project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

"Forest Drone: monitoring of forest areas subject to damage from wildlife ungulate noble "
Forest Drone: monitoraggio delle aree forestali soggette a danneggiamenti da fauna selvatica ungulati nobili

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The main objective of the project is the development of innovative techniques for the prevention of damage to wildlife in forest areas and consequently an improvement of organic matter and carbon in the soil. From this point of view, considering the forest type of the Apennines of the Emilia Romagna Region and the type of applied silviculture, monitoring is particularly useful through the use of the UAS (Unmanned aerial systems) photogrammetric technique of the impact of noble ungulates on the vitality of the cut tree stumps


L’obiettivo principale del progetto è la messa a punto di tecniche innovative al fine della prevenzione dei danni della fauna selvatica sulle aree forestali e di conseguenza un miglioramento della sostanza organica e carbonio nel suolo. In tale ottica, considerando la tipologia forestale dell’Appennino della Regione Emilia Romagna e il tipo di selvicoltura applicata relativa a taglio ceduo con rilascio di matricine, risulta particolarmente utile il monitoraggio tramite l’impiego della tecnica fotogrammetrica da APR (Aeromobile a Pilotaggio Remoto, chiamato comunemente “drone”) dell’impatto degli ungulati nobili sulla vitalità delle ceppaie oggetto di taglio


The main objective of the project is the development of innovative techniques for the prevention of damage to wildlife in forest areas and consequently an improvement of organic matter and carbon in the soil. From this point of view, considering the forest type of the Apennines of the Emilia Romagna Region and the type of applied silviculture, monitoring is particularly useful through the use of the UAS (Unmanned aerial systems) photogrammetric technique of the impact of noble ungulates on the vitality of the cut tree stumps



Inquadramento metodologico per la condivisione delle modalità di svolgimento delle fasi del progetto. Analisi aree forestali e imprese forestali coinvolte.Analisi tecniche sottoposte a valutazione (convenzionali e innovative),individuazione fattori sui cui si basa la valutazione.Esecuzione di rilevamenti ripetuti nel tempo mediante tecnica fotogrammetrica e multispettrale da drone delle particelle forestali(test sites)sulle quali verranno eseguiti i tagli boschivi,relativa elaborazione dati e validazione a terra dei risultati.Valutazione critica vantaggi e pportunità apportati dalla nuova tecnica di monitoraggio.Elaborazione report finale e messa a punto linee guida

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP003 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Emilia-Romagna
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 135018.55

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The project respects the operational objectives required by the focus area in question with particular reference to the verification of carbon storage and the agamic renewal of the stumps subject to damage from wildlife. At the end of the study and of the experimentation foreseen the results will be the following:

Verification of the correspondence, in terms of geometric and radiometric precision, of the maps obtained from the processing of data provided by drones to the real situation of the stumps, carried out with traditional techniques of direct verification in the field by expert agronomists.

Estimate of time / man savings obtained with remote sensing rather than direct field control.

Evaluation of the additional advantages offered by the use of drones, such as, for example, the frequency of monitoring, the state of renewal of stumps and methods of prevention of wildlife on the particles being used.

Evaluation of the environmental and economic convenience of the use of drones in relation to the monitoring of forest areas.

Through the dissemination of the results, the benefits of the new technique will be brought to the attention of the forestry companies: monitoring accuracy, high frequency of checks, timeliness of intervention in the field, economic convenience compared to traditional techniques

The project respects the operational objectives required by the focus area in question with particular reference to the verification of carbon storage and the agamic renewal of the stumps subject to damage from wildlife. At the end of the study and of the experimentation foreseen the results will be the following:

Verification of the correspondence, in terms of geometric and radiometric precision, of the maps obtained from the processing of data provided by drones to the real situation of the stumps, carried out with traditional techniques of direct verification in the field by expert agronomists.

Estimate of time / man savings obtained with remote sensing rather than direct field control.

Evaluation of the additional advantages offered by the use of drones, such as, for example, the frequency of monitoring, the state of renewal of stumps and methods of prevention of wildlife on the particles being used.

Evaluation of the environmental and economic convenience of the use of drones in relation to the monitoring of forest areas.

Through the dissemination of the results, the benefits of the new technique will be brought to the attention of the forestry companies: monitoring accuracy, high frequency of checks, timeliness of intervention in the field, economic convenience compared to traditional techniques

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Project coordinator

  • Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca

    Project coordinator

Project partners