project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Capacity Building for local organic fruit and vegetable producers to promote the transition to sustainability of public procurement in Madrid, Valenci
Mejorar competencias de productores hortofrutícolas ecológicos de proximidad para la transición a la sostenibilidad de comedores públicos de Madrid,Valencia,Canarias

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Completed | 2020 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2020 - 2022 Spain
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The project aims to improve the capacity building of the local organic horticultural agricultural sector to supply sustainable food and short supply chains for public procurement.                                                                            Improving the competitiveness of these producers through cocreation of knowledge and building networks among them, agri-food research entities and organizations specialized in rural development and local governments, working on social innovation solutions for the agrarian sector and the challenging public procurement.


El proyecto pretende mejorar las competencias del sector agrícola hortofrutícola ecológico de proximidad para abastecer de alimentos sostenibles a comedores públicos.                                                                                    Mejorando la competitividad de estos productores a través de la generación de conocimiento productivo y la creación de vínculos entre ellos, los centros de investigación y desarrollo agroalimentario, organizaciones especializadas en desarrollo rural y los gobiernos locales, favoreciendo el desarrollo de soluciones integrales a problemas complejos que enfrenta el sector, en el ámbito de la restauración colectiva pública. Favoreciendo su mejor integración en la cadena agroalimentaria de corto circuito.


Activities are related with expected results: CO-CREATION OF KNOWLEDGE: Studies to find out key aspects (production capacity, nutritional evaluation of meals, feasibility, consumption habits, articulation of consumption and production of public procurement) to promote in field initiatives. Setting up CONSUMER’S PILOT INITIATIVES of these local and organic products in public procurement. Creation of a NETWORK OF PRODUCERS, local and regional supra-regional for logistics.
Development of an ACTION PLAN and an awareness CAMPAIGN to include these productions in the public procurement.


Las actividades se relacionan con los resultados previstos: GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO PRODUCTIVO: Estudios para conocer los aspectos claves (capacidad productiva, evaluación nutricional de menús, viabilidad del menú, hábitos alimentarios, articulación del consumo y sostenibilidad de los comedores) para impulsar iniciativas existentes en los territorios. Puesta en marcha INICIATIVAS PILOTO DE CONSUMO de estos productos en comedores colectivos públicos. Creación de una RED DE PRODUCTORES, local y supra autonómica para el acopio y distribución. Desarrollo de un PROTOCOLO DE ACTUACIÓN y una CAMPAÑA de comunicación para la inclusión de estas producciones en la compra pública alimentaria.


There are many small producers of local and organic fruit and vegetable and many others in charge of doing the logistics to drive and distribute products separately through different marketing channels, which is not very energy efficient and economically. These producers have very few resources to invest in equipment and infrastructure, little knowledge and business vision, for the modernization of farms, the generation of added value of their products and be more competitive in the market. The establishment of logistics platforms, networks of farmers, as well as the development of tools and methodologies to encourage a sustainable and competitive supply chain of their products is an essential approach for farming sustainability.
Ecological Public Procurement (CPE) is an important tool to tackle climate change policies regarding sustainable production and consumption. Food public procurement is a powerful transitional key, but it needs to have productive data, define processes, provide tools, in order to include organic food on it. The project focuses on organic fruit and vegetable productions due to its potential of promoting local entrepreneurship through farming in rural and periurban areas. It focus on public schools and universities as pilot initiatives for this transition, in each of which it is also necessary to raise awareness to promote a change of consumption habits and consumers’ preferences. It is essential to start this long therm process in the educational institutions, since eating is an indispensable action for life and health and this transformation is essential to be carried out from the classrooms at all levels of education.

Additional comments

The project is based on the experience and results of the Ecocomedores de Canarias Program promoted by the Canary Islands Government that provides methodological results, of innovative processes that need to be analyzed, improved and taken as a reference in other contexts. From the experiences of Madrid and Valencia to promote sustainable food in the educational environment in public schools and universities.
The support of the research institutions ensures that the various studies are carried out in a rigorous manner and, in addition, with enough human resources.
The space for intervention is the educational community from schools to universities through its dining rooms and the entire food chain involved allowing to articulate a range of population and consumers that are the key to changing consumption habits and preferences. The university plays an important role as a key player in the generation of knowledge.

- Budget: 599.096,54 €
- Fund: 597.896,54€

Additional information

- MAIN PARTNERS: Observatorio para una Cultura del Territorio, OCT, Instituto Canario de Calidad Agroalimentaria ICCA, Buscándome las Habichuelas SLU, Universidad de La Laguna ULL, Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional CERAI

- OTHER PARTNERS: Madrid Km 0 Centro Logístico S. Coop . Mad, Garúa Intervención Educativa S. Coop. Madrid, Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario, IMIDRA, Instituto Navarro de Tecnologías e Infraestructuras Agroalimentarias, INTIA, Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos de Canarias. COAG Canarias, Ajuntament de València, Servici de Pobles de València, secció d’Agricultura i Horta

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDNP001 España - Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Valencia / València, Tenerife

€ 599906.54

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Buscándome las Habichuelas S.L.U

    Project partner

  • Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional, CERAI

    Project partner

  • Instituto Canario de Calidad Agroalimentaria, ICCA

    Project partner

  • Universidad de La Laguna, ULL

    Project partner