project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Accelerating the pathway to carbon zero farming by measuring and managing carbon flows
Accelerating the pathway to carbon zero farming by measuring and managing carbon flows

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This project focuses on producing an accurate, individual, Net Carbon Position for seven farms in N. Ireland, using a whole farm carbon balance sheet to articulate the results of the precise measurement of the on-farm carbon stocks.  This information, combined with the farms gross carbon position, calculated by using a whole business Life-Cycle Analysis calculator, will allow the group to be better informed on where they are on their carbon journey; empower them to make better quality decisions; and help identify further opportunities and develop practical solutions, to accelerate their farms towards being net carbon zero. 


This project focuses on producing an accurate, individual, Net Carbon Position for seven farms in N. Ireland, using a whole farm carbon balance sheet to articulate the results of the precise measurement of the on-farm carbon stocks.  This information, combined with the farms gross carbon position, calculated by using a whole business Life-Cycle Analysis calculator, will allow the group to be better informed on where they are on their carbon journey; empower them to make better quality decisions; and help identify further opportunities and develop practical solutions, to accelerate their farms towards being net carbon zero. 


Each of the seven commercial farms in the project will undertake GPS soil analysis and be subject to LiDAR survey and analysis to identify above ground carbon storage and routes of overland flow.  Farm output and input data will be added to the carbon stock results to create a net farm carbon balance sheet for each farm.

This information will be used to develop and test a model which will empower farmers to identify opportunities and develop practical solutions to accelerate their farms towards being net carbon zero.

The Carbon Life Cycle analysis will be undertaken at both the beginning and the end of the project, to see if positive change has taken place and if so, by how much.


Each of the seven commercial farms in the project will undertake GPS soil analysis and be subject to LiDAR survey and analysis to identify above ground carbon storage and routes of overland flow.  Farm output and input data will be added to the carbon stock results to create a net farm carbon balance sheet for each farm.

This information will be used to develop and test a model which will empower farmers to identify opportunities and develop practical solutions to accelerate their farms towards being net carbon zero.

The Carbon Life Cycle analysis will be undertaken at both the beginning and the end of the project, to see if positive change has taken place and if so, by how much.


Actual individual net farm GHG footprints are currently unknown as most current methodologies calculate gross GHG footprints for farm enterprises & do not accurately assess on farm carbon stocks and their potential for annual carbon sequestration.  In addition, Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) calculators focus mainly on enterprises, and not on a whole farm basis. 

This project addresses these issues by focussing on producing an accurate, individual, whole farm carbon balance sheet, through the precise measurement of the on-farm carbon stocks within soils and in trees and hedges. The carbon stocks will be combined with the results of the farm having been put through a whole business LCA calculator, within the 1st three months of the project, to allow an accurate creation of a base-line GHG position. 

This project will empower the participating farmers to change their behaviour to accelerate their farm's progress to carbon zero by bringing transparency to their current footprint, showing them where the low hanging fruit are, and indicating, through one-on-one training, potential solutions to help them make that positive change.  At the end of the project, each farm will be put through the LCA, for a second time, to measure any changes that have taken place. 

This project intends to be a pilot for Northern Ireland, showing how empowering farmers with pertinent accurate information for their own farm, carbon performance over a range of farms (dairy, beef and lamb) can be improved, across Northern Ireland.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP002 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Northern Ireland
Main geographical location
East of Northern Ireland
Other geographical location
North of Northern Ireland, West and South of Northern Ireland

€ 133187

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • John Gilliland

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Ashley Hassin

    Project partner

  • Jason Rankin

    Project partner