project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

To improve the sustainability of goat meat production in Wales by investigating the efficacy of recommended wormer dose rates for meat goats
To improve the sustainability of goat meat production in Wales by investigating the efficacy of recommended wormer dose rates for meat goats

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At present, there isn’t a published dose rate for anthelmintic treatment of goats and instead, it is assumed to be similar to that of a cattle and sheep. However, the ability of the goat species to metabolise toxins quicker than sheep and possibly cows, could potentially promote anthelmintic resistance within goat herds, leading to a reduced effectiveness of the wormer drugs across the species.

Five goat farmers located across mid and south Wales have come together in this two year project to establish a technical solution to the lack of clarity around the correct dose rate suitable for goats.


Nid oes cyfradd dosio ar gyfer triniaeth anthelmintig mewn geifr wedi cael ei gyhoeddi, ac ar hyn o bryd mae wedi cael ei gymryd yn ganiataol ei fod yn debyg i gyfraddau defaid neu wartheg. Mae gallu rhywogaethau geifr i fetaboleiddio tocsinau yn gyflymach na defaid, ac o bosib gwartheg, yn golygu y gallai hyn hybu ymwrthedd anthelmintig o fewn y gyr, gan ddilyn at leihad mewn effeithlonrwydd y cyffur yn erbyn llyngyr ar draws y rhywogaeth.

Mae pump o ffermwyr geifr ar draws canolbarth a de Cymru wedi dod at ei gilydd yn y prosiect dwy flynedd yma i sefydlu datrysiad technegol i’r diffyg gwybodaeth ynglŷn â’r cyfraddau cywir ar gyfer geifr.


The project includes 5 farms located across the southern half of Wales including a goat specific holding with approximately 190 breeding females and other sheep and goat holdings with approximately 15-90 breeding females.

Feacal egg count (FEC) will be used before and after wormers are administered at different times of the year.This should provide an indication as to a ‘best practice’ worming routine and establish a more effective dose rate and regime for worming meat goats which can be shared with the industry.


Mae'r prosiect yn cynnwys 5 o ffermydd wedi ei lleoli ar draws de Cymru, gyda'r rhain yn cynnwys fferm geifr yn unig gyda thua 190 o eifr magu benywaidd a ffermydd defaid a geifr gyda thua 15-90 o eifr magu benywaidd.

Caiff hyn ei fesur gan ddefnyddio profion cyfrif wyau ysgarthol (FEC) cyn trin y geifr ar adegau gwahanol o’r flwyddyn, a phe byddai angen triniaeth, profi FEC eto ar ôl driniaeth.
Dylai hyn rhoi syniad o’r arfer orau ar gyfer triniaeth llyngyr gan sefydlu cyfradd dosio fwy effeithiol ar gyfer geifr cig er mwyn rhannu gyda’r diwydiant ehangach.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Monmouthshire and Newport
Other geographical location
South West Wales, Powys

€ 45562

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Anthelmintic resistance has been a growing issue for several years and has a significant impact on the sustainability of both goat and sheep meat production. Sheep and goats are both hosts to the same gastrointestinal (GI) parasites. At present, there isn’t a published dose rate for anthelmintic treatment of goats and instead, it is assumed to be similar to that of a cattle and sheep. However, the ability of the goat species to metabolise toxins quicker than sheep and possibly cows, could potentially promote anthelmintic resistance within goat herds, leading to a reduced effectiveness of the wormer drugs across the species.

Five goat farmers located across mid and south Wales have come together in this two year project to establish a technical solution to the lack of clarity around the correct dose rate suitable for goats. This will be measured using FEC (Faecal Egg Count) testing before the wormers are administered at different times of year, and should the wormer be required, FEC testing post drench after the advised interval.

This should provide an indication as to a ‘best practice’ worming routine and establish a more effective dose rate and regime for worming meat goats which can be shared with the industry. A more effective dosing regime can improve the daily live weight gain of the animal and therefore reduce the time to slaughter. If goat meat consumption becomes more of a mainstream product, it is possible that further livestock health care scheme may evolve.

Mae ymwrthedd anthelmintig wedi bod yn broblem gynyddol ers nifer o flynyddoedd sy’n cael effaith sylweddol ar gynaladwyedd cynhyrchiant cig oen a chig gafr. Mae defaid a geifr yn cario’r un nematodau yn y perfedd (GI). Nid oes cyfradd dosio ar gyfer triniaeth anthelmintig mewn geifr wedi cael ei gyhoeddi, ac ar hyn o bryd mae wedi cael ei gymryd yn ganiataol ei fod yn debyg i gyfraddau defaid neu wartheg. Mae gallu rhywogaethau geifr i fetaboleiddio tocsinau yn gyflymach na defaid, ac o bosib gwartheg, yn golygu y gallai hyn hybu ymwrthedd anthelmintig o fewn y gyr, gan ddilyn at leihad mewn effeithlonrwydd y cyffur yn erbyn llyngyr ar draws y rhywogaeth.

Mae pump o ffermwyr geifr ar draws canolbarth a de Cymru wedi dod at ei gilydd yn y prosiect dwy flynedd yma i sefydlu datrysiad technegol i’r diffyg gwybodaeth ynglŷn â’r cyfraddau cywir ar gyfer geifr. Caiff hyn ei fesur gan ddefnyddio profion cyfrif wyau ysgarthol (FEC) cyn trin y geifr ar adegau gwahanol o’r flwyddyn, a phe byddai angen triniaeth, profi FEC eto ar ôl driniaeth.

Dylai hyn rhoi syniad o’r arfer orau ar gyfer triniaeth llyngyr gan sefydlu cyfradd dosio fwy effeithiol ar gyfer geifr cig er mwyn rhannu gyda’r diwydiant ehangach. Gallai arferiad dosio mwy effeithiol gynyddu cyfraddau ennill pwysau'r anifail gan leihau’r amser hyd lladd. Os mae bwyta cig gafr yn mynd yn fwy poblogaidd, mae’n bosib bydd cynlluniau pellach ar gyfer gofal iechyd da byw yn datblygu.

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Project coordinator

  • Jeremy Bowen Rees

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Andy Menzies

    Project partner

  • Debbie Marshall

    Project partner

  • Deborah Church

    Project partner

  • Martin Leyshon

    Project partner

  • Megan McNamara

    Project partner