project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Enhancing and securing primary agricultural production with new nanobubble technology
EIP Maatalouden alkutuotannon tehostaminen ja turvaaminen uuden nanokuplateknologian avulla

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Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Finland
Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Finland
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Primary agricultural production and business needs new technological and digital solutions in order to secure competitiveness. In Finland, great amounts of watering is needed in farms, specialized in growing plants and berries. Development activities of watering will help to establish growth and competitiveness of Finnish agricultural production. The objective of the project is to develop technology to produce nanobubbles and study the functionality of this technology in practice with the three participating SMEs. At the same time the agricultural businesses are supported to reduce the use of chemicals and to minimize their carbon footprint. 


Maatalouden alkutuotanto ja yritystoiminta tarvitsee uusia teknologisia ja digitaalisia ratkaisuja kilpailukykynsä turvaamiseen.
Suomessa on kasvin- ja marjanviljelyyn erikoistuneita maatiloja, jotka käyttävät suuria määriä vettä kasteluvetenä. Kasteluveden
käyttöön liittyvät kehittämistoimet luovat pohjaa suomalaisen maatalouden kasvulle ja kilpailukyvylle. Hankkeen tavoitteena on
kehittää kasteluveden nanokuplateknologiaa ja tutkia käytännössä teknologian toimivuutta mukana olevien yritysten kanssa.
Samalla tuetaan elintarviketuotannon alkutoimijoita kemikaalikuorman pienentämisessä sekä hiilijalanjäljen minimoimisessa.


1. Coordination of the project, 2. Collecting background information and making detailed testplan, 3. Building of the test-systems and starting the practical experiments, 4. Research activities in the three participating test sites, 5. Communication


1. Hankkeen koordinaatio, 2. Tausta-aineiston kerääminen ja yksityiskohtaisten koesuunnitelman laadinta, 3. Käytännön kokeiden käynnistäminen, 4. Tutkimukset alkutuotannon kolmessa kohteessa, 5. Tiedotus ja viestintä


The project will develop and apply a completely new technology based on the production of nanoscale gas bubbles into the irrigation water. Practical pilot-testing will be executed in three production facilities involved in the EIP Innovation Group. Technology has an increasing effect on the growth of plants and berries. Increased growth will be observed either as larger size and/or faster growth rate. At the same time, the growth of microbes and biofilms in the irrigation water and irrigation systems will decrease. The project helps food business operators in the green transition and in reducing the chemical load and minimizing the carbon footprint by switching to the chemical-free technology. In addition, production hygiene and product shelf-life will be improved.The project and the overall solution developed in this project will have a positive impact on the ability of primary production to succeed, despite of the climate change and varying weather conditions. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014FI06RDRP001 Manner-Suomen maaseudun kehittämisohjelma 2014-2020
Main geographical location

€ 395744

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

The project will develop and apply a completely new technology based on the production of nanoscale gas bubbles into the irrigation water. Practical pilot-testing will be executed in three production facilities involved in the EIP Innovation Group. Technology has an increasing effect on the growth of plants and berries. Increased growth will be observed either as larger size and/or faster growth rate. At the same time, the growth of microbes and biofilms in the irrigation water and irrigation systems will decrease. The project helps food business operators in the green transition and in reducing the chemical load and minimizing the carbon footprint by switching to the chemical-free technology. In addition, production hygiene and product shelf-life will be improved.The project and the overall solution developed in this project will have a positive impact on the ability of primary production to succeed, despite of the climate change and varying weather conditions. 

The project will develop and apply a completely new technology based on the production of nanoscale gas bubbles into the irrigation water. Practical pilot-testing will be executed in three production facilities involved in the EIP Innovation Group. Technology has an increasing effect on the growth of plants and berries. Increased growth will be observed either as larger size and/or faster growth rate. At the same time, the growth of microbes and biofilms in the irrigation water and irrigation systems will decrease. The project helps food business operators in the green transition and in reducing the chemical load and minimizing the carbon footprint by switching to the chemical-free technology. In addition, production hygiene and product shelf-life will be improved.The project and the overall solution developed in this project will have a positive impact on the ability of primary production to succeed, despite of the climate change and varying weather conditions. 

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Project coordinator

  • Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu/ Martti Latva

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Agrifutura Tomaatit Oy

    Project partner

  • Nonre Oy

    Project partner

  • Robbes Lilla Trägård Ab

    Project partner

  • Suorahapetus Oy

    Project partner