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Learning portal - Naïve group comparisons

Naïve group comparisons are a pragmatic approach to evaluating the impacts of programmes when time and data are constraints. Their main feature is the application's simplicity, using readily available data without complex statistical controls.

Sunset over a rice field


In a nutshell

A pragmatic alternative

Naïve group comparisons, supported by qualitative methods, are suggested as an alternative for assessing impacts. They can act as a ‘quick fix’ when there is neither time to set up a proper survey nor existing monitoring data to use with a counterfactual or estimate a programme’s net effects through a sound, statistical methodology.

In this evaluation technique, the necessary data on the average values of outcome indicators for units not participating in a programme are usually obtained from various national surveys or aggregated national data. The approach relies on the assumption that in the absence of a programme, the value of the outcome indicator of programme participants would be the same as the average of a joint group of programme participants and non-participants. This, however, would only be justifiable if the performance of a group of programme participants (measured by any arbitrary impact indicator, e.g. income, profit or employment) was identical to the performance of a joint group of programme participants and non-participants (population average).

Quick and easy, but be cautious

Naïve estimates: with this approach, the comparison groups are usually selected arbitrarily, leading to quantitative results that are statistically biased. Evaluations sometimes use this less robust approach, which does not allow for as rigorous knowledge about a specific programme’s direct and indirect effects if they do not have sufficient data and control groups. A naïve estimate implies applying methods based on insufficient evidence or ad hoc surveys of a group of beneficiaries, opinions of administrative officials, etc. These techniques are generally unsuitable to appropriately address the issues considered crucial in any quantitative evaluation framework.

Pros and cons



  • Easiness of application, especially if result indicators exist or can be calculated from application data.
  • Net effects are only approximate.
  • Selection bias is not addressed.

When to use?

Naïve comparison techniques can be used when only a few units participate in a programme and, hence, effects are not expected. This technique can also be applied when there is neither data about observable variables or instruments explaining programme participation and outcomes nor appropriate structural models and other modelling approaches.

Restrictions concerning the interpretation of calculations based on this simplified technique should be considered, especially regarding the magnitude of a possible selection bias.

The technique can be applied to assess the effect of CAP support on the evolution of the values of the impact indicators listed in the following table.

RDP impact indicator CAP Strategic Plan impact indicator
I.07 - Emissions from agriculture

I.10 - Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

I.14 - Ammonia emissions from agriculture

I.08 - Farmland bird index I.19 - Farmland bird index
I.09 - High nature value (HNV) farming  
I.10 - Water abstraction in agriculture I.17 - Water Exploitation Index Plus (WEI+)
I.11 - Water quality

I.15 - Gross nutrient balance on agricultural land

I.16 - Nitrates in groundwater

I.13 - Soil erosion by water I.13 - Percentage of agricultural land in moderate and severe soil erosion


Step 1 – Construct the average of the change in the outcome indicators for units participating in a programme.

Step 2 – Set up the ‘counterfactual’, which is the corresponding average of the NUTS 2 area or other broader area in which participating units are located.

Step 3 – Estimate a ‘net’ effect by comparing the average of the participants (Step 1) to the counterfactual (Step 2).

Step 4 – Apply naïve difference in differences (DiD) method if, from monitoring data, the evaluator can calculate the average values of the outcome indicators before and after a programme's implementation.

Main takeaway points

  • Naïve group comparisons offer a simple, quick method for the assessment of impacts when data and time are limited.
  • Best used in scenarios with small-scale programmes or where detailed, robust analysis is not a priority.
  • Despite its ease of application, it has limitations in precision and potential bias, making it suitable for preliminary assessments rather than detailed analyses.

Learning from practice

Further reading

Publikation - Häufig gestellte Fragen |

Assessing RDP Achievements and Impacts in 2019