project - Research and innovation

DISARM:Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management (1 of 2)
DISARM:Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management (1 of 2)

Ongoing | 2019 - 2021 Belgium
Ongoing | 2019 - 2021 Belgium
Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


The DISARM thematic network (Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management) is

focused on disseminating best practices from innovative farms, livestock supply chain companies and research on how to reduce antibiotic resistance

in livestock farming.Disseminating effective management practices and innovations is at the heart of the DISARM project, which will work with farmers, vets, advisors,

industry and researchers to identify and disseminate widely the most cost effective and beneficial strategies.


Het DISARM thematische netwerk (Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management) is gericht op het verspreiden van optimale werkwijzen van innovatieve landbouwbedrijven om antibioticaresistentie te verminderen in de veehouderij. Het verspreiden van effectieve managementpraktijken en innovaties vormt de kern van het DISARM project, dat wordt uitgevoerd in samenwerking met veehouders, dierenartsen, adviseurs, de industrie en onderzoekers om sectorbreed voordelige en kosteffectieve strategieen en innovaties te identificeren en te verspreiden.


* A 600 member multi-actor Community of Practice * 10 best practice guides, 100 best practice abstracts and 100 short videos to explain how

farms have successfully adopted innovative practices;

* Working with 40 farms (in 8 countries) to develop multi-actor farm health plans, case studies to show other farms how working with their vet, feed or equipment suppliers and advisory services can

help them adopt a set of best practices suited to their farm;

* 80 events to disseminate best practices, hosted by farmers or research centres, and speak at 60 further industry


* 3 annual reports on the remaining challenges with antibiotic resistance which research or policy

developments need to address.


Uitkomsten: een multi-actor Community of Practice met 600 leden; 10 Goede landbouwpraktijk gidsen, 100 practice abstracts en 100 korte videos met succesvol geimplementeerde innovatieve werkwijzen; het werken met 40 veehouderijen (in 8 landen) om een multi-actor farm health plan te ontwikkelen; 80 evenementen en workshops, 60 evenementen bij derden; 3 jaarrapporten met de resterende uitdagingen op het gebied van antibioticaresistentie.


Antibiotic resistance management is not only important to farming, it can also lead to reduced

effectiveness of antibiotics in treating humans. Tackling antibiotic resistance is a major strategic challenge for

European livestock farmers, an industry worth over 145 billion euros. Evidence shows that rates of antibiotic use and

resistance vary greatly from farm to farm and, that with the adoption of appropriate innovative on farm management

practices that both the use of antibiotics and the development of resistance can be reduced.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location
Arr. Gent

€ 1999580

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible

100 Practice Abstracts

Good vaccination schemes are an important part of good farm management. Vaccination prevents diseases (and secondary bacterial infections) and thus antibiotic use. Many live vaccines can be administered via the drinking water, whereas some need to be injected. Drinking water vaccination is very practical, but the efficacy is highly influenced by the water quality/composition. These important points concerning the drinking water should be kept in mind at all times:

Use water of high quality! Unwanted components can interfere with the vaccine. Unpalatable water can be detrimental because of lower water uptake. Check the DISARM Best Practice Guide for water quality for more information on how to evaluate and remediate water quality.

At least 48h before vaccination: cease all water treatments. In case of live bacterial vaccines (e.g., Salmonella, Mycoplasma): stop antibiotic treatments at least 7 days before AND after vaccination.

Flush the pipes thoroughly to remove all residues of cleaning and disinfection products. This is essential to avoid inactivation of the vaccine.

Add a water stabilizer that binds substances such as chlorine in tap water to avoid vaccine inactivation.

Check the DISARM best practice guide for vaccination protocols for more information on effective vaccination practices.

Source: N. Sleeckx, Drinkwatermedicatie, Proefbedrijf pluimveehouderij vzw, 2014. 

Goede vaccinatieschema's zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van goed bedrijfsbeheer. Vaccinatie voorkomt ziekten (en secundaire bacteriële infecties) en dus antibioticagebruik. Veel levende vaccins kunnen via het drinkwater worden toegediend, andere moeten worden geïnjecteerd. Drinkwatervaccinatie is erg praktisch, maar de werkzaamheid wordt sterk beïnvloed door de waterkwaliteit / samenstelling. Met deze belangrijke punten betreffende het drinkwater moet te allen tijde rekening worden gehouden:

Gebruik water van hoge kwaliteit! Ongewenste componenten kunnen het vaccin verstoren. Onsmakelijk water kan nadelig zijn vanwege een lagere wateropname. Raadpleeg de DISARM gids met beste praktijken voor waterkwaliteit voor meer informatie over het evalueren en optimaliseren van de waterkwaliteit.

Stop alle waterbehandelingen minstens 48 uur voor vaccinatie. In het geval van levende bacteriële vaccins (bijv.Salmonella, Mycoplasma): stop de antibioticabehandeling minstens 7 dagen voor EN na vaccinatie.

Spoel de leidingen grondig door om alle resten van reinigings- en desinfectieproducten te verwijderen. Dit is essentieel om inactivering van het vaccin te voorkomen.

Voeg een waterstabilisator toe die stoffen zoals chloor in leidingwater bindt om inactivering van het vaccin te voorkomen.

Raadpleeg de DISARM-gids met beste praktijken voor vaccinatieprotocollen voor meer informatie over doeltreffende vaccinatiepraktijken.

Bron: N. Sleeckx, Drinkwatermedicatie, Proefbedrijf pluimveehouderij vzw, 2014. 

To control the colostrum management in a herd, it is important to make a system where the calves’ level of IgG is examined. This is done by a blood sample of the calf between 1-7 days after birth. A representative sample must be taken to assess the herd level. If more than 90% of the tested calves are above 10 g/l then the colostrum management is satisfactory. If a larger proportion is below 10 g/L, it is important to review all procedure to find possible optimization points.

Quality, quantity, speed and hygiene are the parameters that are important to achieve a satisfactory IgG level in the calf.

Quality: the colostrum quality is measured immediately after milking by a colostrometer or by a Brix meter. The goal must be that 90% is above 50 g/l, which corresponds to 22% on the Brix meter

Quantity: to obtain adequate supply of immunuglobulins it requires 3-4 liters at first feeding

Speed: the reason why it is important to add colostrum quickly after birth is due to the ability of the intestinal wall to absorb immunuglobulins decreases rapidly and after 24 hours the ability has disappeared. The goal is to give colostrum within the first 1-2 hours after birth

Hygiene: it is possible to do hygiene checks on colostrum to see how hygiene procedures work while handling colostrum. A sample of the colostrum is taken just before the first feeding and then a germ count is done. There should be less than 100,000 CFU / ml in the colostrum.

For at følge op på råmælkstildelingen i en besætning, så er det vigtigt at lave et system hvor kalvene undersøges for optagelse af Ig G. Dette gøres via en blodprøve af kalven, når den er mellem 1-7 dage gammel. Der udtages en repræsentativ stikprøve for at se på besætningsniveauet. Hvis over 90 % af de testede kalve ligger over 10 g/l, så er råmælkstildelingen tilfredsstillende. Hvis en større andel ligger under 10 g/L, så er det vigtigt at gennemgå alle procedure for at finde mulige optimeringspunkter.

Kvalitet, kvantitet, hastighed samt hygiejne er de parameter, som er vigtige for at opnå et tilfredsstillende IgG niveau hos kalven.

Kvalitet: råmælkskvaliteten måles umiddelbart efter malkning via colostrometer eller via Brix-måler. Målet er at 90 % ligger over 50 g/l, hvilket svare til 22 % på Brixmåleren

Kvantitet: for at opnå tilstrækkelig tilførsel af immunuglobuliner kræver det 3-4 liter ved første fodring

Hastighed: årsagen til at det er vigtigt at tilføre råmælk hurtigt efter fødsel er pga tarmvæggens evne til at absorbere immunuglobuliner falder hurtigt og efter 24 timer er evnen forsvundet. Målet er at tildele råmælk indenfor de første 1-2 timer efter fødsel

Hygiejne: det er muligt at lave hygiejnekontrol på råmælk for at se hvorledes hygiejneprocedure fungere under håndtering af råmælk. Udtag en prøve at råmælken lige før udfordring og foretag herefter en kimtalsmåling på råmælken. Der skal være under 100.000 CFU/ml i råmælken.

Separation of cow and calf at birth has been common practice for decades. The interest in keeping cow and calf together for a longer time is increasing among both farmers and consumers. Before you start practicing this you must consider a few things first. Biosecurity is vital if you want to succeed.

Uncover the risks

Take a critical look at your farm – consult your veterinarian. Uncover the risks for introduction of new infectious diseases, but also the risk of spreading diseases already present at the farm.

Small groups

It is important to keep the cows and calves in smaller groups. Larger groups mean more options for contact between animals and a higher risk for spreading of diseases.

Monitor colostrum quality and uptake

Colostrum is critical for the newborn calf. You can not be sure that a calf that is only nursed by the cow gets enough colostrum. Up to 60 % of the calves will suffer to failure of passive transfer of antibodies. It is necessary to monitor both quality and amount of colostrum the calves ingest. Feeding the calf colostrum is a safe way to secure sufficient immunization. Always keep good quality colostrum in a colostrum bank, so you have colostrum to supply calves born from cows with little or to poor colostrum.

Monitoring the calves

Monitoring calf health is vital. Do not expect that the cow can do this job or that health monitoring is less time consuming when calves and cows are kept together. When calves are bucket fed twice daily, it is quite easy to monitor wellbeing of the calf, appetite and drinking speed. You do not get the same information if the cow is the caretaker. Therefore, the person responsible for monitoring the calves must look for the small signs of illness, so proper intervention can be carried out before it is to late.

Adskillelse af ko og kalv ved fødsel har været almindelig praksis i mange årtier. Men der er nu både blandt landmænd og forbrugere en stigende interesse for at have ko og kalv gående sammen i længere tid. Men før du kaster dig ud i at praktisere det, er der nogle forhold, der skal være på plads. Fokus på smittebeskyttelse er altafgørende for, at man får succes.

Afdæk risici

Start med at gå din besætning kritisk igennem - og tag din dyrlæge eller rådgiver med på råd. Afdæk hvilke risici der er i netop din besætning, dels for introduktion af smitte, men også for spredning af evt. smitte i besætningen, hvis den først er kommet ind. Har du i dag smitsomme sygdomme som Salmonella eller paratuberkulose i besætningen, så er det ikke nu du skal i gang. Når du kender risici, så kan du fjerne eller minimere dem.

Små hold

Det er vigtigt at holde ko/kalv i mindre grupper. Jo flere dyr der er i et hold, jo flere kontaktmuligheder og dermed risiko for smitte er der.

Overvåg råmælken

Råmælk er kritisk for den nyfødte kalv. Du kan ikke være sikker på at kalve, der kun patter koen, får råmælk nok. Op mod 60 % af de kalve, der går hos koen, optager for lidt råmælk. Det er nødvendigt at overvåge både kvaliteten og mængden af råmælk, den får fra koen samt at supplere kalvene med råmælk. Hav altid et lager af råmælk af god kvalitet. Så har du til kalve, hvor koen ingen råmælk har eller er hvor kvaliteten er for ringe.

Hav tid og overblik

Du skal være indstillet på at overvågningen af kalve, der går sammen med koen, kræver overblik og tid. De informationer du får i dag om drikkelyst og -hastighed, når kalvene fodres to gange dagligt i en skål, dem har du ikke længere. Det fordrer, at den der skal overvåge kalvene, har blikket for de små tegn på sygdom, så der kan gribes ind inden det er for sent.

Slurry and manure can contain pathogens. To avoid spreading of infectious diseases between farms or around your farm it is important to take precautions.

First, get an overview of the overall logistic – traffic routes on the farm. Pay special attention to routes for transport of slurry and manure. Avoid using the same routes for the feeding trucks, both inside and outside. Always keep a good safety distance to the feed.

Sometimes the slurry tank or lagoon is placed in a way that the slurry tanker must cross the same route the feeding truck uses. In these cases, have a plan for cleaning up these crossings and make sure it is done, to minimize the risk of spreading pathogens.

When handling slurry and manure keep distance to the stables and animals to prevent exposing animals to pathogens.

The most optimal route for safe transport of slurry and manure might be a little longer, but it is worth it compared to the consequences of spreading diseases in your herd.

Avoid spill when filling the tanker and under transport of slurry and manure. When spillage occur, there is a risk that pathogens can be spread around the herd via footwear and vehicle tires contaminated with slurry or manure. Therefore, be careful when handling slurry and manure and implement good routines for fast cleaning when spillage accidentally occurs.

Slurry contaminated vehicles and equipment can also spread diseases between farms. Make sure that only clean and disinfected equipment enter your farm. If the vehicle and equipment is washed and disinfected on your premises, then do it in a place where washing water do not get close to stables, animals or feed. Spreading pathogens with aerosols during washing with high pressure is a serious hazard. Make sure that aerosols do not enter stables or feed.

Gylle kan indeholde sygdomsfremkaldende smitstoffer. For at undgå at få smitte ind i din besætning eller risikere, at den bliver spredt rundt i besætningen, så er det vigtigt, at du tager nogle forholdsregler.

Dan dig et overblik over, hvilke kørselsruter, der benyttes i besætningen. Aftal med maskinstationen og/eller traktorføreren, hvilke ruter gyllevognen må køre. Undlad at bruge de samme kørselsveje som fodervognen benytter og hold afstand til foderet.

Det kan ske, at gylletanke er placeret, sådan at det ikke kan undgås at gyllevognen må krydse fodervognenes rute. Hav der en plan for, hvordan du holder disse knudepunkter rene efter endt kørsel, og gør det. På den måde kan du minimere risikoen.

Hold desuden afstand til stalde og dyr – det gælder også kalve, der går ude i hytter eller i kalvevogne. Den mest optimale rute kan betyde, at der skal køres nogle hundrede meter mere for hvert læs; men det er det værd i forhold til de konsekvenser der har at få sygdom ind i besætningen.

Undgå spild ved påfyldning og under kørsel. Når der ligger spild, så er der risiko for, at andre køretøjer kan flytte gylle og derved smitte rundt. Vær derfor påpasselig ved påfyldning og transport. Hvis uheldet er ude, så sørg for at have procedurer for, hvordan spild håndteres.

Der er risiko for at sprede smitte mellem ejendomme via gylleforurenede køretøjer og udstyr. Stil derfor krav til din maskinstation om at komme med rent og desinficeret udstyr. Hvis gyllevognen vaskes og desinficeres på ejendommen, skal vaskepladsen være placeret et sted, hvor vaskevand ikke kan ende i foderet eller i nærheden af dyr. Vær i den forbindelse opmærksom på aerosoler, der opstår under vask. De må heller ikke drive ind over foder eller dyr, da det er en effektiv smittespreder.

Good husbandry practices are an important contributor to animal health on the farm. Young dairy animals that are cared for appropriately are in a better state to combat their ailments, thus reducing need for antibiotics. At the heart of all these challenges is the overall benefit of keeping calves feeling well. The International Dairy Federation has developed a set of health recommendations regarding the welfare of young dairy animals to minimise the use of antimicrobials. Calving areas should have high standards of hygiene, be sheltered, and have appropriate bedding. An appropriate birthing plan should consider issues such as choice of sire; safe birthing facilities; and regular checking of animals to ensure prompt, experienced help is available if needed. Newborn dairy animals must receive adequate colostrum, both quantity and quality. The frequency of inspection of stock will depend on the circumstances and management systems. More than one daily inspection is particularly important in the case of animals close to giving birth, newborn, and newly weaned calves. If disbudding is performed, it should be done before 2 months of age and follow appropriate birthing and weaning practices. Calves should not be offered for sale until they are sufficiently hardy to be transported. Adequate body weight and dry navel are good indicators. Appropriate transport conditions stipulated in national welfare regulations or codes of practice should be followed.

Dairy farmers can set up biosecurity measures to prevent introduction of diseases and bacteria onto the farm; implement an effective herd health management programme, as well as for chronically infected cows; set up cleaning and disinfection strategies to prevent spread of diseases. Farmers need to ensure that the use of antimicrobials is based on adequate diagnostics and only used as directed, as well as avoid their preventive use. Withdrawal times must be respected and supported with a strategic residue testing of milk. Milking routines should not injure the animals or introduce contaminants into milk. Farmers should avoid feeding milk-containing residues to calves or other animals on the farm. Animal feed and water must be of suitable quantity and quality.

Veterinary professionals ensure reliable diagnosis, prevention of diseases and consider alternatives to antimicrobial treatment. They should avoid treatment of incurable animals as well as self-curing diseases with antimicrobials, give clear advice on the appropriate use of an antimicrobial product, including the dose, rates and length of treatment, withholding periods, and recording. Veterinarians should declare and register to your national authorities all drugs prescribed on farm.

The use of antimicrobials is only part of an animal health management programme that aims to limit disease in animals and improve animal welfare. Early detection of disease allows early intervention, and this minimises the need to use antimicrobials. Improved infection prevention and control measures limit disease spread and progressively reduce the usage of antimicrobial agents.

Good husbandry practices are an important contributor to animal health on the farm. Young dairy animals that are cared for appropriately are in a better state to combat their ailments, thus reducing need for antibiotics. At the heart of all these challenges is the overall benefit of keeping calves feeling well. Newborn dairy animals must receive adequate colostrum, both quantity and quality. If colostrum is not available, an appropriate commercial colostrum substitute should be provided. First colostrum feeding is preferably as soon as possible or latest within six hours of birth. In situations when pre-weaned calves cannot suckle, they should receive liquid feed in a way that fulfils their need to suckle. Pre-weaned calves should not be weaned off liquid feeds until the rumen has developed sufficiently to allow it to accept solid foods. Weaned heifers should have access to balanced solid feed of good quality from an early age to promote good rumen development. Cud feeding may be a good alternative for the development of rumen physiology in weaned replacement heifers. All feeding equipment used for young animals should be thoroughly cleaned after use. Feeds and grassland/pasture use should be monitored to deliver appropriate quality and amount of feed to growing weaned replacement heifers. Water must always be accessible for pre-weaned calves.

Every person entering the farm, including the farmer and his/her staff, should take precautionary measures, as they can carry pathogens onto the farm. All unnecessary visitors should be kept out of the stables and away from the animals. Visitors should adhere to the following measures:

1. Park your vehicle as far as possible from the animal housing facilities, on the dedicated parking area. When there is no parking area, leave your vehicle on the public road.

2. Never enter the animal housing facilities without informing the farmer/responsible person.

3. Before entering the animal facilities:

Sign the visitors' register.

Remove your footwear and overclothing.

Wash and disinfect your hands and/or wear disposable gloves.

Proceed to the clean zone of the hygiene lock (the side where the animals are present). Showering may be obligatory.

Put on farm-specific and clean coveralls/clothing and footwear. Whenever a farm does not have specific clothing or footwear, put on a disposable coverall and overshoes.

4. While being in the animal housing facilities, do not touch animals unless necessary.

5. Ideally, between different houses or animal groups, you should change clothing and footwear and wash and disinfect your hands.

6. At the end of your farm visit:

Remove farm-specific footwear and clean it before placing it back.

Remove farm-specific clothing and put it into a laundry bin.

Enter the dirty part of the hygiene lock (you may have to shower first).

Wash and disinfect your hands.

Put your own clothes and shoes back on.

Whenever these measures are followed thoroughly, no additional animal-free contact period is required. However, this can still be imposed by the farmer/government.

Alle bezoekers dienen de nodige voorzorgsmaatregelen te nemen wanneer ze de stallen betreden, aangezien elk van hen ziektekiemen kan binnenbrengen. Alle onnodige bezoekers moeten zoveel als mogelijk uit de stallen gehouden worden. Wanneer men de stallen bezoekt, dient men zich aan volgende maatregelen te houden:

1. Parkeer uw wagen op de parkeerplaats, zo ver mogelijk van de dierverblijven. Wanneer er geen parkeerplaats is voorzien, laat dan uw voertuig achter op de openbare weg.

2. Betreedt de stallen nooit zonder de verantwoordelijke persoon hiervan op te informeren.

3. Alvorens de stallen te betreden:

Teken het bezoekersregister.

Doe eigen schoeisel en overkledij uit.

Was en ontsmet uw handen en/of draag wegwerphandschoenen.

Begeef u naar het schone gedeelte van de hygiënesluis. Douchen kan verplicht zijn.

Trek bedrijfsspecifieke en schone kledij/overall aan, evenals bedrijfsspecifieke laarzen. Wanneer er geen bedrijfsspecifieke kledij of schoeisel is, draag dan wegwerpoveralls en overschoenen.

4. Raak geen dieren aan in de stallen, tenzij noodzakelijk.

5. Idealiter wordt er tussen verschillende stallen of diergroepen van kledij en laarzen gewisseld, alsook de handen gewassen en ontsmet.

6. Aan het eind van uw bezoek:

Trek bedrijfsspecifieke laarzen uit en reinig deze alvorens terug te plaatsen.

Trek bedrijfsspecifieke kledij uit en deponeer deze in een wasmand.

Begeef u naar het vuile gedeelte van de hygiënesluis (eventueel dient men eerst te douchen).

Was en ontsmet uw handen.

Trek uw eigen kledij en schoeisel opnieuw aan.

Wanneer deze maatregelen correct worden uitgevoerd, is er geen bijkomende diervrije periode nodig. Echter deze kan verplicht worden door de veehouder/overheid.

A thorough cleaning and disinfection protocol is needed to control infectious diseases.

Hygiene is equally important for keeping your animals healthy.

A proper cleaning and disinfection protocol will reduce the infection pressure. A clean area provides the ideal conditions for healthy animals to live and grow.

Ideally, a cleaning and disinfection protocol consists of seven steps. It only starts after the removal of animals.

1. Dry cleaning

Organic material (faeces, dust, soil) present in the stables/houses should be removed as much as possible. If this step is not performed well, the other steps will already be jeopardized.

2. Soaking of all surfaces

Soaking of the surfaces with detergent will loosen the remaining dirt.

3. High-pressure cleaning

All foam from the previous step will be removed by cleaning with water under high pressure. Start from the top of the building and work your way down. Don’t forget drinkers and feed troughs.

4. Drying

Let the stable/house dry out completely before moving on to the disinfection step. Otherwise, the disinfectant will be diluted and thus less effective.

5. Disinfection

Disinfection will further reduce the load of infectious agents. The instructions of the manufacturer must be followed carefully.

6. Drying

Make sure the buildings are completely dry before allowing animals to enter. This will ensure the animals cannot come into contact with remaining pools of disinfectant.

7. Efficacy testing

Finally, in order to check whether your hard work has paid off, test the efficacy of your procedure by sampling different surfaces.

It is important to perform the steps mentioned above in all animal houses!

Een grondig reinigings- en ontsmettingsprotocol is noodzakelijk voor de controle van infectieziekten.

Een degelijk protocol zal de infectiedruk verlagen. Een schone ruimte creëert de ideale omgeving voor gezonde dieren om te verblijven en te groeien.

Idealiter bestaat een reinigings- en ontsmettingsprotocol uit zeven stappen, nadat de dieren verwijderd werden uit de stallen.

1. Droog reinigen

Al het aanwezige organisch materiaal (uitwerpselen, stof, aarde) in de stallen dient zoveel mogelijk verwijderd te worden. Indien deze stap niet grondig wordt uitgevoerd, beïnvloedt dit rechtstreeks alle verder stappen.

2. Inweken van alle oppervlakken

Inweken van alle oppervlakten met zeep zal het overgebleven vuil losweken.

3. Reiniging onder hoge druk

Al het schuim van de vorige stap zal verwijderd worden door reiniging met water onder hoge druk.

Start altijd bij het plafond en werk zo naar beneden. Vergeet de drinknippels en voedertroggen niet.

4. Drogen

Laat de stal volledig uitdrogen voor de volgende stap. Anders zal het ontsmettingsmiddel verdund worden en dus minder effectief zijn.

5. Ontsmetting

Het aantal infectieuze kiemen zal verder dalen door het uitvoeren van een ontsmettingsstap.

Volg aandachtig de instructies van de fabrikant.

6. Drogen

Zorg ervoor dat de gebouwen volledig droog zijn alvorens dieren toe te laten. Dit zal ervoor zorgen dat de dieren niet in aanraking kunnen komen met overgebleven ontsmettingsmiddelen.

7. Meten van de effectiviteit

De effectiviteit van de procedure word best nagegaan door stalen te nemen van verschillende oppervlakken.

Belangrijk: Voer alle bovenstaande stappen uit in alle dierverblijven!

On many breeding farms, a search boar is used for good oestrus stimulation in the sows. However, this activity also carries risks.

Direct contact between animals is the most effective way to transmit disease. With the oestrus stimulation the boar walks in front of and/or behind the sows and direct contact is possible. It is therefore important that the boar does not transmit disease to the sows and gilts. In general, it is advisable to buy animals from a farm that has at least the same health status, but preferably higher. These farms are free of a number of diseases and this reduces the chance of disease introduction. When an animal is purchased, it must be placed in quarantine upon arrival. The incubation period of a disease (the time between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms) determines the quarantine period. In general, a minimum quarantine period of four weeks is advised, but it is safer to apply a longer period, e.g. six to eight weeks. In addition to the prevention of disease introduction, the newly purchased animals can also adapt to the farm during the quarantine period and receive the necessary vaccinations (adaptation period). It is advised to administer the same vaccinations to boars and sows.

In order to keep the boar sufficiently active, mating can be allowed occasionally. However, sperm can also be a risk for disease introduction. This also applies when new genetics are introduced to the farm by artificial insemination.


Buy animals from a farm with the same or higher health status.

When purchasing animals, maintain a quarantine period of at least four weeks

Vaccinate the boar together with the sows

Op veel vermeerderingsbedrijven wordt gebruik gemaakt van zoekberen voor een goede bronststimulatie bij zeugen: ook de zoekbeer brengt risico’s met zich mee.

Direct contact is de effectiefste manier om een ziekte over te brengen. Bij de bronststimulatie loopt de beer voor en/of achter de zeugen en is direct contact mogelijk.

Algemeen is het aan te raden om dieren aan te kopen van een bedrijf dat minstens dezelfde gezondheidsstatus heeft als het eigen bedrijf, maar liefst hoger. Deze bedrijven zijn vrij van een aantal ziektes en zo wordt de kans op introductie van een ziekte verkleind.

Wanneer een dier aangekocht wordt, moet het na aankomst in quarantaine worden geplaatst. De incubatietijd van een ziekte (de tijd tussen infectie en het zien van de eerste symptomen) bepaalt de quarantaineperiode. Algemeen wordt een minimale quarantaineperiode van vier weken geadviseerd, maar het is veiliger om de periode iets langer te nemen bijvoorbeeld zes tot acht weken. Naast de preventie van ziekte-insleep kunnen de nieuw aangekochte dieren zich tijdens de quarantaineperiode ook aanpassen aan het bedrijf en kunnen de nodige vaccinaties toegediend worden (adaptatieperiode). Er wordt geadviseerd om bij de beren dezelfde vaccinaties toe te dienen als bij de zeugen. Om de zoekbeer voldoende actief te houden, kan hij ingezet worden om zo af en toe een zeug te dekken. Maar ook via sperma kunnen ziektekiemen geïntroduceerd worden. Dit geldt ook wanneer nieuwe genetica op het bedrijf gebracht wordt door kunstmatige inseminatie.


Koop dieren van een bedrijf met eenzelfde of hogere gezondheidsstatus

Houd bij de aankoop van dieren een quarantaineperiode van minimaal vier weken aan

Vaccinneer de beer mee met de zeugen

Diarrhoea is a common problem in young piglets which can lead to mortality. Ardol has developed the product Basdiar, to guide and accelerate proper intestinal development and intestinal digestion in newborn piglets.

Basdiar is a food supplement that must be dissolved in warm water (100 grams of product to 1 liter of water). It is mainly a mixture of algae and clay minerals. Due to the high iron and mineral content, Basdiar is an optimal supplement to the iron-poor colostrum and milk. It is given in a feeding bowl, which actively stimulates the natural rooting behavior so that each piglet quickly drinks water and learns to eat vegetable feed.

Basdiar is given from birth as a supplement to colostrum and sow's milk for at least a week, about 1 liter per litter per day. It can also be fed into the piglet pen to reduce weaning dip. There are also good experiences with feeding Basdiar to the smallest piglets in the piglet barn, to improve uniformity. The product is a supplement to colostrum and sow's milk, and can also be given simultaneously with artificial milk and candy feed.

Several trials have shown that using Basdiar decreases mortality and increases the number of weaned piglets. The piglets start off better in the piglet barn, as they are already accustomed to eating liquid feed. The litters are more uniform and have less diarrhoea. Basdiar ensures:

- less loss to weaning

- sufficient moisture in the first days of life

- ALL piglets learn to eat in the farrowing pen

- an indispensable natural source of iron

- the binding of endotoxins

- a good intestinal protection

A greater feed intake in the first weeks of life and good continued growth after weaning are other benefits of this product.

Diarree is een veel voorkomend probleem bij biggen wat kan leiden tot uitval. Ardol heeft het product Basdiar ontwikkeld, die stuurt op een goede darmontwikkeling en darmvertering bij pasgeboren biggen.

Basdiar is een voedingssupplement dat opgelost moet worden in warm water (100gr. product op 1L water). Het is hoofdzakelijk een mix van algen en klei mineralen. Door het hoge ijzer -en mineralengehalte is Basdiar een optimale aanvulling op de ijzer-arme biest en melk. Het wordt gegeven in een voerkom, wat het natuurlijk wroetgedrag stimuleert waardoor elke big snel water drinkt en plantaardig voer leert te eten.

Basdiar wordt gegeven vanaf de geboorte gedurende minstens een week, ongeveer 1 liter per toom per dag. Het kan ook doorgevoerd worden in de biggenstal om de speendip te verkleinen. Er zijn ook goede ervaringen met het voeren van Basdiar aan de kleinste biggen in de biggenstal, om de uniformiteit te verbeteren. Het product is een aanvulling op biest en zeugenmelk, en kan ook gelijktijdig gegeven worden met kunstmelk en snoepvoeders.

In verschillende proeven is aangetoond dat door het gebruik van Basdiar de uitval daalt en het aantal gespeende biggen stijgt. De biggen starten beter op in de biggenstal. De tomen zijn uniformer en hebben minder diarree. Basdiar zorgt voor:

-minder uitval tot spenen

-voldoende vocht in de eerste levensdagen

-het leren eten van ALLE biggen in de kraamstal 

-een onmisbare natuurlijke ijzerbron

-de binding van endotoxines 

-een goede darmbescherming

Een grotere voeropname in de eerste levensweken en een goede vervolggroei na spenen zijn andere voordelen van dit product.

Between rounds, pollution accumulates in stables, with lots of dust, odor and ammonia. Something that is bad for animals, people and the environment. Animal Life Plus delivers an innovative automated barn cleaning system to improve the barn climate.

The automatic spray system is an easy to install system that works from an installation unit containing the spray. This spray is a biological cleaning agent that consists of a wide range of selected micro-organisms. These micro-organisms attach themselves to the core of the contamination, which can be seen as a layer of bonded dust on surfaces. The air remains and is considerably fresh.

The spraying system can be applied in all kinds of sectors, including piglets, sows, laying hens, broilers, calves and dairy goats. The system can be built into new and existing houses.

Prior to spraying, the starter is used to speed up microbiological cleaning, and the cleaner is used to clean between rounds with biological softener. By using these coordinated cleaners, the effect of the spray is optimally highlighted.

The automated microbiological cleaning concept of Animal Life Plus offers many advantages. For this pig farmer, the system has led to better animal health, less use of antibiotics, increased job satisfaction and an improved technical result. This means that the system pays for itself in a short period of time.

Tussen de rondes door hoopt vervuiling zich op in stallen, met veel stof, geur en ammoniak. Iets wat slecht is voor dier, mens en milieu. Animal Life Plus levert een innovatief geautomatiseerd stalreinigingssysteem ter verbetering van het stalklimaat.

Het automatische sproeisysteem is een eenvoudig te installeren systeem die werkt vanuit een installatie-unit met daarin de spray. Deze spray is een biologisch reinigingsmiddel die bestaat uit een breed scala aan geselecteerde micro-organismen. Deze micro-organismen hechten zich aan de kern van de vervuiling, wat te zien is als een laagje gebonden stof op oppervlakten. De lucht blijft en is aanmerkelijk fris.

Het sproeisysteem is toepasbaar in allerlei sectoren, waaronder biggen, zeugen, leghennen, vleeskuikens, kalveren en melkgeiten. Het systeem is in te bouwen in nieuwe en bestaande stallen.

Voorafgaand aan de spray wordt gebruik gemaakt van de starter om het microbiologisch reinigen sneller op gang te brengen, en de cleaner om tussen de rondes door met biologisch inweekmiddel te reinigen. Door gebruik te maken van deze op het op elkaar afgestemde reinigers komt de werking van de spray optimaal naar voren.

Het geautomatiseerd microbiologisch reinigingsconcept van Animal Life Plus biedt vele voordelen. Bij deze varkenshouder heeft het systeem geleid tot een betere diergezondheid, minder antibioticagebruik, verhoogd arbeidsplezier en een verbeterd technisch resultaat. Dit betekend dat het systeem zich in korte tijd terugverdiend.

Excessive weight loss in early lactation leads to stress and the associated problems of low fertility and increased susceptibilty to disease and lameness. Additionally binge feeding on concentrates lowers the pH in the rumen and causes metabolic disease such as acidosis which in turn reduces feed intake, increases weight loss and reduces production. Automatic feeding systems, such as the Mullerup system used at the South West Dairy Development Centre (SWDC), creates consistent fresh rations mixed from three forage sources, and five straight feeds which is fed up to 16 times a day. Different rations can also be specified for each group. Feeding more frequently leads to increased dry matter intake, and increased pH in the rumen. As feeding bouts and amounts can be scheduled to leave no waste, the system increases feed palatibility and reduces waste. A consistent diet optimises the rumen microbes. Apart from the reduction in labour cost and the convenience in automation, automatic feeding increases intakes, improves body condition score, and therefore fertility and associated reduction in stress and disease. Regulating and increasing rumen pH reduces metabolic diseases, improves milk yield and constituents, thereby increasing milk income. Profit and sustainability is increased by the reduction in waste feed and increases in feed efficiency. Reducing stress by reduction of ketosis and acidosis, having a stable rumen environment leads to better animal welfare and reduced antibiotic use. The managers and staff at the SWDC cite automatic feeding as the one technology that they value the most.

Good nutrition is key to having healthy calves that grow into healthy adult cattle. Calves are born without rumen function – they rely on milk feeds to provide nutrients and energy while solid feed (concentrates and forage) help them gradually develop into a ruminant.

When feeding young calves:

1. Feed at least two milk meals per day until at least 28 days of age. Before calves are 1 month old, their rumen is not sufficiently developed to digest solid feed well enough to constitute a meal.

2. Feed calf milk replacer (CMR) or pasteurized saleable whole milk to avoid transfer of infectious disease to calves. Do not feed non-saleable waste milk - milk from cows treated with antibiotics contains antibiotic residues. Feeding this contributes to the development of antibiotic resistance and harms the friendly bacteria in the calf’s gut, causing diarrhoea.

3. Feed at least 750g milk solids per day for the first 4 weeks. This will ensure calves have the energy and nutrients to grow, keep warm, and support their immune function. Feed higher quantities if you are aiming for growth rates of 0.7-0.8 kg/day or more.

4. Keep milk-feeding consistent: feed a set amount of milk at a set temperature, at a set time. Make any necessary changes gradually.

5. Ensure milk feeding equipment is clean. Wash it with hot water and detergent between every feed to avoid cross-contamination and bacterial build-up.

6. From a few days of age, offer small amounts of solid feed (concentrates and forage e.g. chopped straw) so that calves can eat small amounts to develop their rumen. Gradually increase this provision of solid feed. Wean calves when they eat 1kg of concentrate per day for 3-4 days, at approximately 6 weeks of age.

7. Ensure calves have access to clean, fresh water at all times.

The majority of UK dairy cows have access to pasture for a portion of the year. This is governed by the weather and ground conditions. Here we hear why calving outdoors for a UK dairy farmer works for their Autumn block calving system Town Barton Farm - The journey from outdoor calving to the milk vending machine

Calving outdoors on well managed pasture works for this farming family – they like the cows to be out in the fresh air and it fits in with the rest of their farm management. The near to calving cows are bought in from the calving field once a day for an extra feed and the grass is grown slightly longer than the other grazing fields to provide more fibre in the calving cow diet. This alleviates any metabolic issues, such as milk fever associated with a lack of fibre in the diet. The farmers also make sure the cows get a fresh patch of grass every day and where they laid the day before is fenced off. This helps keep the cows clean and avoids any build-up of bugs that could cause mastitis around calving. The mastitis rate is ~13% for this herd and they have very low rates of lameness (~6/100 cases per year). They also find calving outdoors is cheaper as there is no need for bedding material and further cleaning. In winter, all the cows are bought in due to poor weather conditions. To optimise cow comfort, soft mattresses are used in the cubicle sheds and there is plenty of space so that every cow can lay down at once. When the cows are grazing, they come in for milking at their own pace and are foot bathed daily with Formalin. These are key factors in preventing lame cows and reducing the need for antibiotics for this farm.

Managing and preventing disease on a dairy farm is a continuous effort. A UK farmer shares his key strategies for optimizing his herd’s health in this video Optimising herd health - Managing disease

The first key measure is to run a closed herd – no cattle are brought onto the farm, not even bulls. This is even more important in this part of England due to endemic Bovine Tuberculosis (TB). Using farm software, the farmer can mark out cows that have had an Inconclusive Result (IR) for TB and ensure they are not bred from and do not stay on the farm for long, potentially spreading disease.

Leptospirosis – a zoonotic disease that can infect humans - has also been an issue in the past so all adult cows and heifers are vaccinated for this every February before turnout. Another infectious disease that affects many dairy farms in Europe is Bovine Viral Diarrhoea virus (BVD). After 2 years of BVD testing calves through the Tag and Test system and blood testing heifers, this farm is now on the national BVD eradication scheme and registered as free from BVD but continuously monitoring via bulk milk tank tests. They do not vaccinate against BVD currently, but care is taken to keep a barrier between their cattle and neighboring cattle due to BVD outbreaks on neighboring farms. The final disease that this farmer is acting upon is Johnes. After a recent clinical case (tip of the iceberg!), this farm has been more vigilant to Johnes and test the whole herd twice yearly. Affected cows are culled out but are often the poor performing animals anyway showing more lameness, high cell counts or poor fertility.

Measuring and monitoring antibiotic use has proven very helpful for one dairy farmer in the UK as seen in this video Mastitis - Monitoring prudent use of Antibiotics

As part of a major retailer producer pool, this farmer’s milk buyer collected and benchmarked farm antibiotic usage against other dairy farmers in order to drive progress and help farmers see where improvements could be made. This was against a backdrop of national antibiotic reduction targets set by the Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance targets task force. This farm’s antibiotic use has been consistently below the national average and they completely eliminated the use of Critically Important Antibiotics as part of a farmer-led research project with the University of Bristol.

The research project led by Dr Lisa Morgans encouraged farmers to learn from one another at regular farm workshops about practical ways they could improve animal health to reduce the need for antibiotics. Medicine data was shared and each participant hosted their group twice on their farm for a farm walk and facilitated discussion. This helped farmers share knowledge and create practical solutions to improve animal health and welfare bespoke to their farms.

Mastitis is one of the leading causes of antibiotic use on UK dairy farms. A high yielding herd housed all-year-round has reduced their mastitis rate to 13% through a series of measures, as seen in this video These include installing an Automatic Dipping and Flushing (ADF) system for the teat clusters, swapping from straw bedding in cubicles to sand and changing their pre-dipping routine to using an iodine-based dip and paper towels.

This has resulted in a drop in environmental mastitis caused by E. coli and Strep. uberis. These types of bugs thrive in dirty bedding, which is now less of a problem for this farm since they made the change to sand. Bugs in the environment can cause mastitis when pre-dipping routines are poor, so attention to effective cleaning of teats before milking is key. The ADF system ensures the spread of bugs through the milking equipment is also minimized.

Not only has a lower mastitis rate meant reduced antibiotic treatments, which has also saved the farm money, but the farmers have also eliminated the use of Critically Important Antibiotics (CIA). The CIA were often used for mastitis cases and now the farmers find there is less need for them. The farmers also found taking part in a farmer-led research project with the University of Bristol and being benchmarked against other farms in their producer pool very helpful in learning which products were CIA and focusing on specific changes to help prevent disease.

Respiratory disease is a common problem in calves and is usually associated with housing and the calves’ ability to fight disease. Basic preventive principles are that calves should be kept clean, dry, warm and receive plenty of good quality colostrum straight away.

Calf housing must have appropriate drainage - 1 in 20 slope to drain urine away from beds. It should be protocol to remove wet, soiled bedding and replace with fresh, dry bedding. Reducing stocking density can also reduce dirt build up and disease pressure.

Air quality and adequate ventilation is key to prevent respiratory disease. Calf accommodation should have a low level of air movement (0.2 m/s) so calves do not get cold but enough to replace stale, contaminated air within the shed with fresh air from outside. Adding spaced cladding to walls to provide greater airflow is one solution, or mechanical ventilation is another option, as seen in this video Designing buildings to improve calf health.

This farmer was very pleased with the positive-pressure ventilation tube installed in her purpose-built calf shed, which removed stale air, helped reduce levels of pneumonia, subsequent treatments and mortality.

Newborn calves will feel cold below 10°C. It is important to provide calves with enough bedding to be able to nest in and it is worth considering calf jackets as seen here Optimising calf health - Managing respiratory disease.

If calves receive enough colostrum at birth, many are able to fight off mild viral infections themselves. Some might develop a fever and go off their feed; in these cases, it is recommended to treat with anti-inflammatories so calves continue feeding. If cases worsen or do not respond within 24-48hrs, discuss with your vet about antibiotic treatment.

‘Prevention is better than cure’ for diarrhoea. This involves ensuring optimal hygiene at calving and in calf accommodation, regularly removing soiled bedding and steam cleaning, disinfecting and leaving calf pens empty, dry and in sunlight to rest between individuals/batches of calves. It is also important to clean feeding equipment with hot water and detergent between each feed. Depending on the bugs present on a farm, it is worth considering vaccination in adult cows to prevent the transmission of diseases like rotavirus to calves.

When calves have diarrhoea, it is crucial to keep them hydrated and fed, as demonstrated in this video Optimising calf health - Managing Cryptosporidosis

This farmer continues to feed milk to provide the calf with energy, which supports their immune system in fighting disease. They also emphasize the importance of providing oral rehydration solutions to prevent dehydration, which can be purchased or a homemade solution can be used. This farmer combines glucose, salt, bicarbonate of soda, and a small amount of potassium chloride in a solution to provide calves with the necessary electrolytes when dehydrated. The imbalance in electrolytes caused by fluid loss from diarrhoea also causes acidosis, so the farmer provides a couple of tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda in the milk feeds to help combat this.

Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) helps to reduce fever and symptoms caused by inflammation so that calves feel better and continue to drink. Taking faecal samples to test for what is causing the diarrhoea so that the most effective treatment can be selected is key. These principles have led to this farmer reducing their calf mortality from 8% to 0% and only using antimicrobials occasionally.

Lameness is accepted as causing the biggest loss of income on dairy farms, and second only to mastitis as the leading cause of antibiotic use. It is also widely reported that lameness is under-diagnosed as in many studies ony 25% of lame cows are diagnosed. Observational detection is subjective, requires skill, and is time consuming so the low detection rates are understandable. Technology, such as Cow Alert, has enabled automatic lameness scoring. Monitoring cows 24 hours per day, 7 days a week has resulted in a much higher detection rate. Indeed it often identifies lame cows at an earlier time than experienced stockpersons would. Thermal imaging cameras can be used to best effect to investigate the cause of lameness on these cows. They can differentiate between foul infections that require antibiotic treatment, and the majority of causes that don't. Furthermore, thermal imaging can pinpoint the exact location of a sole ulcer enabling foot trimmers to be precise in their area of investigation. In early cases, it can even identify the lame foot, or establish that the cause of lameness is not in the foot. The use of thermal imaging validates the lameness alerts of Cow Alert, and directs and motivates the stockman to treat the cow appropriately and at the earliest possible opportunity. It gives confidence that the hoof-knife is being used in the correct location, and will therefore locate ulcers/white line disease that would otherwise not be found. This improves animal wellbeing, reduces milk loss, and reduces the amount of antibiotics used.

The wellbeing of livestock requires a holistic approach to management. One UK Superfine Merino wool grower demonstrates excellent sheep husbandry that goes above and beyond minimum standards.

Firstly, biosecurity – keeping a closed flock, breeding all replacements on farm and strict biosecurity measures for any farm visitor (i.e., vets/shearers/hauliers). The flock are certified Scrapie-free and Maedi Visna accredited, which demands a better price for the wool but poses challenges finding breeding animals of equal status.

The sheep are housed in any wet weather limiting damage to the fleece (the farm’s main product). The sheds are large, airy, with plenty of bedding and space in the pens, and even toys for the sheep to interact and play with when housed. The opportunity to play and space to socialise with (or avoid) certain flock members are important aspects to sheep wellbeing.

The flock is of high genetic merit and the farmer uses embryo transfer (ET) to maximise the genetic potential and performance of her sheep. They cope well with the steep land and have little issue with their feet - there is not even any detectable footrot on farm. This is attributed to not buying in stock and not trimming feet or footbathing. To ensure their wellbeing, natural mating still occurs alongside artificial mating, which recognises the need for rams to mate.

To facilitate correct dosing when using anthelmintics, the farmer makes use of a weigh crush that is built into a race and handling system. Here she can automatically identify individuals by electronic ear tags, record weights and administer medicines. The handling system reduces stress for workers and sheep. Handling the flock calmly, quietly and with compassion are key elements to good stockperson-ship.

It is now common for neck collars and eartags to measure rumination, as well as activity, in automatic heat detection systems. However there is a greater benefit in the use of rumination data as an early warning health alert. Not only are cows monitored 24 hours a day and alerts sent to the stockperson when a problem arises - allowing time to be focused on animals that need attention - but a reduction in rumination rate is an earlier symptom than the more obvious signs of sickness that are traditionally seen. This early diagnosis leads to a wider range of potential treatments, many curative averting the need for antibiotic use, making the symptoms less severe and allowing a much quicker recovery. For example, at the South West Dairy Development Centre, the Smartbow eartag identified reduced rumination at 3 days post calving, prompting a vet diagnosis of a dilated abomasum - the first stage of a displaced abomasum (DA). Appropriate treatment avoided the need for an operation - and the corresponding antibiotic use - and resulted in a quickly recovered cow. Similarly monitoring rumination can identify early stages of ketosis, acidosis, mastitis and even the time of calving. Monitoring rumination at a herd/group level can identify Sub Acute Ruminal Acidosis, suboptimal dry cow transition diets, and even poor forage quality. Remotely monitoring rumination rate can also indicate if a treatment has been successful. Two technologies - Cow Manager and SmaXtec (a rumen bolus) also include temperature in the health alert algorithm. Monitoring rumination can save time, improve animal health, reduce stress, improve treatment outcomes, increase production and reduce antibiotic use.

It is usual to identify mastitis on farm by observing clots, or a raised temperature and hard quarter. Often somatic cell counts are taken, but this is often historic information after laboratory analysis, and the data is an average of all 4 quarters of the cow. Robotic milkers, such as the GEA monobox used at the SW dairy Development Centre, Measure milk conductivity, temperature and colour from each quarter. (There is now also an option to install quarter somatic cellcount detection). Data is collected at each milking, and is analysed by comparing previous data from the same cow, alerting when there is a significant change in a specific quarter. This allows a much earlier diagnosis af mastitis, which allows for non antibiotic treatments - such as the application of udder linament, and increasing the frequency of milking - to effect a self-cure. If, in extreme cases, it is decided that the best course of action is to use intramammery antibiotics, the earlier detection can lead to higher cure rates. This system is much more accurate as it takes quarter information, and algorithms compare to results from the individual cow, rather than generic averages. The real-time nature of the data means diagnosis is earlier which in turn leads to a reduction in antibiotic use, both from reducing the number of cows that need antibiotics, and having better cure rates in those that do. There is also a financial benefit with more milk per cow being sold off farm (less "treated" milk, and less milk reduction due to sick cows).

Changing people’s behaviour and practices on farm is challenging. Historically, this has been largely achieved through top-down approaches, such as legislation, regulation and penalties. Advisor-led programmes are also top-down in nature as they transfer knowledge in a one-way manner from a position of expert to ‘lay’ person. There is often little consideration and inclusion of the farmer’s views and ideas. Top-down approaches have been shown to lack the impact needed to transform farming practices in response to increasing environmental, social and economic challenges facing the industry. Bottom-up ways of working that adopt a more farmer-led approach are a potential solution. Facilitating these farmer-led approaches is a skill many advisors are not familiar with nor trained in. A recent UK study explored how such an approach helped change practices around antimicrobial use on UK dairy farms. 5 facilitated farmer action groups were established and followed over 2.5 years and assessed to see what impact they had. Facilitators helped mobilise the knowledge in the groups and identified knowledge gaps farmers needed help with. They fostered a sense of solidarity between participants that improved confidence and capabilities to make changes to practices. There was a shift away from critically important antibiotics (the majority reduced use after one year) and each farm co-created an Action Plan of practical steps to reduce reliance on antibiotics with a holistic focus on the whole farm system. Every farm participant changed at least one thing within a year, with >80% implementing over a third of their Action Plan within 12months. The facilitators were a pivotal part of the approach and a key recommendation is to train vets in facilitation.

It is standard practice to thoroughly clean calf housing and pens between batches. This can be time consuming and the material that the pens are made of has an impact on how effective the cleaning and disinfection process will be. It is also important to have similar sized calves in each batch to reduce competition for food and the spread of infection from older to younger calves.

A dairy farmer from the UK has designed and installed a novel calf pen consisting of a metal framework with a Jourdain locking yoke front and tailor-made side slots, which allow the insertion of polycarbonate side partitions. The polycarbonate side partitions can be removed and inserted quickly and easily, allowing flexibility in pen size and therefore number of calves per pen. The farmer groups 2-4 calves per pen, noting that this helps to encourage the calves to feed, reduces stress and avoids the negative effects of dominant bigger calves. Managing groups of calves of similar sizes/ages would otherwise be problematic in an all-year-round calving herd. Additionally, the polycarbonate partition is very easy for the farmer to steam clean, saving time and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the cleaning and disinfection process.

The calf shed includes a ventilation tube to improve airflow as well as sloping floors to aid drainage, keeping the calf beds dry. Improving ventilation and reducing moisture from damp beds helps lower the incidence of lung disease. This updated calf accommodation has made management much easier for staff and reduced calf mortality rates significantly (from 8% to 0%), with a corresponding reduction in antimicrobial treatments. This has led to reduced costs through better use of staff time and fewer calves needing treatment.

It is easy to breed for production or type, but how can you breed to reduce antiobiotic use? Looking at current bull data the only relevent data is longevity, somatic cell count and perhaps condition score. Zoetis' Genomic evaluation with CLARIFIED Plus (…) now includes specific health trait evaluations including mastitis, metritis, lameness, calf respiratory and cow respiratory. Ranking cows on their mastitis score alone shows that the top 25% of cows use 65% less antiobiotics than the bottom 25% which was an average of 1.28 fewer inter-mammary tubes per cow. It is never recommended to use single trait selection, so Clarified have developed a Dairy Wellness Profit (DWP) index which combines production, type, fertility, longevity and health traits. Analysis made based on the balanced DWP index still shows the top 25% of cows using 44% less antiobiotics for mastitis. DWP figures are only available on Jersey and Holstein bulls. Genetic gains can be made by just using the highest DWP bulls, but the greatest advance comes with genomic testing of females and exerting selection pressure on which females are bred from. Use of sexed semen can have a big effect in making more progress. Breeding for DWP not only reduces antibiotic use, but it is a selection tool that can have an important financial impact on a dairy by increasing lifetime milk production, milk per day of life, herdlife and expected profit per cow. Improvements can be expected in calf mortality, ketosis, displaced abomasums, milk fever and cystic ovaries.

Finland is free from the major infectious cattle diseases like enzootic leukosis, brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR). The prevalence of infections like salmonella, EHEC, BVD, trichophytosis, paratuberculosis etc. is also very low.

In addition to legal requirements, Finland has a widely used voluntary e-register, Naseva, to monitor healthcare on cattle farms. The developing project was a joint operation of farmers, meat and milk industry, veterinarians, advisors, research institutes and authorities.

The system ensures that all member farms have healthcare contracts with a veterinarian. The contract includes regular visits to the farm. In the contract, the farmer authorizes the access of the veterinarian to farm data. Information collected in the register includes a Health Care Contract and a Management Plan including health status and production data of the herd. Among other things, the farm is obliged to systematically monitor the yield and animal health. All drugs and treatments administered to the animals may also be recorded in the Naseva register. The Management Plan must be renewed by the veterinarian once a year in connection with a farm visit.

This kind of approach allows farmers to engage, on a voluntary basis, in a process that will lead to a better situation on the farm in terms of animal health and welfare and consequently reduce the need for antibiotics use.

The address of the register is .

Calf scour (Neonatal calf diarrhoea) is the most common cause of disease and death in calves during the pre-weaning period. Scour can be due to both infectious (e.g., viruses and bacteria) or non-infectious causes (such as poor nutrition). Symptoms are most often diarrhoea that might be green, yellow or grey in colour, weak animals, dehydrated animal (especially when very young) causing sunken-eyes, etc.

Good hygiene, colostrum provision and biosecurity are important for minimising the chances of an outbreak occurring, independent of the cause of scour. Calves are most at risk from infectious scour in the first 3-4 weeks of life and need a continuous source of protection. In collaboration with their herd veterinarians, farmers can vaccinate in-calf cows against calf diarrhoea a few weeks before calving, while increasing the quantities of colostrum given to the calves at birth. After doing this, cases of diarrhoea in the calves should usually drop.

In addition, it is important to segregate calves by age to prevent passing infectious agents from older calves to younger more vulnerable ones and to maintain clean, dry housing with good ventilation. For example, individual pens (which are easier to clean, transport and disinfect) could be used to rear these calves.

Poor biosecurity, animal regrouping or introduction of new animals to the herd might cause the appearance of previously unseen infectious diseases on the farm, therefore antibiotics sometimes are used to fight secondary or primary infectious agents. In order to reduce necessity of antibiotic use a well-organised prophylactic calf vaccination programme is advised. An effective vaccination protocol can be developed to fit most operations and management approaches.

Most vaccines that are used for calves are made to be injected into muscle or subcutaneously, therefore sterile syringes and needles must be used in order to reduce iatrogenic spread of diseases. Ensure that the vaccines are transported and stored properly (often refrigeration is required). Vaccine preparation needs to be done with clean hands, and strictly according to producer instructions. Read the instructions on the package to make sure the correct dosage is given. Ideally use 16-18 gauge x 1.5-3 cm long needles. If using an automatic vaccination gun make sure it is sterilised and clean. Check the gun is calibrated and working correctly. Subcutaneously (SQ) this injection goes between the skin and muscle, but not into the muscle. It is the preferred method for protecting meat quality. Always use this method if it is an option given on the label. Intramuscular (IM) injection goes directly into the muscle. To minimize damage to meat, use the muscles in front of the shoulder.

Be sure to record: Date of treatment; Name, lot number and serial number of the product used; Route of administration and give boosters when required. Check calf health status after vaccination and if any unusual side effects are observed please report to your veterinarian.

Zema biodrošība, dzīvnieku pārgrupēšana vai jaunu dzīvnieku ievešana ganāmpulkā var ienest jaunas infekcijas slimības saimniecībā, tādēļ rodas nepieciešamība lietot antibiotikas, lai cīnītos ar primārajiem vai sekundārajiem slimību izraisītājiem. Nepieciešamība pēc antibiotiku lietošanas var tikt samazināta, ja tiek nodrošināta profilaktiska un labi organizēta dzīvnieku vakcinācija, ko papildina efektīvs vakcinācijas protokols.

Vairums vakcīnu teļiem ir domātas injicēšanai muskulī vai zemādā, tādēļ nepieciešams izmantot sterilas šļirces un adatas, lai samazinātu infekcijas risku. Jānodrošina atbilstoša vakcīnu uzglabāšana un vakcīnu sagatavošanu veic ar tīrām rokām, sekojot ražotāja norādījumiem un devām, kas norādītas uz zāļu iepakojuma. Ieteicams izmantot 16-18 G x 1.5-3 cm adatas. Izmantojot automātisko injekciju pistoli, jāpārliecinās, ka tā ir sterila un tīra, kā arī atbilstoši kalibrēta. Zemādā (SQ) veiktas injekcijas, tiek injicēta starp ādu un muskuli, bet ne pašā muskulī. Ieteicams izmantot šo metodi, lai pasargātu gaļas kvalitāti. Ja uz iepakojuma norādīts, ka var izmantot injicēšanu zemādā, vienmēr izmantojiet šo metodi. Injicējot muskulī (IM), injekcija tiek ievadīta tieši muskulī. Lai samazinātu ietekmi uz gaļas kvalitāti, ieteicams izvēlēties muskuļus plecu priekšpusē.

Veicot vakcināciju nepieciešams nofiksēt: vakcinācijas datumu; vakcīnas nosaukumu; vakcīnu sērijas un partijas numuru; injicēšanas veidu. Pēc vakcinēšanas jāpārliecinās par teļu veselības stāvokli, ja parādās kādi netipiski blakusefekti, par tiem jāziņo apkalpojošajam veterinārārstam, pēc primārās vakcinācijas var tikt veikta revakcinācija ar “booster” vakcīnas devu vadoties pēc ražotāja norādījumiem.

The outbreaks of infectious diseases, especially infectious bronchitis, infectious bursitis, Newcastle disease, and others decreases the overall flock health, in some instances animals must be culled or it might increase the necessity to use antibiotics because of secondary bacterial infection activation. Vaccination is the most effective animal health intervention to prevent dangerous infectious disease outbreaks, decrease overall mortality, economic losses, and antibiotic consumption.

Vaccines in poultry can be applied via drinking water, food, spray, or injection. To ensure a vaccine will provide a desired effect, they have to be stored properly based on the manufacture's recommendations.

If vaccines are administered via the drinking water line, the line has to be flushed in order to reduce bacterial biofilms and algae formation on its walls. In most cases, appropriate water/vaccine dilution has to be acquired based on the producer’s recommendations. When the correct vaccine dilution for a particular group is prepared, it can be added to an automatic dispenser which is connected to the drinking line. Ensure that the birds do drink the vaccine at the time specified in instruction. For vaccine application via spray attenuate (dilute) the vaccine according to producer or your veterinarian's instructions and according to your herd needs. Place the prepared working solution in the nebulizer. To improve vaccine correct intake, adjust the droplet size to reach the target tissues. The vaccine should be sprayed systematically and evenly so that each chick receives its dose, but without causing undue stress to the chickens. Check broiler health status after vaccination.

Infekcijas slimību, īpaši infekcioza bronhīta, infekcioza bursīta, Ņūkāslas slimības un citu slimību uzliesmojuma rezultātā samazinās ganāmpulka veselība, dažos gadījumos nepieciešams putnus izkaut, kā arī palielinās nepieciešamību izmantot antibiotikas saistībā ar sekundāro bakteriālo slimību aktivizāciju. Vakcinācija ir efektīvākais veids, lai novērstu bīstamus infekcijas slimību uzliesmojumus, tādējādi samazinot dzīvnieku mirstību, ekonomiskos zaudējumus un antibiotiku patēriņu.

Vakcinācija var tikt veikta caur dzeramo ūdeni, barību, aerosola vai injekciju veidā. Lai nodrošinātu efektivitāti pirms vakcinācijas caur dzeramo ūdeni, dzeramā ūdens apgādes sistēma jāiztīra, jādezinficē un jāizskalo. Jānodrošina, lai vakcīnas ir atbilstoši uzglabātas. Vakcīnas sagatavošana jāveic ar tīrām rokām un tīrā traukā, precīzi ievērojot ražotāja un veterinārārsta norādījumus. Kad vakcīna ir atbilstoši atšķaidīta un sagatavota, to var pievienot automātiskajam dispenseram, kas ir savienots ar dzirdināšanas sistēmu. Pārliecinieties, ka putni izdzer vakcīnu laika posmā, kas ir norādīts instrukcijā. Vakcinācijai aerosola veidā, vakcīnu sagatavo atbilstoši ražotāja vai Jūsu veterinārārsta instrukcijām un atbilstoši Jūsu ganāmpulka vajadzībām. Ielejiet sagatavoto šķīdumu izsmidzinātājā. Lai, uzlabotu vakcīnas atbilstošu uzņemšanu, regulējiet pilienu lielumu, lai tie sasniegtu mērķa audus. Vakcīna būtu jāizkliedē sistemātiski tādā veidā, lai katrs putns saņemtu tam nepieciešamo devu, bet netiktu izraisīts nevajadzīgs stress putniem. Pēc vakcinācijas jākontrolē broileru veselības stāvoklis.

Use of pasteurized or acidified or combined pasteurized and acidified milk in calf nutrition nowadays becomes more and more popular to prevent gastrointestinal health issues in young calves. Health issues connected to the gastrointestinal tract mostly manifest by diarrhoea, for which treatment protocols often include antibiotic usage.

One option to improve the gastrointestinal health status and reduce the necessity of antibiotic usage is feeding calves with free access to pasteurized and acidified milk. In general milk is a very favourable substance for bacterial growth. To reduce the active bacterial contamination in milk the milk can be pasteurised at 64 degrees C for 30 minutes. After it is important to cool down the pasteurised milk to 10 - 15 degrees C. To prevent diseases of the digestive tract, only pasteurized milk should be fed. But in order to provide calves with an ad libitum milk feeding system, it is advisable that pasteurized milk is additionally acidified. The low pH value of milk slows down the growth of bacteria and the acidified milk can be kept in feeders for calves for longer periods. Milk acidifiers mostly consist of organic acids which are added to pasteurised and cooled milk. Pasteurised and acidified milk can be poured in individual buckets with rubber teats in individual calf housing systems. Use of a milk taxi eases the milk distribution. Automated milk feeders can also be used in group keeping systems. The pasteurization and lowering the pH of milk controls bacterial growth and allows larger quantities of milk to be provided for ad libitum feeding of calves and provides physiological needs, promotes its health status and reduces the need for treatment with antibiotics.

Pasterizēta vai skābināta vai arī pasterizēta un skābināta piena izbarošana teļiem mūsdienās iegūst arvien lielāku popularitāti un palīdz novērst gremošanas sistēmas veselības problēmas jauniem teļiem. Šādas veselības problēmas teļiem visbiežāk izpaužas kā caureja un caurejas ārstēšanas protokoli ietver arī antibiotiku lietošanu. Viens no risinājumiem gremošanas sistēmas darbības uzlabošanai ir teļu barošana ar brīvas piekļuves pasterizētu un skābinātu pienu.

Kopumā, piens ir ļoti labvēlīga vide baktēriju augšanai. Lai samazinātu aktīvo bakteriālo piesārņojumu pienā, piens var tikt pasterizēts 64 grādu C temperatūrā 30 minūtes.

Pēc tam, tas tiek atdzesēts līdz 10-15 grādiem C. Lai samazinātu ar gremošanas traktu, saistītas saslimšanas, ieteicams izbarot tikai pasterizētu pienu. Bet, lai nodrošinātu teļiem brīvas piekļuves piena izbarošanu, ieteicams pasterizēto pienu papildus arī skābināt. Zemā piena pH vērtība samazina baktēriju augšanu un šāds piens var tikt turēts barotavās ilgāku laika periodu. Piena skābinātāji pārsvarā sastāv no organiskajām skābēm, tie tiek pievienoti pasterizētam un atdzesētam pienam. Pasterizētais un skābinātais piens var tikt saliets individuālos barošanas spaiņos ar gumijas knupi. Piena pārvadāšanas iekārtas izmantošana atvieglo piena izdali. Grupu turēšanas sistēmā var tikt izmantoti arī barošanas automāti.

Pasterizācija un pH samazināšana pienā kontrolē baktēriju vairošanos un ļauj piedāvāt lielāku piena daudzumu brīvas piekļuves izbarošanā teļiem, kas nodrošina to fizioloģiskās vajadzības, uzlabo kopējo veselības stāvokli un samazina nepieciešamību pēc ārstēšanas ar antibiotikām.

Biosecurity is ensured on a pig farm by implementing a set of organizational and technical measures in order to prevent the introduction, persistence and spread of pathogens, as well as to protect animal and public health.

The main objective of implementing these measures is to reduce the risk of introducing and spreading diseases to, from or within:

• an animal population

• a unit, area, compartment, means of transport or any other facilities, premises or locations;

The key objectives of a biosecurity plan:

1. preventing the penetration of pathogens (exclusion of pathogens or external biosecurity)

2. reducing the penetration / spread of pathogens already existing among animals or other sections of the farm (biomanagement or internal biosecurity).

3. preventing the penetration / spread of pathogens existing in the farm to other non-infected farms / animals (e.g. biocontamination).

4. minimizing the incidence and spread of infections that impact the health of the population.

Biosecurity measures

I. Ensuring the farm perimeter:

II. The existence, operation and proper maintenance of the veterinary sanitary filter:

III. The proper maintenance of the facilities used for housing, feeding and watering animals;

IV. Feed supply;

V. Transporting live animals to and from the farm:

VI. Code of good practice and good hygiene practice

VII. Adhering to the technological principle "all-in, all-out" at the compartment/pen level.

Internal biosecurity is based on the measures implemented on a breeding farm with the purpose of reducing the chances of penetration/spread of already existing pathogens to animals or other sections of the facility.

The internal biosecurity plan of a pig breeding unit operates in four distinct sectors where the "all-in, all-out" principle must apply, general and specific hygiene rules must be followed and the spread of pathogens due to working staff must be prevented.

In the breeding sector, sows are prepared for artificial insemination within 4-6 days.

In the gestation sector, sows are accommodated in groups based on their gestation period until this reaches 114 days. Prior to the transfer, the pregnant females are dewormed and washed in order to prevent the spread of pathogens in the maternity ward.

In the maternity ward/sector, sows are housed individually in farrowing pens. In order to prevent the transfer of pathogens, the transfer of piglets from one pen to another is not recommended.

In the nursery sector, the transfer of piglets is completed around the age of 42 days and at a weight of 12-13 kg. Pigs are kept here until they reach an average weight of 25-30 kg. Each compartment of the nursery sector is simultaneously populated and depopulated.

Internal biosecurity measures are important for maintaining the health of the entire herd. They reduce the need for employing antibiotics and help lower the farm's production costs.

The biosecurity plan is an important part of health control measures to protect the flocks and individual hens against pathogens.

The biosecurity plan based on the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) principles offers the best assurance that commercial egg industry flocks are protected against serious disease outbreaks.

That is also the best way to ensure the food safety of the egg production.

The basic procedures of the biosecurity plan include both aspects related to laying hens' welfare conditions, bird health and aspects related to the food safety.

Another major issue is the the prevention of emergency diseases, as follow : Newcastle Disease virus (the highly virulent strains), avian Influenza, infectious bursal disease, and Salmonella spp. infections (Salmonella enteritidis).

The critical monitoring points identified are:

1. Entry of chicks (at 15-16 weeks of age), equipment, vehicles, people and feed into pullet farms

2. Entry of adult fowls, equipment, vehicles, people and feed into egg production farms

3. The presence of wild bird and rodent faeces in sheds or where hens and pullets range

4. Water sanitation on farms using surface water

5. Disposal systems for dead birds, reject eggs, litter and manure from the farm

6. The presence of non-poultry bird species, other poultry and other animals on the farm

Biosecurity is the major factor to have poultry health and a good poultry production and it is the most cost-effective means of disease control management .

Biosecurity is ensured on a poultry farm by implementing a set of organizational and technical measures in order to prevent the introduction, persistence and spread of pathogens, as well as in order to protect animal and public health.

The key objectives of a biosecurity plan for a poultry farm:

1. preventing the penetration of pathogens (exclusion of pathogens or external biosecurity)

2. reducing the penetration / spread of pathogens already existing among animals (biomanagement or internal biosecurity).

3. preventing the penetration / spread of pathogens existing in the farm to other non-infected farms / animals (e.g. biocontamination).

4. minimizing the incidence and spread of pathogens that impact the health of the population (zoonotic infections).

The biosecurity measures are as follows:

I. Defining biosecurity zone (the farm perimeter)

II. Functional sanitary filter for the employees, visitors, vehicles and all other entries

III. Visitor guidelines to be properly mentioned outside and inside the farm.

IV. Maintenance of the facilities used for housing, feeding and watering animals

V. Feed supply

VI. Transporting live animals to and from the farm

VII. Code of good practice and good hygiene practice (training of the employees)

VIII. Practice the technological principle "all full, all empty" at the hall level

Genomic selection is a modern tool used in animal breeding, based on information from tens of thousands of markers associated with genes that influence animal production. The advantage of using the study of DNA or genetic markers is that it is possible to know if an animal has genes in its genome that influence the development of a certain characteristic important for the production or health of the animal. Thus, it is possible to obtain: a significant increase in the selection intensity and of the selection precision; significant decrease in the value of the intergenerational interval, doubling the genetic progress that can be achieved with each generation. Genomic selection can help breeders identify individuals with higher breeding values as early as possible. Genomic selection or molecular marker-assisted selection also helps us to quickly eliminate pathogenic genes or those that negatively influence economically important traits from the population. Selection assisted by molecular markers also has the advantage of facilitating the very rapid introduction of an important gene or group of genes into the genome of a population, a procedure called gene introgression in the population, achievable in a maximum of 2-3 generations. An example of the use of introgression may be the bringing of the gene responsible for resistance to certain diseases from a natural donor breed to a breed with very good production.

Selecția genomică reprezintă un instrument modern folosit în amelioararea animalelor, bazat pe informația a zeci de mii de markeri asociați cu genele ce influențează producția animalelor. Avantajul folosirii studiului ADN_ului sau a markeriilor genetici este că se poate cunoaște dacă un animal are în genomul propriu gene care să influențeze dezvoltarea unui anumit caracter important pentru producția sau sănătatea animalului. Astfel, se poate obţine: o creştere semnificativă a intensităţii de selecţie şi a preciziei de selecţie; scăderea semnificativă a valorii intervalului între generaţii, dublând progresul genetic care poate fi obţinut pe fiecare generaţie. Selecţia genomică poate ajuta crescătorii să identifice cât mai timpuriu indivizii care au valori superioare de ameliorare. Selecţia genomică sau selecţia asistată de markeri moleculari ne ajută şi să eliminăm rapid din populaţie genele patogene sau pe cele care influențează negativ caracterele importante economic. Selecţia asistată de markeri moleculari are și avantajul de a facilita introducerea foarte rapid în genomul unei populații a unei gene sau grup de gene importante, procedură denumită introgresia genei în populație, realizabilă în maximum 2-3 generații. Un exemplu de folosire a introgresiei poate fi aducerea genei responsabile cu rezistența la anumite boli de la o rasă rustică donatoare la o rasă cu o producție foarte bună.

The purpose of castrating calves is to reduce the production of male hormones so that males become calmer. The implications of castrating calves for meat production are biological, managerial, veterinary and impact the quantity and quality of meat. Thus, sperm production stops in males, there is no risk of fertilization, males can be kept on pasture or in the stable with cows, which greatly reduces housing costs and worker safety is much higher. Also, males are less aggressive, all the energy accumulated through food is used for meat production. Due to the lack of testosterone, the meat is more tender, the animals do not move much and the muscle fiber is not very strong, which is appreciated by consumers. The most effective method of castration is the non-surgical one by using the elastrator, a special tool that has the role of applying a rubber ring over the upper part of the testicles (~ 0.5 cm), not at the base of the scrotum. By this method, castration is done in the first weeks of life (maximum 3 weeks) to avoid complications. As the animal gets older, there is a risk that the method will not be effective and that complications will occur. If the elastic band is not applied properly, there is a risk of infections. This method has the advantage that there are no open wounds exposed to the septic environment, which require the consumption of antibiotics.

Scopul castrării vițeilor este de a reduce producția de hormoni masculini, astfel încât masculii să devină mai liniștiți. Implicațiile castrării vițeilor destinați producției de carne sunt de natură biologică, managerială, veterinară și al calității și cantității cărnii.

Astfel, la masculi producția speramtică se oprește, nu mai există riscul de fecundare, masculii pot fi ținuți pe pășune sau în grajd împreună cu vacile, ceea ce reduce mult costurile de întreținere, iar siguranța muncitorilor este mult mai mare. De asemenea, masculii sunt mai puțin agresivi, toată energia acumulată prin hrană este folosită pentru producția de carne. Ca urmare a lipsei testosteronului carne este mai fragedă, animalele nu fac multă mișcare și fibra musculară nu este foarte tare, lucru care este apreciat de consumatori.

Cea mai eficace metodă de castrare, este cea nechirurgicală prin folosirea elastratorului, un clește special care are rolul de a aplica un inelul de cauciuc deasupra părții superioare a testiculelor (~ 0,5 cm), nu la baza scrotului. Prin această metodă, castrarea se face în primele săptămâni de viață (maximum 3 săptămâni) pentru a se evita complicațiile. Pe măsură ce animalul înaintează în vârstă există riscul ca metoda să nu fie eficientă și să apară complicații. Dacă aplicarea benzii elastice nu se face bine, există riscul apariției unor infecții. Această metodă are avantajul că nu sunt plăgi deschise expuse mediului septic, care să necesite consum de antibiotice.

Housing conditions influence the health of dairy cows and significantly reduce unexpected expenses. Sometimes minimal changes without too much expense can have a significant effect on the health, welfare and productivity of a dairy herd. Photoperiod, remote surveillance, regular hygiene, cow comfort, heat stress prevention, and providing enrichment activities are practical actions that a farmer can take into account in providing optimal housing conditions for dairy cows. Also, there should be provided natural ventilation, sloping and non-slip floors, and a drinking front accessible to the entire population. Free stables offer the highest degree of satisfaction with welfare standards compared to tied stables. Regardless of the accommodation system, the animals must have a comfortable and dry resting area. It is recommended to set up a dedicated accommodation space for different age groups and different operating facilities for veterinary care. An important role is also played by the quality of the milking system chosen by the farmer. It is already known that automated milking facilities ensure the hygienic quality of milk, but not all small farms are able to invest in modern automated systems. Last but not least, it must be kept in mind that regular shelter hygiene is essential for maintaining animal health and prevents unforeseen additional costs.

Condițiile de adăpostire influențează sănătatea vacilor și contribuie semnificativ la reducerea cheltuielilor neprevăzute. Uneori, schimbări minime și fără prea multe cheltuieli pot avea efect semnificativ asupra sănătății, bunăstării și productivității unui efectiv de vaci de lapte. Fotoperioada, supravegherea efectivului de animale de la distanță, igiena periodică, furnizarea unor activități recreative, confortul vacilor și prevenirea stresului termic sunt numai câteva din acțiunile practice pe care un fermier le poate avea în vedere în oferirea unor condiții optime de adăpostire a vacilor de lapte. De asemenea, trebuie asigurată ventilația naturală, utilizate pardoseli înclinate și antiderapante, și asigurat unui front de adăpare accesibil întregului efectiv. Vacile de lapte se cresc în stabulație legată sau liberă, dar stabulația liberă oferă cel mai înalt grad de satisfacere a normelor de bunăstare. Indiferent de sistemul de cazare, animalele trebuie să beneficieze de o zona de odihnă confortabilă și uscată. Se recomandă amenajarea de spații de cazare dedicate pentru diferitele categorii de vârstă și exploatare și facilități distincte pentru asistența medicală veterinară. Un rol important este jucat și de calitatea sistemului de muls ales de fermier. Este deja cunoscut că instalațiile de muls automatizate asigură calitatea igienică a laptelui, dar nu toate fermele mici sunt capabile să investească în sisteme automatizate moderne. Nu în ultimul rând, trebuie reținut că igiena regulată a adăpostului este esențială pentru menținerea sănătății animalelor și previne cheltuielile suplimentare neprevăzute.

The use of precision tools on dairy farms gives the farmer or manager the opportunity to make essential decisions in real time, in accordance with the information received from the animal or shelter. There is a SMART Zoo Tech system for monitoring microclimate parameters for measuring, logging, and monitoring the temperature, humidity, dew point, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, ammonia (NH3) and dust particles (PM 2.5) 24/7. The information is stored in the database available to the farmer, and the exceedances are sent to the farmer by mobile phone in the form of an alert. It is found that there is a very close correlation between individual cow production and microclimate parameters. On a hot summer day when the average atmospheric temperature was 34oC, in the shelter the temperature varied between 23.45oC at 4:00 am and 31.04oC at 5:00 pm. There were also fluctuations in relative humidity and ammonia levels in the shelter after 4:00 pm. The farmer received phone alerts for every microclimate parameter every hour in the second half of the day. With regard to milk production, it is known that for the dairy cow the optimum temperature range is between 9 and 16oC. During the observed period there was a decrease in milk production, and on the reference day the milk production was 10% lower than two days prior.

Folosirea instrumentelor de precizie în fermele de vaci de lapte oferă fermierului sau managerului posibilitatea de a lua decizii esențiale în timp real, în concordanță cu informațiile primate de la nivelul animalului sau adăpostului. Pentru monitorizarea parametrilor de microclimat există sistemul SMART Zoo Tech care măsoară, înregistrează, monitorizează temperatura, umiditatea, punctului de rouă, concentrația de dioxid de carbon (CO2), amoniac (NH3) și particulelor de praf (PM 2.5) 24/7. Informațiile se stochează în baza de date aflată la dispoziția fermierului, iar depășirile de limite sunt trimise fermierului pe telefon sub formă de alertă. Se constată că există o corelație foarte strânsă între producția individual a vacilor și parametrii de microclimate. Intr-o zi caniculară de vară în care temperatura medie atmosferică a fost de 340 C, la nivelul adăpostului temperatura a variat între 23,450 C la ora 4:00 am și 31,040 C la ora 5:00 pm. de asemenea s-au constatat fluctuații privind umiditatea relativă și nivelul amonicului în adăpost după ora 4:00 pm. Fermierul a primit alerte pe telefonul mobil pentru fiecare parametru de microclimate din oră în oră în a doua parte a zilei

În cee ace privește producția de lapte, se știe că pentru vaca de lapte intervalul optim de temperature este între 9 și 160 C. În perioada observată s-a înregistrat o scădere a producției de lapte, iar în ziua de referință producția de lapte a fost cu 10% mai scăzută decât în urmă cu două zile.

Safe drinking water is essential for healthy animals. Contaminated water can quickly lead to health problems and thus increase the need for antibiotic treatments. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the drinking water and pipes. Reduction of the bacteriological load of the water is often achieved by a treatment with a disinfectant such as chlorine or peroxide (= chemical disinfection). When choosing the product and dosage, several factors must be taken into account: the contamination at the source, any additives, vaccines or medication that will be administered via the water, the presence of biofilm or lime scale ... Therefore it is highly recommended to discuss with your vet or advisor which treatment is appropriate for your situation., An effective chemical disinfection of your drinking water system can be obtained with the following step-by-step plan (note, only perform in between production rounds!):

1. Open the pipes and drinking nipples.

2. Add the prescribed dilution (depending on the product) to the drinking water system by means of a dosing pump.

3. Measure the water at the end of the pipes with the test strip supplied to check whether there is sufficient product in the entire system.

4. Close the pipes and drinking nipples and let the product take effect. The contact time depends on the product used.

5. Open the pipe and nipple drinkers and flush abundantly with water.

6. Check if the drinking nipples are functioning properly before new animals are allowed into the stable.

7. Check again with a test strip at the end of the line whether all remaining product has been removed.

Een goede drinkwaterhygiëne is essentieel. Onzuiver water kan snel leiden tot gezondheidsproblemen en zo de nood aan antibiotica verhogen. Het is dus van groot belang voldoende aandacht te besteden aan het drinkwater en de leidingen. Een frequent gebruikte manier om de bacteriologische lading van het water te verminderen, is een behandeling met een ontsmettingsmiddel zoals bv. chloor of peroxide (=chemische ontsmetting). Bij de keuze van het product en het bepalen van de dosering moet met verschillende factoren rekening gehouden worden: de besmettingsdruk bij de bron, eventuele additieven, vaccins of medicatie die via het water toegediend zullen worden, aanwezigheid van biofilm of kalkaanslag … Bespreek dus met uw dierenarts of adviseur welke behandeling voor uw situatie gepast is. Indien er gekozen wordt voor chemische ontsmetting van de drinkwaterleidingen (let op, enkel uitvoeren tijdens leegstand!), dan kan met volgend stappenplan een effectieve ontsmetting bekomen worden:

1. Open de leidingen en drinknippels.

2. Voeg door middel van een doseerpomp de gewenste verdunning (afhankelijk van het gebruikte product) toe aan het drinkwatersysteem. 

3. Meet met de bijgeleverde teststrip het water op het einde van de leidingen om na te gaan of in het volledige systeem voldoende product aanwezig is.  

4. Sluit de leidingen en drinknippels en laat het product inwerken. De contacttijd hangt af van het gebruikte product. 

5. Open de leiding en de drinknippels en flush overvloedig met water. 

6. Controleer of de drinknippels goed functioneren voor er nieuwe dieren de stal ingelaten worden. 

7. Controleer opnieuw met een teststrip op het einde van de leiding of alle resterende product verwijderd is. 

In pigs and poultry, acidification of the drinking water can be a very effective tool to prevent or lower the need for antibiotics. Acidification can have multiple beneficial effects, such as improved palatability and thus water intake, improved digestion, prebiotic effect and reduction of pathogens (e.g., Salmonella). Each type of acid or acid mixture has its own specific properties. Moreover, disinfection products or other compounds present in the water can interfere or react with acids. In some cases, organic acids can cause slime formation due to growth of yeasts and fungi. Always consult your vet/advisor to discuss which acid (mixture) suits your drinking water system and water quality best. Once a suitable acid (mixture) is chosen, the correct dosage is the key to success.

How to determine the correct dosage:

1. Fill a bucket with 10l of the water to be tested.

2. Put on safety glasses and acid resistant gloves.

3. Take a disposable syringe of 10 or 20 ml and fill it with the acid (mixture) to be tested.

4. Add 5 ml of the acid (mixture) to the water and measure the pH with a pH strip or pH meter (both for sale at the pharmacy). Repeat this step until you reach the desired pH (typically around pH 4; discuss this with your vet/advisor)

5. Write down how much acid (mixture) you added to the water (= ‘x’ ml)

6. Calculate the dosage:

x millilitre of acid added to 10 litres of water =>

DOSAGE = x/10 litre of acid per 1000 litre of water

7. Repeat this procedure every time the water source or type of acid (mixture) is changed

Bij varkens en pluimvee kan aanzuren van het drinkwater een zeer effectief middel zijn om antibioticagebruik te voorkomen of te verminderen. Aanzuren kan verschillende gunstige effecten hebben op het water, zoals verbeterde smaak, verbeterde spijsvertering, prebiotische werking en vermindering van ziekteverwekkers (bv. Salmonella). Elk type zuur of zuurmengsel heeft zijn eigen specifieke eigenschappen. Bovendien kunnen desinfectieproducten of andere verbindingen die in het water aanwezig zijn de werking van de zuren verstoren (of omgekeerd). In sommige gevallen kunnen organische zuren slijmvorming veroorzaken door groei van gisten en schimmels. Overleg altijd met uw dierenarts/adviseur welk zuur(mengsel) het beste bij uw drinkwatersysteem en waterkwaliteit past. Naast het kiezen van een geschikt zuur(mengsel), vormt de juiste dosering de sleutel tot succes.

Hoe bepaal je de juiste dosering:

1. Vul een emmer met 10l van het te testen water.

2. Zet een veiligheidsbril en zuurbestendige handschoenen op.

3. Neem een wegwerpspuit van 10 of 20 ml en vul deze met het te testen zuur(mengsel).

4. Voeg 5 ml van het zuur(mengsel) toe aan het water en meet de pH met een pH-strip of pH-meter (beide te koop bij de apotheek). Herhaal deze stap totdat je de gewenste pH hebt bereikt (meestal rond pH 4; bespreek dit met je dierenarts/adviseur!)

5. Noteer hoeveel zuur (mengsel) je aan het water hebt toegevoegd (= ‘x’ ml)

6. Bereken de dosis:

x milliliter zuur toegevoegd aan 10 liter water =>

DOSIS = x/10 liter zuur per 1000 liter water

7. Herhaal deze procedure bij elke wijziging van de waterbron of het type zuur(mengsel)!

1. Take a bottle that is as clean as possible and rinse it several times with the water to be analysed. A number of labs also have receptacles available.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly.

3. For a sample directly from a reservoir you take a mixed sample of different subsamples. You should preferably scoop these subsamples about 30 cm below the water surface. After good mixing, the receptacle can be filled.

4. Follow the following procedure for a sample from a tap:

- To know the quality of the starting water (the source), choose a tap as close to the source as possible.

- To check the quality at the drinking points, take a sample from a tap that is as far from the source as possible.

5. Clean the tap well, preferably also with an alcohol tissue.

6. If you want to know the quality of the starting water (the source), let the tap run for some minutes. To detect problems with biofilm formation in the pipes or to check if a disinfectant works effectively, let it run only for a short time.

7. Fill the receptacle for bacteriology first, then the receptacle for chemical parameters.

8. It is important that the samples reach the lab as soon as possible. If this is not possible, make sure that the samples are kept cool (refrigerated) for storage and transportation.

1. Neem een zo proper mogelijke fles en spoel deze meerdere keren met het te analyseren water. Sommige labo’s stellen ook recipiënten ter beschikking.

2. Was je handen grondig.

3. Bij een staal rechtstreeks uit een reservoir neem je een mengstaal van verschillende deelmonsters. Deze deelmonsters schep je bij voorkeur zo’n 30 cm onder het wateroppervlak. Na goed mengen kunnen de recipiënten gevuld worden.

4. Bij een staal aan een kraan volg je de volgende procedure:

- Om de kwaliteit van het uitgangswater (de bron) te kennen, kies je een kraan zo dicht mogelijk bij de bron.

- Om de kwaliteit aan de drinkpunten te kennen, neem je een staal op een aftappunt dat zich zo ver mogelijk van de bron bevindt.

5. Reinig de kraan goed, bij voorkeur ook met een alcoholdoekje.

6. Wil je de kwaliteit van het uitgangswater (de bron) kennen, laat de kraan dan enkele minuten lopen alvorens het staal te nemen. Om problemen met biofilmvorming in de leidingen op te sporen of om te controleren of een desinfectiemiddel effectief werkt, laat het water dan maar kort lopen.

7. Vul eerst het recipiënt voor bacteriologie, vervolgens het recipiënt voor algemene chemische parameters.

8. Het is belangrijk dat de stalen zo snel mogelijk naar het labo gaan. Lukt dit niet onmiddellijk, zorg er dan voor dat de stalen gekoeld (koelkast) bewaard en getransporteerd worden.

Every day, farmers all across the world work hard to give their animals the best possible care. However, there are many challenges - among them how to find balanced and cost effective feed and how to keep livestock healthy. Moreover, due to climate change, raw materials are even more exposed to increased temperatures and higher humidity which results in microbial contamination and subsequent toxin production, for example mycotoxins which pose a serious threat to animal health and performance. Today’s solutions are innovative concepts dealing with climate change and increasing feed efficiency and customer convenience. The negative aspects of climate change can be easily targeted by providing the animals cost effective multi-level nutritional concepts able to prevent these issues by selective toxin absorption (avoiding nutrient malnutrition), create a healthy gut and gastrointestinal barrier, supplemented by ingredients promoting immune boosting and liver function. This is all combined in concepts such as VitaFix, an alternative for antibiotics and combining advanced adsorbing agents together with organic acids and natural antioxidants. Farmers across the globe are very satisfied with such multi-level solutions as witnessed in the video.

Elke dag streven fiere veehouders ernaar om hun dieren zo goed mogelijk te verzorgen. Er zijn echter veel uitdagingen om de goede balans te vinden tussen diergezondheid en kosteneffectiviteit. Bovendien is het door klimaatsverandering steeds moelijker om grondstoffen te bewaren in omgevingen met sterk fluctuerende temperatuurschommelingen en vochtigheden, wat microbiële contaminatie – en bijgevolg toxineproductie – in de hand werkt. Dit heeft een nefast gevolg op diergezondheid en bijhorende performantie. Dus moeten huidige innovatieve concepten de middenweg vinden tussen voeder efficiëntie en gebruikersgemak. De negatieve aspecten van klimaatsverandering kunnen worden aangepakt door kost-effectieve multi-effect behandelingen in te zetten die mikken op selectieve absorptie van microbiële toxines (en het vermijden van nutrient adsorptie), het creëren van een gezond maagdarmkanaal dat met verhoogde integriteit en het versterken van de immunologische status en de lever functie. Deze multi-effect behandelingen – zoals aanwezig in VitaFix – biedt een alternatief voor antibiotica en het combineren van adsorberende agentia samen met het gebruik van organische zuren en natuurlijke antioxidanten geeft de veehouder een bevredigend resultaat, zoals getoond in de video.

Farmers can aim for use of zero antibiotics via a simple 3-step approach. 1. Benchmarking. The first step deals with using a benchmarking tool. Different examples are available such as independent ones like Biocheck, or commercial ones as shown in the video. 2. Preventive measures. Based on the outcomes of the benchmarking tool, your veterinarian or coach at the farmer site can advise you on possible strategies to improve animal health and reduce antibiotic usage and subsequent antibiotic resistance. 3. Nutrition. Finally, next to management and veterinarian solutions, your adviser can advise plenty of feed solutions together with nutritionists for alternative intervention at the different levels of the animal in order to secure animal health and performance. Farmers across the globe are very satisfied with such simple 3-step approach as witnessed in the video. Every year 700 000 people die because of antimicrobial cross-resistance. By 2050 the number will be multiplied by ten. Every 45 seconds someone dies because of antimicrobial cross resistance. By 2050 every 3 seconds someone will die. It is clear that we have to aim for minimal – preferentially zero - use of antibiotics.

Elk jaar sterven 700000 mensen ten gevolge van antimicrobiële crossresistentie. In 2050 zal dit een tienvoud zijn. Elke 45 seconden sterft iemand ten gevolge van antimicrobiële crossresistentie. In 2050 zal elke 3 seconden iemand sterven. Het is duidelijk dat we moeten gaan voor verminderd (preferentieel geen) antibioticagebruik bij dieren, en dit kan via een simpel 3-stappen plan. De eerste stap raadt een benchmark instrument aan. Verschillende voorbeelden zijn voorhanden zoals Biocheck of commerciële instrumenten zoals getoond in de video. Op basis van het resultaat dat bekomen wordt uit het benchmark instrument, zal de dierenarts of coach U adviseren hoe men het antibioticagebruik kan verlagen, alsook de nefaste antimicrobiële resistentie. In een derde stap, zal naast de conventionele bioveiligheidsmaatregelen, eveneens oplossingen geboden worden om via het voeder het antibioticagebruik te verlagen en toch diergezondheid en performantie te waarborgen. Veehouders zijn zeer tevreden na toepassing van een 3-stappen planen getuigen dit in de video.

It is very difficult to increase milk production in dairy cattle without causing digestive disorders and jeopardising subsequent animal health. However, sound buffer concepts can support and protect the rumen and intestines. Buffers counteract the effect of high energy diets that disrupt the healthy functioning of the rumen by buffering the acidification by overproduction of short chain fatty acids. This way, lysis of friendly rumen bacteria by acidification and subsequent release of harmful endotoxins is avoided. As a consequence, the intestinal barrier is not weakened and does not result in leaky gut and sepsis. Finally, there is no energy loss towards fortifying the immunity of the animal, resulting in better performance and health. It is clear that buffers can overcome intestinal disorders in ruminants, while increasing milk production. This way, the performance index of the animal is strongly improved and the financial profit per animal is much better, as witnessed by farmers.

Het wordt moeilijk om de melk productie te verhogen bij melkkoeien, zonder de maagdarmgezondheid en de algemenen gezondheid van het dier te garanderen. Buffers kunnen echter een oplossing bieden om de rumen alsook het darmkanaal bij de dieren te blijven ondersteunen in moeilijke tijden. Deze buffers doen het effect van energierijke voeders teniet, door hun bufferende werking op de nefast geproduceerde kortketen vetzuren in de rumen. Door het tegengaan van verzuring, worden vervolgens minder microbiële cellen afgedood en komen dus minder schadelijke endotoxines vrij. Daardoor wordt de darmintegriteit gegarandeerd waardoor er minder sepsis en bijgevolg gezondheidsproblemen optreedt. Bovendien is er geen onnodig energieverlies naar het immuunsysteem toe, ten voordele van de groei en gezondheid van het dier. Het is duidelijk dat buffers de maagdarmproblemen bij herkauwers ten goede komt, wat resulteert in verhoogde mekproductie. De melkveehouder verklaart dat de performantie index van de melkkoe, en dus ook de waarde, verhoogt.

Modern sows give birth to more, but less mature piglets. Therefore, early stimulation of the piglets' intestinal development is required. But how do you know what newborn piglets need? The answer is found in nature. In human breast milk, the most important components are lactose, lipids, proteins and above all human milk oligosaccharides (HMO). This last component is very remarkable, as babies cannot digest it. Now, why did mother nature add them to breast milk? HMO are there to feed the beneficial microbes in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and have prebiotic and antimicrobial functions, strengthen immunity and as a consequence stimulate gastrointestinal maturation. To improve formula milk, the scientific community developed galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), which mimic the function of HMO. When supplied to newborn piglets, longer villi as well as more beneficial microbes and their positive metabolites (short chain fatty acids) are observed in their gut. In addition, gastrointestinal barrier function is improved and the piglets show stronger immunity, all resulting in improved zootechnical performance and health. Farmers witness the positive effect of GOS and have seen that the product is very reliable; they like the concept and want to continue to use it in their farm in the future.

Zeugen geven meer, maar minder mature biggen. Daarom is vroege darmontwikkeling bij de pasgeboren biggen noodzakelijk. Maar hoe kan men weten wat pasgeboren biggen nodig hebben voor een goede darmontwikkeling ? Het antwoord vindt men in de natuur. Humane moedermelk is een belangrijke bron van lactose, vetten, eiwitten en vooral humane melk oligosachariden (HMO’s). De aanwezigheid van HMO’s is zeer merkwaardig, daar ze niet kunnen verteerd worden door de baby. Waarom heeft Moeder Natuur deze dan toegevoegd aan moedermelk ? HMO’s voeden de positieve flora in het maagdarmkanaal van de baby, en heeft daarbij een prebiotische en antimicrobiële functie, versterkt het immuunsysteem en bijgevolg zorgen ze voor een betere maturatie van het maagdarmkanaal. Gezien de positieve bevindingen van HMO’s in moedermelk, heeft men flessenmelk versterkt met galacto-oligosachariden (GOS) die dezelfde werking vertonen zoals HMO’s. Wanneer deze GOS gevoederd worden aan pasgeboren biggen, merkt men eveneens langere villi en een aanrijking van positieve flora (en hun metabolieten zoals kortketen vetzuren) op in het maagdarmkanaal. Bovendien wordt de maagdarmintegriteit verhoogd, en vertonen de biggen een verbeterde immunologische status. Dit alles resulteert in een verhoogd zoötechnisch resultaat en betere gezondheid van de pasgeboren biggen. Biggenhouders getuigen van het positieve en betrouwbare effect van GOS. Ze houden van het concept en willen het in de toekomst blijven gebruiken.

Weaning pigs is a challenging time. Piglets are always very sensitive to E. coli diarrhoea and after 10 days Streptococcus problems can arise, sometimes causing disease in the brain (meningitis) and other organs (septicaemia). This causes piglets to limp, lose their balance and tilt their head. Streptococcus requires a lot of follow-up, control and which takes a lot of time and work. In reality, farmers are continuously testing concepts available on the market, and very promising outcomes are observed when applying organic acids via the drinking water. Since some organic acids are not easy to get solubilized into water, you need dedicated formulations supported by specific emulsification technologies which enhance user convenience, efficacy and flexibility. Some convenient concepts are available on the market – such as for example Eubisol – and are applied in a 1:10 dilution ratio with water, followed by 1/1000 dilution via Dosatron. For the Eubisol case, farmers witnessed a significant decrease of use of antibiotics by 36%, and especially against Streptococcus by 60%. Farmers across the globe are very satisfied with water based solutions as witnessed in the video.

Dezelfde uitdagingen komen steeds weer terug rond het spenen van biggen. Biggen zijn zeer gevoelig aan E. coli buikloop en na 10 dagen steekt Streptococcus vaak de kop op. Biggen lopen niet stevig op de benen en voelen zich draaierig . Dit vraag uitgebreide follow-up, controle en vooral heel veel tijd en werk van de biggenhouder. Daarom testen Biggenhouders voortdurend nieuwe concepten uit de markt, en mooie resultaten worden bekomen met het doseren van organische zuren via het drinkwater. Daar de meeste organische zuren niet makkelijk oplosbaar zijn in water, dient men de vetzuren te emulgeren via specifieke technologieën om het gebruiksgemak, de effectiviteit alsook de flexibiliteit van de toepassing te verhogen. Enkele gangbare concepten zijn beschikbaar in de markt – zoals bijvoorbeeld het Eubisol concept – dat toegepast wordt in een van 1:10 verdunning in water, dat vervolgens veder verdund wordt in een verhouding 1:1000 via een Dosatron. In het geval van Eubisol toepassing getuigen biggenhouders een significante daling van 36% van het antibioticagebruik, en rapporteren specifiek naar Streptococcus zelfs een daling van 60%. Deze video getuigt dat biggenhouders zeer tevreden zijn met deze watertoepassing.

The use of plant extracts, phytobiotics and essential oils can affect the intestinal function of animals. Among the therapeutic properties that they can have, the following stand out: antiseptic, bactericidal, expectorant (loosens mucus), anti-inflammatory, carminative (relieves flatulence).

One of the most interesting functions is the bactericide. Although in practice satisfactory results are obtained, its mechanism of action is still not completely known, although it could be due to the pressure they exert on the cell membrane of the bacteria, giving rise to imbalances that compromise the osmotic balance and can eventually destroy the bacteria.

One of the characteristics of plant oils and extracts is the synergy with other organic products commonly used in animal feed. On the other hand, research is being carried out on their positive effect on improving digestive secretions and enzyme functioning at the intestinal and hepatic (liver) levels.

Most of these combinations of phytobiotics and essential oils are marketed for their organoleptic properties in the functional group of 'flavourings' defined by Regulation (EC) No 831/2003 for use in animal nutrition as 'substances whose addition to feed increases flavour or palatability'.

Phytobiotics are not yet authorised for health or zootechnical purposes as further research is needed into their mechanism of action, optimal use rate, efficacy, repeatability of results and safety. In the case of use at incorrect doses they can present toxicity, although the toxicity is lower than natural extracts and essential oils if they are not purified.

La utilización de extractos de planteas, fitobióticos y aceites esenciales se debe principalmente a su efecto en la función intestinal ya que entre las propiedades terapéuticas se destacan: antiséptica, bactericida, expectorante, antiinflamatoria, carminativa, eupética. 

Una de las funciones más interesantes es la bactericida. Aunque en la práctica se obtienen resultados satisfactorios todavía no se conoce completamente su mecanismo de acción aunque podría deberse a la presión que ejercen sobre la membrana celular de las bacterias dando lugar a desequilibrios que compromete el balance osmótico y que finalmente pueden destruir la bacteria. 

Una de las características de los aceites y extractos de plantas es la sinergia con otros productos orgánicos empleados en alimentación animal. Además, se está investigando en su efecto positivo sobre la mejora de secreciones digestivas y funcionamiento de enzimas a nivel intestinal y hepático.

La mayoría de estas combinaciones de productos fitobióticos y aceites esenciales se comercializan por sus propiedades organolépticas dentro del grupo funcional de “aromatizantes” definidos por el Reglamenteo (CE) 831/2003 en la alimentación animal como “sustancias cuya adición a los piensos aumenta su aroma o palatabilidad”. 

Todavía estos productos no están autorizados con fines sanitarios o zootécnicos ya que es necesario investigar más profundamente sobre su mecanismo de acción, dosis óptima de uso, eficacia, repetitividad de resultado e inocuidad. En el caso de empleo a dosis inadecuadas pueden ser tóxicos, aunque la toxicidad es menor que en extractos naturales no purificados.

With the development and professionalization of the pig sector, it is necessary to work with homogeneous production groups. For this purpose, reproductive management of pigs in batches has some interesting advantages from the point of view of personnel management and work organization, but it also has health and biosecurity advantages.

Sow farms can select from several different options to form their production batches, in a weekly group or choose every 2, 3, 4, or even every 5 weeks.

- Health benefits: one of the main positive points when changing a farm to batch management is the health improvement it brings. This management in groups of piglets separated several weeks in their birth usually allows much stricter management when not mixing ages. This means the transmission of pathogens between groups of animals of different ages is minimized. Depending on the design of the farm, we can prevent one production batch from coming into contact with earlier or later production batches, so the spread of pathogens is further minimized.

- Biosecurity benefits: Concentrating tasks in specific weeks can help us to improve the biosecurity of our farm. As an example, instead of having weekly loads of piglets, we will have a monthly load, which reduces the risk of introduction of pathologies through transport. All this will help us to concentrate more efforts to avoid the entry of external pathogens/agents in the precise moments in which we have the risk.

Con el desarrollo y la profesionalización del sector porcino es necesario trabajar con grupos de producción homogéneos y para ello el manejo reproductivo en bandas tiene unas ventajas interesantes desde el punto de vista de gestión de personal y organización de trabajo, pero también tiene ventajas sanitarias y en bioseguridad.

Las granjas de cerdas pueden seleccionar entre varias opciones diferentes para formar sus lotes de producción, en un grupo semanal o elegir cada 2, 3, 4, o incluso cada 5 semanas.

- Beneficios sanitarios: sin duda, uno de los principales puntos positivos a la hora de cambiar una granja a un manejo en bandas, es la mejora sanitaria que lleva aparejada. Este manejo en lotes de lechones separados varias semanas en su nacimiento, nos suele permitir realizar un manejo mucho más estricto a la hora de no mezclar edades-lotes, por lo que la transmisión de patógenos entre grupos de animales de distintas edades se minimiza. Dependiendo del diseño de la granja, vamos a poder evitar que un lote de producción entre en contacto, en ningún momento, con sus “hermanos” de las bandas anterior y posterior, por lo que el contagio de patógenos se minimiza aún más.

- Beneficios para la bioseguridad: la concentración de tareas en semanas específicas nos puede ayudar a mejorar la bioseguridad de nuestra explotación. Como ejemplo, en lugar de tener cargas semanales de lechones, tendremos una carga mensual, lo que reduce el riesgo de introducción de patologías a través del transporte. Todo ello nos va a ayudar a concentrar más esfuerzos para evitar la entrada externa de agentes en los momentos precisos en los que tengamos el riesgo.

A way to achieve strong external biosecurity is by using the ‘clean-dirty area’ principle (clean area: farm buildings and zone in between; dirty area ‘outside’). Another division into zones consists of a green zone (low risk: the farm buildings), an orange zone (medium risk: the area directly around the farm buildings) and a red zone (high risk: public road, land which is not under own management).

The correct disposal of carcasses is an important aspect of external biosecurity. For example, the carcass collection service must remain in the red zone and not enter the farm site. This can be achieved by placing the collection point for the carcass container next to the public road. Storing carcasses before collection at a point near the farm buildings means the red zone doesn’t have to be entered when a cadaver has to be stored. Furthermore, the collection frequency can be reduced by storing carcasses refrigerated.

By creating a double storage, the full container can be exchanged with the empty container. In this system, the storage next to the farm buildings has a cooling system; the storage next to the public roads has not. The day the carcass collection service arrives, the full (cooled) container is exchanged with the empty container next to the public road.

A strict separation between the clean and dirty road can be maintained, considerably reducing the risk pathogens being introduced. The refrigerated storage is also hygienic and the reduced odor emissions from cadavers is public-friendly.

Een sterke externe biosecurity kan bereikt worden door het principe ‘schone-vuile-weg’ te handhaven (schoon: bedrijf; vuil omgeving om het bedrijf). Een alternatieve indeling in zones bestaat uit een groene, oranje en rode zone. Hierbij vormt groen laag risico (het bedrijf zelf), oranje middelmatig risico (terrein direct om de stallen heen) en rood is hoog risico (openbare weg, land wat niet in eigen beheer is).

Correct afvoeren van kadavers is een belangrijk aspect bij de externe biosecurity. Door het ophaalpunt van de kadavers aan de openbare weg te plaatsen, kan de kadaver-ophaaldienst in de rode zone blijven. Ook kan de ophaalfrequentie omlaag door kadavers in de tussentijd gekoeld te bewaren. Deze gekoelde opslagplek kan nabij de stalgebouwen geplaatst worden, zodat de rode zone niet betreden hoeft te worden wanneer een kadaver naar de opslag gaat. Zodra de gekoelde opslag vol is, wordt deze naar het ophaalpunt aan de openbare weg verplaatst.

Door een dubbele opslag te creëren, kunnen de volle en lege container gewisseld worden. De opslag aan de openbare weg is niet gekoeld; de dag dat de kadaver-ophaaldienst komt wordt de opslagcontainer met gekoelde kadavers gewisseld met de lege container aan de openbare weg.

Een strikte scheiding tussen schone- en vuile weg kan zo gehandhaafd worden, waardoor het risico op insleep van pathogenen aanzienlijk verminderd wordt. Ook is de gekoelde opslag hygiënisch en is de verminderde geur-uitstoot van kadavers publieksvriendelijk.

Prevention is better than cure, with this aim, Bart Debaerdemaecker had an external coach assessing his farms’ biosecurity and identified areas for improvement. Reducing the risk of diseases entering the farm (external biosecurity) and their spread within the farm (internal biosecurity) are two major factors that make antibiotic usage sometimes seem inevitable. However, targeted actions have the potential to reduce the need for antibiotics and thus reduce the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bart explains how he improved biosecurity on his farm with simple, low-cost measures.

To prevent the spread of pathogens between different age groups, he uses colour-coded material for each age group. Tools, clothing and footwear are compartment-specific and footwear and hands are frequently disinfected. In addition, he makes use of walking lines to avoid the spread of disease from the older animals to the younger ones. Bart always starts his work in the farrowing pens, proceeds to the weaned piglets, and then ends up in the finisher pig house. The newly purchased gilts, sick bay and cadaver storage are visited last.

A second measure is the use of a gate for a physical separation between the ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ area. To get access to the farm, visitors need to ring the bell at the entrance gate and register. Furthermore, specific footwear to enter the ‘dirty’ area of the farm is provided at the entrance, and always remains outside the gate.

Another ingenious measure is the waiting zone for the pigs between the stable corridor and the loading bay, created with a sliding door from a horse stable. When the outside light is on, the transporter knows the animals are in the waiting zone and ready to load. This way the driver never enters the clean area.

De insleep van ziektekiemen (externe bioveiligheid) en het verspreiden ervan op een bedrijf (interne bioveiligheid) zijn twee grote factoren waardoor het gebruik van antibiotica soms onvermijdelijk lijkt. Toch kan door optimalisatie van de bioveiligheid, ook op bestaand bedrijf gestreefd worden naar weinig tot geen antibioticagebruik en daardoor ook naar een vermindering van antibioticaresistente bacteriën. Bart Debaerdemaeker legt uit hoe hij met enkele eenvoudige, goedkope maatregelen de bioveiligheid op zijn bedrijf heeft kunnen verbeteren op basis van de verbetertips van een externe coach die bioveiligheid op het bedrijf evalueerde.

Om verspreiding van ziektekiemen tussen verschillende leeftijdsgroepen te voorkomen, gebruikt hij per leeftijdsgroep materiaal met kleurcodes. Het werkmateriaal, kledij en schoeisel wordt enkel in desbetreffende zone gebruikt en zowel het schoeisel als de handen worden vaak ontsmet. Daarnaast volgt hij looplijnen om versleping van infecties van oudere naar jongere dieren te vermijden. Zo begint Bart zijn werk altijd in de kraamstal, gaat daarna naar de biggenbatterijen, om te eindigen in de afmeststal. De aangekochte gelten, ziekenboeg en kadaverplaats worden als laatste bezocht. 

Een tweede maatregel is het gebruik van een poort als fysieke scheiding tussen de propere en vuile weg. Externen dienen zich aan te melden met een bel aan de ingang van het bedrijf. Ook wordt apart schoeisel voorzien om de vuile weg te betreden en dit blijft steeds buiten het bedrijf. 

Een andere originele maatregel is het gebruik van een schuifdeur van een paardenbox om een wachtzone te creëren tussen het bedrijf en de laadzone. Hierdoor betreedt de transporteur het bedrijf nooit bij het laden van de varkens.  

For the prevention of S. suis there are several management measures that can be taken. Biosecurity rules designed to prevent the introduction of germs onto the farm must be respected. Important factors are: separating clean and dirty areas, biosecurity measures for persons entering the barn (washing hands, company clothing and boots), restricting the purchase of animals, and proper pest control.

Measures relating to spread of germs within the farm must also be observed. Piglet relocation must be limited and done via a pre-established protocol. If foster sows are used, these should be brought to the piglets (and not vice-versa). Working lines should be respected, from young to old (farrowing pen -> piglet battery -> fattening pigs). Between stables, it is important to wash hands and change overalls and boots. It is advisable to have different equipment per animal group, and to clean and disinfect this material regularly.

Around the time of farrowing, sows’ manure must be removed. Wound prevention is important: if castration is necessary, it must be done hygienically; and default teeth removal should be avoided. The floor in the farrowing pen should not be rough, to avoid injury.

Piglets should be weaned at minimum 25 days old; animals of the same litters should be kept together and piglets should be separated by age.

After weaning, access to fresh feed and drinking water and enough light must be ensured. The piglet house must be dry and sufficiently warm (temperature must be 5°C warmer than in the farrowing pen). Air flow in the battery should be checked prevent draught at the level of the lying areas.

Finally, cleaning and disinfection of the wards must follow a fixed protocol: dry cleaning, soaking, wet cleaning, drying, disinfection.

Voor de preventie van S. suis kunnen verschillende managementmaatregelen genomen worden.

De regels rond insleep van ziektekiemen op het bedrijf moeten gerespecteerd worden. Belangrijke factoren zijn: het scheiden van de propere en vuile weg, maatregelen voor personen die de stal betreden (handen wassen, bedrijfseigen kledij en laarzen), aankoop van dieren beperken en ongediertebestrijding.

De maatregelen rond verspreiding van ziektekiemen binnen het bedrijf zijn ook van belang. Biggen verleggen moet beperkt worden en via een vooraf vastgelegd protocol. Bij gebruik van pleegzeugen wordt de zeug best naar de biggen gebracht. Looplijnen moeten gerespecteerd worden, van jong naar oud (kraamstal à biggenbatterij à vleesvarkens). Tussen de afdelingen is het aangeraden om handen te wassen en te wisselen van overall en laarzen. Het is beter om verschillende materialen te hebben per diergroep, en om dit materiaal regelmatig te reinigen en ontsmetten.

Rond het werpen moet de mest bij de zeugen weggehaald worden. Het is aan te raden om wondjes te voorkomen: indien er toch gecastreerd moet worden, moet er hygiënisch gewerkt worden; en ook niet standaard de tandjes af te doen. De vloer in de kraamstal moet niet ruw zijn.

Biggen worden best pas zo laat mogelijk gespeend (min. 25 dagen oud). Na spenen, is beter om tomen samen te houden, en verschillende leeftijden apart houden.

Voldoende voeder, drinkwater en licht zijn ook van belang. De biggenafdeling moet droog en warm zijn (5 °C warmer dan de kraamstal). De luchtstroom moet regelmatig gecontroleerd worden.

Tot slot moet er een vast reinigings- en ontsmettingsprotocol zijn: droogreinigen, inweken, nat reinigen, opdrogen, ontsmetten.

In Europe, the demand for high-quality poultry meat is rising. This tendency goes hand in hand with understanding and implementation of animal welfare and activation of organic farming. There are points in the organic farming format which conventional farmers can use to reduce the frequency of diseases and antibiotic usage. One of these points is to use slower growing broiler crosses and another is lower stocking densities.

The classic conventional broiler crosses are fast growing and kept in high densities so they are more susceptible to heath disorders including bacterial and protozoa diseases which are usually treated with antibiotics.

Today there are a lot of offers in Europe for various farming systems. The slow growing broiler crosses are more suitable for organic farming, but there are also offers for differentiated growing broiler crosses which are more robust and less sensitive to heath disorders. These can be used in conventional farms and can be realized from day 48. There are also possibilities to choose specific dwarf breeds for parent stock to reduce feed costs but at the same time maintain high productivity levels.

Stocking density also influences animal health and spread of disease. Reductions in bird count or bird live weight mass per m2 play an important role in both productivity (better weight gain) and disease incidence.

In conclusion, animal welfare, vaccination programs and biosecurity programs will play an important role in overall flock health level, but in combination with differentiated and slower growing broiler crosses, it is more feasible to keep broilers healthy, reduce antibiotic usage and offer high quality poultry meet to consumers.

Eiropā pieprasījums pēc kvalitatīvas putnu gaļas palielinās. Šī tendence iet roku rokā ar izpratni par dzīvnieku labturību un bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības aktivizēšanos. Bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā ir pieejas, ko var izmantot arī konvencionālajās saimniecībās. Viena no tām ir lēnaudzīgāku broileru krustojumu izmantošana un otra ir dzīvnieku blīvuma samazināšana.

Klasiskie konvencionālie broileru krustojumi ir ātraudzīgi un tiek turēti lielā blīvumā, līdz ar to tie ir vairāk uzņēmīgi pret sirds slimībām, bakteriālām un vienšūņu izraisītām slimībām, kas parasti tiek ārstētas, izmantojot antibiotikas.

Šobrīd Eiropā ir uzkrāta pieredze dažādām saimniekošanas sistēmām. Lēnaudzīgie broileru krustojumi ir piemēroti bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai, bet tirgū tiek piedāvāti arī krustojumi, kas ir robustāki un mazāk jutīgi pret sirds slimībām. Šie krustojumi var tikt izmantoti konvenciālajās saimniecībās un var tikt realizēti sākot no 48.dienas. Ir iespējams izvēlēties arī specifiskas punduršķirnes audzēšanas materiālam, lai samazinātu barības izmaksas tai pašā laikā saglabājot augstu produktivitātes līmeni.

Kā jau minēts, otrs dzīvnieku veselību un slimību izplatību ietekmējošais faktors ir dzīvnieku blīvums. Putnu skaita samazināšana vai putnu dzīvmasas samazināšana uz m2 spēlē nozīmīgu lomu gan produktivitātē (labāks svara pieaugums), gan slimību apkarošanā.

Dzīvnieku labturība, vakcinācijas programmas un biodrošības programmas ietekmē kopējo ganāmpulka veselību, bet kombinācijā ar lēnaudzīgāku krustojumu izmantošanu ir liela iespējamība uzturēt labu dzīvnieku veselību, samazināt antibiotiku lietošanu un piedāvāt augstas kvalitātes putnu gaļu patērētājiem.

Paratuberculosis is a chronic, contagious bacterial disease (caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (MAP)) of the intestinal tract which primarily affects sheep and cattle, goats, and other ruminant species. There is no known treatment for the disease. Control involves good sanitation and management practices including screening tests for new animals to identify and eliminate infected animals and ongoing surveillance of adult animals.

Implementation of regional/national control programmes are successful. They are related to growing industry concerns about the zoonotic potential of MAP, the desire to be proactive in control at both the farmer and processor levels, and/or to meet trade requirements. The interest among processors serves to take a voluntary control and/or status programme and make it mandatory for farmers.

The primary tools used for control across countries range widely, from testing options, on-farm risk assessments, incentive programmes, education and awareness campaigns and vaccination. Successful countries recommend some form of testing; faecal culture or PCR of environmental samples, bulk tank milk ELISA tests, or the use of similar methods at the cow-level. More recent developments and variations exist in the use of a combination of tests (e.g. ELISA followed by direct faecal PCR for confirmation) and/or cut-off values (e.g. test label vs. cut-off for high shedding animals). Many nations supplement these testing schemes with the recommendation to complete a herd-level risk assessment, which can be either specific to the disease or part of general biosecurity risk assessments.

Sensor systems currently are used to identify cows with signs of clinical mastitis. However, sensor systems have much more potential to support the farmers’ operational management of udder health.

Cows needing attention at drying off typically have an intramammary infection and need to be identified for appropriate treatment as part of a selective dry cow therapy program. Because there are disadvantages to both false positive and false negative alerts, the sensitivity and specificity of sensor systems should be equally high (over 90%). Alerts should be provided at an appropriate time (a few days before drying off) and detection performance should be reasonable.

Monitoring of udder health at the farm level can be done by combining sensor readings from all cows in the herd. Novel herd-level key performance indicators can be developed to monitor udder health daily. Disturbances at the group or herd level can be detected more quickly by utilizing sensor-based key performance indicators. Sensitivity should be reasonably high and because of the costs for further analysis of false positive outcomes, the specificity should be at least 99.5%. Moreover, sensor-based key performance indicators may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of dry cow and lactational therapy.

Current sensor systems aim to detect cows with abnormal milk or mastitis. Although they may be less accurate than visual detection in detecting clinical mastitis, sensor systems have the advantage of multiple measurements per day. Mastitis detection, however, should be approached from a need to intervene (management support) perspective rather than based on clinical mastitis paradigms.

Cows with severe clinical mastitis need to be identified and treated properly as fast as possible. Sensor systems should have a very high sensitivity (at least 95%), combined with a high specificity (at least 99%) within a narrow time window (maximum 12 hours) to ensure that close to all cows with true cases are detected quickly. Since very sick animals may not visit a milking robot, detection algorithms need to take additional data into account, not only milk sensor data.

Cows that do not need immediate attention have a risk of progressing into severe clinical mastitis. However, they should get the chance to cure spontaneously under close monitoring. Intervention is needed for cows at risk of developing chronic mastitis, leading to production losses and increased risk of pathogen transmission. Sensor alerts should have a reasonable sensitivity (at least 80%) and a high specificity (at least 99.5%). The time window may be relatively long (around 7 days). Additional actions may contain further diagnostic testing.

Cleaning and disinfection (C&D) of livestock barns between production cycles is crucial in achieving a good farm biosecurity. Optimal C&D takes 7 individual steps that need to be executed chronologically! Start with dry cleaning the barn to remove coarse manure, emptying feeders and waterlines, and removing finer dirt . The less organic material remains, the more efficient the C&D will be, saving product, water and time. In step 2 the barn is soaked first only with water and next with water and detergent for better dissolving of fats and dirt. Foam is to be preferred for its longer contact time, better visibility and effectiveness. Foam the barn from floor to ceiling upwards for longer contact time. Leave enough time for the foam to work on the dirt before the next step of rinsing with a high pressure washer between 50 and 120 bar. Rinse the barn from ceiling to floor downwards to prevent recontamination of the cleaned upper surfaces. Next, very important is step 4: drying before disinfection. Make sure to clear feeders and drinking cups from rinsing water and dry the floor. It is crucial to prevent dissolution of the disinfection product to ensure its efficacy! Disinfection in step 5 can be done in various ways: wet, thermal disinfection, foam, fumigation or combinations. Also all loose material, central corridors, technical and office rooms, clothing and footwear need C&D. Step 6 is drying of the disinfection solution. Rinse the animal feeders and drinkers to prevent the incoming animals to ingest any disinfection product. The last step, whilst very important is often overlooked: testing the efficacy of your C&D protocol which should not be limited to visual inspection but ideally involves taking bacteriological swabs to assess the pathogen load in the barn.

Reiniging en desinfectie (R&D) van stallen tussen rondes door is cruciaal voor een goede bioveiligheid op de boerderij. Optimale R&D bestaat uit 7 aparte stappen die chronologisch worden uitgevoerd! Begin met droge reiniging om grove mest te verwijderen, leeg voerbakken en waterleidingen en verwijder het fijnere vuil. Hoe minder organisch materiaal er rest, hoe efficiënter de R&D zal gaan. In stap 2 wordt de stal ingeweekt eerst alleen met water en daarna met detergent voor een betere oplossing van het vuil. Schuim heeft de voorkeur vanwege de langere contacttijd, betere zichtbaarheid en effectiviteit. Schuim in van onder naar boven voor een langere contacttijd. Neem genoeg tijd om het schuim in te laten werken op het vuil vooraleer af te spoelen met een hogedrukreiniger (50 à 120 bar). Spoel de stal van boven naar onder om te voorkomen dat de propere oppervlakken opnieuw worden besmeurd. Stap 4: het drogen voor de desinfectie is zeer belangrijk. Verwijder spoelwater uit voeder- en drinkbakken en droog de vloer. Voorkom hiermee het verdunnen van de desinfectieoplossing om de doeltreffendheid ervan te garanderen! Desinfectie in stap 5 kan op verschillende manieren gebeuren: nat, thermische desinfectie, schuim, fumigatie of combinaties. Ook alle losse materialen, centrale gangen, technische en kantoorruimtes, kleding en schoeisel hebben R&D nodig. Stap 6 is het drogen van de desinfectieoplossing. Spoel voeder- en drinkbakjes na om te voorkomen dat de dieren desinfectiemiddel innemen. De laatste stap, die vaak over het hoofd wordt gezien, is testen van de effectiviteit van het R&D-protocol. Beperkt dit niet tot visuele inspectie, maar idealiter neemt u ook swabs om de aanwezigheid van ziekteverwekkers in de stal te beoordelen.

Conventional broiler chicks that are transported to the broiler farm shortly after birth can suffer from the stress of handling in the hatchery, feed and water deprivation, and during the transport. This stress is detrimental for the birds' immunological and physiological development resulting in less resilient birds. On-farm hatching is an innovative concept preventing the burden of this stress because eggs which have been incubated for 18 days are being hatched directly on the broiler farm. The hatched chicks have instant access to water and feed, allowing for better development of their intestines and organs. This concept results in healthier and more robust animals that are more resilient to disease pressure. The concept is available through different suppliers offering specific systems (Nestborn®, One2Born® and X-treck (Vencomatic)), varying in labour requirements, ease of use and investment. Depending on the farm-specific availability of labour, capital and desired production scheme different solutions can be interesting. On-farm hatching needs to fit in the production schedule since you need extra time to prepare your shed for the next cycle which can create a peak in labour requirements. Additionally, some extra costs for heating the shed three days earlier will be incurred. Still, savings on medicine use are possible as well as improvements to the technical performance of the birds which may help to offset additional costs. Field trials in Flanders on two farms transitioning from conventionally hatched broilers to the NestBorn concept have shown a reduction in their antibiotic usage for the NestBorn chicks compared to conventional broiler chicks. Antibiotic use measured as mg active substance per stocked chicken decreased by 62.76% on average and on 18 out of 27 production cycles no antibiotics were used in the NestBorn system.

Conventionele vleeskuikens kunnen stress ervaren van voeder- en watertekort, manipulatie in de broederij en vervoer naar het vleeskuikenbedrijf. Deze stress is schadelijk voor de ontwikkeling en leidt tot minder robuuste kuikens. Het uitbroeden in de stal is een innovatief concept dat de gevolgen van deze stress voorkomt omdat 18 daagse broedeieren op het vleeskuikenbedrijf op een natuurlijkere manier worden uitgebroed. De uitgebroede kuikens hebben direct toegang tot water en voer, waardoor darmen en organen beter kunnen ontwikkelen. Dit geeft robuustere dieren die beter bestand zijn tegen ziektedruk. Het concept is toepasbaar via verschillende leveranciers die specifieke systemen aanbieden (Nestborn®, One2Born® en X-treck® (Vencomatic), variërend in arbeidsbehoefte, gebruiksgemak en investering. Afhankelijk van de bedrijfsspecifieke beschikbaarheid van arbeid, kapitaal en het gewenste productieschema kunnen verschillende oplossingen interessant zijn. Uitbroeden op het bedrijf moet wel in het productieschema passen, omdat er extra tijd nodig is om de stal voor te bereiden op de volgende ronde, hetgeen een piek in arbeidsbehoefte kan veroorzaken. Ook zijn er extra kosten voor het eerder verwarmen van de stal. Er zijn echter besparingen op het medicijnen mogelijk, evenals verbeteringen in de technische prestaties van de dieren. Veldproeven in Vlaanderen op 2 bedrijven die overschakelden van conventionele kuikens naar NestBorn toonden een reductie in het antibioticagebruik ten opzichte van de conventionele vleeskuikens. Het antibioticagebruik, gemeten als mg werkzame stof per opgezet kuiken, daalde met gemiddeld 62,76% en in 18 van de 27 productiecycli werden geen antibiotica gebruikt in het NestBorn systeem.

In France, three connected tools funded by the Ecoantibio Plan have been designed by IFIP to carry out self-diagnostics on pig health management : PorcProtect, Batisanté and Porcisanté. These three tools, available on smartphones or PCs, are complementary, approaching the issue of helath protection in different ways. PorcProtect focuses on biosecurity in 30 questions for a quick grid, and in 320 questions for a full grid; Bâtisanté provides an update on the management of buildings and livestock equipment in 64 questions illustrated by photos, covering areas including climate and ventilation, access to water and food, quality and type of floors, cleaning and disinfection of rooms, etc. Porcisanté manages interventions on animals in 70 questions also illustrated by photos, including colostral intake, care of piglets, management of sow feed, breeding management, etc.

They all allow farmers to review the basics and their regulatory compliance. A report is produced with a color code according to the rate of risky practices (red high risk, orange medium risk, green low risk). Prioritization of the actions to be corrected is therefore immediate. Technical sheets are also included to present areas for improvement. A comparison with the results of previous audits on the same farm is possible in the three tools as well as a comparison with other farms in PorcProtect.

Search «batisante» or  «porcisante» in the Play store or Apple store. Website:

Trois outils connectés, financés par le Plan Ecoantibio, ont été conçus par l’Ifip pour réaliser des auto-diagnostics sur la gestion de la santé des porcs : PorcProtect, Batisanté et Porcisanté. Ces trois outils, disponibles sur smartphones ou PC, sont complémentaires car ils abordent différemment la question de la protection de la santé : PorcProtect fait un focus sur la biosécurité en 30 questions pour la grille rapide et en 320 questions pour la grille complète. Bâtisanté permet de faire le point sur la gestion des bâtiments et des équipements d’élevage en 64 questions illustrées par des photos : gestion de l’ambiance et de la ventilation, accès à l’eau et à l’aliment, qualité et type de sols, nettoyage et désinfection des salles.... Porcisanté gère les interventions sur les animaux en 70 questions également illustrées par des photos : la prise colostrale, les soins aux porcelets, la gestion de l’alimentation des truies, la conduite de la reproduction…. Un bilan est proposé avec un code couleur (rouge, orange, vert) selon le taux de pratiques à risque. La priorisation des actions à corriger est ainsi immédiate. Des fiches techniques sont aussi inclues pour présenter les axes d’amélioration. Une comparaison aux résultats des précédents audits dans le même élevage est possible dans les trois outils ainsi qu’une comparaison avec les autres élevages dans PorcProtect.

Ecrire batisante et porcisante dans le Play store ou l’Apple store. Site

In France, 90% of pig farmers record veterinary treatments in a paper register but 25% say they are ready to use an electronic version. GVET, funded by the Ecoantibio plan, facilitates this process on PC or smartphone by providing a standardized catalog of veterinary drugs to speed up the entry of the names of the drugs, the dose, the duration of treatment, and the withdrawal time prior to slaughter.

GVET also monitors antibiotic usage for each type of animal (sows, suckling piglets, weaned piglets, fattening pigs) with indicators validated by ANSES.

Data from farms are centralized in a national database hosted at IFIP to allow publication of collective references on antibiotic usage in France. Farmers will be able to compare their results with benchmarks to discuss ways of improvement with their veterinarians and meet societal expectations.

Two manufacturers have integrated GVET into their softwares : Isagri (in Ediporc and Pig’up) and Asserva (in Smartpharm). Deployment in the field is therefore operational. However, there is still a lot of educational work to do with farmers to help them change their habits and computerize their treatment register, without their having any regulatory obligation to do so.

En France, 90 % des éleveurs de porcs enregistrent les traitements vétérinaires dans un registre papier mais 25 % se disent prêts à utiliser une version électronique. Gvet, financé par le plan Ecoantibio, facilite cette démarche sur PC ou smartphone. L’éleveur y trouve un catalogue normalisé des médicaments vétérinaires pour accélérer la saisie du nom des médicaments, la dose, la durée du traitement, le délai d’attente avant abattoir.

Les usages d’antibiotiques sont mesurés pour chaque catégorie d’animaux (truies, porcelets sous la mère, porcelets sevrés, porcs charcutiers) selon des indicateurs validés par l’Anses.

Les données sont centralisées dans une base de données nationale hebergée à l’IFIP pour permettre la production de références collectives sur les usages d’antibiotiques en France. Les transferts des données vers les vétérinaires sont également possibles sur simple autorisation de l’éleveur. Les éleveurs pourront donc comparer leurs résultats à des références, discuter des voies d’amélioration avec leurs vétérinaires et répondre aux attentes sociétales.

Deux industriels ont intégré GVET dans leur logiciel : Isagri (dans Ediporc et Pig’up) et Asserva (dans Smartpharm). Le déploiement sur le terrain est donc opérationnel. Il reste néanmoins un gros travail de pédagogie à mener auprès des éleveurs pour les aider à changer leurs habitudes et à informatiser leur registre des traitements, sans qu’ils aient d’obligation réglementaire à le faire.

Milking dairy cows is a complex action, which has to take into account the physiological aspects of the animal, hygiene, quantity and quality of milk, as well as the work ergonomics. The milking of dairy cows must be carried out within a specified time (8 min), which coincides with the secretion of the oxytocin hormone, which is responsible for the ejection of milk. Workers are careful that the milking is complete, to extract the entire amount of milk and fat, and to prevent mastitis. Those who carry out milking must ensure that the milking machine does not cause pain to the animal, as it may retain milk. Also, the physiology of milking is very complex and involves many factors that favor the ejection and evacuation of milk.

Regardless of the milking system adopted, the practical performance of milking involves the observance of some basic rules: the cows are milked at the same hours of the day and at regular intervals; milking is carried out quietly, in similar environmental conditions. These rules aid the development of favourable conditioned reflexes, and avoid triggering the mechanisms of inhibition of milk ejection (adrenaline synthesis). The training of milking staff is directly related to the efficiency of milking (a worker serves 30-35 cows per hour) and milk and udder hygiene (it is very important to clean teats before the start of milking and at the end of milking). The degree of hygiene is quantified by the total number of germs and the number of somatic cells.

Mulsul vacilor de lapte este o acțiune complexă, care trebuie să aibă în vedere aspectele fiziologice ale animalului, igiena, cantitatea și calitatea laptelui, precum ergonomia muncii.

Mulsul vacilor de lapte trebuie să se efectueze într-un timp determinat (8 min), care să coincidă cu eliberarea hormonului ocitocina, responsabilă de ejecția laptelui. Lucrătorii sunt atenți ca mulsul să fie complet, să se extragă întreaga cantitate de lapte şi grăsime, și pentru a preveni mastitele. Cei care efectuează mulsul trebuie să urmărească ca aparatul de muls să nu provoace durere animalului, deoarece acesta poate să rețină laptele. De asemenea, fiziologia mulsului este foarte complexă și implică numeroși factori care favorizează ejecția și evacuarea laptelui.

Indiferent de sistemul de muls adoptat, efectuarea practică a mulsului implică respectarea unor reguli de bază: vacile se mulg la aceleași ore ale zilei și la interval regulat de timp; mulsul se efectuează în liniște, în condiții ambientale asemănătoare, pentru a favoriza dezvoltarea reflexelor condiționate favorabile, pentru a nu se declanșa mecanismele de inhibare a ejecție laptelui (sinteza de adrenalină); gradul de instruire a personalului care efectuează mulsul are legătură directă cu eficiența mulsului (un muncitor deservește în 30-35 vaci pe oră), cu igiena laptelui și a ugerului (este foarte important să se facă igiena înainte de începerea mulsului și la sfârșitul mulsului). Gradul de igienă se cuantifică prin număr total de germeni și număr celule somatice.

Several guidance documents relating to the prudent use of antimicrobials have been published by different public, professional and industry bodies. This resulted in better understanding/improved practices by veterinarians and animal owners/keepers. Much of the guidance is also readily accessible in different EU languages.

One of the bodies producing these guidance documents at EU level is EPRUMA, a European multi-stakeholder platform which has already released two best-practice guidelines (brochures) for the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals. You may find them on their website:

The brochures explain the role and benefits of antibiotics in animal health and the description of best-practices for their use. They also give guidance on indoor and free-range production, housing, biosecurity, nutrition, etc. and include a decision tree on the use of veterinary antibiotics in food-producing animals. The guidance should be, of course, further tailored to the local situation of an individual farm. The final implementation should be shared responsibility between the farmer and other professional visitors to the farm such as veterinarians, feed and husbandry experts, and biosecurity specialists.

Efforts made by farmers and these professional consultants, supported by all other stakeholders, will result in an optimal level of animal health and welfare. Consequently, this facilitates and drives the responsible use of veterinary medicines, according to the principle ‘as little as possible and as much as necessary’.

Vaccines are very important tools to reduce antimicrobial use and thereby slow down the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. Vaccinations can also reduce production losses associated with disease and are therefore leading to more sustainable animal production.

The risk of mortality and morbidity in calves is highest during the first few weeks of life. The main causes of mortality change during the pre-weaning period: septicaemia is most likely to occur in neonatal calves (up to 28 days of age); diarrhoea in calves less than 30 days old, and bovine respiratory disease in dairy calves more than 30 days old. During this critical period, many farmers could consider vaccination and other preventive interventions to minimise the risk of diseases.

The decision of ‘if’ and ‘when’ to vaccinate and against what pathogen should always be done after consultation with the herd veterinarian. The veterinarian can determine the need for vaccination and the ability for vaccines to reduce the current health challenges on a farm. This includes a good knowledge of the herd health history, diagnostic sampling of animals, the disease challenges in the area, evaluation of specific risk factors and other management routines that might impact animal health e.g. colostrum management. 

It is very important that vaccines are kept at the indicated temperature and it is vital that the manufacturer’s guidelines for injection and timing of vaccination are closely followed. Many management factors can limit the effectiveness of vaccination including inadequate nutrition, adverse environmental conditions or presence of parasites. Therefore, it is important that the animal is not suffering any undue stress, or nutritional deficiencies or clinical disease.

Resilience is the capacity of an animal to be minimally affected by external or internal negative agents or to rapidly recover from it. By choosing a more resilient breed of poultry, farmers can also reduce antimicrobial usage, obtaining both healthy and easier-to-manage flocks.

Improvement of resilience can be accomplished by different strategies. One strategy is to increase resilience by genetic selection in breeding programs. The advantage of genetic selection, in contrast to management improvements, is that it can be a longer-lasting solution. Furthermore, it can be done through adequate resilience-improving breeding programs. For example, dual-purpose breeds or local (traditional) breeds have shown to be more resilient than more conventional breeds.

Dual-purpose chickens can be used for the production of eggs and the cockerels for meat production, and like local (traditional) breeds they may be less susceptible to clinical disease and may recover from illness faster. On the production side, it is true that dual-purpose chickens tend to lay fewer eggs per year than the highly-selected breeds. However, there seems to be an increasing number of initiatives, including organic production, which allow farmers to market these differentiated quality products and provide them with added value.

In conclusion, choosing the right breed for resilience is a matter of good research and the choice should be fit for the particular production system. Nevertheless, it must be also considered that indicators for general resilience for poultry have not yet been defined clearly by researchers.

Sensors that can measure physiological, behavioral and production indicators in dairy cows (milk yield, temperature, animal's activity, etc.) may assist farmers to improve animal health and welfare and identify diseased cows earlier. 

Currently there are different sensors available on the market, such as sensor systems for mastitis detection (e.g. electrical conductivity), oestrus detection for dairy cows, oestrus detection for youngstock, and other sensor systems (e.g. weighing platform, rumination time sensor, temperature sensor, milk temperature sensor, etc.). 

These technologies and their adoption provide benefit to farmers by frequently monitoring dairy cattle without disturbing natural behavioral expression.The implementation of these tools via e.g. computer-controlled programs can become valuable instruments for improving detection rates, gaining insights into the fertility level of the herd, improving profitability of the farm, and reducing labor.

For example, clinical mastitis can be predicted by changes in the electrical conductivity of foremilk, enabling early treatment and significantly limiting the severity of the disease. In many cases, it may also prevent the appearance of any visible signs of infection.

On the other hand, a monitoring system based on feeding time of the individual cow can identify changes in feeding activity. It is expected that the farmer’s inspection of dairy cows that change their average feeding time in combination with other monitoring systems, will lead to earlier detection of mastitis and oestrus. Early detection and veterinary treatment of mastitis and oestrus is expected to be beneficial for both cow welfare and farm profitability.

The farrowing pen with Balance Floor is an innovative design that has been on the market for several years. The idea behind this concept is a movable floor, which to a large extent prevents piglets from being crushed by the mother.

As soon as the sow stands up, she hits three sensors and the movable floor, on which the sow stands, is raised approximately 20 cm (using cylinders). The piglets cannot climb on this plateau during the first week of life, which is the most critical phase. As soon as the sow lies down the floor gradually descends. In the moment the sow lies down, the risk of crushing injuring/killing the piglets is reduced.

Animal welfare is significantly increased, because the number of piglets that are lost due to crushing is reduced by 80%. The risk of piglets partially trapped or crushed by the mother is also lower. For example, piglets’ claws remain better intact. Any pathogens present do not have a ‘porte d’entrée’ via a wound. This results in better animal health and less need for antibiotics.

As more piglets survive, production data, such as the weaned piglets per sow per year, also rise.

There are also advantages for the farmer. Because there is less risk of crushing, the farmer can keep the piglets with the sow with a more comfortable feeling. There is also time savings, because fewer, if any, inured piglets have to be monitored continuously.

De Balansvloer in kraamhokken voor varkens is een innovatief ontwerp dat al verscheidene jaren op de markt is. Het idee achter dit concept is een beweegbare vloer, waardoor doodliggen van biggen door de moeder voor een groot deel kan worden voorkomen.

Zodra de zeug gaat staan, raakt ze drie voelers en gaat de beweegbare vloer waar de zeug op staat met behulp van cilinders ongeveer 20 cm omhoog. De biggen kunnen de eerste kritische levensweek niet tot zeer moeizaam op dit plateau klimmen. Zodra de zeug weer gaat liggen zakt de vloer geleidelijk naar beneden. Met name het moment dat de zeug gaat liggen, is het risico op doodliggen gereduceerd.

In de eerste plaats wordt dierwelzijn aanzienlijk verhoogd, omdat het aantal biggen wat uitvalt door doodliggen met 80% gereduceerd wordt. Ook het risico op biggen die gedeeltelijk bekneld raken door of onder de moeder is lager. Zo blijven bijvoorbeeld klauwtjes van de biggen beter intact. Eventuele aanwezige pathogenen hebben hierdoor geen ‘porte d’entree’. Gevolg is dat de diergezondheid verbeterd en er minder antibioticum nodig is.

Doordat meer biggen overleven, stijgen vanzelfsprekend ook de productiegegevens zoals aantal gespeende biggen per zeug per jaar.

Ook voor de veehouder zijn er voordelen. Doordat er minder risico op doodliggen is, kan de veehouder met een geruster gevoel de biggen bij de zeug houden. Ook ontstaat er tijd voor andere zaken, doordat eventuele minder vitale biggen niet continu bewaakt hoeven te worden.

Generally speaking, there are two ways of feeding pigs: in groups or individually. Examples of group feeding are trough and floor feeding; for individual feeding these are feeding (lying) cubicles and feeding stations.

A major advantage of feeding stations for sows is that each animal can get the amount of feed required (based on Body Condition Score, fat thickness and/or body weight) because there are multiple feeding curves. This is possible for both stable and dynamic groups. Furthermore, a daily report can be made of sows that do not come to eat.

Decisive for success are barn design and set-up of equipment in the barn. For example, functional areas for defecating, resting and eating should be separated and the maximum number of sows per feeding station must not be exceeded. The feeding stations ideally have a long return run, so the feeling of satiety can occur during the return to the group and sows will go straight into the resting area, instead of moving back to the feeding station and disturbing other sows. Placing the drinking facility at the end of the return run also provides extra time for the sow, which improves a relaxed environment for the sows.

An option that can further increase ease of work is the separation box for separating sows for vaccination, pregnancy control, moving to the farrowing pen, heat-detection, etc. And last but not least, don't forget the gilts training station!

When using feeding stations there are fewer return-to-estrus sows and there are more piglets raised per sow per year.

Globaal zijn er voor varkens twee manieren van voeren: groepsgewijs of individueel. Voorbeelden van groepsgewijs voeren zijn trog- en vloervoedering; voor individueel voeren zijn dat voer(lig)boxen en voerstations.

Een groot voordeel van voerstations bij zeugen is dat elk dier op maat gevoerd wordt (gebaseerd op BodyConditionScore, spekdikte en/of lichaamsgewicht) doordat meerdere voercurves ingesteld kunnen worden. Dat kan zowel voor stabiele als dynamische groepen. Dagelijks wordt geregistreerd of alle dieren hun geplande portie op hebben opgegeten.

Doorslaggevend voor succes is het ontwerp van de stal en de stalinrichting. Zo dienen functiegebieden als mesten, rusten en eten gescheiden te zijn en mag het maximale aantal zeugen per voerstation niet overschreden worden. De voerstations hebben idealiter een lange terugloopgang, waardoor het verzadigingsgevoel tijdens het teruglopen kan optreden en zeugen naar het rustgebied zullen gaan, in plaats van weer vooraan te willen sluiten bij het voerstation. Ook het plaatsen van de waterbakken aan het einde van de terugloopgang zorgt voor extra tijdsbesteding, wat rust in de stal bevordert. Een optie die arbeidsgemak verder kan vergroten is de separatie-box voor het afzonderen van zeugen voor vaccinatie, drachtcontrole, verplaatsen naar kraamstal, berigheid, etc. En tot slot, vergeet ook het gelten-trainingsstation niet!

Bij gebruik van voerstations zijn er minder terugkomers en meer grootgebrachte biggen per zeug per jaar.

Firstly, one should avoid buying small batches of animals from different origins. Quarantine is always recommended when introducing new animals. It may not prevent all risks, but it can prevent the introduction of diseases such as scabies or footrot.

Indeed, scabies carriers can appear perfectly healthy on arrival if they are still in the incubation phase. To counteract this risk, some administer a suitable antiparasitic as soon as the animal arrives. The risk of introducing footrot on the farm makes it necessary to check the feet as soon as the animals arrive in order to avoid buying affected or doubtful animals.

Even if it is impossible to manage all risks, especially those related to abortive diseases such as Border Disease, Visna-Maedi or Johne's disease, it is important to know the health status of the seller's herd.

The mixture of animals from several origins in a new environment can also favour the accelerated emergence of diseases such as ecthyma, scabs on the feet, caseous abscesses (CLA), keratitis. These episodes are more painful when pregnant ewes are included due to the increased risk of abortions.

When buying ewe lambs or rams, it is recommended to buy animals with health guarantees and to give preference to animals qualified by the selection centres.

Tout d’abord, il faut éviter d’acheter des petits lots d’origines différentes. La quarantaine est toujours préconisée lors de l’introduction de nouveaux animaux. Même si elle ne prévient pas tous les risques, elle peut éviter d’introduire des maladies comme la gale ou le piétin.

En effet, les porteurs de la gale peuvent sembler parfaitement sains à leur arrivée s’ils sont encore en phase d’incubation. Contre ce risque, la parade consiste à administrer un antiparasitaire adapté dès l'arrivée de l'animal. Le risque d’introduction de piétin sur l’exploitation impose une vérification des pieds dès l’arrivée des animaux afin de ne pas acheter des animaux atteints ou douteux.

Même s’il est impossible de gérer tous les risques, en particulier ceux liés aux maladies abortives comme Border Disease, Visna Maëdi ou Paratuberculose, il est important de connaître le statut sanitaire du troupeau du vendeur.

Le mélange de plusieurs origines et un nouvel environnement peuvent également favoriser la sortie accélérée de maladies ordinaires : ecthyma, croûtes aux pieds, abcès caséeux, kératites. Puis l’immunité se construira naturellement. Ces épisodes sont plus douloureux lorsqu’au lieu d’agnelles, on mélange des adultes, et notamment des brebis pleines avec un risque accru d’avortements.

Lors d’achat d’agnelles ou de béliers, il est recommandé d’acheter des animaux avec des garanties sanitaires et de privilégier les animaux qualifiés par les organismes de sélection.

The lambing period is a stressful period. Advanced preparation of the lambing equipment can improve productivity and reduce stress.

A cleaning-disinfecting protocol and an inventory of all lambing materials (gloves, lubricant, lambing ropes, aid to align lambs heads during birth), prolapse harness/retainer, iodine for navel disinfection, thermometer is required. At birth ensure access to: frozen colostrum, feeding bottles and teats, stomach tubes, heat lamp, milk replacer. To assist ewes: syringes and needles, oxytocin, energy boost, injectable calcium and antibiotics (under veterinary advice). Lastly: marker spray, tags, disinfectant for lambing equipment and bedding and disinfectant for pens (e.g. straw, lime), fostering crate and basin for wet fostering lambs to a surrogate mother.

During the birth period, the shepherd needs to follow the lambing process and to know how to assist lambing. Dystocia is one of the most important contributors to deaths in newborn lambs. The main causes of dystocia are a disproportionate size or poor presentation of lamb, abortion and prolapse. Assisting difficult births requires practical and theoretical knowledge. The neonatal period is the most vulnerable period in a lamb's life, therefore understanding the significant risks can help to develop preventative strategies such as additional feeding in the last pregnancy period and reduction of environmental stress factors.

L'agnelage est une période stressante. Aussi, la préparation avancée de l'équipement d'agnelage peut améliorer la productivité et réduire le stress.

Le nettoyage, la désinfection et un inventaire sont nécessaires pour tout le matériel d'agnelage (gants, lubrifiant, cordelettes et lasso d'agnelage), harnais/retenue pour prolapsus, iode pour la désinfection du nombril, thermomètre. À la naissance : colostrum congelé, biberons et tétines, sondes gastriques, lampe chauffante, aliment d'allaitement. Pour les brebis : seringues et aiguilles, ocytocine pour aider l’éjection du lait, supplément énergétique, calcium injectable et antibiotiques (sous avis vétérinaire). Enfin : spray marqueur, étiquettes, désinfectant pour le matériel et la litière et désinfectant pour les enclos, case d’adoption et bac d’eau pour les agneaux adoptés.

Pendant la période de naissance, l’éleveur doit surveiller et savoir comment assister l'agnelage. En effet, la dystocie est l'une des plus importantes causes de mortalité des agneaux nouveau-nés. Les principales raisons sont une taille disproportionnée, une mauvaise présentation, l'avortement et le prolapsus. L'assistance aux naissances difficiles nécessite un savoir-faire pratique et théorique. La période néonatale est la plus vulnérable, et la compréhension des risques aide à développer des stratégies préventives comme l’alimentation en fin de gestation et la réduction des stress environnementaux.

At birth, colostrum is extremely important for the young animal because it provides disease-fighting maternal antibodies as well as essential nutrients. If colostrum is not available or insufficient from the ewe, the lamb can be provided colostrum from another ewe, ewe or cow frozen colostrum warmed to body temperature.

For the first two weeks of life, lambs need to be fed every 2-3 hours (night meals can be provided every 4 or 5 hours) and then every 4 hours for the next weeks, according to their health status. 

For the first several weeks of life, lamb requirements for nutrients are covered by maternal milk. By the time lambs are 4 to 6 weeks old, they may be obtaining as much as 50 percent of their nutrient intake from sources other than their mother's milk.

Feeding programs of lambs vary, usually affected by the type of production, market options, geographic location, and cost and availability of feedstuffs. Most of the time, lambs born in winter are creep-fed and finished on high concentrate diets, whereas lambs born later in the season are finished at pasture with the ewes. Some feeding programs utilize both pasture and grain.

A la naissance, le colostrum est extrêmement important pour le jeune animal car il fournit des anticorps contre les maladies ainsi que des nutriments essentiels. Si le colostrum de la brebis n'est pas en qualité ou quantité suffisante, l’agneau peut recevoir le colostrum d'une autre brebis ou du colostrum congelé de brebis ou de vache, réchauffé à la température du corps.

Pendant les deux premières semaines de vie, les agneaux nouveau-nés doivent être allaités toutes les 2-3 heures (les repas nocturnes pouvant être espacés de 4 ou 5 heures), puis toutes les 4 heures pendant les semaines suivantes, selon l’état de santé.

Pendant les premières semaines de vie, le besoin des agneaux est couvert par le lait de leur mère. À l'âge de 4 à 6 semaines, les agneaux peuvent trouver jusqu'à 50% des apports en nutriments à partir d’autres sources que le lait maternel. Les programmes d'alimentation des agneaux dépendent de nombreux facteurs. Le programme d'alimentation approprié est généralement influencé par le système de production, les options de commercialisation, la localisation géographique, le coût et la disponibilité des aliments. En général, les agneaux nés en hiver sont alimentés sous la mère puis finis avec des régimes riche en concentrés, tandis que les agneaux nés plus tard dans la saison sont souvent placés au pâturage avec leurs mères. Certains programmes d'alimentation utilisent à la fois le pâturage et les céréales.

Footrot caused by Dichelobacter nodosus is a harmful disease for sheep farming. It is imperative to monitor the flock and implement various control measures against the disease.

Firstly, it is necessary to know the risk factors (humid and temperate periods, muddy areas) and to quickly detect the presence of the disease in the flock. To do this, when lameness is observed, or during hoof trimming, the identity of the animal must be recorded and the severity and intensity of the lesions scored according to scale.

A foot-lameness control plan is mainly preventive by a rigorous evaluation of purchased animals, application of quarantine, and by avoiding contact with other herds.

Moderate lesions can be controlled by external and internal hygiene measures, footbathing, foot trimming and individual antibiotic therapy. The footbath must be carried out correctly (pre-washing, liquid level and concentration of disinfectants, time spent, drying).

If the disease is severe, vaccination and antibiotic therapy will be used, after identification of the strain(s) present in the flock. Finally, culling of worst-affected animals and those with recurring cases helps to progressively eradicate the disease. When the outbreak is very large, a repopulation of the herd should be considered.

Le piétin provoqué par Dichelobacter nodosus est une affection très pénalisante pour l’élevage ovin. Contre cette maladie, il est impératif de surveiller le troupeau et mettre en place les différents moyens de lutte disponibles.

Tout d’abord, il est nécessaire de connaitre les situations à risque (périodes humides et tempérées, zones boueuses) et de repérer rapidement la présence de la maladie dans le troupeau. Pour cela, lorsqu’une boiterie est observée ou lors des chantiers de parage des onglons, l’identité de l’animal doit être enregistrée et la sévérité et l’intensité des lésions notées selon une grille.

La lutte contre le piétin est d’abord préventive par un contrôle rigoureux des animaux achetés, l’application de quarantaine et en évitant les contacts avec d’autres troupeaux.

Les atteintes modérées peuvent être contrôlées par les mesures d’hygiène externe et interne, le recours au pédiluve, la taille des onglons et l’antibiothérapie individuelle. Le pédiluve doit être pratiqué correctement (prélavage, niveau de liquide et concentration des désinfectants, temps passé, séchage).

Si l’atteinte est sévère la vaccination et l’antibiothérapie seront utilisées, après identification de la ou des souches présentes dans le troupeau. Enfin, la réforme des animaux ayant une rechute ou les plus atteints permet d’éradiquer progressivement la maladie. Lorsque le foyer est très important, un dépeuplement repeuplement du troupeau est à étudier.

One of the problems that can break the biosecurity of a farm is the system for collecting dead animals. There is a great risk of spreading disease on the farm via carcass collection vehicles which travel from one farm to another. In addition, because they are fresh carcasses, the risk of being potential disease carriers is high.

A very effective alternative is the hydrolysis of carcasses on the farm. The carcass hydrolysis system provides temporary storage of carcasses and byproducts where the spontaneous phenomena of self-hydrolysis occur. The hydrolysis that takes place in carcass is similar to that which occurs in other organic materials that are susceptible to self-destruction.

With these systems, authorized by the EU (Regulation 749/2011 of 29 July 2011), a specific container is required to perform hydrolysis and store the dead animals for 6 months.

With this system the following is achieved:

- Limits the microbiological load to inside the hydrolyser on the farm, reducing the potential contamination that this product has to other farms.

- Decrease the number of collections per year. Going from 100-150 times to 4-6 times.

- Direct transport is made from the farm to the authorized processing plant. The truck arrives at the farm clean from the processing plant and returns without passing through any other farm.

- The same hydrolyser container is returned empty, clean and disinfected to the farm of origin, reducing the risk of spreading pathogens.

Uno de los problemas que pueden romper la bioseguridad de una granja es es sistema de recogida de animales muertos. Existe un gran riesgo de difusión de enfermedades en granja a través de vehículos de recogida de cadáveres de una granja a otra. Además, al ser cadáveres frescos, el riesgo de ser potenciales transmisores de enfermedades es alto

Una alternativa muy efectiva es la hidrólisis de cadáveres en granja. La hidrólisis de cadáveres es un sistema de almacenamiento temporal de subproductos donde se producen fenómenos espontáneos de autohidrólisis. Siendo la hidrolización que se produce en los cadáveres similar a la que se produce en el resto de las materias orgánicas susceptibles de autodegradarse

Con estos sistemas, autorizado por la UE (Reglamento 749/2011 de 29 de julio de 2011) se precisa de un contenedor específico para realizar la hidrólisis y almacenar los cadáveres durante 6 meses.

Con este sistema se consigue:

- Disminuir la carga microbiológica en el interior del hidrolizador en la propia explotación, reduciendo el potencial contaminador que este producto tiene para otras granjas

- Disminuir el numero de recogidas al año. Pasando de 100-150 veces a 4-6 veces

- Se hace un transporte directo desde la granja a la planta de procesado autorizada. El camión llega a la granja limpio desde la planta de tratamiento y regresa sin pasar por ninguna otra granja

- El mismo contenedor hidrolizador es devuelto vacío, limpio y desinfectado a la granja de origen reduciendo el riesgo de propagación de patógenos.

The piglet phase is one of the most critical for two reaons: the piglet's immune system is developing and it is starting to be exposed to pathogens. Because of this, it is necessary to establish correct environmental control to reduce the presence of diseases and produce a stronger and more robust piglet at weaning.

The different temperature needs of the piglet (28-33ºC) and the sow (18-22ºC) make it necessary to design systems that allow these 2 "environments" in the same room.

To ensure correct environmental control in the farrowing unit, three factors must be taken into account:

1.- Ventilation

The design of the ventilation of a maternity depends on multiple variables (length, and width of the building, etc.). In a practical way, it can be summarized as follows:

Ventilation must be forced and ideally part of automatic environmental control by means of probes, regulators and curves.

Ideally, the air should enter through a false ceiling with the aim of distributing all the new air evenly throughout the room. This ventilation method also allows the air to be preheated before reaching the area where the animals are.

2.- Heating

In the case of the piglets, the most highly recommended heating method is a nest with an electric plate and a self-adjusting light source. With this system the optimum temperature for the piglets is achieved without increasing the electrical expenditure. In addition, the sow area will remain at the correct temperature.

3.- Type of floor

Plastic is recommended for ease of cleaning and comfort of the animals. It is important that the floor drains correctly, to have a dry and clean floor available for the piglets.

La fase de lechón es una de las más criticas por dos factores: se está desarrollando su sistema inmune y por otra parte está empezando a exponerse a los patógenos. Por ellos, es necesario establecer un correcto control ambiental para reducir la presencia de enfermedades y conseguir un lechón más fuerte y robusto al destete.

Las diferentes necesidades de temperatura del lechón (28-33ºC) y de la cerda (18-22ºC) hacen necesario diseñar sistemas que permitan esos 2 "ambientes" en una misma sala.

Para asegurar un correcto control ambiental en la paridera hay que contemplar tres factores

1.- Ventilación

EL diseño de la ventilación de una maternidad depende de múltiples variables (longitud, y amplitud de la nave, etc.), de una forma práctica se puede resumir en:

La ventilación debe ser forzada y el control ambiental automático mediante sondas, reguladores y curvas.

Lo ideal sería que el aire entrara por un falso techo con el objetivo de distribuir homogéneamente todo el aire nuevo por la sala. Además, con este sistema, el aire se precalienta antes de llegar a la zona donde están los animales.

2.- Calefacción

En el caso de los lechones, lo más recomendable es el nido con placa eléctrica y foco auto regulable en altura. Con este sistema se consigue el optimo de temperatura para los lechones sin incrementar el gasto eléctrico. Además, la zona de la cerda va a permanecer a una temperatura correcta

3.- Tipo de suelo

Lo más recomendable es el plástico, por facilidad de limpieza y confort de los animales. Es importante que es suelo drene correctamente la humedad, para tener a disposición de los lechones un suelo seco y limpio.

In order to improve sanitary control on a farm, the ideal would be, on the one hand, to prevent diseases (biosecurity and vaccination) and, on the other hand, to anticipate diseases. Work is currently underway on monitoring systems for early detection of diseases. By detecting them early, rapid, accurate and individualized treatment can be put in place, thus reducing the impact of the disease and reducing the consumption of antibiotics.

A monitoring system can obtain information from images and bisosensors every second and, through a computer system with predefined patterns, this information can be processed in real time to provide useful information to stockpersons.

This technology makes it possible to monitor the animal's movement over several consecutive days through the use of accelerometers and artificial vision systems and establishes alerts when these reach relatively low levels.

After four to seven days of infection, an animal begins to make changes in its routines such as reducing movement or reducing playing and/or feeding time. With a real time monitoring system, pigs are monitored by video surveillance and movement patterns are established. When those patterns are altered, the computer system issues an alert of a possible case of animal with fever. The suspect animal is then individually tested to determine whether it does indeed have fever and needs to be treated with an antipyretic, or whether it does not have fever but moves to an individual surveillance system over the next few days.

Para poder mejorar el control sanitario en una granja, lo ideal seria, por un lado, prevenir las enfermedades (bioseguridad y vacunación) y por otro lado, anticiparse a las enfermedades. En la actualidad se está trabajando en sistemas de monitorización para detección precoz de enfermedades que cursan con fiebre. Al detectarlas de una forma precoz, se puede instaurar un tratamiento rápido, preciso e individualizado con lo que se reduce el impacto de la enfermedad y se reduce el consumo de antibióticos.

Este sistema lo que permite es obtener información de imágenes y bisosensores a cada segundo y mediante un sistema informático con unos patrones predefinidos, se puede procesar esta información a tiempo real.

Esta tecnología permite monitorizar el movimiento del animal a lo largo de varios días consecutivos mediante el uso de acelerómetros y sistemas de visión artificial, y establece alertas cuando estos llegan a niveles relativamente bajos.

Un animal, a los cuatro – siete días post-infección empieza a hacer cambios en sus rutinas como reducir el movimiento o reducir el tiempo de juego y/o alimentación. Con un sistema de monitorización a tiempo real, se monitorizan por video vigilancia los cerdos y se establecen patrones de movimiento, comportamiento. Cuando esos patrones se alteran, es sistema informático emite una alerta de un posible caso de animal con fiebre. Posteriormente, se procede a un análisis individual del animal sospechoso para determinar si efectivamente tiene fiebre y hay que tratarlo con un antitérmico o si no presenta fiebre, pero pasa a un sistema de vigilancia individual durante los siguientes días.

There are many infectious diseases that can cause mayhem in the poultry industry. And as time passes, we are acknowledging many more causative agents with probably less aggressive pace, but never the less with high overall costs, and not just financial.

The best method to decrease the impact of a different avian infectious agents is to minimize opportunities for pathogens to be transmitted to poultry houses via breeding stock, eggs, personnel or fomites etc. This minimization we call biosecurity - biosecurity is a strategic and integrated approach that encompasses the policy and regulatory frameworks for analysing and managing relevant risks to human, animal and plant life and health, and associated risks to the environment (Hawkes and Ruel. 2006).

In order to implement biosecurity in your poultry farm first follow these easy steps: 1. You must have a responsible person regarding biosecurity (ideally this person should have previous knowledge regarding biosecurity implementation). 2. Invest in employee education on biosecurity. 3. Strictly separate clean area from dirty area, for example hatchery is a clean area but waste collection room is obviously a dirty area. You can mark a border of clean and dirty area. 4. Change all clothes when entering farm – even if it is just to quickly grab something. 5. Don’t forget about pests e.g. rats, flies, etc. - keep the farm clean. 6. Regularly check feed and water.

It is better to start small than quit half way through.

Pastāv daudzas infekcijas slimības, kas var ietekmēt putnkopības saimniecības. Un laika gaitā tiek apzināti arvien jauni infekciju izraisītāji ar, iespējams, mazāk agresīvu gaitu, bet tie tik un tā ietekmē kopējo izmaksu palielināšanos.

Galvenais ir samazināt nepilnības, kas var kalpot dažādu patogēno mikroorganismu iekļūšanai un izplatībai, piemēram, ar vaislas materiālu, olām, personālu vai kontaminētiem priekšmetiem u.c. Šo nepilnību minimizēšanu mēs varam saukt par biodrošību – biodrošība ir stratēģiska un integrēta pieeja, kas ietver risku vadīšanu attiecībā uz cilvēku, dzīvnieku un augu veselību kā arī to saistītajiem vides riskiem (Hawkes and Ruel. 2006).

Lai ieviestu biodrošību savā putnu fermā, Jums jāseko šiem vienkāršajiem soļiem: 1. Jūsu saimniecībā ir nepieciešama par biodrošību atbildīgā persona (labāk, ja šai personai ir iepriekšējas zināšanas par biodrošības ieviešanu). 2. Ieguldiet darbinieku izglītošanā par biodrošības jautājumiem. 3. Strikti nodaliet tīrās zonas no netīrajām, piemēram, šķilšanās zona ir tīrā zona, bet atkritumu savākšanas telpas ir netīrā. Jūs varat iezīmēt tīro un netīro zonu robežu, lai tā būtu uzskatāmāka. 4. Nomainiet visu apģērbu, ieejot fermā – pat ja tas ir tikai, lai kaut ko ātri paņemtu. 5. Neaizmirstiet par kaitēkļiem – žurkām, mušām u.c., uzturiet fermu tīru. 6. Regulāri pārbaudiet ūdeni un barību.

Labāk sākt ar nelielām lietām un pie tām pieturēties nekā pamest ieviestos pasākumus pusceļā.

Traditions for treating mastitis in cows varies but statistics show that most of the antibiotics used in milk-producing herds are used in mastitis treatments.

Many mastitis treatments are without effect. By critically selecting cows for treatment, the efficacy of treatment improves, and antibiotic useage is lowered. Good udder health in the herd requires careful and efficient mastitis management. Classifying cases of mastitis according to severity makes it possible to select the correct cows for antibiotic treatment.

Grade all mastitis incidents by their severity and follow a simple decision tree for each case. The cases can be divided into three categories: mild, moderate and severe cases.

MILD CASES: Visible changes in milk. The udder is soft, the cow generally seems unaffected and has a normal appetite.

MODERATE CASES: Visible changes in milk. The udder is swollen but the cow generally seems unaffected. The appetite and milk yield might be slightly decreased.

SEVERE CASES: Visible changes in milk and a swollen gland. The cow is systemically affected and sick with fever, loss of appetite and severely reduced milk yield. The cow needs intensive care.

Confirm with the vet how to manage the different categories of mastitis, how to treat the individual case and how to follow up by using a simple decision tree.

Der er forskellige traditioner for behandling af yverbetændelse hos køer og statistikker viser, at størstedelen af den antibiotika, som forbruges i mælkeleverende besætninger bruges på yverbehandlinger.

Mange yverbehandlinger er uden effekt. Ved at være kritisk i sin udvælgelse af hvilke køer, som skal be-handles, øges effekten af behandlinger og antibiotikaforbruget sænkes. God yversundhed i besætningen kræver omhyggelig og effektiv håndtering af yverbetændelse. Inddeling af yverbetændelserne efter svær-hedsgrad kan være en hjælp til at udvælge de rigtige køer til behandling.

Graduer alle yverbetændelser og følg et simpelt beslutningsdiagram hver gang. Yverbetændelser kan indde-les i tre kategorier: milde, moderate og alvorlige tilfælde.

MILDE TILFÆLDE: Synlige forandringer i mælken. Men koen har en blød kirtel og er ikke alment påvirket. Det vil sige, at den har normal ædelyst og ikke er syg af yverbetændelsen.

MODERATE TILFÆLDE: Synlige forandringer i mælken. Koen har en hævet kirtel, men er ikke alment påvir-ket. Den har normal ædelyst, men vil nogle gange have lidt nedsat ydelse

ALVORLIGE TILFÆLDE: Synlige forandringer i mælken og en hævet kirtel. Koen er alment påvirket med nedsat ædelyst og kraftig nedsat ydelse. Koen er med andre ord syg af yverbetændelsen og kræver ekstra omsorg.

Aftal med dyrlægen, hvordan de forskellige grupperinger håndteres, hvordan der behandles, og hvordan der følges op.

Farms specialized in bull calf rearing from a very young age often experience high frequencies of respiratory diseases. Specially during the first month after arrival. Calves are often exposed to radical changes and challenges in this period.

Vaccination could be a useful tool to enhance immunity. In other cases, vaccination seems to weaken the calves and trigger outbreaks of disease, often when calves are stressed. Whenever vaccinating, try to create the best possible conditions for the calf and minimize factors negatively affecting their immunity:

- Opt for short transport time (max. 1-2 hours) to limit dehydration, hypothermia and exhaustion

- Avoid mixing calves from different farms on the same truck

- Insert calves in a clean box

- Keep calves in small groups – preferably in pairs - at least for the first 6 weeks

- Avoid mixing calves of different origin in the same box

- Segregate groups of calves by solid walls or panels

- Make sure all calves have easy access to fresh water – preferably lukewarm water from a bucket or trough

- Feed sufficient amounts (minimum 6-7 liters/ day) of good quality milk replacer

- Start milk feeding on the day of arrival

- Secure good air quality and avoid draught

- Avoid moving, mixing, feeding changes and other negative factors 3-4 days before and after vaccination

Intra-nasal vaccines can be applied at the day of arrival. Let other vaccinations wait until the calves are in a positive energy balance (e.g. from 2 weeks after arrival).

Opfedning af tyrekalve er ofte relateret til en høj forekomst af luftvejsinfektioner i de første uger og måneder efter indsættelse. Kalvene udsættes for store omvæltninger og belastninger i denne periode.

Vaccination er et redskab, der i nogle tilfælde kan være med til at styrke kalvens modstandskraft ved at øge immuniteten. I andre tilfælde kan det virke som om, vaccination svækker kalven og bliver den udløsende fak-tor for sygdom. Hvis du vil vaccinere, så forsøg at skabe de bedste betingelser for kalven og minimer fakto-rer, der påvirker kalvens modstandskraft negativt.

· Tilstræb kort transporttid (max. 1-2 timer) for at begrænse dehydrering, afkøling og energimangel

· Prøv at undgå sammenblanding af kalve fra forskellige besætninger under transport

· Indsæt kalve i rene bokse

· Opstald kalve i små hold – gerne parvis de første 6 uger

· Prøv at undgå sammenblanding af kalve fra forskellige besætninger i samme boks

· Brug fast adskillelse mellem forskellige hold

· Sørg for god vandforsyning – tilbyd lunkent vand af spand

· Sørg for god mælkeerstatning i rimelige mængder (min.6-7 liter ved indsættelse)

· Start mælkefodring allerede på ankomstdagen

· Undgå flytning, sammenblanding, foderskift eller andre negative påvirkninger 3-4 dage før og 3-4 dage efter vaccination

Intra-nasal vaccination kan evt. gennemføres ved indsættelse. Øvrige vaccinationer bør vente, til kalven er i positiv energibalance (fx fra 2 uger efter indsættelse).

What measures can you take to mitigate the risk of disease introduction to your farm when purchasing live breeding stock?

First, try to avoid the purchase of live breeding stock to minimise the risk of introducing diseases through live animals. If you do purchase breeding animals, take the following measures into account:

-Always buy from the same supplier, to avoid contamination from multiple farm disease profiles. This helps to prevent new diseases being brought in, against which there may not yet be immunity on your farm.

-Ensure that your supplier has the same or a higher sanitary status than your own farm for the diseases for which (official) control programs exist.

-Limit the purchasing frequency. The more often animals are purchased and delivered, the higher the chance of disease transmission.

-Ensure that the vehicles which deliver the animals are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between each delivery so that they do not bring any germs from a previous company onto your farm.

-Make sure that the gilts are always first housed in a quarantine. If done correctly, the purchased animals can be thoroughly evaluated for disease symptoms, and the necessary vaccinations can be carried out.

A good quarantine:

· Is an entirely separate air volume (i.e. separated from other stables, both above and below ground).

· Has a distinct hygiene lock in which you can change footwear and clothing and wash your hands when entering and leaving the stable.

· Is only refilled after it is completely empty and has been cleaned and disinfected.

· Should be long enough (at least 28 days recommended). Bear in mind that for some infectious diseases (ex. M. hyopneumoniae) a longer quarantine is necessary. A 40-day quarantine is undoubtedly not a superfluous luxury.

Mastitis is a major a problem in dairy farming, being a threat to animal health and welfare, production efficiency, and product quality. Mastitis is the result of contagious pathogens such as Streptococcus agalactiae, Mycoplasma spp. and Staphylococcus aureus, entering the mammary gland via teat canal, establishing an intramammary infection (IMI) and resulting in an inflammatory reaction. The disease can be in a clinical or subclinical form.

In the subclinical form, milk production decreases, bacteria are present in the secretion, and its composition is altered. Transmission of contagious mastitis pathogens mainly occurs during milking. Bedding is also very closely related to the exposure of sheep to bacteria; teats may be in direct contact with bedding materials which are a primary source of mastitis causing pathogens.

Tests have to be used to detect the presence of IMI either directly (culturing of the causative bacterium) or indirectly (by showing inflammatory response including an elevated somatic cell counts-SCC).

A vaccination program is recommended to be included in the control of mastitis together with hygiene methods in sheep flocks. Mastitis treatment may contribute to reduced transmission of infection, but antimicrobial treatment of mastitis is not always successful. When treatment fails, removal of the infected animals from the flock, to prevent contagious transmission, may be necessary.

The implementation of biosecurity measures such as:

a) good husbandry and milking practice with regular maintenance of the milking machine, and

b) use of post-milking teat disinfection

can prevent the introduction and transmission of mastitis in dairy ruminants, and consequently, reduce antibiotic usage.

Οι μαστίτιδες αποτελούν τη μεγαλύτερη απειλή της γαλακτοπαραγωγού κτηνοτροφίας θίγοντας την υγεία και την ευζωία των ζώων, την παραγωγική ικανότητα και την ποιότητα του γάλακτος. Αποτελεί μεταδοτική βακτηριακή προσβολή των ειδών Streptococcus agalactiae, Mycoplasma spp. και Staphylococcus aureus τα οποία εισέρχονται στο μαστό μέσω των θηλών και προκαλούν ενδομαστική φλεγμονή.

Κατά την υποκλινική μαστίτιδα παρατηρείται μείωση της γαλακτοπαραγωγής, ενώ αυξάνεται το βακτηριακό φορτίο του γάλακτος με αποτέλεσμα την τροποποίηση της σύστασής του. Η μετάδοση της ασθένειας πραγματοποιείται κυρίως μέσω της άμελξης ενώ, σημαντικό ρόλο παίζει και η καθαριότητα του στάβλου (καθαρή και στεγνή στρωμνή) καθώς τα παθογόνα βακτήρια ανευρίσκονται στο ευρύτερο περιβάλλον.

Για τη διάγνωση της μαστίτιδας εφαρμόζονται άμεσες (καλλιέργεια του παθογόνου) ή έμμεσες τεχνικές (όπως η αύξηση των σωματικών κυττάρων του γάλακτος).

Τα προγράμματα εμβολιασμού συνιστάται να εφαρμόζονται με την τήρηση κανόνων υγιεινής για τον έλεγχο της ασθένειας. Η θεραπεία μπορεί να συνεισφέρει στη μείωση της μετάδοσης της ασθένειας, αλλά η αποκατάσταση των ασθενούντων ζώων δεν είναι πάντα επιτυχής. Όταν η θεραπεία αποτυγχάνει, συνιστάται η απομάκρυνση του ζώου για να αποφευχθεί η μετάδοση της ασθένειας.

Η εφαρμογή μέτρων βιοασφάλειας όπως:

1. η ορθή διαχείριση του ποιμνίου και η σχολαστική συντήρηση του αρμεκτηρίου, αλλά και

2. η εμβάπτιση των θηλών σε απολυμαντικό μετά την άμελξη

μπορούν να προφυλάξουν από την προσβολή και τη μετάδοση της μαστίτιδας σε γαλακτοπαραγωγά ζώα, και κατά συνέπεια να μειώσουν τη χρήση αντιβιοτικών.

Low temperatures below the thermal neutrality zone influences the comfort, health and production of dairy cows. The thermal comfort of the dairy cow depends on their age, breed, feed intake, production, housing conditions, body fat deposits, skin condition and behaviour. The function of thermoregulation becomes functional after the disappearance of blood fructose after 6 days of age in calves.

The metabolic and physiological adaptation of dairy cows in low temperatures is demontrated through: increased consumption of dry matter, increased frequency of rumination, increased motility of the gastrointestinal tract, increased basal metabolic rate and energy requirement for the maintenance of vital functions, consumption of body oxygen, increased heart rate, increased adrenaline, cortisol and growth hormones, lipolysis, glycogenogenesis, glycogenolysis, increases of glycogen production in the liver. At the level of the body, peripheral vasoconstriction occurs, sweating is reduced to avoid heat loss and the thermogenesis increases.

In the Holstein-Frisien breed, milk production remains constant above temperatures of -10 to -12°C, while in the Jersey breed the production gradually decreases in tempratures below + 5°C (due to their comparatively low body weight).

In order to alleviate cold stress, the following practices are recommended: measures to prevent the freezing of water and water storage tanks, increasing the amount of feed, especially high-energy feed, preventing the increase of humidity inside the shelter, keeping the udder dry by using dry bedding.

Temperatura scăzută sub zona de neutralitate termică influențează starea de confort, sănătatea și producția vacilor de lapte. Confortul termic la vaca de lapte depinde de vârstă, rasă, aportul de furaje, producție, condiții de adăpostire, depozitele de grăsime corporală, starea pielii și comportamentul animalului. Funcția de termoreglare devine efectivă după dispariția fructozei din sânge, respectiv după 6 zile la viței.

Efectul temperaturii scăzute asupra adaptării metabolice și fiziologice pentru vacile de lapte se identifică prin: creșterea consumului de substanță uscată, creșterea frecvenței rumegării, creșterea motilității tractusului gastro-intestinal, crește rata metabolică bazală și necesarul de energie pentru întreținerea funcțiilor vitale, consumul de oxigen corporal, crește debitul cardiac, crește nivelul de adrenalină, cortizol și hormoni de creștere, lipoliza, gliconeogeneza, glicogenoliza, crește producția de glicogen hepatic. La nivelul organismului apare vasoconstricția periferică, reducerea pierderilor de căldură prin transpirație și creșterea termogenezei.

La rasa Holstein-Friză producția de lapte rămâne constantă în intervalul -10-12°C, în timp ce la Jersey producția scade treptat la temperatura de sub +5°C (se explică prin greutatea corporală scăzută).

Pentru atenuarea stresului la frig se recomandă: măsuri de prevenire a înghețării apei și a tancurilor de stocare a apei, creșterea cantității de furaje, în special furaje cu conținut ridicat de energie, prevenirea creșterii umidității în adăpost, menținerea uscată a ugerului prin folosirea unui așternut uscat.

Thorough cleaning and disinfection between subsequent production cycles is a key management practice in broiler and turkey farming for disease prevention and lowering the infection pressure in the poultry barn. Still, in floor-housed production systems, the flooring can remain a reservoir of pathogenic organisms. Cracks and holes in the flooring can be difficult spots to thoroughly disinfect and remain a potential hide-out for pathogenic bacteria and coccidian oocysts and worm eggs. The eradication of coccidian oocysts can be especially challenging since these organisms are very persistent and largely unaffected by chemical disinfectants with the exception of ammonia. An effective disinfection method, proven in practice, is thermal disinfection or disinfection based on radiation. Thermal disinfection is carried out with a machine with a heat of 750°C making contact with the flooring for only a few seconds during which the top layer of the floor gets heated up to 300 to 400°C . The limited contact with the floor prevents damaging the concrete flooring, but effectively kills pathogenic organisms. Some specialized poultry service companies offer this solution and are also able to disinfect the walls of the barn in a similar way, eradicating harmful pathogenic organisms from the poultry barn.

On-farm tractor-mounted flaming devices are available as well and allow for a cost-effective method for poultry barn disinfection.

Johne’s disease or Paratuberculosis in cattle can cause detrimental productive and economic losses to dairy and beef farms as well as impaired animal welfare in clinical and terminal stages of the disease. Control and eradication of the disease are difficult and lengthy considering the long incubation time of the disease, the infected animals shedding the MAP-bacterium (Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis) long before clinical signs occur and the absence of accurate diagnostics in the early stage of infection. It is clear that prevention is better than cure. However, in the eradication of the disease it is important to stop direct transfer from the cow to the calf. One aspect of this strategy includes clearing the MAP bacterium from the colostrum of infected cows before feeding it to newborn calves. While colostrum can be pasteurized to kill off bacteria you also risk destructing the much needed maternal antibodies that offer the calves their immunological protection in the first weeks of life. ILVO’s food pilot has developed a decontamination protocol consisting of different heat treatments and centrifugation steps to clear the colostrum from MAP whilst optimally preserving the antibody count. First the colostrum gets heated up to 53°C for 30 minutes followed by skimming. Next is another heating step up to 70°C for 30 minutes. Afterwards the colostrum is cleared by centrifugation and bottled in easy to use and sizable portions. This service allows dairy and beef farmers to have their farm-specific colostrum cleared from the MAP bacterium.

Paratuberculose bij runderen kan leiden tot hoge productieve en economische verliezen op melk- en rundveebedrijven en tast het welzijn van de dieren aan in de klinische en terminale stadia van de ziekte. Bestrijding en uitroeiing van de ziekte zijn moeilijk en langdurig gezien: de lange incubatietijd, uitscheiding van de MAP-bacterie (Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis) door besmette dieren, lang voor de eerste klinische verschijnselen optreden en gebrek aan nauwkeurige diagnostische testen in het vroege stadium van de infectie. Het is duidelijk dat voorkomen beter is dan genezen. Bij het uitroeien van de ziekte is het echter belangrijk om de verticale overdracht van koe naar kalf te stoppen. Eén aspect in deze strategie is het zuiveren van de MAP-bacterie uit de biest van besmette koeien vooraleer ze aan de pasgeboren kalveren te voeren. Hoewel de biest gemakkelijk kan worden gepasteuriseerd om bacteriën te doden, loopt u ook het risico dat de broodnodige maternale antilichamen worden vernietigd. De antistoffen bieden de kalveren net hun immunologische bescherming in de eerste weken van hun. ILVO Food Pilot heeft een zuiveringsprotocol ontwikkeld dat bestaat uit verschillende warmtebehandelingen en centrifugatie om de MAP-bacterie uit de biest te verwijderen en tegelijkertijd het aantal antilichamen maximaal te behouden. Eerst wordt de biest gedurende 30 minuten opgewarmd tot 53°C, gevolgd door het afromen. Vervolgens wordt de biest gedurende 30 minuten opnieuw verwarmd tot 70°C. Daarna wordt de biest door middel van centrifugeren gezuiverd, gehomogeniseerd en in gemakkelijk te gebruiken porties gebotteld. Met deze service kunnen melk- en rundveehouders hun bedrijfsspecifieke biest laten zuiveren van de MAP-bacterie.

Colostrum contains a complex mixture of proteins that actively participate in the protection of the neonate, through passive immune transfer, against pathogens and other postpartum environmental challenges.

Animals growing under an artificial rearing system need to be fed, by bottle, an adequate amount of colostrum during their first days of life, to obtain adequate passive immune transfer and increase future productivity. It has been reported that lambs not fed colostrum in the first hours of life are more susceptible to diseases and mortality. Therefore, it is crucial to provide an optimal colostrum source.

Lambs need to be fed an amount of colostrum (pasteurized at 63 degrees Celcius for 30 minutes) equivalent to 8 g of IgG/ Kg body weight, divided into three equal meals in the first 24 h after birth, given 2, 14 and 24 hours after birth. This corresponds, on average, to about 150-200 ml colostrum per feeding. The amount of colostrum produced by the mother and its composition can be affected by several factors such as nutrition and/or litter size. Lambs fed with cow colostrum run the risk of developing anaemia. In addition to the amount of colostrum fed, management during the milk feeding and weaning period, such as stress produced by dam separation, milk quality and suckling frequency, can affect the final immune status of lambs.

Thus, feeding the newborn ruminants with adequate quantity of colostrum, as early as possible after birth, is an effective good practice to obtain good passive immune transfer for optimal protection of lambs, so their health is improved and less likely to need antibiotic treatments for the infections.

Το πρωτόγαλα περιέχει ένα σύμπλεγμα πρωτεϊνών οι οποίες συμμετέχουν ενεργά στην προστασία του νεογέννητου μέσω της παθητικής ανοσίας ενάντια στην προσβολή από παθογόνα και άλλες περιβαλλοντικές προκλήσεις μετά τον τοκετό.

Οι αμνοί στους οποίους εφαρμόζεται τεχνητός θηλασμός, θα πρέπει να τους χορηγείται επαρκής ποσότητα πρωτογάλακτος κατά τις πρώτες ημέρες της ζωής τους, με σκοπό την απόκτηση ανοσίας και την αύξηση της μελλοντικής τους παραγωγικότητας. Έχει διαπιστωθεί, ότι οι αμνοί στους οποίους δεν χορηγήθηκε πρωτόγαλα κατά τις πρώτες ώρες της ζωής τους, ήταν επιρρεπείς σε ασθένειες και υψηλή θνησιμότητα. Στους αμνούς θα πρέπει να χορηγείται ποσότητα πρωτογάλακτος (παστεριωμένο στους 63o C για 30 λεπτά) ισοδύναμο με 8 g IgG/ Kg ΣΒ σε τρία γεύματα κατά τη 2η, 14η και 24η ώρα από την γέννησή τους. Πρακτικά, αυτό αντιστοιχεί σε 150-200 ml ανά γεύμα.

Η ποσότητα του πρωτογάλακτος που παράγεται από τη μητέρα και η σύνθεσή του μπορεί να επηρεαστεί από διάφορους παράγοντες, όπως η διατροφή και / ή το μέγεθος της τοκετομάδας. Ωστόσο, οι αμνοί στους οποίους χορηγείται αγελαδινό πρωτόγαλα είναι πιθανό να εμφανίσουν αναιμία. Τόσο η ποσότητα του πρωτογάλακτος, όσο και η διαχείριση κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου θηλασμού, όπως το στρες που προκαλείται από το διαχωρισμό των αμνών, την ποιότητα του γάλακτος και τη συχνότητα του θηλασμού, μπορούν να επηρεάσουν την τελική ανοσοποιητική κατάσταση των αμνών.

Έτσι, η επαρκής χορήγηση πρωτογάλακτος στα νεογέννητα μηρυκαστικά, όσο το δυνατόν νωρίτερα μετά τη γέννηση, είναι μια αποτελεσματική ορθή πρακτική για την επίτευξη καλής παθητικής ανοσολογικής κατάστασης, για βέλτιστη προστασία των αμνών, με σκοπό την ισχυροποίηση της υγείας τους με αποτέλεσμα τη μείωση της χρήσης αντιβιοτικών.

Drinking water is an essential feed for broilers. Over the course of its life, a chicken will drink twice as much water as it will eat food. If this water is too hot at the drinkers, the chicks' water consumption will decrease, which can harm the growth of the animals, especially during the first days of rearing.

In addition, biofilm, which also develops in the pipes when the flow rate is low and the temperature is high, is a risk factor for bacterial development and clogging of the drinking system.

Purging the pipes regularly and under pressure allows the biofilm stuck to the walls to be removed and the hot water to be replaced by cooler, cleaner water from the network or drilling point. The chickens are better hydrated and thirst quenched. The chicks perform better in early life, reducing the need for antibiotic treatments. Farmers observe improved weight gain in broilers at five days of age.

However, if purging is done manually, it can be very time-consuming and wasteful of water. To limit these inconveniences, the installation of an automatic purging system is a good idea: purging can be programmed to be carried out at certain times of the day, triggered directly from the box in the building, or remotely with a smartphone.

En élevage de poulets de chair, l’eau de boisson est un aliment essentiel à la croissance et la santé des volailles. Au cours de sa vie, un poulet boit deux fois plus d’eau qu’il ne mange d’aliment. Si cette eau est trop chaude au point d’abreuvement, la consommation d’eau des poussins diminue, ce qui peut pénaliser leur croissance, surtout pendant les premiers jours d’élevage.

De plus, le biofilm, qui se développe également dans les canalisations quand le débit est faible et la température élevée, est un facteur de risque pour le développement bactérien et le bouchage des pipettes.

La purge, vidange régulière et sous pression des canalisations, permet, de décrocher le biofilm collé aux parois et de remplacer l’eau chaude par de l’eau plus fraîche et propre en provenance du réseau ou du point de forage. Les poulets sont mieux désaltérés. Le démarrage des poussins est sécurisé, ce qui réduit le besoin de recourir à des traitements antibiotiques. Les éleveurs observent un meilleur gain de poids au cinquième jour d’âge.

Cependant, lorsque la purge est effectuée manuellement, elle peut se révéler très chronophage et générer un gaspillage d’eau. Pour limiter ces inconvénients, l’installation d’un système de purge automatique est une bonne idée : la purge peut être programmée pour être réalisée à certaines heures de la journée, déclenchée soit à partir du boitier dans le bâtiment, soit à distance avec un smartphone.

Weaning is a difficult time for both piglets and sows. To reduce the negative effects of weaning, the sow and piglets must be prepared for this critical event. In Romania, on large farms weaning is done at the age of 35 days when the piglets weigh on average 6-8 kg, and in small subsistence farms, it is done at the age of 8 weeks when they weigh 12-14 kg. The rules of weaning refer mainly to the gradual transition of piglets from the infant regime to the regime of weaned piglets, namely: providing additional fodder to piglets from 7-8 days of age so they can gradually increase intakes and become accustomed to solid feed, and reducing the number of milk feeds 4-5 days before weaning. Reducing access to suckling leads the piglets to consume additional feed in larger quantities.

This action is recommended as follows:

-5 days before weaning, 4-5 suckling opportunities;

-4 days before weaning, 3-4 suckling opportunities;

-3 days before weaning, 2-3 suckling opportunities;

-2 days before weaning, 1-2 suckling opportunities;

- one suckling allowed on the day of weaning.

The sow leaves but the piglets remain in the maternity ward for 5-10 days, depending on the technology that is applied. 2-3 days before weaning, the amount of feed administered to the sows is reduced, and on the day of weaning the sow does not receive feed, but only water ad libitum.

Înţărcarea constituie un moment critic atât pentru purcei cât şi pentru scroafă. Pentru a reduce efectele negative ale înţărcării, atât scroafa, cât mai ales purceii trebuie pregătiţi pentru acest eveniment critic.

În fermele mari înţărcarea purceilor se face la vârsta de 35 zile când purceii realizează în medie 6-8 kg, iar în fermele mici de subzistență, se face la vârsta de 8 săptămâni când realizează o greutate de 12-14 kg.

Regulile de înţărcare se referă, în principal la trecerea treptată a purceilor de la regimul de sugar la regimul de purcei înţărcaţi, şi anume: obişnuirea purceilor cu consumul de furaje suplimentar de la vârsta de 7-8 zile; reducerea numărului alăptărilor cu 4-5 zile înainte de înţărcare. Reducerea numărului de alăptări determină purceii să consume furajul suplimentar în cantităţi mai mari. Această acţiune se recomandă astfel:

-cu 5 zile înainte de înţărcare, 4-5 reprize de alăptare;

-cu 4 zile înainte de înţărcare, 3-4 reprize de alăptare;

-cu 3 zile înainte de înţărcare, 2-3 reprize de alăptare;

-cu 2 zile înainte de înţărcare, 1-2 reprize de alăptare;

- în ziua înţărcării o singură alăptare.

Scroafa părăsește locul, purceii rămân în continuare în boxa de maternitate 5-10 zile, în funcţie de tehnologia aplicată. Cu 2-3 zile înainte de înțărcare, se reduce cantitatea de hrană administrată scroafelor, iar în ziua înțărcării ea nu primește furaj, ci numai apă la discreție

Enterotoxemia is a frequently severe disease of small ruminants of all ages. It is caused by two strains of bacteria called Clostridium perfringens, type C and D. Type C principally produces the β-toxin, which most commonly kills lambs less than 2 weeks of age. A typical symptom of lambs that die from β-toxin is simply sudden death. Type D principally produces the ε-toxin which affects lambs older than 2 weeks of age, particularly those eating diets high in starch. Lambs exposed to high doses of ε-toxin also die very quickly. Fatalities occur particularly in non-vaccinated animals or in newborn lambs whose mother was not vaccinated.

Vaccination of ewes 3-4 weeks before lambing improves passive protection in lambs up to 12 weeks of age, whereas there is no benefit of vaccinating lambs before 6 weeks of age. Since the causative bacteria proliferate in the intestine in response to ingestion of abnormally high levels of starch, sugar, or protein, there are two alternatives:

to divide the daily allotment into as many small feedings as is feasible, or

to feed roughages such as hay before feeding these higher-risk feeds.

These good practices, vaccination and Smart feeding strategies, can prevent animal losses and improve their welfare. Prevention of enterotoxemia is far more likely to be successful than trying to treat the disease. Treatment of enterotoxemia may not be successful in severe cases.

Η εντεροτοξιναιμία αποτελεί σοβαρή ασθένεια των μικρών μηρυκαστικών. Προκαλείται από δύο στελέχη του βακτηρίου Clostridium perfringens, τους τύπους C και D. Από τον τύπο C, παράγεται η β-τοξίνη η οποία ευθύνεται για το θάνατο αμνών, μικρότερων των 2 εβδομάδων. Αντιπροσωπευτικό σύμπτωμα των αμνών που πεθαίνουν από τη β-τοξίνη είναι απλά ο ξαφνικός θάνατος. Ομοίως, από τον τύπο D παράγεται η τοξίνη ε η οποία προσβάλει κυρίως αμνούς άνω των 2 εβδομάδων οι οποίοι καταναλώνουν, κατά κύριο λόγο, σιτηρέσια πλούσια σε συμπυκνωμένες ζωοτροφές. Υψηλή θνησιμότητα παρατηρείται στα μη εμβολιασμένα ζώα ή στους νεογέννητους αμνούς των οποίων οι μητέρες δεν είχαν εμβολιαστεί.

Ο εμβολιασμός των προβατινών 3-4 εβδομάδες πριν τον τοκετό, οδηγεί στην παθητική προστασία των αμνών μέχρι τη 12η εβδομάδα, ενώ ο εμβολιασμός αμνών πριν τις 6 εβδομάδες είναι αναποτελεσματικός.

Δεδομένου ότι τα βακτήρια αυτά πολλαπλασιάζονται ραγδαία στο έντερο των ζώων που καταναλώνουν υψηλά επίπεδα αμύλου, σακχάρων ή πρωτεΐνης, υπάρχουν δύο εναλλακτικές λύσεις:

1. να κατανέμεται η ημερήσια ποσότητα τροφής σε όσον το δυνατόν περισσότερα γεύματα, και

2. να χορηγούνται οι χονδροειδείς ζωοτροφές όπως ο σανός πριν από τις προαναφερθείσες, υψηλού κίνδυνου, ζωοτροφές.

Αυτές οι ορθές πρακτικές, όπως ο εμβολιασμός και η διατροφή ακριβείας, δύναται να περιορίσουν τις απώλειες και να βελτιώσουν την ευζωία. Η πρόληψη κατά της εντεροτοξιναιμίας είναι πιθανότερο να επιφέρει επιτυχή αποτελέσματα σε σχέση με την καταπολέμηση.

Housing conditions, including ventilation rate, temperature, humidity, bedding and stocking density, are directly correlated with health, welfare and performance of dairy ruminants. Bedding materials contaminated with animals’ excreta (urine, dung, manure) have increased microbial growth, resulting in mastitis problems which increase somatic cell count in milk and umbilical cord infection in lambs.

Bedding conditions (moisture, temperature, pH), combined with limited ventilation rate also affect atmospheric ammonia concentration, which above a critical value (25 ppm) negatively affects animals health and welfare.

Gaseous ammonia is a severe irritant to the respiratory tract, capable of inhibiting the efficiency of the respiratory system at high levels. Slowed breathing, coughing, eye, mouth and nose irritation, poor weight gain, decreased resistance to diseases are some of the main symptoms of high ammonia concentration.

Production indices such as feed intake, feed conversion efficiency and productivity are all adversely affected in sheep and lambs by exposure to ammonia levels above 50 ppm.

Thus, an adequate ventilation rate in the animal house to renew the atmospheric air in it, keeping the moisture levels of bedding to minimum, more frequent replacement of bedding, and lower stocking densities are some of the main good practices to reduce the atmospheric ammonia level in animal houses. This helps to reduce the risk of infections and the use of antibiotics for their treatment.

Οι συνθήκες σταβλισμού όπως ο ρυθμός ανανέωσης του αέρα, η θερμοκρασία, η υγρασία, η κατάσταση της στρωμνής και η πυκνότητα σταβλισμού συνδέονται άμεσα με την υγεία, την ευζωία και την παραγωγικότητα των γαλακτοπαραγωγών ζώων. Η κατάσταση της στρωμνής και οι εκκρίσεις των ζώων (ούρα, κόπρανα κ.α.) επηρεάζουν το βακτηριακό φορτίο, προκαλώντας μαστίτιδες οι οποίες αυξάνουν τον αριθμό των σωματικών κυττάρων του γάλακτος και τις μολύνσεις μέσω του ομφάλιου λώρου στους αμνούς.

Η κατάσταση της στρωμνής (υγρασία, θερμοκρασία, pH), σε συνδυασμό με μειωμένο αερισμό σχετίζονται με την αύξηση της αμμωνίας στο στάβλο, η οποία άνω του κρίσιμου σημείου (25 ppm) επηρεάζει την υγεία και την ευζωία των ζώων.

Η αμμωνία είναι ιδιαίτερα ερεθιστική για την αναπνευστική οδό, ενώ σε υψηλά επίπεδα είναι ικανή να καταστείλει την αποτελεσματικότητα του αναπνευστικού συστήματος. Η μείωση του ρυθμού της αναπνοής, ο βήχας, ο ερεθισμός των ματιών, του στόματος και της μύτης, η μειωμένη ανάπτυξη και η μείωση της αντοχής στις ασθένειες είναι μερικά από τα συμπτώματα της έκθεσης σε υψηλή συγκέντρωση αμμωνίας. Οι παραγωγικοί δείκτες όπως η πρόσληψη και η μετατρεψιμότητα της τροφής, καθώς και η παραγωγικότητα επηρεάζονται αρνητικά στα πρόβατα και τα αρνιά με έκθεση σε επίπεδα αμμωνίας άνω των 50 ppm.

Ο επαρκής αερισμός με σκοπό την ανανέωση του ατμοσφαιρικού αέρα εντός του στάβλου, η διατήρηση της υγρασίας της στρωμνής σε χαμηλά επίπεδα και η συχνότερη ανανέωσή της, σε συνδυασμό με τη μείωση της πυκνότητας των ζώων, αποτελούν μερικές ορθές πρακτικές για τη διατήρηση της αμμωνίας σε χαμηλά επίπεδα. Αποτέλεσμα αυτών, είναι η μείωση του ρίσκου ασθενειών, επιφέροντας μικρότερη ανάγκη χορήγησης αντιβιοτικών.

The umbilical cord serves as a conduit for the blood supply between the foetus and the placenta throughout pregnancy, providing the necessary nutrients for the development of the foetus during intrauterine life. The cord ruptures during the birth process, leaving an umbilical stump that becomes a potential route for pathogen entry into the newly born calf or lamb, increasing the risk of omphalitis and septicemia.

Umbilical infection also reduces total body weight gain during the first 3 months of life. Preventive measures for umbilical infection encompass maternity pen hygiene, decreased residency of the newborn in the maternity pen, adequate colostrum management, and antiseptic umbilical cord care.

Careful and consistent umbilical cord care substantially decreases calf/lamb mortality. Appropriate antimicrobial solutions applied to umbilical cord within 30 min of birth are protective against umbilical cord infections.

Iodine is the most commonly used antiseptic compound in the dairy industry. The antiseptic properties begin to decrease approximately in 15 min after dipping, but remain evident for several hours.

Umbilical cord care, as a good practice at farm level, is very effective to promote health and welfare to newborn lambs and calves, which are less likely to need antibiotics for any possible infections.

Ο ομφάλιος λώρος αποτελεί έναν αγωγό αίματος μεταξύ του εμβρύου και του πλακούντα καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της κύησης, παρέχοντας τα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά συστατικά για την ανάπτυξη του εμβρύου. Ο λώρος, αποκόπτεται κατά τη γέννηση, αφήνοντας μια μολυσματική οδό για παθογόνα στο νεογέννητο μοσχαράκι/ αμνό, αυξάνοντας την πιθανότητα εμφάνισης ομφαλίτιδας και σηψαιμίας.

Η ομφαλίτιδα μειώνει την ικανότητα αύξησης του σωματικού βάρους έως τον 3ο μηνά της ζωής των ζώων. Τα προληπτικά μέτρα της μόλυνσης του ομφάλιου περιλαμβάνουν την υγιεινή του χώρου τοκετών της μονάδας, τη μείωση του χρόνου παραμονής στο χώρο τοκετού, τη χορήγηση επαρκούς ποσότητας πρωτογάλακτος και την απολύμανση/αντισηψία του ομφάλιου λώρου.

Η προσεκτική και τακτική φροντίδα του ομφάλιου λώρου μειώνει σημαντικά τη θνησιμότητα των μοσχαριών / αρνιών. Η εφαρμογή κατάλληλων αντιμικροβιακών διαλυμάτων στον ομφάλιο λώρο εντός 30 λεπτών από τη γέννηση, παρέχει προστασία έναντι των μολύνσεων. Η χρήση ιωδιούχων διαλυμάτων αποτελεί την πλέον χρησιμοποιούμενη μέθοδο αντισηψίας στη γαλακτοπαραγωγό κτηνοτροφία. Η αντιμικροβιακή του ικανότητα αρχίζει να μειώνεται μετά από περίπου 15 λεπτά από την εμβάπτιση, αλλά παραμένει επαρκής για αρκετές ώρες.

Η φροντίδα του ομφάλιου λώρου, ως ορθή πρακτική, είναι πολύ αποτελεσματική για την προάσπιση της υγείας και της ευζωίας των νεογέννητων αμνών και μοσχαριών, τα οποία είναι λιγότερο πιθανό να χρειαστούν αντιβιοτικά για πιθανές λοιμώξεις.

When dirt, urine and manure build up in hard to reach places, adequate cleaning and disinfection can be a challenge. Pathogens like bacteria and viruses can remain on surfaces protected by a layer of dirt or within a ‘biofilm’. This can be a source of repeated infection for livestock.

MS Schippers, in cooperation with Mesacoatings, offers a solution by coating floors and walls of livestock housing as part of an integrated HyCare method. A few hours after the coating has been applied, the stable/shed/housing can be put into use.

HyCare Coating creates a seam-less and pore-free environment. Pathogens no longer get a chance to build up in the cracks and holes on surfaces. Good hygiene can thus be guaranteed. The coating is easier and faster to clean than concrete and saves water. No dirt is left behind and it dries very quickly.

HyCare coating of surfaces improves the effectiveness of cleaning by reducing the ability of pathogens to build up over time, this lowers the risk of disease and thereby the use of antibiotics.

Wanneer vuil, urine en mest zich in moeilijk bereikbare plaatsen ophouden, is voldoende reiniging en desinfectie een uitdaging. Achtergebleven ziekteverwekkers infecteren telkens weer gezonde dieren.

MS Schippers biedt in samenwerking met Mesacoatings een oplossing door, als onderdeel van de integrale Hycare methode, de vloeren en wanden te coaten. Enkele uren na het aanleggen van de coating kan de ruimte al in gebruik genomen worden.

Door het coaten ontstaat er een naden- en porie vrije leefomgeving. Ziekteverwekkers krijgen geen kans meer om zich te nestelen in oneffenheden en gaten. Een goede hygiëne kan hiermee worden gewaarborgd. De coating is makkelijker en sneller schoon te maken dan beton. Er blijft geen vuil achter en het droogt zeer snel. Met het reinigen wordt er minder water verspild.

Omdat met het coaten van de oppervlakten de hygiëne verbetert en ziekteverwekkers zich minder goed kunnen nestelen, heeft dit positief effect op het antibioticagebruik.

Using Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on farm is an important tool to prevent pathogens (bacteria, viruses) from moving around the farm and infecting other animals. They allow you to review processes for improvement and ensure all staff are following the same protocol to the same standard. A good working method goes beyond the use of a hygiene lock and the supply and removal of animals. It is about the daily routines. For each animal category or age group, try to use separate clothing and materials, indicated by different colours so there is no cross over. Clean and disinfect hands and boots each time you leave an area or stock group. Additionally, apply working systems so that farm workers do not spread disease between age groups or management groups. For example, build pens so that employees can work from young animals up to older animals without having to walk through other areas or pens.

Changing your daily routine is a big step towards minimizing the spread of disease. With a colour coding system for equipment and structuring pens, housing and facilities adequately, you can strive for the highest possible health status and reduce disease transmission.

Een goede werkmethode gaat verder dan het gebruik van een hygienesluis en de aan- en afvoer van dieren. Het gaat om de dagelijkse routine. Gebruik bij elke diercategorie afzonderlijke kleding en materiaal, aangegeven met verschillende kleuren. Reinig en desinfecteer handen en laarzen telkens wanneer de diercategorie verlaten wordt. Breng daarnaast systematiek aan in de looplijnen: loop in plaats van kris kras van de ene naar de andere afdeling, structureel van jong naar oud.

Verandering aanbrengen in je dagelijkse routine is een grote stap richting het minimaliseren van de verspreiding van ziekteverwekkers. Met het kleurensysteem en structuur in de looplijnen kan er zo goed mogelijk gestreefd worden naar een zo hoog mogelijke gezondheidsstatus en wordt ziekteoverdracht verkleind.

As a farmer, you are faced with making challenging decisions everyday. Having the most useful information at your fingertips is difficult because there are multiple different data programmes, software packages and tracking systems. ZLTO offers a solution: a unique, indispensable tool called OPTIcow.

OPTIcow compares business performance based on sustainability cycles, production, animal health and management to name a few examples. OPTIcow holds this data in an easy-to-use portal so that you can gain insight into your farm developments at the push of a button and can safely compare your performance with other businesses in the same sector. A ZLTO advisor will be happy to discuss the OPTIcow report with you.

With this tool you can discover your farm’s strengths and weaknesses and can make improvements where necessary. This is good for your cows, the sector and your wallet. Want to know more about OPTIcow or register your farm directly? Go to

Je wilt als melkveehouder de juiste beslissingen maken voor jouw bedrijf, maar helaas is overzicht behouden lastig doordat er veel verschillende kengetallen en volgsystemen zijn. ZLTO biedt hiervoor de oplossing: een unieke, onmisbare tool genaamd Opticow.

Opticow vergelijkt bedrijfsprestaties op punten als kringlopen, productie, diergezondheid en management, en plaatst dit in een overzichtelijke betrouwbare poort zodat jij met één druk op de knop inzicht krijgt in de ontwikkelingen van jouw bedrijf, en die veilig kunt vergelijken met sectorgenoten. De Opticow rapportage bespreekt een adviseur van ZLTO graag met je.

Met deze tool kom je achter je sterke en minder sterke punten, en kun jij verbeteringen doorvoeren op die plekken waar het nodig is. Dat is goed voor je koeien, de sector en je portemonnee. Meer weten over Opticow of jouw bedrijf direct aanmelden? Ga naar

Calving, lambing and farrowing are stressful events and potential risks for contaminating the environment livestock are kept in. Bacteria thrive in contaminated environments and can remain protected from routine cleaning under layers of grease and dirt found in sheds, stables and barns.

An animal’s pen should receive a deep, thorough clean AND disinfection regularly. In order to reach and remove all bacteria, it is necessary to clean (e.g. with a detergent) before the disinfection process (i.e. with an antibacterial) takes place. A bacterium under a layer of dirt is not possible to reach otherwise. By using foaming detergents, the protective layer of dirt or organic matter is ‘lifted’, which allows the bacteria to be reached improving the effect of the clean. Selecting a cleaning product for the conditions it is to be used in and allowing it to work for at least half an hour is good practice. A period of drying after cleaning also helps maximize the clean. Refer to the product instructions to ensure the disinfectant is applied at the correct concentration. Leave it on surfaces for the instructed time and then rinse to remove.

This cleaning and disinfection protocol keeps the environment that livestock are kept in as clean as possible. Germs such as bacteria are kept at low levels that do not pose a risk of infection and the use of antibiotics can be reduced.

Het is weer tijd om een koppel dieren af te leveren. Hierna blijft de stal vies achter met ziektekiemen van het dit koppel. Veel bacteriën zitten verstopt onder een laag vet en vuil, wat lastig schoon te maken is.

De stal kan weer kiemarm gemaakt worden door, naast het coaten van de oppervlakten, goed schoon te spuiten, te reinigen en te desinfecteren. Om alle bacteriën te bereiken is het noodzakelijk om voor het ontsmetten te reinigen. Een bacterie onder een laag vuil bereik je anders niet. Door gebruik van schuimend reinigingsmiddel wordt de contacttijd verlengd en wordt er effectiever gereinigd. Gebruik een reinigingsmiddel passend bij het type bevuiling en laat het minimaal een half uur inwerken. Laat vervolgens de afdeling zo goed mogelijk drogen. Breng het desinfectiemiddel aan in de juiste concentratie. Laat dit inwerken en spoel na.

Met dit reinigings- en desinfectieprotocol blijft de stal zo schoon mogelijk. Ziektekiemen krijgen minimaal de kans en antibioticagebruik kan worden gereduceerd.

In order to achieve a high production result, the disease pressure must be kept as low as possible. A strategy is to opt for a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) farm, which means that both the pathogens that are introduced from the outside and the pathogens spread inside the farm are kept as low as possible. A SPF farm is free of certain germs.

To reduce the introduction of disease from outside, a hygiene lock can be used. Entering people and materials can carry many pathogens with them. An example of the process of a hygiene lock at a pig farm is as follows:

A visitor is received in a room where the air is filtered.

Here the coat and shoes have to be taken off and hands must be disinfected. If applicable, material that must be taken inside must be placed in the UV cabinet.

Then access is granted to the changing room. Here you have to shower, where it is mandatory to wash the hair and body. Further access to the company is determined by means of a time switch: the shower must have been on long enough.

Then company clothes and clogs can be put on. If necessary, material can be taken from the UV cabinet.

Finally, the clogs have to go through the disinfection bin.

In this way, the introduction of pathogens is minimalized. The hygiene lock contributes to reducing disease pressure and thus also to reducing the use of antibiotics.

Om een hoog productieresultaat te behalen moet de ziektedruk zo laag mogelijk worden gehouden. Een strategie is om te kiezen voor een Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) bedrijf, wat inhoudt dat zowel de ziekte insleep van buitenaf als ze ziekteverspreiding in de stal zo laag mogelijk wordt gehouden. Het bedrijf is dan vrij van bepaalde kiemen.

Om de ziekte insleep van buitenaf te verkleinen kan er gewerkt worden met een hygienesluis. Binnentredende mensen en materialen kunnen immers veel pathogenen met zich meenemen. Een voorbeeld van een proces van een hygiënesluis op een varkensbedrijf is als volgt:

Een bezoeker wordt ontvangen in een ruimte waar de lucht gefilterd wordt.

Hier moeten de jas en schoenen worden uitgedaan en handen worden gedesinfecteerd. Indien van toepassing moet materiaal wat mee naar binnen genomen moet worden in de UV kast gelegd worden.

Vervolgens wordt toegang verleend tot de kleedruimte. Hier moet worden gedoucht, waarbij het verplicht is om de haren en het lichaam te wassen. De verdere toegang tot het bedrijf wordt bepaald met een tijdsschakelaar: de douche moet lang genoeg aan geweest zijn.

Dan kan de bedrijfskleding en klompjes worden aangedaan. Eventueel kan materiaal uit de UV kast gehaald worden.

Als laatste moeten de klompjes door de ontsmettingsbak.

Op deze manier wordt de insleep van pathogenen geminimaliseerd. De hygienesluis draagt bij aan het verlagen van de ziektedruk en dus ook het verminderen van antibioticagebruik.

Diseases of the hoof affect the welfare of the animal and require expensive treatments, with negative effects on milk production and reproductive activity. Studies conducted worldwide estimate that the prevalence of laminitis is between 20 and 30%. The dairy cow is expected to produce large amounts of milk, often leading to combined problems of the udder and hooves. The pressure on the cow's body to produce milk determines a metabolic stress that decrease her immunity.

The main causes of diseases of the hoof in cows are: high stocking densities in the stable; poor quality of the floor on which the cow treads, frequent changes to grouping, excessive energy and protein from the feed ration, and genetics (the problems of the hooves are inherited through breeding).

Several measures can help to prevent hoof diseases in dairy cows, such as: maintaining good hygiene in the shelters, keeping the floors of the barn clean and dry; bathing the hoof of the cows before or after leaving the milking parlour and maintaining the same bath for a period of 2-3 days; periodic trimming, at least 2-3 times a year; feeding rations which are energy and protein balanced during the transition period; reducing the frequency of modifications to the feed rations; and ensuring feeds utilise good quality fats according to nutritional requirements.

In the dry period, the concentrated feed should be reduced, or even eliminated, from the ration, and after calving the inclusion of concentrates should gradually increase. The addition of Zinc to the ration has favourable effects on the skin and the hooves. Furthermore, animal breeding should be directed towards obtaining animals with strong bones, correct statutre and resistance to hoof diseases.

Afecțiunile copitei sunt boli care afectează bunăstarea animalului și necesită tratamente costisitoare, cu efecte negative asupra producției de lapte și a activității de reproducție. Studiile efectuate la nivel mondial estimează că prevalența laminitelor variază între 20 și 30%. Desi este de dorit ca vaca sa aibă o productie mare, tocmai efortul acesteia in a produce mult lapte duce la probleme combinate ale ugerului si ongloanelor. Presiunea asupra organismului vacii in a produce lapte, creeaza un stres metabolic ce va scădea imunitatea acesteia.

Principalele cauze ale apariției afecțiunilor onglonului la vacă sunt: densitatea ridicata in grajd,; calitatea necorespunzătoare a pardoselii pe care calcă vaca, schimbarea frecventă a grupei, nivelul energo-proteic prea ridicat din rația furajeră, factorul genetic (problemele podale se moștenesc).

Pentru prevenirea apariției afecțiunilor podale se impun măsuri, precum: igiena adăposturilor, prin menținerea suprafețelor din adăpost curate și uscate; îmbăierea picioarelor vacilor la sala de muls, prin menținerea aceleiași băi pe o perioadă de 2-3 zile; trimajul periodic, de cel puțin 2-3 ori pe an; rațiile vacilor de lapte în perioada de tranziție să fie echilibrate energo-proteic, frecvența de modificare a acestora să fie redusă, conținutul de grăsimi de bună calitate să fie asigurat conform cerințelor nutritive, în perioada uscată conținutul rației în concentrate se reduce, chiar până la scoaterea totală din rație, iar după fătare conținutul de concentrate crește gradual, adăugarea de Zn în rație are efecte favorabile asupra pielii; ameliorarea animalelor în direcția obținerii unor animale cu osatură puternică, cu aplomburi corecte și rezistente la afecțiunile podale.

The transition period is considered critical for the dairy cow and refers to the 3 weeks before calving and 3 weeks after calving. During this period the cow becomes vulnerable as physiological, metabolic and nutritional changes occur. This period can negatively influence the subsequent lactation of the cow, with implications on production and reproduction performance and implicitly on profitability. The manner in which this period is maintained are reflected in the frequency of postpartum disorders (milk fever, abomasum displacement, placental retention).

During the last three weeks of gestation, the cow's body is under pressure from the rapid growth of the foetus, and from the synthesis of milk components for the subsequent lactation. Plasma insulin concentration decreases during the transition to the foetus and somatotropin increases rapidly between the end of pregnancy and the beginning of lactation.

At the beginning of lactation, the cows mobilize the body reserves (5-8% of the calving weight), the appetite is low and capricious (the ingesta is lower by 45%), the nutritional balance, especially the energy balance, is negative, the lactation curve is in ascension.

The main measures to support the transition period: grouping of cows (ante partum and post partum) in special areas (maternity); feeding balanced diet in terms of ionic (DCAD); maintaining good hygiene of the rest bed; ensuring optimal levels of carbohydrates, which stimulate propionate production; urinary pH monitoring (pH less than 5.8 leads to decreased feed intake and immune imbalances, pH over 7.2 leads to postpartum paraplegia and placenta retention).

Perioada de tranziție este considerată critică pentru vaca de lapte și se referă la cele 3 săptămâni înainte de fătare și 3 săptămâni după fătare. În această perioadă vaca devine vulnerabilă, deoarece apar modificări fiziologice, metabolice și nutriționale. Această perioadă poate influența negativ lactația următoare a vacii, cu implicații asupra performanțelor de producție și reproducție și implicit asupra rentabilității. Modul în care este gestionată această perioadă se reflectă și în frecvența apariției afecțiunilor postpartum (febra laptelui, deplasarea abomasului, retenție placentară).

În ultimele trei săptămâni de gestație, organismul vacii este supus presiunii date de creșterea rapidă a fătului, de sinteza componentelor laptelui pentru lactația următoare. Concentrația insulinei plasmatice scade în perioada de tranziție până la fătare și cea de somatotropină crește rapid între sfârșitul gestației și începutul lactației.

La începutul lactației, vacile mobilizează rezervele corporale (5-8% din greutatea avută la fătare), apetitul este scăzut și capricios (ingesta este mai slabă cu 45%), bilanțul nutritiv, în special cel energetic negative, curba de lactație este în ascensiune.

Principalele măsuri de susținere a perioadei de tranziție: gruparea vacilor (ante partum și post partum) în spații special amenajate (maternitate); hrănirea cu diete echilibrate ionic (DCAD); păstrarea unei igiene ridicate la nivelul patului de odihnă; asigurarea unui nivel optim decarbohidrați, care să stimuleze producția de propionați; monitorizarea ph-lui urinei (ph mai mic de 5,8 conduce la scăderea aportului de furaje și la dezechilibre imunitare, ph mai mare de 7,2 duce la paraplegie post-partum și retenție placentară).

A Dutch veal farmer feeds his 1,100 veal calves with the FEEDR, an intelligent feeding robot. This robot can monitor exactly what the needs of the individual animal are and can therefore deliver exactly enough feed. The robot feeds the animals small portions several times a day, instead of a large portion once. A major advantage of this is that the feed is always fresh. Consistently fresh feed ensures that the calves are healthier, thus reducing the use of antibiotics. The following are other advantages and disadvantages of the robot system.


+ Low labour requirement

+ Accurate feeding and higher feed intake (improved growth is an indicator of a healthier animal)

+ Better animal health (less use of antibiotics)

+ Little residual feed

+ Energy efficient

+ Lower costs for barn construction (narrow feeding alleys)

+ Little adaptation of existing stables required

+ No feed kitchen, roughage stays fresh longer (better for the health of the animal)


- High purchase costs

- Can only process grass silage in chopped form

- Milk truck and bulk truck drivers sometimes find routing robot difficult.

The FEEDR can be used directly in almost all stables. It has been developed to provide pellets in raised troughs to white veal calves. For feeding larger quantities of roughage to sheep or rosé veal calves, adjustments have been made to the robot to allow the system to run smoothly.


Een Nederlandse Kalverhouder voert zijn 1.100 vleeskalveren met de FEEDR, een intelligente voerrobot. Deze robot kan exact monitoren wat de behoefte van het individuele dier is en kan daardoor precies genoeg voer afgeven. De robot voert de dieren meerdere keren per dag kleine porties, in plaats van een keer een groot portie. Een groot voordeel hiervan is dat het voer altijd vers is. Altijd vers voer zorgt ervoor dat de kalveren gezonder zijn, waardoor antibioticagebruik gereduceerd wordt. Onderstaand andere voor- en nadelen die de robot met zich meeneemt.


+ Lage arbeidsbehoefte

+ Nauwkeurig voeren en hogere voeropname (meer groei is een indicator van een gezonder dier)

+ Betere diergezondheid (minder antibioticagebruik)

+ Weinig restvoer

+ Energiezuinig

+ Lagere kosten stalbouw (smalle voergangen)

+ Weinig aanpassing van bestaande stallen nodig

+ Geen voerkeuken, ruwvoer blijft langer vers (beter voor de gezondheid van het dier)


- Hoge aanschafkosten

- Kan alleen graskuil in gehakselde vorm verwerken

- Chauffeurs van melkwagen en bulkwagen vinden routing robot soms lastig

De FEEDR kan in vrijwel alle stallen direct toegepast worden. Hij is ontwikkeld voor het verstrekken van brok in verhoogde troggen aan witvleeskalveren. Voor het voeren van grotere hoeveelheden ruwvoer aan schapen of rosékalveren zijn inmiddels aanpassingen doorgevoerd in de robot om het systeem probleemloos te laten draaien.


Calves are born with under developed immune systems; they have no antibodies to fight infection and so are very vulnerable to disease. Good colostrum management is of vital importance to the calf, especially where infection pressure is high. ZLTO has developed a colostrum management protocol - here are a few tips.

Milk the cow immediately after birth. The first colostrum is of the very best quality.

Measure the quality of the colostrum to determine the amount of antibodies using a colostrometer or hydrometer. Discard colostrum with quality <50 g/L. This gives you certainty about the amount of antibodies in the colostrum rather than guessing from appearance.

Make sure that the colostrum and feeding equipment is clean. Dirt contains bacteria and will reduce the effect of the antibodies in the colostrum.

Within 1 hour after birth, give the calf 4 litres (10% of body weight if known) of colostrum of around 40 degrees Celsius. The quicker the colostrum is given after birth the more antibodies the calf can absorb through its gut.

Preferably use a teat when administering colostrum. This provides a sucking reflex which stimulates the intestinal function.

Freeze remaining colostrum for reserves at a constant temperature of -18 degrees. Label colostrum with dam number and date and discard colostrum from Johnes positive cows.

The second milking for a second colostrum feed should take place 12 to 18 hours after birth to ensure that the calf has absorbed enough antibodies.

Discuss the colostrum protocol with the ZLTO advisor or your veterinarian.

Good colostrum management ensures a good start for the calf and means less disease, which reduces the need for use of antibiotics. Calves are the future of the herd and deserve care and attention.

Omdat een kalf zonder antistoffen geboren wordt is het zeer kwetsbaar. Goed biestmanagement is daarom voor het kalf van levensbelang, zeker omdat de infectiedruk op grotere bedrijven alsmaar toeneemt. ZLTO heeft een biestmanagementprotocol ontwikkeld om dit te ondersteunen. Hieruit volgen enkele tips.

Melk de koe direct na de geboorte. Dan is de biest van de allerbeste kwaliteit en neemt het kalf het het beste op.

Meet de kwaliteit van de biest voor het bepalen voor de hoeveelheid antistoffen. Dit geeft je zekerheid over de kwaliteit van de biest.

Zorg ook voor schone biest. Vuil waar bacteriën in kunnen zitten, verminderen de werking van de antistoffen in de biest.

Geef het kalf binnen 1 uur na de geboorte 4 liter biest van rond de 40 graden en van gecontroleerde kwaliteit. Dit zorgt ervoor dat het kalf voldoende antistoffen in zich op kan nemen.

Gebruik bij het toedienen van de biest bij voorkeur een speen. Dit zorgt voor een zuigreflex wat de darmwerking stimuleert.

Vries overgebleven biest in voor reserve bij een constante temperatuur van -18 graden.

Zorg ervoor dat de tweede melking voor een tweede biestvoeding 12 tot 18 uur na de geboorte plaatsvind. Dan weet je zeker dat het kalf voldoende antistoffen heeft opgenomen.

Bespreek het biestprotocol samen met de adviseur van de ZLTO.

Goed biestmanagement verzekert een goede opstart van het kalf. Het kalf is en blijft vitaal. Hierdoor kan het antibioticagebruik verminderd worden.

In practice, it is common for drinking water quality not to be optimal on farms. Water quality can be affected by temperature fluctuations, damage to pipe work, dead-end pipes, bends, pipe diameter and nipple connections.

It is good practice to have the water pipes checked regularly (i.e. swabbed and microbiologically tested) and to clean them thoroughly. Biofilms – the protective environment on surfaces that bacteria can live in that allows them to survive longer and resist routine cleaning – must be removed or not allowed to build up. Therefore, in addition to a cleaning agent, a disinfectant should be used to tackle the biofilm. At least once a week, perform a visual check of taps and pipework using a white bucket or transparent measuring cup. During cleaning, have the water supply checked by a specialist using an endoscope. In this way, a deterioration of the water quality can be observed over time. Check which products are effective against biofilms.

The water quality should be so good that you dare to drink it yourself! Good quality water saves you money by avoiding persistent infections that can lower an animal’s immune system and lead to unnecessary or excessive antibiotic use. Clean water = less need for antibiotics.

Het komt in de praktijk veel voor dat de drinkwaterkwaliteit niet optimaal is. Uitdagingen op dit gebied liggen dan ook in vele hoeken, zoals temperatuurverhogingen, verzakkingen in de leidingen, doodlopende leidingen, bochtenwerk, leidingdiameter en nippelaansluitingen.

Laat daarom de waterleidingen regelmatig microbiologisch controleren en reinig deze grondig. Biofilms, de beschermende omgeving voor bacteriën waardoor ze langer kunnen overleven, moeten zo min mogelijk aanwezig zijn. Gebruik daarom naast een reinigingsmiddel ook een ontsmettingsmiddel zodat deze biofilm aangepakt wordt. Doe minstens 1x per week een visuele controle bij de spoelkraan in de afdelingen met behulp van een witte emmer of een transparante maatbeker en laat tijdens de reinigingsfase het water met een endoscoop controleren door een specialist. Zo wordt verslechtering van de waterkwaliteit op tijd waargenomen.

De waterkwaliteit moet zo goed zijn dat je het zelf durft te drinken. Water van goede kwaliteit levert elke dag geld op. Drinken doet eten, en eten zorgt voor groei en dat zie je terug in de portemonnee. Daarnaast heeft goede waterkwaliteit direct effect op de diergezondheid en dus het antibioticagebruik.

Pests, such as rodents, insects and birds can enter sheds/stables/housing and multiply, which then increases the risk of disease entering and spreading on farm.

Flies can be controlled both biologically and chemically. Predator flies or parasitic wasps (the fly’s natural enemy) can be released into the stable/shed 5 to 6 times a year. Manure can also be treated several times a year with a pesticide that kills the maggots of the flies. Some products can be distributed over the manure pit surface. It is best practice to keep pests out of the farm premises as much as possible. For example, by completely blocking the entrance to livestock housing with the nets or using decoy boxes to control rats and mice.

Proper pest control reduces damage caused by pests as well as limiting the spread of diseases that e.g. flies, birds or rodents carry and spread. This leads to improved livestock health, farm hygiene and job satisfaction. Companies as for example MS Schippers and Agro Pest Control can offer pest control products.

Ongedierte kan de stal binnenkomen en zich vermeerderen, welke veel ziektekiemen met zich meedragen. Een goede ongediertebestrijding draagt daarom bij aan het verminderen van ongedierte en daarmee ziektekiemen in de stal. Er kunnen verschillende dingen worden gedaan om uiterst efficiente ongediertebestrijding te realiseren. Vliegen, een veelvoorkomend ongedierte in de stal, kunnen zowel biologisch als chemisch bestreden worden. Om vliegen biologisch te bestrijden kunnen roofvliegen of sluipwespen, de natuurlijke vijand van de vlieg, 5 a 6 keer per jaar worden vrijgelaten in de stal. Ook kan de mest een paar keer per jaar behandeld worden met een bestrijdingsmiddel die de maden van de vliegen dood. Gebruik hiervoor een oplossing die verspreid kan worden over de put oppervlakte. Daarnaast is het van belang om ongedierte zo veel mogelijk te weren. Bemoeilijk daarom de toegang tot de stal zo veel mogelijk door de stal volledig af te sluiten met behulp van bijvoorbeeld netten. Laat deuren en ramen gesloten. Gebruik tenslotte lokdozen om ratten en muizen te bestrijden.

Het goed bestrijden van ongedierte zorgt voor minder overlast van ongedierte in de stal. Het bevordert de diergezondheid, de hygiëne en het werkplezier. Bedrijven zoals bijvoorbeeld MS Schippers en Agro Pest Control kunnen voorzien in producten voor ongediertebestrijding.

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