project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

FarmPEAT (Farm Payments for Ecological and Agricultural Transitions) Project
FarmPEAT (Farm Payments for Ecological and Agricultural Transitions) Project

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Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Ireland
Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Ireland
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To design and develop a pilot results-based agri-environmental programme in the Irish midlands with the objective of improving environmental quality of agricultural lands surrounding a selection of raised bogs. A central component of the project will include an educational and community outreach programme which will enhance understanding and of the transition required towards sustainable use of the peatland resource for the benefit of local communities and the environment (incl. climate, biodiversity, and water).




  • Design of locally adapted results- based approach:
    • Identify ‘pilot farmers’.
    • Review of key target habitats and species.
    • Identification of result indicators.
    • Adapting scorecards for various result indicators, score pilot farms.
    • Adapting the payment model to suit target habitats and species.
    • Development of supporting actions and payment rates, test actions with pilot farmers.
    • Design monitoring programme.
  • Liaise with community groups, local Schools and relevant stakeholders to create public awareness and partnerships.
  • Recruitment of participant farmers.
  • Undertake farm assessments.
  • Farmer and advisor training events.
  • Process payments and issue annual management advice.




The FarmpEAT Project will design and trial a results-based agri-environmental programme adapted to the Irish midland raised bog landscape. The Irish midlands are characterised by extensive raised bog systems, all of these peatlands have been modified (to varying degree), by human activity. The most ‘pristine’ sites include intact areas of ‘high bog’ that have never been cut for fuel, while the most modified bogs include those that have been industrially harvested for peat. The margins of all midland bogs have been subject to drainage and much of this converted to grassland used for agriculture. The aim of this EIP is to develop an agri-environmental model that will enhance the environmental functioning of these former peatland areas through an incentivised Programme whereby farmers are financially rewarded for maintaining and improving the quality of their farmland habitats.

Result indicators will include; terrestrial farmland habitats, watercourses and drainage features and transitional bog habitats. A whole-farm assessment will be included as part of the assessment to ensure that the wider environmental performance of the farm is considered. Results will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 10 using habitat scorecards adapted to the target habitats and features. The Programme will be implemented across eight project sites centered on raised bogs or former raised bog areas. These sites are located in the Irish midland counties of Roscommon, Offaly, Kildare and Westmeath.

Coupled with the development of the results-based agri-environmental model, the FarmPEAT Project will assist farmers and the broader community to transition towards a more sustainable use of the peatland resource in the area through educational tools and peer mentoring.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IE06RDNP001 Ireland - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location

€ 1213800

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The FarmPEAT EIP will design and trial a results-based agri-environmental programme adapted to the Irish midland raised bog landscape. The Irish midlands are characterised by extensive raised bog systems, all of which have been modified (to varying degree), by human activity. The most ‘pristine’ sites include intact areas of ‘high bog’ that have never been cut for fuel, while the most modified bogs include those that have been industrially harvested for peat. The margins of all midland bogs have been subject to drainage and much of this converted to grassland used for agriculture. The aim of the FarmPEAT Project is to develop an agri-environmental model that will enhance the environmental functioning of these former peatland areas through an incentivised farm Programme whereby farmers are financially rewarded for maintaining and improving the quality of their farmland habitats.

Result indicators will include; terrestrial farmland habitats, watercourses and drainage features and transitional bog habitat. A whole-farm assessment will be included as part of the assessment to ensure that the wider environmental performance of the farm is considered. Results will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 10 using habitat scorecards adapted to the target habitats and features. The Programme will be implemented across eight Project sites centred on raised bogs or former raised bog areas. These sites are located in the Irish midland counties of Roscommon, Offaly, Kildare and Westmeath.

Coupled with the development of the results-based agri-environmental model, the FarmPEAT Project will assist farmers and the broader community to transition towards a more sustainable use of the peatland resource in the area through educational tools and peer mentoring.


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Project coordinator

Project partners

  • FarmPEAT Project (Nature Based Agri Solutions Limited)

    Project partner

  • Irish Rural Link

    Project partner

  • Umeras Community Development Group

    Project partner