project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Biodiversity Management in Shetland
Biodiversity Management in Shetland

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The aim of the project is to empower the farming/crofting community to take a leadership role in managing its environmental resources for the benefit of biodiversity and the wider community. It will focus on trialling farmer participation in the monitoring of the impact of land management practices on breeding waders. The information collected by participants will be used to identify beneficial practices and create best-practice guidance, to support land management for waders at the landscape scale in the long-term. The Shetland Agri-Environment Group stakeholders will also work together to develop a Wader Habitat scoresheet, setting a standard for measuring habitat quality on farmland.


The aim of the project is to empower the farming/crofting community to take a leadership role in managing its environmental resources for the benefit of biodiversity and the wider community. It will focus on trialling farmer participation in the monitoring of the impact of land management practices on breeding waders. The information collected by participants will be used to identify beneficial practices and create best-practice guidance, to support land management for waders at the landscape scale in the long-term. The Shetland Agri-Environment Group stakeholders will also work together to develop a Wader Habitat scoresheet, setting a standard for measuring habitat quality on farmland.


Monitoring: A group of 10 land managers will be contracted, trained and rewarded to carry out environmental monitoring on their own land for one wader breeding season. They will record a series of habitat attributes and bird data.
Outreach: public engagement around the project, training, workshop events and advisory support for participants.
Using monitoring results, a Wader Habitat scorecard and best-practice habitat management guidance will be produced. 


Monitoring: A group of 10 land managers will be contracted, trained and rewarded to carry out environmental monitoring on their own land for one wader breeding season. They will record a series of habitat attributes and bird data.
Outreach: public engagement around the project, training, workshop events and advisory support for participants.
Using monitoring results, a Wader Habitat scorecard and best-practice habitat management guidance will be produced. 


The Shetland Islands are home to high numbers of breeding farmland waders, including nationally important populations of red-listed lapwing and curlew. The characteristic landscape mosaic of wetland and heather moorland adjacent to agriculturally improved grasslands, supported by extensive, small-scale agricultural systems, provides quality habitats for relatively high densities of waders. The maintenance of these habitats relies on the continuation of active and positive land management.
The project is seeking to initiate a shift in farmers’ perspective towards biodiversity and turn environmental outcomes into key products with a clear economic value, which delivery depends on farmers’ skills and knowledge. It will build on the success of locally-led, results-based schemes in other countries, and on current discussions with a local group of farmers and crofters on the potential for the approach to be adopted in Shetland.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP003 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Scotland
Main geographical location
Shetland Islands

€ 51180

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator

  • Shetland Livestock Marketing Group

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Hilary Burgess, John Abernethy, Robert Nicolson

    Project partner

  • NFU Scotland

    Project partner

  • RSPB Scotland

    Project partner

  • SAC Consulting

    Project partner

  • Scottish Organic Producers

    Project partner

  • Shetland Amenity Trust - Natural Heritage

    Project partner

  • Shetland Amenity Trust - Peatland Action

    Project partner

  • Shetland Islands Council - Natural Heritage

    Project partner