project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Cold-pressed Camelina Tancant cercles (Closing Circles, PrefreCa Project)
Prensado en frío de camelina: Cerrando círculos (Proyecto PrefreCa)

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The general objective of this project is to obtain a local product, with added value in terms of quality, optimising the camelina farming production system.
1. Determining the physical-chemical and nutritional characteristics of products produced by cold pressing (oil and cake) under industrial conditions, using the most suitable fertiliser sources for selected camelina varieties in line with soil and climatic conditions.
2. Studying alterations to the physical-chemical characteristics of camelina cake under storage conditions for inclusion in animal feed.
3. Informing farmers and cooperatives in the area about camelina cultivation through information days on demonstration plots.


1. Determinar las características fisicoquímicas y nutritivas de los productos producidos por prensado enfrío (aceite y torta) en condiciones industriales y utilizando las fuentes de fertilización más idóneas paralas variedades de camelina seleccionadas según las condiciones edafoclimáticas.
2. Estudiar la alteración de las características fisicoquímicas de la torta de camelina en condiciones de almacenamiento de cara a su inclusión en piensos destinados a la alimentación de animales.
3. Informar a los agricultores y cooperativas de la zona sobre el cultivo de camelina mediante jornadasinformativas en parcelas de demostración.


- Selection and preparation of the fields 
- Marking the plots and sowing the three varieties in the two selected fields
- Marking and sowing the three varieties on the second date in one of the fields
- Field experiment management and maintenance

- Harvest and production estimate 
- Sample pressing
- Laboratory analyses
- Nutritional value and digestibility testing in monogastric animals and ruminants
- Accelerated and long-term cake stability testing
- Repetition of field trials
- Data analysis and drawing up analytical results
- Long-term cake stability testing
- Long-term cake stability testing
- Dissemination of the results


Selección y preparación de los campos

Marcaje de las parcelas y siembras

Trabajos de manejo y mantenimiento de los experimentos de campo

Cosecha y estimación de la producción

Prensado de las muestras

Analíticas de laboratorio

Ensayos del valor nutritivo y digestibilidad en animales monogástricos y rumiantes

Pruebas de estabilidad acelerada y de larga duración de la torta

Repetición de los ensayos de campo

Análisis de datos y elaboración de los resultados de las analíticas

Pruebas de estabilidad de larga duración de la torta

Pruebas de estabilidad de larga duración de la torta

Difusión de los resultados obtenidos


Camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz) is an oleaginous crop in the cruciferous family whose biological properties make it viable for rain-fed crop rotation, thus helping meet Common Agricultural Policy requirements in terms of crop diversification to favour sustainable agricultural production. However, uneven yields from one year to the next mean farmers are hesitant over planting and growing it. However, the cold-pressed camelina products made in Lleida have proven to be high quality. Camelina oil has a high percentage of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids and low saturated fatty acids, with a very high percentage of omega-3 and antioxidants (13-20 mg kg-1). In addition, the cold-pressed cake has a high protein and low ash content, and an notable fat content, making it a potential ingredient for animal feed. Since the key to a sustainable cycle in agricultural systems is the proximity of its stakeholders (in relation to raw materials and end products), the aim is to associate camelina farming with the production of animal feed via the cake. However, the large number of farms in Lleida means excessive organic waste (slurry and manure) is produced, which can affect the productivity and quality of camelina. Thus there is a pressing need to determine the extent to which the type of fertiliser might influence both camelina yields and the quality of camelina products. If the results are positive, then the objective of creating a circular economy will have been partly achieved, contributing to a locally produced animal feed crop, thus avoiding major imports of foreign protein sources and organic waste as crop fertiliser, while increasing the added value of camelina farming, partly compensating for its lower crop yield compared to cereals.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 200040

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Aritz Royo Esnal

    Project coordinator