project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Climate-neutral nitrogen fixation process
Klimatneutral kvävefxeringsprocess

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Ongoing | 2021 - 2025 Sweden
Ongoing | 2021 - 2025 Sweden
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NitroCapt AB is currently developing a fossil-free process, SUNIFIX® (Sustainable Nitrogen Fixation) for the fixation of nitrogen from the air for the production of nitrogen fertilizer. Please find more information in paragraph 1.8.


Tillverkningen av kvävegödsel står idag för nära 2 % av de globala växthusgasutsläppen. NitroCapt AB utvecklar en fossilfri process, SUNIFIX® (Sustainable Nitrogen Fixation) för fixering av kväve från luften för tillverkning av kvävegödsel. Den unika processen och reaktorn som utvecklats i samarbete med världsledande forskare vid fyra europeiska universitet är båda patentsökta. Proof-of-concept är uppnått i alla delar av processen, men processen är ännu ej testad i sin helhet.


The goal for this project is to 1. Design a pilot plant, 2. Starting from tests and measurements on the pilot plant, create a blueprint for a large-scale plant and 3. Evaluate market-related aspects and develop a strategy to maximize the benefits of the technology and the end-product on the market. The project will design those parts of the process that are around the reactor and that, together with the reactor we are developing in parallel, will define the complete process cycle, and develop the technological and market-related basis for the physical upscaling of the plant together with a customer to commercial scale the coming years.


Målet för detta projekt är att 1. designa en pilotanläggning, 2. med utgångspunkt i tester och mätningar på pilotanläggningen ta fram en blueprint till en storskalig anläggning samt 3. utvärdera marknadsmässiga aspekter och ta fram en strategi som maximerar teknikens och slutproduktens nytta på marknaden. Projektet kommer att utforma de delar av processen som är runt omkring reaktorn och som, tillsammans med den reaktor vi utvecklar parallellt, kommer att definiera den fullständiga processcykeln, och ta fram ett tekniskt och marknadsmässigt underlag inför anläggningens fysiska uppskalning tillsammans med kund till kommersiell skala under de kommande tre åren.

Additional comments

The production of nitrogen fertilizer accounts for close to 2 % of the global greenhouse emissions. NitroCapt AB is currently developing a fossil-free process, SUNIFIX® (Sustainable Nitrogen Fixation) for the fixation of nitrogen from the air for the production of nitrogen fertilizer. The unique process and the reactor that are being developed in collaboration with world-leading researchers at four European universities are both patent pending. Proof of Concept is achieved for all individual parts of the process but the process has never been physically tested and optimized as a whole. Production cost for fertilizer is similar to the current fossil-based processes, but the process is profitable already at a much smaller scale. This makes it possible to implement a production closer to the end-users and to make the local fertilizer distributors become the new fertilizer producers. In addition, the production plants can be powered by locally generated renewable electricity even without an electric grid. This gives the possibility to remove a number of steps in the supply chain, to radically reduce transport needs and to concentrate the margins to local businesses in connection with the farmers. Collaborations have been established with Lantmännen and similar companies in Europe show a great interest as SUNIFIX can allow their margins to increase while solving a great challenge for society.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014SE06RDNP001 Sweden - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Uppsala län

€ 601431

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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