project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

GOTA: Guide for the Optimisation of the Use and Treatment of Drinking Water for Fattening Calves
GOTA - Guía pera la Optimización del uso y Tratamiento del Agua de bebida en terneros de engorde

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


The ultimate aim of the GOTA project, as its name indicates, is to prepare a Guide for the Optimisation of the Use and Treatment of Drinking Water for Fattening Calves.
Its Catalan acronym, GOTA, translates as drop, symbolising the value of a drop of water in today’s world. The intensive cattle fattening sector is aware that water is an increasingly scarce resource and although it is the most important nutrient (it is essential for life and it limits feed consumption), it has not been a priority for the sector until now.


El objetivo final del proyecto GOTA, tal como dice su nombre, es elaborar una Guía para la Optimización
del uso y el Tratamiento del Agua de bebida en terneros de engorde.
En nombre de GOTA aparte de ser un acrónimo simboliza el valor que tiene una gota de agua hoy en
día. El sector de engorde vacuno intensivo es consciente de que el agua es un recurso cada vez más
escaso y que aunque es el nutriente más importante (vital para la vida y limita el consumo de pienso) no
se le ha dado ninguna prioridad hasta ahora en el sector.


To achieve this goal there are four specific objectives that need to be met:
a) Determine the water consumption in the various fattening phases .
b) Optimise consumption: maximise consumption and reduce wastage by studying the design and number of drinking troughs.
c) Determine its optimal quality (nitrates).
d) Study optimal water purification treatments.
Moreover, the data may be used in the future to estimate the water footprint of the Catalan cattle fattening system. It is expected to be lower than the footprint estimated on the global level.



Para alcanzar este objetivo hay 4 objetivos específicos:
a) Conocer el consumo de agua en las diferentes fases del engorde (curvas de consumo en función de
la edad y época del año)
b) Optimizar el consumo: maximizar el consumo y reducir el desperdicio a través de la evaluación del
diseño y número de bebederos
c) Conocer su calidad óptima (nitratos)
d) Estudiar los tratamientos de potabilización óptimos
Además, los datos servirán para en un futuro poder estimar la huella de agua del sistema de engorde de
vacuno catalán. Previsiblemente esta es inferior a la que se estima a nivel global.


Water is key to the future of human and animal activity, as it will be an increasingly limited resource and its quality is expected to reduce in the coming years. It is estimated that there will be an increase in the demand for drinking water due to the growth of the human population and the consequent increase in agricultural production required to supply people with food, and also due to changing rainfall patterns caused by climate change (Doreau et al., 2012). There are various methodologies used to calculate water needs, each one producing a different final value, but the most accepted method states that producing 1 kg of beef requires 15,415 l of water (Mekonnen & Hoekstra, 2012). This figure is questionable and a value should be provided in accordance with our production system, given that efficiency values, water consumption values, and the slaughter age of the animals have been assumed.
Water quality is getting worse. Water quality can be defined in terms of its organoleptic, physical and chemical and microbiological aspects. There are two aspects that are of particular interest in terms of decreasing quality: nitrate contamination and microbiological quality, in addition to possible treatments to improve the situation.
What actions can be taken and where?
a) Determine the consumption of water in the various fattening phases (consumption curves in accordance with age and time of year). Adjust the supply to the demand. Contribute data to calculate the water footprint.
b) Cc Optimise
Consumption: reduce wastage by assessing the type and number of drinking troughs.
c) Determine its optimal quality: nitrates.
d) Study optimal water purification treatments: effect on consumption, efficiency.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Lleida

€ 201400

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


Project coordinator