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4 result(s)
Publication - Rapports |
EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Circular horticulture: Final report
Protected horticulture can ensure high quality production and contribute to global food security. It also provides many…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Publication - Factsheets |
EIP-AGRI Factsheet on Circular horticulture
All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group 'Circular horticulture' at a glance. Slovenian translation courtesy…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Publication - Rapports |
EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Circular Horticulture: Starting paper
Starting paper from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Circular Horticulture
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Publication - Rapports |
EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Fertiliser efficiency - Horticulture: Starting Paper
The starting paper has been developed to facilitate the work of the Focus Group Fertiliser efficiency - Focus on…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI