project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

An analysis of the use of a computerised robotic weeder in small scale horticultural operations at 2 locations in South Wales
An analysis of the use of a computerised robotic weeder in small scale horticultural operations at 2 locations in South Wales

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his project aims to compare the financial cost of two weed control methods on two small scale, organically managed horticulture units. Both Square Farm and Trealey Farm are mixed organic farms near Monmouth which grow a variety of vegetables. As the use of herbicides are prohibited in organically managed systems, robotic equipment could hold significant benefits in undertaking crop maintenance activities such as weeding. These weeders are commonplace in larger operations but their effectiveness, and financial viability, in small scale situations has not been analysed.


Nod y prosiect yw cymharu costau dau ddull o reoli chwyn mewn dwy uned garddwriaeth ar raddfa fechan sydd wedi cael eu rheoli’n organig. Mae Square Farm a Trealey Farm yn ffermydd organig cymysg ger Trefynwy sy’n tyfu amrywiaeth o lysiau.

Gan fod defnyddio chwynladdwyr wedi cael ei wahardd ar systemau sy’n cael eu rheoli’n organig, gallai offer robotig fod o fantais sylweddol mewn gweithgareddau cynnal a chadw cnydau, fel chwynnu. Mae’r chwynwyr hyn yn gyffredin mewn gwaith mwy o faint ond nid yw eu heffeithiolrwydd a’u hyfywedd ariannol, mewn sefyllfaoedd ar raddfa fechan, wedi cael eu dadansoddi.


At each of the two sites, different treatments will be compared by doing the two different cultivation techniques in different crop types:

1) Hand hoeing in field vegetable crops – Control
2) Vision guided robotic weeding in field vegetable crops

After each ‘weeding event’ weed numbers and species will be assessed along with crop vigour and damage. A cost-benefit analysis, to identify what size of farm/level of productivity is required to make the use of the mechanisation cost effective, will be carried out, taking into account any effects of the methods on yield and crop quality.


Ar y ddau safle, bydd gwahanol driniaethau yn cael eu cymharu drwy roi’r ddau dechneg amaethu gwahanol ar waith mewn gwahanol fathau o gnydau:

1) Chwynnu â llaw gyda chnwd llysiau - Rheolydd
2) Chwynnu robotig yn ôl y llygad gyda chnwd llysiau

Ar ôl pob ‘digwyddiad chwynnu’, bydd niferoedd chwyn a rhywogaethau yn cael eu hasesu yngŷd ag ymnerth cnwd a’r niwed iddynt. Bydd yna ddadansoddiad cost a budd, er mwyn canfod maint y fferm/lefel y cynhyrchiant sydd ei angen er mwyn sicrhau bod defnyddio’r mecaneiddiad yn gost effeithiol, gan ystyried unrhyw effeithiau mae’r dulliau yn ei gael ar gynnyrch ac ansawdd y cnwd.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Monmouthshire and Newport

€ 46705

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

This project aims to compare the financial cost of two weed control methods on two small scale, organically managed horticulture units. Both Square Farm and Trealey Farm are mixed organic farms near Monmouth which grow a variety of vegetables.

As the use of herbicides are prohibited in organically managed systems, robotic equipment could hold significant benefits in undertaking crop maintenance activities such as weeding. These weeders are commonplace in larger operations but their effectiveness, and financial viability, in small scale situations has not been analysed. By trialling a computerised robotic inter-row weeder on two farms the project aims to determine the savings in terms of labour cost and time that can be made when compared with the current methods of labour intensive hand hoeing.

Nod y prosiect yw cymharu costau dau ddull o reoli chwyn mewn dwy uned garddwriaeth ar raddfa fechan sydd wedi cael eu rheoli’n organig. Mae Square Farm a Trealey Farm yn ffermydd organig cymysg ger Trefynwy sy’n tyfu amrywiaeth o lysiau.

Gan fod defnyddio chwynladdwyr wedi cael ei wahardd ar systemau sy’n cael eu rheoli’n organig, gallai offer robotig fod o fantais sylweddol mewn gweithgareddau cynnal a chadw cnydau, fel chwynnu. Mae’r chwynwyr hyn yn gyffredin mewn gwaith mwy o faint ond nid yw eu heffeithiolrwydd a’u hyfywedd ariannol, mewn sefyllfaoedd ar raddfa fechan, wedi cael eu dadansoddi.  Wrth arbrofi chwynwr robotig cyfrifiadurol rhwng y rhesi ar ddwy fferm, mae’r prosiect yn ceisio darganfod yr arbedion o ran costau llafur ac amser o’i gymharu â’r dulliau llafur-ddwys presennol o chwynnu gyda llaw.

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Project coordinator

  • Will John

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Paul’s Organic Vegetables

    Project partner

  • Robert Whittal

    Project partner

  • Ruth Tudor

    Project partner