project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Development and validation of a range of food products (yoghurts with rheological adaptation and caloric and protein supplements for senior citizens w
Desarrollo y validación de una gama de productos alimentarios (yogurts con adaptación reológica y suplemento calórico y proteico para ancianos con disfagia orofaríngea)

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The objective of this project is to develop fermented milk with specific nutritional requirements and a characteristic texture that is suitable for elderly people with oropharyngeal dysphagia. 
The products to be developed must adapt in three ways:
a) In rheological terms  to prevent aspirations and residues.
b) In nutritional terms  to contribute to meeting the nutritional needs of patients, and especially those with malnutrition, while taking the specific needs of subgroups of patients with diabetes and hypercholesterolemia into account.
c) In organoleptic terms  within the parameters of a traditional diet.


El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una leche fermentada con unos requerimientos nutricionales específicos y una textura característica que sea apta para ancianos con disfagia orofaríngea. 

Los productos a desarrollar, deben cumplir con una triple adaptación:

a) Reológica, para evitar aspiraciones y residuos.

b) Nutricionalpara contribuir a la cobertura de las necesidades nutricionales de los pacientes, especialmente aquellos que ya presentan malnutrición y teniendo en cuenta las necesidades específicas de subgrupos de pacientes con diabetes o hipercolesterolemia.

c) Organoléptica dentro de los parámetros de la alimentación tradicional.



The activities to be carried out and the expected results are described below.
This project is divided into 4 main activities:
1. Literature review and rheological analysis of the existing products on the market.
2. Design and development of the new range of products
• Formulation and search for raw materials
• Laboratory level tests
• Pilot plant level tests
• Product industrialisation
3. Assessment of new products developed.
• Clinical study carried out by the Digestive Physiology Unit of the Private Health Foundation of El Maresme Health Consortium.
4. Protection and dissemination of the results of the project.



A continuación se describen las actividades a desarrollar y los resultados que se esperan.


El presente proyecto se divide en 4 actividades principales:


1. Revisión de la literatura i análisis reológico de productos existentes en el mercado.

2. Diseño y desarrollo de la nueva cama de productos

  • Formulación y búsqueda de materias primas
  • Pruebas a nivel de laboratorio
  • Pruebas a nivel de planta piloto
  • Industrialización del producto

3. Evaluación de los nuevos productos desarrollados.

  • Estudio clínico realizado por la Unidad de Fisiologia Digestiva de la Fundació Privada Salut del Consorci Sanitari del maresme.

4. Protección y divulgación de los resultados del proyecto.




Oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) is a pathology of the digestive system very common in various types of patients: between 38% and 78% of patients who have experienced a stroke, 18%–82% of patients with Parkinson's disease, 80% of patients with Alzheimer's disease, in addition to 55% of institutionalised elderly people, 47% of patients admitted to Acute Geriatric Units and 27% of seniors living in the community.
The risk of OD increases in old age, and it has a major impact on the functional capacity, health, and quality of life.
With elderly patients with OD, the diet must be adapted to the patient's ingestion capacity, depending on the level of severity of their OD.
The market includes several nutritional products (nutritional supplements) especially designed to remedy malnutrion, one of the consequences of OD. The main problem with these products is  that they do not have the proper viscosity, which poses a risk of aspiration and respiratory complications. In addition, nutritional supplements are only sold in pharmacies, and are expensive for most senior citizens.
Other products have ideal viscosity and are usually more affordable and more widely available commercially (in supermarkets) but they do not provide an extra intake of calories and protein to help patients who also suffer from malnutrition.
The objective of this project is to develop a yoghurt-based product for elderly people with OD, which can be purchased in supermarkets at an affordable price and is adapted in 3 aspects: rheological (optimal viscosity), nutritional  and organoleptic.
These products could improve nutrition, and prevent aspirations and penetrations and therefore respiratory complications, thereby improving the health and quality of life of patients.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 185064.94

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator