project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improving the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal round worms in cattle
Improving the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal round worms in cattle

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The use of Faecal Egg Count (FEC) sampling is much less common in cattle-based systems compared to sheep and is vital for the effective management of the problem. This project aims to assess how using a combination of FEC testing, by using FECPAKG2 technology, resistance testing, speciation testing, and predictive models can improve the management of roundworms in dairy youngstock.


Mae defnyddio samplau cyfrif wyau ysgarthol (FEC) yn llawer llai cyffredin mewn systemau gwartheg o’i gymharu â defaid, ac mae’n hanfodol er mwyn rheoli’r broblem yn effeithiol. Nod y prosiect yw gweld sut allai defnyddio cyfuniad o brofion FEC, gan ddefnyddio technoleg FECPAKG2, profion ymwrthedd, profion rhywogaethau a modelau rhagfynegol wella rheolaeth llyngyr mewn stoc ifanc ar ffermydd llaeth.


This project aims to:
• Improving detection, especially at subclinical level, of roundworms in young stock
• Determine the current Anthelmintic (wormer) resistance / efficacy status on each of the 3 farms
• Improved targeting of anthelmintic treatments
• Determining the species composition of parasite burdens and the most appropriate speciation methodology
• Slowing down the development of anthelmintic resistance in roundworm populations.
• Validating a model that predicts which fields worm burden is highest.
• Informing the development of strategies to manage roundworms on farm
• Improving the health of youngstock and increase live weight gains


Nod y prosiect yw:
• Wella’r dull o ganfod llyngyr mewn stoc ifanc, yn enwedig ar lefel is-glinigol
• Canfod ymwrthedd presennol i driniaeth anthelminitig (triniaeth llyngyr) / statws effeithiolrwydd ar bob un o’r tair fferm
• Canfod rhywogaethau’r baich parasitiaid a’r fethodoleg rhywogaethu fwyaf addas
• Arafu datblygiad ymwrthedd anthelminitig mewn poblogaethau llyngyr
• Dilysu model sy’n rhagweld ym mha gae mae’r baich llyngyr ar ei uchaf
• Darparu gwybodaeth ar gyfer datblygu strategaethau i reoli llyngyr ar y fferm
• Gwella iechyd y stoc ifanc a sicrhau gwell cynnydd pwysau byw

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
South West Wales

€ 46764

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The project will work with three dairy farmers in Ceredigion. Each of the farmers will work with up to four groups of young stock (<24months). Over the last years the farmers in the project have noticed that parasite burdens in their youngstock were affecting growth rates and performance. Concerns were raised over the efficacy of the wormers being used and whether certain species of parasites were developing resistance to treatments.

The use of Faecal Egg Count (FEC) sampling is much less common in cattle-based systems compared to sheep and is vital for the effective management of the problem. This project aims to assess how using a combination of FEC testing, by using FECPAKG2 technology, resistance testing, speciation testing, and predictive models can improve the management of roundworms in dairy youngstock.

By learning what species of worms are present within stock it will be possible to target them specifically rather than a blanket approach. This will hopefully reduce anthelmintic use and also potentially slow down any resistance development within different worm species. This project will help to monitor the development of resistance in roundworms and provide clear and practical guidance on the contribution beef and dairy farmers can make to mitigating the risk. 

Bydd y prosiect yn gweithio gyda thri ffermwr llaeth yng Ngheredigion. Bydd pob un o’r ffermwyr yn gweithio gyda hyd at bedwar grŵp o stoc ifanc (<24 mis). Dros blynyddoedd diwethaf mae’r ffermwyr sy’n rhan o’r prosiect wedi sylweddoli bod baich parasitiaid yn eu stoc ifanc yn effeithio ar gyfraddau twf a pherffomiad. Cafwyd pryderon ynglŷn ag effeithlonrwydd y triniaethau llyngyr a ddefnyddiwyd, a ph’un a fyddai mathau penodol o barasitiaid yn datblygu ymwrthedd i driniaethau.

Mae defnyddio samplau cyfrif wyau ysgarthol (FEC) yn llawer llai cyffredin mewn systemau gwartheg o’i gymharu â defaid, ac mae’n hanfodol er mwyn rheoli’r broblem yn effeithiol. Nod y prosiect yw gweld sut allai defnyddio cyfuniad o brofion FEC, gan ddefnyddio technoleg FECPAKG2, profion ymwrthedd, profion rhywogaethau a modelau rhagfynegol wella rheolaeth llyngyr mewn stoc ifanc ar ffermydd llaeth.

Trwy ddysgu pa rywogaethau llyngyr sy’n bresennol o fewn y stoc, bydd posibl eu targedu’n benodol yn hytrach na thrin pob anifail yn yr un modd. Gobeithio y bydd hyn yn lleihau’r defnydd o anthelminitigau yn ogystal ag arafu datblygiad unrhyw ymwrthedd o fewn gwahanol rywogaethau llyngyr. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn helpu i fonitro datblygiad ymwrthedd a darparu arweiniad clir ac ymarferol ar gyfraniad posibl ffermwyr bîff a llaeth i leihau’r risg.

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Project coordinator

  • Tony Little

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Chris Mossman

    Project partner

  • Eilir Wyn Evans

    Project partner

  • Eurig Jenkins

    Project partner

  • Eurion Thomas

    Project partner