project - Research and innovation

HydroTech and BlueLeaf projects
Progetto HydroTech - BlueLeaf

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The main objective of the project is to develop a decision support system (DSS) for irrigation management at farm level, by integrating the advanced scientific knowledge on irrigation requirements (mainly based on the models developed in the FAO Irrigation and Drainage Papers 56 e 66) with the modern innovations and technologies related with data acquisition and transmission, cloud computing, weather-soil-plant sensors, remote control systems, and APP and WEB applications for modern 'mobile' devices (tablet, smatphone).


Il principale obiettivo del progetto é quello di realizzare un sistema di supporto decisionale (DSS) per l'irrigazione a livello aziendale, integrando le conoscenza scientifiche sul calcolo dei fabbisogni idrici delle colture (principalmente basate sulle indicazioni dei quaderni FAO Irrigation and Drainage 56 e 66) con le moderne innovazioni e tecnologie in materia di acquisizione e trasmissione dati, elaborazione dei calcoli a livello cloud, sensori meteo-suolo-pianta, sistemi di controllo remoto, ed applicazioni APP o WEB per moderni dispositivi di tipo 'mobile' (tablet, smatphone).


An industrial prototype of the DSS has been developed, and it is actually tested by several farmers and technicians in the Apulia Region (Italy). After an appropriate local calibration, the DSS supports a better management of the water resources in terms of sustainable use, saving and efficiency, and it helps to plan for specific irrigation scheduling strategies according to farm productive goals while considering the constraints in the use of limited resources.


Il progetto ha realizzato un prototipo industriale del SSD, che Š attualmente in corso di sperimentazione presso numerose aziende agricole della Regione Puglia (in Italia). Il SSD, dopo una opportuna calibrazione locale, consente di migliorare la gestione delle risorse idriche in un'ottica di sostenibilitá, risparmio ed efficienza d'uso, nonché di supportare specifiche strategie irrigue in funzione degli obiettivi produttivi aziendali e dei vincoli imposti all'uso della risorsa.

Additional information

Our main interest is to further support the technological development and practical application of the DSS, as well as to test its functions under different farms' scenarios. We would like to join specific networks working on the same topic, as well as in developing new projects' proposals at the European scale.

Project details
Main funding source
Other EU research and development funds
Agricultural sectors
Crops (generic)
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1 Practice Abstracts

The most important results obtained in the framework of the project are:

- the development of a practical DSS (prototype) for the irrigation management at farm level;

- the effective application of the DSS by end-users (farmers, technicians, consultants) for the irrigation management of several crops (fruit crops, wine and table grapes, vegetables, potato, etc.) under different pedo-climatic conditions, together with a site-specific calibration of models and sensors;

- an interesting experimental evaluation of the DSS for the planning and management of deficit irrigation strategies under limited water resources;

- the design and development of 'user-friendly' APP and WEB applications;

- an effective testing of remote control systems for hydrants and valves, as integrated in the DSS;

- a wide network of farmers, technicians and consultants, ready to support the setting-up of specific "Operational Groups" in the framework of incoming Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020, at both local and/or European scale, for the further development and effective adoption of the DSS at farm scale.

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Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-MAIB, research institution)

    Project partner

  • Sysman Projects and Services (ICT company)

    Project partner