project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group


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Ongoing | 2021 - 2022 Ireland
Ongoing | 2021 - 2022 Ireland
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The FarmConnect Pilot Programme focuses on the impact that contemporary farming challenges are having on farmer health and wellbeing in Ireland – both physical and mental. 

The principal aim of FarmConnect is to build the capacity of the participating farmers to improve decision-making around their individual health, wellbeing and safety.

FarmConnect is an evidence-based initiative which seeks to develop a scalable national programme to address these individual farmer and farm safety challenges in a sustainable, coherent and comprehensive manner.


The FarmConnect Pilot Programme focuses on the impact that contemporary farming challenges are having on farmer health and wellbeing in Ireland – both physical and mental. 

The principal aim of FarmConnect is to build the capacity of the participating farmers to improve decision-making around their individual health, wellbeing and safety.

FarmConnect is an evidence-based initiative which seeks to develop a scalable national programme to address these individual farmer and farm safety challenges in a sustainable, coherent and comprehensive manner.


Activities include:

  • Design and development of a bespoke programme for farmer engagement on health and wellbeing centred themes and issues
  • Recruit and train Facilitators in FarmConnect content, delivery and methodology
  • Roll-out the FarmConnect capacity building programmes with farmer groups in Roscommon and Waterford
  • Monitor, review and evaluate the pilot programme
  • Organise and present a Wellbeing EXPO type event
  • Support farmers in identifying cooperative ‘Meitheal’ Projects; initiate these projects, complete and review

Evaluate, review and report on FarmConnect processes and outcomes


Activities include:

  • Design and development of a bespoke programme for farmer engagement on health and wellbeing centred themes and issues
  • Recruit and train Facilitators in FarmConnect content, delivery and methodology
  • Roll-out the FarmConnect capacity building programmes with farmer groups in Roscommon and Waterford
  • Monitor, review and evaluate the pilot programme
  • Organise and present a Wellbeing EXPO type event
  • Support farmers in identifying cooperative ‘Meitheal’ Projects; initiate these projects, complete and review

Evaluate, review and report on FarmConnect processes and outcomes


The FarmConnect Pilot Programme is research-based and evidence driven project.  It is a direct response to growing concerns about Irish Farmer Health, Wellbeing and Safety. The project aims to support farmers in addressing health and well-being issues which can impact severely on farmers, and thereby, impact overall farm safety.

FarmConnect regards farmer health and wellbeing as a core component of overall farm safety. The programme is innovative in both its methodology and its approach, building on a range of previous health and well-being initiatives including Engage; Fit for Farming; Farmers have Hearts; The National Men’s Health Programme and Mental Health Ireland programmes.

There is consensus that action is needed to support farmer wellbeing to counteract the increasing stress levels and pressures that farmers and farming communities deal with. These pressures arise from shifting global contexts with macro-economic impacts, through to declining incomes and rising debt levels. With only 30% of farms in Ireland deemed financially viable, many of those who farm must supplement farm income with second employment. This generates additional pressure and stress for these farmers leaving them extremely time poor. Such a significant imbalance results in poor farmer health and wellbeing which impacts on safety within the agriculture system.

FarmConnect seeks to address this erosion of farmer health and wellbeing through a strengths-based, positive, capacity-building approach.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IE06RDNP001 Ireland - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
South-East (IE)
Other geographical location

€ 256503.78

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The FarmConnect Pilot Programme focuses on the impact that contemporary farming issues, challenges and stresses are having on farmer health and wellbeing in Ireland – both physical and mental. 

The principle aim of FarmConnect is to build the capacity of individual farmers to improve their decision-making around health, wellbeing, and safety.

The pilot programme will initially roll-out in Co. Waterford and Co. Roscommon. Following a review of the pilot, FarmConnect seeks to develop a scalable, national programme to address farmer and farm safety challenges in a sustainable and inclusive manner. The

FarmConnect is a farmer-centred, evidence-based programme built on the combined principles of Community Development, Social Science and Non-formal Education. The programme is delivered by specially trained Agricultural Advisors and Community Development Facilitators working together with groups of farmers.

FarmConnect has the potential to bring balance to the wellbeing and welfare of the farmer, the farming family, the farming community and to improve the lives of all who live in and depend on rural Ireland. 

Farming has been identified as the most hazardous occupation in Ireland (HSA, 2018).  Supporting Irish farmers to make better decisions around their own individual health and wellbeing is the expected outcome of FarmConnect.  This has the potential to positively impact on overall farm safety and farm sustainability, along with retention and recruitment into farming.

The FarmConnect Pilot Programme focuses on the impact that contemporary farming issues, challenges and stresses are having on farmer health and wellbeing in Ireland – both physical and mental. 

The principle aim of FarmConnect is to build the capacity of individual farmers to improve their decision-making around health, wellbeing, and safety.

The pilot programme will initially roll-out in Co. Waterford and Co. Roscommon. Following a review of the pilot, FarmConnect seeks to develop a scalable, national programme to address farmer and farm safety challenges in a sustainable and inclusive manner. The

FarmConnect is a farmer-centred, evidence-based programme built on the combined principles of Community Development, Social Science and Non-formal Education. The programme is delivered by specially trained Agricultural Advisors and Community Development Facilitators working together with groups of farmers.

FarmConnect has the potential to bring balance to the wellbeing and welfare of the farmer, the farming family, the farming community and to improve the lives of all who live in and depend on rural Ireland. 

Farming has been identified as the most hazardous occupation in Ireland (HSA, 2018).  Supporting Irish farmers to make better decisions around their own individual health and wellbeing is the expected outcome of FarmConnect.  This has the potential to positively impact on overall farm safety and farm sustainability, along with retention and recruitment into farming.

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Project coordinator

  • Men’s Development Network CLG

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Alison Holmes

    Project partner

  • Aoife Rooney

    Project partner

  • Billy Goodburn

    Project partner

  • Conor Hammersley

    Project partner

  • Dr. John McNamara

    Project partner

  • Dr. Noel Richardson

    Project partner

  • Finola Colgan

    Project partner

  • John Costello

    Project partner

  • Peter Lavin

    Project partner

  • Seamus Cusack

    Project partner

  • Sean Cooke CEO

    Project partner