project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Fresh harvest of green faba beans for healthy foods
Färskskörd av gröna bönor

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Completed | 2017 - 2021 Sweden
Completed | 2017 - 2021 Sweden
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Fresh green faba beans as food have a great potential to appeal to swedish consumers, as demand for bean based and locally produced products is increasing. However, these products are currently not avaible in shops. Our innovation is snacks and healthy food with focus on the fast food segment, based on fresh green faba beans.


Färska åkerbönor som livsmedel har stor potential att tilltala svenska konsumenter då efterfrågan på bönbaserade och lokalproducerade produkter ökar, men i dagsläget finns de inte tillgängliga i handeln. Vår innovation är såväl snacks som hälsosam mat med fokus på snabbmatssegmentet, men baserade på färska, gröna åkerbönor.


The project group aims to optimize all parts of the project. The specific activities include:

  1. Project management
  2. Properties of the raw material
  3. Prototypes
  4. LCA evaluation
  5. Commercialization phase
  6. Communication


Projektgruppen eftersträvar att optimera alla led i processen där specifika aktiviteter inkluderar:

  1. Projektledning
  2. Råvarans egenskaper
  3. Prototyper
  4. LCA utvärdering
  5. Kommersialiseringsfasen
  6. Kommunikation



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Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014SE06RDNP001 Sweden - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Västra Götalands län
Other geographical location
Skåne län

€ 107041

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator