project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Application of 3D LiDAR and satellite detection technologies for developing a comprehensive model for monitoring and improving the productive and econ
Aplicación de tecnologías de detección 3D LiDAR y satélite para el desarrollo de un modelo integral de seguimiento y mejora del rendimiento productivo y económico en almendro superintensivo

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The aim of this project is to establish a new integrated model for monitoring the new super-intensive almond tree cultivation, based on new technologies (LiDAR and satellite image analysis) which, by measuring the leaf canopy and other phenological parameters, will help establish the best management models for initial crop formation and other maintenance strategies during the season (winter pruning, green pruning, fertilisation, phytosanitary treatments, irrigation needs and use of plant cover) and their sizing towards larger productive areas.


El objetivo de este proyecto es establecer un nuevo modelo integral de seguimiento del nuevo cultivo de
almendro en super intensivo, basado en nuevas tecnologías (LiDAR y análisis de imágenes de satélite) que
mediante la medida del dosel foliar y otros parámetros fenológicos permitan establecer los mejores
modelos de manejo de formación inicial del cultivo y otras estrategias de mantenimiento en campaña (poda
de invierno, poda en verde, fertilización, tratamientos fitosanitarios, necesidades de riego y uso de cubiertas
vegetales) y su dimensionado hacia superficies productivas más grandes.


- Parameterising different experimental trials by determining the effect of super-intensive crop variables such as: almond tree variety, crop height, width and density, and modifications to management (pruning and thinning), among others.
- Implementing image processing, starting with developing monitoring methodologies and continuing with scans and image and data acquisition and processing.
- In addition, crops will be monitored (pre- and post-harvest) for correlation with the image processing information and to develop a new management model.                                        - Developing and validating a continuous crop monitoring model, using information generated from previous actions


- Parametrizar diferentes ensayos experimentales para determinar el efecto de variables del cultivo super intensivo como: la variedad de almendro, altura,...
- Aplicación del procesamiento de imágenes, que empezará con la puesta a punto de metodologías de seguimiento y continuará con los escaneos y con la obtención y procesamiento de las imágenes y los datos obtenidos.
- Complementariamente se hará un seguimiento del cultivo para correlacionarlo con la información del procesamiento de imágenes y desarrollar un nuevo modelo de gestión.
- Desarrollo y validación de un modelo de seguimiento en continuo del cultivo, mediante la información
generada con las actuaciones anteriores.


The traditional rain-fed almond tree training system is based on the classic vase, which normally involves severe pruning and wide plant spacing, due to the limited availability of water. Today, the incorporation of irrigation, new and improved planting materials, technology and the use of more fertile, better quality soils enables new production models, with different systems for managing almond orchards and harvesting.
These new production models included high-density orchards, which are possible thanks to the use of moderate or low vigour rootstocks, which, combined with new varieties, can provide high and early production. Unfortunately, there is still a considerable lack of knowledge on how to manage these new farming systems properly.

Of particular note in this context is the importance of developing a comprehensive model for monitoring and improving super-intensive almond cultivation that can integrate local, high-resolution measurements from LiDAR (light detection and ranging or laser imaging detection and ranging) 3D scanning systems with lower-resolution but larger-scale satellite imagery. This comprehensive image analysis system will allow high-resolution monitoring of the crop canopy. Crop vegetation development can be continuously correlated with agricultural operations and production, allowing more precise and efficient agronomic management.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 249928.8

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator