project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improvement of the productivity and quality of the oil used for Terra Alta Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Olive Oil
Mejora de la productividad y calidad de los aceites amparados por la DOP Oli Terra Alta

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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Improve the olive oil sector in the TERRA ALTA region.The development model needs to be more profitable, environmentally sustainable and capable of not only recovering traditional agricultural practices, but also improving them with modern technology in order to optimise all the product harvesting, transportation, production and marketing processes. The ultimate aim is to recover a high-value extra virgin olive oil  that presents the organoleptic and physical and chemical properties required by current quality standards. The innovative work done to increase the proportion of high quality oil may constitute a benchmark for other areas as well as a better olive oil production methodology.


La mejora del sector oleícola en la Tierra Alta.. La producción debe ser más rentable ,medioambientalmente sostenible y
capaz de recuperar las pràcticas agrícolas tradicionales, mejorándolas con la tecnología actual,
de modo que se puedan mejorar la recolección,  el transporte del producto,elaboración y comercialización para extraer un aceite virgen extra de alto valor, y con
las características organolépticas y físico-químicas propias de los estándares de calidad actuales.
Innovar y mejorar la proporción de aceite de calidad de la DOP Aceite Terra Alta respecto la producción
total de la zona puede convertirse en un referente para otros ámbitos y un avance en la metodología de
la elaboración.


• A. Market research to determine at first hand consumers’ preferences.
• B. Selection of four plots representative of the territorial scope of each cooperative participating in the project (a total of 16). 
• C. The physical and chemical properties of the olives of each batch will be analysed prior to their arrival at the oil mill and the pressing characteristics that most improve the quality of the oil will be studied, taking into account different oil extraction and purification variables and analysing the oil obtained.
• D. The results of the project will be used to draft a protocol of good agronomic, transport, extraction and purification practices to improve Terra Alta PDO olive oil.


• A. Estudio de mercado para conocer de primera mano cuáles son las preferencias de los
• B. Selección de 4 parcelas representativas del ámbito territorial de cada Cooperativa participante del
proyecto (en total 16) 
• C. De cada partida se analizarán las propiedades físico-químicas de las aceitunas antes de entrar en la
almazara y se estudiará cuáles son las características de molienda más idóneas para mejorar la calidad
de los aceites, teniendo en cuenta diferentes variables extractivas y de limpieza del aceite, haciendo
análisis de los aceites obtenidos.

D. Elaboración protocolo de buenas prácticas y difusión de resultados


The ‘Improvement of the productivity and quality of oil used for Terra Alta Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Olive Oil' project will implement an experimental design to obtain extra virgin oil of maximum organoleptic and physical and chemical quality in line with the preferences and needs of the various consumers in each sector.
Current agronomic practices (related to irrigation, fertilisation and harvesting) and individualised production methods at oil mills (using different extraction conditions) do not produce extra virgin oil with the requisite levels of consistency and quality. The aim of this study, which includes the participation of Terra Alta PDO olive oil cooperatives, is to control and optimise the majority of the aforementioned conditions in order to obtain extra virgin oil with the quality level required by the market.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 209340

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator