Good Practice - Project

Sustainable local food 2013

The cooperative ‘Dobrina’ used LEADER support for awareness raising and capacity building activities in order to promote locally produced high quality fresh food to public schools and attract more producers.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P3. Food chain and risk management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 3A: Agri-food chain integration & quality


    The cooperative Dobrina was established in 2011. It promotes fair trade for local producers and brings together small traditional farmers who produce organic fresh fruits, vegetables and traditional local food. The cooperative implemented this project aiming to increase its network of producers and gain access to new customers including public schools. The cooperative also invested in raising consumers' awareness on locally produced quality food.

    The project provided training on technology and production aspects of organic farming to its members. As part of the capacity building activities regular meetings for exchange were organised. The project staff visited schools in the wider area exploring the possibility to include locally produced food in school meals. To stimulate interest for sustainable local food, the project organised lectures for school children and adults. In addition, promotional leaflets were produced and distributed to farmers, schools and other interested audiences.



    The cooperative increased the members of its network from 16 to 26 producers.

    Local food from organic and integrated farms is now provided to 30 schools instead of 18 at the beginning of the project.

    Despite the fact the sold quantities are still relatively small, the project helped strengthen the cooperative and achieved a steady growth.

    The project created one full time employee position.



    Zadruga Dobrina z.o.o.


    Total budget 1 0367.9 (EUR);
    EAFRD 6 479.0 (EUR);
    Nation./Region. 1 619.8 (EUR);
    Own 2 269.1 (EUR).


    English language


    (PDF – 741.26 Ko)