project - Research and innovation

Effective Management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species - Integrated Solutions (EMPHASIS)
Effective Management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species - Integrated Solutions

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EMPHASIS is a participatory research project addressing native and alien pests threats (insect pests, pathogens, weeds) for a range of both natural ecosystems and farming systems (field crops, protected crops, forestry, orchards and amenity plants).

The overall goal is to ensure a European food security system and the protection of biodiversity and of ecosystems services while developing integrated mechanisms of response measures (practical solutions) to predict, to prevent and to protect agriculture and forestry systems from native and alien pests threats. The specific objectives are the following:

1.Predict, Prioritize and Planning: pest management challenges and opportunities will be evaluated according to stakeholder-focused criteria and through pathway analysis;

2.Prevent: practical solutions for surveillance in different pathways to enhance preparedness will be provided to end-users, and monitoring tools following outbreaks and eradication will be developed;

3.Protect: practical solutions for managing native and alien pests in agriculture, horticulture and forestry will be developed, their technical and economic feasibility will be demonstrated and their market uptake will be enhanced.

4.Promote: a mutual learning process with end-users will be developed, and the solutions identified by the project will be promoted through training and dissemination.

The project is in line with EU policy framework (Plant Health Dir. 2000/29/EC, EU Biodiversity strategy to 2020, Dir. 2009/128/EC on sustainable use of pesticides, Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe) and its future developments (Reg. on protective measures against pests of plants, Reg. on Invasive Alien Species).

The project is not focused on a single management systems but the plant/pest ecosystems dealt with are treated with a multi-method approach to design true IPM methodology that will be developed for key systems with portability to other similar systems, thereby having a large impact.


See objectives in English

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 6636039

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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10 Practice Abstracts

Crop diseases often occur as mixtures of different organisms which can be difficult to identify without lengthy laboratory tests. In addition, many diseases have long symptomless phases when an organism grows within the plant without damage being visible. In each case, rapid and specific diagnosis is necessary to enable effective and timely management actions to be taken. “Isothermal PCR” is a molecular technology where highlyspecific assays can be carried out at a constant temperature, without the need for laboratory conditions. All aspects of the test can be carried out using simple steps with pre-prepared assay tubes. Small, compact, commercially available machines (the Genie® platform, available from Optigene Ltd) produce a diagnostic outcome in as little as 30 minutes. A number of tests have now been developed for problematic diseases in arable crops, including the Alternaria species complex on potatoes, tan spot and Septoria on wheat, and light leaf spot on oilseed rape, which has a long symptomless phase. Using such assays, growers and agronomists could obtain rapid and definitive answers on which diseasesare present in crops, aiding fungicide selection and timing.

Crop diseases often occur as mixtures of different organisms which can be difficult to identify without lengthy laboratory tests. In addition, many diseases have long symptomless phases when an organism grows within the plant without damage being visible. In each case, rapid and specific diagnosis is necessary to enable effective and timely management actions to be taken. “Isothermal PCR” is a molecular technology where highlyspecific assays can be carried out at a constant temperature, without the need for laboratory conditions. All aspects of the test can be carried out using simple steps with pre-prepared assay tubes. Small, compact, commercially available machines (the Genie® platform, available from Optigene Ltd) produce a diagnostic outcome in as little as 30 minutes. A number of tests have now been developed for problematic diseases in arable crops, including the Alternaria species complex on potatoes, tan spot and Septoria on wheat, and light leaf spot on oilseed rape, which has a long symptomless phase. Using such assays, growers and agronomists could obtain rapid and definitive answers on which diseasesare present in crops, aiding fungicide selection and timing.

Heterobasidion one the most destructive pathogen species of conifers in Northern Hemisphere. There are several ways to control the infections: stump removal, change of the tree species, and stump treatments are among the most effective. However, with the exception of stump treatments, the above-mentioned remedial actions are expensive, and they can rarely be applied in natural forests. In the Czech Republic, Heterobasidion annosum s.l.mostly attacks spruce and pine on former agricultural lands where itcauses serious harmswhich can lead to other pests harms. The studies showed that highest rate of possible airborne infection is presented in forestswith artificial/secondarystand composition. Treatments during fellings and cuttings are highly recomended for avoiding the infection (biological control made by PG –Phlebiopsis gigantea or any other) or using silvicultural approaches /longterm but cheaper ones/ plays even more important role in the matter of forest health. Stand with tree compositioncloser to naturaldistribution showed lower infection rates of Heterobasidion inoculummany folds and the infection is mainly not possible. Therefore, it is highly recomended to follow natural distribution of tree species and/or mix the stand with spruces, pines respectively, with other natural tree species for given area.

Kořenovník vrstevnatý je jedním z nejvýznamnějších patogenů jehličnanů na severní polokouli. V ČR je to především problém smrkovým monokultur na bývalých zemědělských půdách. Škody způsobené tímto patogenem lze specifikovat jako poškození a znehodnocení dřevní hmoty, náchylnost stromů k vývratům a oslabování obranyschopnosti jedinců proti dalším biotickými abiotickýmčinitelům. Možností ochrany je odstraňování pařezů, použití biologické a chemické ochrany, a nebo změna druhové skladby porostů ve prospěch přirozených stanovištních druhů. Prováděná studie prokázala, že největší výskyt spor přítomných ve vzduchu (tedy potenciální nákazy pro porosty) se nachází v umělých smrčinách oproti smíšeným lesům ve vyšších polohách s významnou příměsí smrku. Ve výchovných zásazích je vhodné zamezit průniku infekce do systému, např. zmiňovaným přípravkem biologické kontroly,který nebylv ČR dosud testován, nebo je nutné do porostu začlenit více listnatých dřevin

Ailanthus altissima(tree of heaven) has spread over a large part of Europe, and it mostly invades forests via roads or trails. It tends to create dense pure stands in both agricultural and urban areas, where it can cause damage to buildings and other structuresas well as transport networks, including roads, railways, and other hard-surfaced areas.Control of this invasive species is particularly difficult as any disturbance to above ground structures, including cutting, chopping or girdling, promotes production of sprouts that may emerge from the root, the root crown and the stem. The highest efficacy in Ailanthuscontrol could be obtained by the method of cut stump herbicide application, which consists of cutting theplant at the base and spray herbicides on the cut surface.Spraying specific herbicides like fluroxypyr+aminopyralidorglyfosate onstump seemsto be the better way to limit the proliferation of thisinvasive alien species, as it allows to avoid resprouting for several months after treatment.Even though it is not clearly demonstrated that new plants can originate from branchand shootfragments, a correct management of the material resultingfrom cutting(e.g. by using wood chippers/shredders) is advisable.

L’Ailanthus altissima, comunemente chiamato ailanto o albero del paradiso, si è ampiamente diffuso in Europa negli ultimi decenni, invadendo in modo importante i boschi e le zone alberate. Questa specie tende a creare macchie di vegetazione molto densa, sia nelle aree agricoleche in quelle urbane, dove può causare danni ad edificied altre strutture quali strade, ferrovie e manufatti costituiti da superfici dure. Il controllo di questa specie invasiva è particolarmente difficoltosa, poiché ogni intervento a carico delle strutture epigee della pianta, come taglio e cercinatura, promuove la produzione di ricacci che si originano dalle radici, dal colletto e dalla base del tronco.La maggior efficacia nel controllo dell’ailanto può essere ottenuta con il metodo che prevede il taglio del troncoed il successivo trattamento erbicida sull’area di taglio, impiegando prodotti sistemici, quali la miscela di fluroxypy +aminopyralid oppure ilglifosate. Questa tecnica consente un buon contenimento della specie invasiva, in quanto impedisce la formazione di ricacci per diversi mesi dopo il trattamento. Anche se non è dimostrato che frammenti di rami possano dare origine a nuove piante, è comunque consigliabile una corretta gestione del materiale risultante dall’abbattimento (ad esempio attraverso una cippatura delle ramaglie).

Bemisia tabaciis an obligate phloem-feeding pest, which is globally distributed. In total, at least 120 plant viruses are transmitted by B. tabaci, causing diseases of vegetable and fibre crops worldwide. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) crops are particularly susceptible to more than 50 different species of the Begomovirus genus, including Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) both of which reduce yields and can cause large economic losses in tomatoes (Bedford et al., 1994). TLYCV and TYLCSV have been recorded in countries all around the Mediterranean Basin.Because B. tabaci is acquiring resistance to pesticides and because of the retrieval of pesticides from the European market, the development of novel control methods for this pest based on biological control agents will benefit European agriculture.Currently two predatory species are being used in the Mediterranean greenhouses: Macrolophus pygmaeus (commercially called Macrolophus caliginosus) and Nesidiocoris tenuis. The two species belong to the heteropteran family of Miridae and are omnivorous, that is, they can feed on both animal prey and plant materials. First species is very slow for establishing on the crop when it is released in the greenhouse whereas the second is quite fast but may strongly damage plant causing flower abortion, decrease of cosmetic value of fruit and reduced yield. For these reasons, new alternatives are needed.EMPHASIS project aimed to provide greenhouse growers with new generalist predators that overcome the constraints of the two commercially available species, that is, M. pygmaeus (commercially called M. caliginosus) and N. tenuis.Four main specific objectives were:1.To implement a commercial mass rearing of the twonew generalist predators2.To define the weather conditions under which the two predatory species belonging to the genusDicyhpuscan be used for biological control of the whiteflyB. tabaci.3.To know the prey consumption capacity of the two species.4.To determine whitefly control capacity in semi-field and field trials.TwoDicyphusspecies have been tested,Dicyphus bolivariandDicyphus errans. However, the protocol that follows refers only toD. bolivari, the one on which most applied results have beenobtained in the EMPHASIS project.Specific recommendations on biological control must be adapted to specific local conditions of the greenhouse, tomato variety, production area and crop season, among others. We recommend to consult the predator provider for adaptations of the following protocol to each tomato greenhouse.

How to proceed with seedlingsIn order to improve the early establishment of the predator on the crop, it is recommended to inoculate an initial population of the predator in the plant seedlings. A rate of 1 to 2 adult predators per plant are released in the nursery between 11-13 days before transplanting; Autumn season tomato should release closer to 2 adults/plant whereas for spring tomatoes about 1 adult/plant may be enough. With thisschedule, most of individuals in the seedlings are at the egg stage when plants are transplanted into the greenhouse, and loss of mobile nymphs in the transplanting process is prevented. Two successive releases of alternative food, f.i.Ephestia kuehniellaeggs (dose of 0.01-0.02 g/plant) are performed in the nursery in order to favour the establishment of the predators on the plants.How to proceed in the greenhouseOnce young plants have been transplanted into the greenhouse, it is required to monitor whitefly and predator populations. The number of whitefly adults and predator individuals on the 7 upper fully developed leaves will be scouted every 7-15 days (in warmer season/area –cooler season/area respectively). If the whitefly control exerted by the predator is not effective enough, an extra release of the predator should be done at a rate of 0.5-1 adult/plant. To maintain the predator on the plant, complementary predator food (Ephestiaeggs) may be added to the crop at a rate of 10 grams per 1.000 individuals ofD.bolivarireleased. A common procedure is the mixture of the eggs ofEphestiainside the bottles ofD. bolivari, just before the release of the predators, so that the alternative food is provided together with the predatory populations.Dicyphusbolivariwill offer the same biological control protection when the greenhouse whitefly,T. vaporariorum, is infesting the crop, instead of or together withB. tabaci.It can also be expected a certain suppressing action ofD.bolivarion other insect pests other than whiteflies, butD.bolivarican fail to suppress them at densities below economic threshold in case of high infestations. Then, other measures, including application of chemicals, are needed. In order to minimize chemical side effects on the predator in these situations, including the application of chemicals to control diseases, it is advisable to consult the predator provider about which active ingredients can be used and how can they be applied. Also, cultural practices have to be adapted to enhance predator action. For instance, plant deleafing must consider thatD.bolivariadults and nymphs may be foraging on leaves below flower trust and their removal can affect predator abundance.Dicyphusspp. are omnivorous predators, that is, under certain circumstances they can feed on the plants, including fruit and so they can cause some injuries on plants. In the case ofD.bolivari, plant damage only occurs when there are high populations and the ratio predator/prey is too high. This is tosay, when the action of the predator is ‘too good’ and the prey has been effectively suppressed. This situation, too many predators for low prey density, must be avoided and data of whitefly and predator monitoring can alert us about risks of plant damage. In such cases, a chemical spray to lower predator density is required. Consult the predator supplier (usually their webpages contain the information needed) in such cases,

Worldwide, hogweed species -Heracleum sosnowskyi, H. mantegazzianumand H. persicum–are invasive species with wide geographical distribution and have been a problem since the middle of the 20th century. To-date, the containment and management methods used for these species have not achieved adequate control. In 2012, following the proposal of the Latvia’s State Forests (LVM), the Integrētās Audzēšanas Skola started and, within the framework of the EMPHASIS project (2015-2018), continues to develop a new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) method to effectively eradicate hogweed in EU countries.The objective of the project is to develop an effective IPM (combining biological, chemical and mechanical methods) to eradicate hogweedin within a 2-3 year time period. Field experiments were conducted between 2015-2017 on hogweed containment using IPM methods at 20 sites across Latvia, in 2016/2017 in Lithuania by Integrētās Audzēšanas Skola and in the Czech Republic by Mendelova Univerzita/Brno (MENDELU). The efficacyof selective herbicides, 3 months after their application in 2015 and 2017, varied between 60% and 98%, depending on the level of Heracleum spp. infestation (cover and abundance) before treatment.The mechanical method is developed as part of the IPM method, in cases where the chemical method is not applicable or not desired by people. Selective herbicides that are registered in the EU, but have never been used in combination for hogweed eradication, are used. This combination don’t influence the main species that compete with hogweed: grasses, dicotyledons, trees, shrubs. Restoration of biodiversity in a particular place as a biological method is a key tool for effective control of hogweed.

Pasaulē latvāņi –Heracleumsosnowskyi, H. mantegazzianum un H. persicum–kā invazīvās sugas ar plašu ģeogrāfisko izplatību ir problēma kopš 20. gs.vidus, tomēr ierobežošanāizmantotās metodes nav devušas vajadzīgo rezultātu. 2012. gadā pēc AS Latvijas valsts meži (LVM) ierosinājuma IAS uzsāka un EMPHASIS projekta ietvaros(2015-2018)turpina izstrādāt jaunu integrētās augu aizsardzības (IAA) metodi, lai efektīvi apkarotu latvāņus.Projekta mērķis ir izstrādāt efektīvu IAA metodi, apvienojot bioloģiskos, ķīmiskosun mehāniskospaņēmienus, lai apkarotulatvāņus 2-3 gadu laikā. Lauka izmēģinājumi latvāņu ierobežošanai, izmantojot IAA metodes, 2015.-2017. gadā Latvijā tika iekārtoti20 vietās.2016/2017. gadā arī Lietuvā (IAS) un Čehijā, ko veicaMendelu Universitāte/Brno (MENDELU). Selektīvo herbicīdu efektivitāte 3 mēnešus pēc to lietošanas 2015.-2017. gadā svārstījās starp 60% un 98%, atkarībā no Heracleum spp.invāzijas pakāpes pirms apstrādes. Visu 3 gadu izmēģinājumu uzskaites rudenī apliecina, ka vietai raksturīgās augu sugas spēj efektīvi pārņemt latvānu invadētās teritorijas. Mehāniskā metode tiek izstrādāta kā daļa no IAA metodes, gadījumiem, kad ķīmiskā metode nav piemērojama,vai cilvēki to nevēlas. Tiek izmantoti selektīvie herbicīdi, kas reģistrēti ES, bet kuri kombinācijā iepriekš nekad nav izmantoti latvāņu ierobežošanā. Tie irselektīvi uz galvenajām ar latvāni konkurējošajām sugām: stiebrzālēm, divdīgļlapjiem, kokiem, krūmiem. Konkrētās vietas bioloģiskās daudzveidības atjaunošanās kā bioloģiska metode ir galvenais instruments latvāņu efektīvā apkarošanā.

Ambrosia artemisiifolia(common ragweed) is an invasive weed in Europe in both agricultural and non-agricultural areas, in particular along roadsides and in river banks. It is considered an important, noxious weed because of its allergenic properties (rhinitis in humans) and its competitiveness with many crops, and in particular annual summer crops such as maize and sunflower.In maize,the selective herbicidescurrently available allow, in general,a good control of ragweed, both with pre-emergence treatments (e.g.with mixtures containing either terbutilazyne or isoxaflutole, ) and post-mergence treatments (e.g. nicosulfuron and other ALS-inhibitors, mesotrione, dicamba, sulcotrione).In sunflower, due to a shorter availability of products, pre-emergence treatments with herbicides often need to be integrated with mechanical interventions at 4-6 leaf stage of the crop (e.g. inter-row hoeing and ridging) to get satisfactory control of ragweed. In imidazolinone-tolerant varieties, good results can be achieved by applying imazamox in post-emergence.Correct management consists of applying control strategies to limit further spread in not-infested areas and to reduce its abundance in the infested ones.Spread of the species is favored by the adoption of continuous monocropping or short rotations, which may also increase the risk of selecting herbicide-resistantpopulations.Early diagnosis of its presence and rapid eradication of all plant parts representa very efficient way to control this specie. For this reason, increasing of awareness among stakeholders and users play an important role in long-term management of this invasive specie.

L’Ambrosia artemisiifolia, comunemente chiamata ambrosia,è una specie invasiva molto diffusa in Europa nelle aree agricole e nelle aree urbane, in particolare lungo le strade e lungo le rive dei fiumi.È considerata una specie infestante nociva, a causa delle sue proprietà allergeniche nei confronti dell’uomo, oltre che per la competitività nei confronti di colture estive come mais e girasole.Nel mais, gli erbicidi selettivi attualmente disponibili consentono, in generale, un buon controllo dell’ambrosiasia con trattamenti eseguiti in pre-emergenza (ad esempio con miscele di terbutilazina e isossaflutolo), siacon trattamenti in post-emergenza(ad esempio con nicosulfuron e altri ALS-inibitori, mesotrione, dicamba, sulcotrione).A causa della ridotta varietà di prodotti erbicidi impiegabili, per controllare efficacemente l’ambrosia nel girasole si rende spesso necessario integrare i trattamenti di pre-emergenza con interventi meccanici eseguiti quando la coltura raggiunge lo stadio di 4-6 foglie (ad esempio interventi di sarchiatura e rincalzatura). Nelle varietà tolleranti all’imidazolinone si possono inoltre ottenere buoni risultati con l’impiego di imazamox distribuito in post-emergenza.La corretta gestione dell’ambrosiasi basa, in particolare, sulla necessità di limitare la diffusione di questa specie infestantenelle aree non infestate, contenendo allo stesso tempo la sua presenza anche nelle zonein cui è già presente. La diffusione della specie è favorita dalla gestione monocolturale o con brevi rotazioni, che possono anche incrementare il rischio di formazione di popolazioni resistenti agli erbicidi.La diagnosi precoce degli individui di ambrosia e la loro tempestiva eradicazionerappresenta un efficace metodo per il controllo della specie, e per tale motivo risulta essenziale sensibilizzare e formare gli operatori aziendali, anche nell’ottica di una gestione di lungo periodo.

Cabbage stem flea beetle has become a serious threat to oilseed rape establishment following the loss of neonicotinoid seed treatments. Using a “companion” species sown with oilseed rape has proved to be an effective means of reducing crop damage. In particular, white mustard appears to attract the beetle preferentially, and allow the oilseed rape to establish successfully. The technique is suitable for high risk situations, and the companion should be removed after a few weeks, using either a non-selective herbicide if the oilseed rape variety is herbicide resistant, or a conventional selective herbicide in the autumn. Relying on frost to kill the companions is not recommended for much of norther Europe as temperatures may not be low enough. Growers should consider constructing their own white mustard and oilseed rape mixture, or buying “co-packs” which may be marketed commercially. Small testareas are advised initially so the technique can be explored in different farm situations. Other companion crop species have not proved effective for flea beetle control.

Damage of oilseed rape (OSR)in early growth stages by seedling insects (Psylliodes chrysocephala, Phyllotreta spp., Delia radicum, Agriotes lineatus,early season aphid (Myzus persicae)a vector of turnip yellows virus (TuYV), etc.) toEUproduction is significant. The area of winter or/and spring OSRin some countries isdeclining as a result of the prohibition period of using neonicotinoids as seed treatment insecticides.Insecticide seed treatment is an effective way to protect OSR seedlings from early season insects. The foliar spraysofinsecticides are less effective, require 2-7 treatments, are more expensive to the farmer,and havea higher impact onthe environment. Honey bees and other pollinatorsare an important part of OSR cultivation, agricultural and forestry sector in general. Careful analyses based on facts and growing practicesfor all involved stakeholders must be done to find solutions for OSR growers and honey bee sustainability.The purpose of the study isto test the efficacy of different mode of action products,provide guidelines, new solutions and IPM methods for OSR protection against seedling insects and alternatives for EU farmers to keep the OSR area, yield levelsand honey bee sustainability in this environment.

Rapša kaitēkļi, kasbojāaugusagrīnās attīstības stadijās (Psylliodes chrysocephala, Phyllotreta spp, Delia radicum, Agriotes lineatus, laputis (Myzus persicae)kāturnepšu dzeltenāvīrusa (TuYV)pārnēsātājas,u.c.), rada nozīmīguszaudējumus ziemas un vasaras rapša audzētājiem visā Eiropā. Dažāsvalstīsrapša platībassamazinās, neonikotinoīdukodņuaizlieguma dēļ.Rapša sēklu kodināšana ar insekticīdiem ir efektīvs veids, kā aizsargāt rapsi agrīnās auga attīstības stadijāsno kaitēkļiem.Rapša miglošana ar insekticīdiemšajā laikā ir mazefektīva, nepieciešami 2-7 miglojumi. Lauksaimniekam tas veido lielākasizmaksas un rada lielāku negatīvo ietekmiuz vidi.Bitēmun citiem apputeksnētājiem ir liela nozīme rapša audzēšanā, lauksaimniecības un mežsaimniecības nozarē kopumā. Lai rastu risinājumus rapšaaudzētājiem un bišuilgtspējībai,visām iesaistītajām pusēmir jāveic rūpīga analīze, balstotiesuz faktiem un praksi, kā arī jāatrod risinājumi, kas būtu noderīgi visiem. Pētījuma mērķis ir: izstrādāt vadlīnijas,rast jaunus risinājumusunintegrētās augu aizsardzības metodes (IAA)aizsardzībai pret kaitēkļiem rapšuagrīnās attīstības stadijās;un alternatīvas ES lauksaimniekiem, lai saglabātu rapša platības, ražas līmeni un bišu ilgtspējību esošajāvidē.

Biocontrol is the predominant technique of pest control in EU greenhouses; beyond its proven economic and technical efficiencies, biological control is a distinctive cultural method that allow EU producers to sell better and safer vegetables in EU markets in comparison with greenhouse industry of outside Europe. Biocontrol in greenhouse vegetables has recently evolved from using multiple agents with repeated releases to the inoculation of generalist predators that can control several insect pests. This hasbeen the case of 3 Heteropteran generalist predators that are supplied by several biocontrol companies. However, some of these predators, although efficient, have important limitations -potentially harmful for plants in some circumstances and too slow control action-that should be overcame to maintain market share of biological control in greenhouses. EMPHASIS is testing 2 predators without those limitations that have not been commercialized until now. Results obtained in EMPHASIS in both the laboratory and the greenhouse with these two predators show a good efficacy at least for whiteflies, and hopefully for other pests that have been tested successfully in the laboratory and now are being tested in the greenhouse. To improve their efficacy, pre-plant inoculation of seedlings with a sufficient number of predators is recommendable as we have checked that early inoculation on young plants do not harm them as other predators do in some circumstances.

El control biològic és la tècnica predominant a la UE en el control de plagues en hivernacle; més enllà de la seva eficàcia, el biocontrol és una tècnica que permet distingir en qualitat la producció a Europa respecte a la d’altres països de fora la U.E. El biocontrol en hivernacle ha evolucionat en els darrers anys des de la introducció repetida de múltiples agents,a la inoculació de depredadors polífags que poden controlar alhora més d’una plaga. Aquest ha estat el cas de 3 depredadors generalistes heteròpters que són subministrats avui en dia per diverses companyies. Tanmateix, aquests depredadors, tot i ser eficaços, tenen limitacions importants -com ara el risc de produir danys en la planta de conreu en determinades circumstancies i la seva excessiva lentitud d’acció-que cal vèncer per a que el control biològic no perdi quota de mercat en els hivernaclesd’Europa. EMPHASIS està provant dos depredadors que no tenen aquestes limitacions i que no han estat comercialitzats fins ara. Els resultats obtinguts fins a ara, tant al laboratori com a l’hivernacle, mostren una bona eficàcia, almenys per a la mosca blanca i esperem que també per a d’altres plagues, aspecte que ha estat comprovat amb èxit al laboratori i està sent confirmattambé en hivernacle. Per a un bon control és recomanable la inoculació d’un nombre suficient d’aquests nous depredadors en el planter ja que hem comprovat que aquests nous depredadors, a diferència d’altres, no són perjudicials per a plantes joves.

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