project - Innovative project

Development of new product group of cold-pressed organic bars
Külmpressimis-meetodil valmistatud mahebatoonide tehnoloogia ja tootegrupi väljatöötamine

Completed | 2015 - 2016 Estonia
Completed | 2015 - 2016 Estonia
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The objective of the project is to develop a series of organic bars. Innovative approaches that are at focus are usage of raw materials from Estonia (pear/apple instead of traditional datles and raisins), addition of freeze-dried berrries, addition of diferent highly nutritious berries(buckwheat, aroonia) and application of juice pomace and hemp cake as raw materials.


Projekti eesmärgiks on arendada välja uudne mahebatoonide sari. Innovaatilised suunad, millele projekti raames keskendutakse on eestimaise tooraine kasutamine (õun/pirn klassikalise rosin/dattel asemel), külmkuivatatud marjade lisamine, idandite lisamine, erinevate kodumaiste kõrge toiteväärtusega marjade (astelpaju, aroonia) lisamine ning erinevate pressimisjääkide kasutamine toorainena.


At the beginning of the project the properties and nutritional value of different raw materials were assessed based on the literature. The availability of different raw materials was considered and potential suppliers were contacted. Raw materials were gathered and analysed to determine their properties and get a n overview on their technological features. Next, experiments were carried out with different raw materials and recipes of model products were developed. Sensory and chemo-physical properties of the products were assessed. Production of bars in laboratory as well as pilot scale were carried out followed by consumer study to understand the acceptance of the bars by consumers. At the last stage of the project nutritional value of the developed recipes was assessed. Suitable packaging materials were selected and shelf-life studies were carried out to determine the expected shelf life of developed products.


Projekti alguses hinnati esmalt kirjanduse alusel erinevate koostiskomponentide füüsikalisi ning keemilisi omadusi ning toitainelist koostist. Hinnati toorainete kättesaadavust ja kontakteeruti potentsiaalsete tarnijatega. Koguti toorained ja viidi läbi analüüsid toorainete omaduste määramiseks ning tehnoloogiliste iseärasuste selgitamiseks. Edasi, viidi läbi katsetused erinevate toorainete ja retseptidega. Töötati välja mudeltoodete retseptid. Hinnati toodete sensoorseid ja keemilis-füüsikalisi omadusi. Viidi läbi esmased katsed laboratoorsetel ja tootmisseadmetel ning ka tarbijakatsed. Projekti viimases etapis hinnati mudeltoodete toiteväärtust ja säilivust. Valiti sobivad pakkematerjalid ja viidi läbi kiirendatud säilivuskatsed, mille tulemusena määrati arendatud toodetele ka säilivusaeg.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020
Agricultural sectors

€ 66 657.6

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

€ 49 993.2

EU contribution

Any type of EU funding.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Project partner