichtheid van 1 lamp per 10 m². Het spectrum vertoont een duidelijke piek in het verrood, waardoor de gewasstrekking in voldoende mate gestimuleerd wordt. De planten kunnen dankzij het stuurlicht bij koudetekorten een gewas ontwikkelen met voldoende lange bloemtakken om kwaliteitsvol fruit en optimale productie te leveren.
We have shown that several physical means are good alternatives to fungicides to control powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) in strawberry: night time UV treatments, overhead sprinkling with water and steam treatments. Powdery mildew fungi have light receptors and a photoregulatory system that sense, interpret and react to diverse wavelengths of visible and ultraviolet (UV) light. Red light will reduce, and far-red light increase formation of spores (conidia). UV below 300 nanometer (nm) wavelength damage the DNA of the pathogen and strongly inhibit spore germination and growth of the fungus. Contrary to this UV above 350 nm and blue light (400 - 500 nm) will repair damage to DNA caused by shortwave UV. Treatments with UV during night therefore circumvent this repair and allow the use of low UV doses that do not damage the plant. Mobile robotic and tractor-drawn units with UV lamp arrays have suppressed strawberry powdery mildew in high tunnel and field trials by more than 90%, a level of efficacy comparable to the best available fungicides. In other work, we have found that brief periods of overhead sprinkling with water suppress powdery mildew of strawberry nearly as efficiently as the best fungicide treatments. Furthermore, precisely metered steam may be used to eliminate several fungal diseases from strawberry transplants, including strawberry powdery mildew. Such steam treatments thereby delay disease epidemics and disrupt distribution of pathogens, particularly fungicide resistant phenotypes, between nurseries and fruit production fields.
Strawberry powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) may be a devastating disease, especially in plastic tunnel and glasshouse production. Ultraviolet light (UV) at wavelengths below 300 nanometer (nm) may strongly suppress powdery mildew. Currently, tractor-drawn and robotic units equipped with UV lamps are being introduced as alternatives to chemical control of the disease. Night time treatments (starting 1 hr after sunset) with UV are much more efficient in controlling powdery mildew compared to day time treatments. UV below 300 nm damage the DNA of the fungus, while higher wavelengths of UV (350-400 nm) and blue light (400-500 nm) present in sunlight repair much of the damage by producing a DNA-repairing enzyme. Night time treatments with UV may be 5 to 15 times as effective as day time treatments. To achieve the best effect, night time UV treatments should preferably end four hours before sunrise. The daily light level may also affect the efficacy of UV, meaning that the more light the fungus receives during day time, the more resistant it is during night time to UV treatments. In practice that means the UV levels used during night time may be somewhat higher in summer than in spring and autumn. The UV level may be regulated either with the distance between the lamps and the plants or with the speed of the UV carrying unit.
The charcoal rot of strawberry caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is an emerging disease causing important losses to this crop in the main productive regions. This disease is difficult to manage, and a desirable alternative is the use of resistant cultivars, but little is known about how cultivars react to the pathogen under water stress conditions. The objective of this work was to study the effect of water stress on the physiology of four strawberry cultivars in the early stages of the infection, and the relationship between water stress and cultivar susceptibility. For this, healthy and inoculated plants of ‘Monterey’, ‘Albion’ ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Sabrina’ were maintained under two irrigation conditions: not irrigated (7 days) and full irrigated. After the drought stress period, the plants were maintained with a normal irrigation regime for 5 weeks. We evaluated hydric, physiologic and diseases parameters. In 'Sabrina' and 'Albion', the effect of drought was greater in infected plants, while in 'Camarosa' it was only affected by the irrigation treatment, 'Monterey' maintained a stable hydric status, independent of the treatment. The severity of the disease increased in non-irrigated plants, with 'Sabrina' being the most affected. These results show that the infection by M. phaseolina increases the negative effects of water restriction in certain cultivars, as well as increasing the severity of the disease in strawberry plants in the evaluated genotypes. In conclusion, in a restricted water condition there is a greater predisposition of the disease according to cultivar, a situation that may begin to be habitual with climate change. Under these conditions, less affected cultivars can be a good productive option.
Drought is one of the main abiotic agents influencing the yield and fruit quality of strawberry. Due to climate change, it is recently becoming more widespread, frequent and prolonged, leading to an increased demand of water resources. In the dry Italian climate, it is therefore necessary to improve the fertigation techniques to respond to the reduced water and nutritional resources. An experimental trial has therefore been realized to identify and select the most adaptable strawberry cultivars, in terms of production and fruit quality, under reduced hydric and nutritional restitution conditions. The trial explored the genotype-environment interaction in the Italian mid-Adriatic environment (Val D’Aso) and the mechanisms of adaptation of the three cultivars ‘Cristina’, ‘Romina’ and ‘Sibilla’ to the limiting environmental conditions. The study was conducted in two years, with three different irrigation conditions (100%, 80%, 60% of hydric restitution) and three different doses of nitrogen restitution (100%, 80%, 60%) from restart of growth to fruit ripening. Vegetative, productive, and qualitative parameters were analysed. The results confirm the importance of genotype robustness to reduced water use in strawberry cultivation systems. ‘Cristina’ and ‘Romina’ are able to maintain regular plant development, yield and fruit quality at 80% of water restitution. At further reduction (60%), reduced yield and increased fruit quality were observed. Regarding reduced nitrogen application, ‘Romina’ and ‘Sibilla’ seem not to be influenced by a lower amount of nitrogen regarding vegetative growth and yield. For ‘Cristina’, yield was negatively affected at 60% of nitrogen restitution, but it still reached the best fruit quality.
La siccità, che è diventata più diffusa, frequente e prolungata a causa dei cambiamenti climatici e della forte pressione della domanda, è uno dei principali agenti abiotici che influenzano la resa e la qualità della fragola. In tutti gli ambienti Italiani, quindi, è necessario affinare e migliorare le tecniche di fertirrigazione, a tale scopo si è realizzata una prova sperimentale ad identificare e selezionare le varietà a più elevata adattabilità sia per produzione che qualità. L’attività di ricerca è rivolta a studiare l’interazione, genotipo e ambiente del medio Adriatico (Val d’Aso) e i meccanismi di adattamento di ciascuna delle tre cultivar Cristina, Romina e Sibilla. La prova ha previsto uno studio biennale in tre diverse condizioni di irrigazione (100%, 80%, 60% di restituzione idrica) e tre diverse dosi di restituzione azotata (100%, 80%, 60%) dalla ripresa vegetativa fino alla maturazione del frutto. I parametri analizzati sono stati vegetativi, produttivi, e qualitativi. I risultati confermano l’importanza della rusticità del genotipo per l’adattamento della pianta di fragola al sistema di coltivazione. Cristina e Romina sono in grado di mantenere uno sviluppo regolare, una buona resa della pianta e qualità del frutto all’80% della restituzione di acqua. Una ulteriore riduzione (60%) causa una riduzione delle rese, che corrisponde ad un aumento della qualità del frutto. Per quanto riguarda la riduzione della concimazione azotata, Romina sembra non essere influenzata dalla riduzione di restituzione per i parametri vegetativi, così come per la resa della pianta, insieme a Sibilla. Cristina è stata negativamente influenzata dalla diminuzione di restituzione azotata al 60%, ma ha dimostrato la qualità migliore del frutto.
The strawberry cultivars Malling Centenary and Sonsation are gaining interest in North West Europe. The fruit quality and fruit size are the main characteristics that are convincing growers to cultivate these cultivars. In spring cultivations, growers need to take into account the chilling requirement of theses cultivars, to profit from the full potential of the plants. Research was performed to determine the chilling requirement of both cultivars. Plants were grown indoor in autumn at a minimum temperature of 8°C, to avoid collection of any cold hours (hours with a temperature lower than 7°C). After different periods of cold storage, four objects were obtained with different amounts of cold hours. After planting, crop stretching and yield amount were registered to find the minimal amount of chilling required for each cultivar to realize the full production potential. Both 'Malling Centenary' and 'Sonsation' have a high chilling requirement. Starting from 1600 cold hours, we recorded a swift stretching of the crop and a full realization of yield potential of the plants. For both cultivars we recommend a minimum cold storage of 6 weeks. After planting any remaining effects of dormancy can be annihilated using cyclic lighting.
De aardbeirassen Malling Centenary en Sonsation genieten een stijgende interesse in Noord West Europa. De vruchtkwaliteit en de vruchtmaat zijn de grootste troeven die de telers overtuigen om de rassen te telen op de bedrijven. Bij voorjaarsteelten is het belangrijk voor de teler om rekening te houden met de koudebehoefte van de rassen om de optimale prestatie van de teelt te kunnen behalen. Beide rassen werden in onderzoek opgenomen om deze behoefte te achterhalen. Planten werden opgekweekt in serres bij minimaal 8°C om geen koude-uren te vangen. Na verschillende duurtijden van frigobewaring werden partijen per ras verkregen met een verschillende koudehoeveelheid. Na opplanten wordt de gewasstrekking en productie opgevolgd om te leren welke koudehoeveelheid nodig is om een kwaliteitsvolle teelt uit te kunnen voeren met de twee rassen. Zowel Malling Centenary als Sonsation hebben een grote koudebehoefte. Pas vanaf 1600 koude-uren geven de planten een voldoende vlotte strekking in de voorjaarsteelten en kunnen we rekenen op het volledige productiepotentieel van de planten. Voor beide rassen wordt na afharding in de opkweek een minimale frigobewaring van 6 weken aangeraden. Na opplanten kunnen de resterende dormantie effecten teniet gedaan worden met behulp van stuurlicht.
Environmental regulation of shoot growth and flower formation of biennial-fruiting red raspberry have been studied in several studies, under controlled environment conditions and in field. Most cultivars grow continously and remain vegetative at 21°C in both short day (SD) and long day (LD) conditions, while at 15°C they cease growing and initiate floral primordia in photoperiods < 15 h. At 9–10°C on the other hand, they cease growing and initiate flowers in both SD and LD. Growth cessation and initiation of floral primordia takes place simultaneously, and are thus jointly controlled by the interaction of photoperiod and temperature. However, extended SD exposure under high radiation conditions also resulted in floral initiation in ‘Glen Ample’ at 18°C. Although less studied under natural field conditions, growth cessation and floral initiation takes place simultaneously also in the field, and the timing of the process under naturally decreasing daylength and temperature conditions in autumn, indicate control by the same photoperiod and temperature interactions as demonstrated under controlled environment. A summary of several experiments, both in field and in controlled nvironment (phytothron), suggests physiological traits of 'Glen Ample' raspberry making it very well adapted to the Scandinavian climate: 1) The cultivar shows early growth cessation and flower induction in autumn. 2) It has the fastest flower differentiation in autumn. 3) ‘Glen Ample’ is one of few cvs. that also have marginal flower development at 18°C. These traits ensure early and good flower induction in a range of climate conditions. Early growth cessation also contributes to better hardening, and good winter survival in a Nordic climate.
En oppsummering av flere forsøk, over mange år, viser at ‘Glen Ample’ er spesielt godt tilpassa våre nordiske klimaforhold. Sorten er av de tidligste til å avslutte veksten og danne blomsterknopper om høsten, og har den raskeste utviklingen av blomsteranlegga etter at prosessen er kommet i gang. Videre er sorten en av få som har marginal blomsterdanning også ved 18°C. Alt dette er egenskaper som sikrer tidlig og god blomsterdanning selv under varierende vær- og klimaforhold. Tidlig vekstavslutning bidrar trolig også til sortens gode vinterherdighet i vårt klima. Bortsett fra noen interessante særegenheter hos enkelte sorter, som f. eks. hos ’Tulameen’, og hos ‘Ninni’, er det forbausende små forskjeller mellom sortenes klimareaksjoner. Det virker heller ikke å være noen klar breddegradsgradient i sortenes klimakrav i forhold til deres geografiske opprinnelse. I et frilandsforsøk på Ås, der gjennomsnittstemperaturen lå rundt 15 °C til slutten av september, inntrådte ikke vekststans og blomsterdanning før siste uke i august da daglengda hadde avtatt til om lag 15 timer. Dette samsvarer godt med result fra 15 °C i fytotron, der disse prosessene inntraff omtrent samtidig. Dette demonstrerer hvor presist bringebærplanta kan styre tidspunktet for vekststans og blomsterinduksjon gjennom registrering av de årstidsmessige endringene i temperatur og daglengde.
Effects of annual versus biennial cropping with varying shoot densities on plant structure, berry yield and quality have been studied in ‘Glen Ample’ raspberry over a period of four seasons (two cropping years). In the vegetative phase, primocane height and internode length were larger in the annual than in the biennial cropping system. These parameters as well as Botrytis infestation increased with increasing shoot density. In both cropping years, berry yields per unit area were about 20% higher in the biennial cropping system, whereas yields per shoot were not significantly different in the two systems. In both cropping systems, yields per shoot strongly declined with increasing shoot density, while yields per metre row increased slightly. Regardless of cropping system, yields per metre row did not increase with increasing shoot density beyond eight shoots per metre. The concentrations of dry matter, soluble solids, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid as well as the intensity of juice colour all declined with increasing shoot density. We conclude that under controlled shoot density conditions, there is little scope for biennial yield increases that fully compensates for the lost crops every second year. However, the system greatly facilitates berry harvest and eases plant disease pressure.
Et fireårig forsøk med sammenlikning av tradisjonell dyrking og annahvert års bæring (AÅB) i bringebær, i kombinasjon med ulik skuddtetthet, er gjennomført. Resultata viser at når skuddtettheten reguleres innafor det aktuelle område, blir avlingsøkningen med AÅB betydelig mindre enn rapportert i tidligere forsøk uten regulert tetthet. I slike forsøk utført i Skottland, ble det registrert opp til 100% økning i avlingen med AÅB, mens økningen bare var på 20% i vårt forsøk. Det virker derfor ikke realistisk å regne med full avlings-kompensasjon (min. 50 %) for den tapte avlinga annahvert år med AÅB-metoden når skuddtettheten reguleres på vanlig anbefalt måte. Derimot ble betydningen av riktig skuddtetthet for avling og kvalitet tydelig demonstrert i forsøket. Mens avlingen per skudd avtok sterkt med økende skuddtetthet, var det en relativt beskjeden økning på ca. 10% i avlingen per meter rad. Med AÅB-metoden økte likevel ikke avlingen ved økende tetthet ut over 10 skudd per meter. Derimot var det en klar nedgang i innholdet av tørrstoff, sukker, syre og C-vitamin i bæra ved økende skuddtetthet, samtidig som angrep av gråskimmel på bær og skudd økte. Det ble ikke funnet forskjell i modningstid med de to dyrkingsmetodene, men derimot tidligere modning ved liten skuddtetthet i begge system. Vår konklusjon blir derfor at det ikke er realistisk å forvente full kompensasjon for tapte avlinger annahvert år ved bruk av AÅB-metoden. Derimot kan metoden by på andre fordeler, som redusert sjukdomspress, enklere plantevern og en rasjonalisering av høstingen. Videre virker det ikke hensiktsmessig med mer enn ca. 8 skudd per meter rad verken for tradisjonell dyrking eller med AÅB-metoden ved dyrking av bringebær i tunnel med vanlig radavstand på 2 meter.
The most common production practice in Norway is to plant in spring and use the first year to establish plants with yield potential for a full crop in the second year. However, it is possible to produce a decent crop in the year after planting, even with autumn planting of advanced planting material. Longer growing seasons and milder autumns in the wake of global warming have contributed to make this an interesting alternative. An important question is, however, what pre-planting treatments would be required to make this a commercially viable practice. In order to answer some of these questions, we exposed freshly rooted plants of six traditional and recent strawberry cultivars ('Saga', 'Sonata', 'Florence', 'Nobel', 'Rumba', 'Malwina') to varying temperature and day length conditions for 4 weeks in August–September and assessed their immediate flowering performance as well as their flowering and yield in the next season after autumn planting. In total, the results show a multitude of responses of the studied cultivars to temperature and day length conditions during raising of the plants. Due to their ability to undergo and summarize fractional inductions, even a few weeks of artificial short day (SD) exposure in late summer can greatly advance and enhance the flower initiation under subsequent natural SD conditions. Temperature conditions during such brief SD exposures markedly affected and modified growth and flowering responses. The results show that, with proper plant-raising management, an acceptable first-year crop can be obtained after autumn planting even in a cool Nordic environment.
To forsøk ble utført i kontrollert klima og i felt med jordbærsortene ‘Saga’, ‘Sonata’, ‘Florence’, ‘Nobel’, ‘Malwina’ og ‘Rumba’. Resultata viser betydelige forskjeller i sortenes miljøkrav for danning av blomsteranlegg. ‘Malwina’ danna bare blomster hos én plante ved 15°C i KD når induksjonsperioden var 4 uker. Sorten synes å trenge lang tid for å initiere blomsteranlegg, og dette bidrar til sortens seine utvikling og modning. Forsøket bekrefter at 9°C er under optimum for blomstringsinduksjon hos ‘Florence’. Sorten har derfor vist seg dårlig egnet i høgereliggende områder og i Nord-Norge. Det samme gjelder for sortene ‘Sonata’ og ‘Rumba’. Derimot viser de nye norske sortene ‘Saga’ og ‘Nobel’ seg å ha brei temperaturtilpasning med god blomsterdanning over hele temperaturskalaen. Ellers viser resultata at sortene ‘Saga’, ‘Sonata’, ‘Florence’ og ‘Rumba’ i realiteten er obligate KD-sorter som bare danner blomster i KD. Et interessant resultat er ellers at den nye norske sorten ‘Nobel’ praktisk talt er dagnøytral ved de fleste temperaturer. Sjøl om blomstringen var noe forsinket, danna over halvparten av plantene blomster også i LD ved 15 og 21°C sjøl ved så kort induksjonsperiode som 4 uker. Forsøka har gitt ny informasjon om blomstringsreaksjonene hos noen aktuelle nye norske og utenlandske jordbærsorter. De norske sortene ‘Saga’ og ‘Nobel’ har vist brei temperaturtilpasning for blomsterdanning i KD, og ‘Nobel’ har dessuten vist seg tilnærmet dagnøytral. ‘Malwina’ er av interesse som en ekstra sein sort for forlenget sesong. Sorten har spesielle krav for å indusere blomstring, idet den er treg og trenger lang induksjonsperiode. Dette synes å være en av årsakene til sortens seine modning og kan bli en utfordring i enkelte områder.
Field fertilization experiments in black currants have given inconsistent results. Therefore, we used controlled nutrient feeding of single-stemmed pot plants and fertilized by controlled trickle fertigation during both the period of flower formation in autumn and during berry development to study fertilization effects. Continuation of nutrient supply until mid September, or a one-week pulse of generous supply in early September delayed growth cessation and floral initiation, and increased total flowering and berry yield in the following season. Such autumn fertilization did not adversely affect plant winter survival and growth vigor in the spring. Berry yield and fruit size also increased with increasing nutrient supply during fruit development in cultivars ‘Ben Tron’ and ‘Narve Viking’, while they were unaffected in ‘Hedda’ and decreased with increasing supply in the high-arctic ‘Imandra’. However, berry dry matter and the concentration of soluble solids decreased with increasing nutrient supply in all cultivars. We conclude that the present experimental system has clear advantages over traditional, long-term field experiments. We further conclude that black currants should preferentially be fertilized in early autumn, immediately after berry harvest, as this will enhance flower formation and subsequent berry yield. So, fertilization during fruit development increased yield but reduced fruit quality, and fertilization immediately after berry harvest is therefore recommended.
Både feltforsøk og forsøk under kontrollerte forhold har vist at høstgjødsling av solbær kan være fordelaktig for både avling og bærkvalitet. Forsøk i kontrollert klima har gitt økte avlinger ved gjødsling under blomsterdanningen i kort dag. Tilsvarende gjødsling gjennom vår og sommer under bærutviklingen, økte også avlingen ved å øke bærstørrelsen, men reduserte samtidig konsentrasjonen av tørrstoff og sukker (Brix) i bæra. Dette var ikke tilfelle med bær fra høstgjødsla planter, som heller ikke viste tegn til redusert vinterherdighet i felt. Vi tilrår derfor at minst halvparten av gjødsla til solbær tilføres om høsten like etter at årets avling er høsta. Gjødslingsforsøk i potter med dryppgjødsling under regntak, og bruk av en-stammete planter viste seg å gi mer presise og lettere tolkbare resultat enn feltforsøk. Vi fant at rikelig tilgang på mineralnæring under blomsterinduksjonen i første del av september økte bæravlingen hos solbær gjennom en generell stimulering av blomsterdanningen. Økende gjødsling gjennom utviklingen av bæra i avlingsåret økte også avlingen hos de viktige sortene ‘Ben Tron’ og ‘Narve Viking’, men dette skyldtes særlig en økning av bærstørrelsen. På grunn av ulik virkemåte, var det ingen negativ effekt på bærkvaliteten ved høstgjødsling, mens derimot rikelig gjødsling i avlingsåret førte til en fortynningseffekt som reduserte innholdet av tørr-stoff og sukker i bæra (Brix) som er avgjørende for prisen på solbær til industribruk. Høstgjødsling hadde ingen synlig negativ effekt på plantenes vinterherdighet. Vi mener derfor at minst en halvdel av gjødselbehovet hos solbær bør tilføres om høsten like etter at årets avling er høsta.
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