Good Practice - Project

Reconstruction of unused building for community and association activities in Viničky village

CAP funds were used to convert an abandoned family house into a community centre.
  • CAP Implementation
  • Programming period: 2014-2022
    Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M07: Basic services & village renewal


    Viničky is a small village in south-eastern Slovakia with a population of about 520 people. The inhabitants of this small community needed a multipurpose facility in which to host their cultural activities and leisure club meetings, so CAP funds were used to convert an abandoned family house in the centre of the village into a community centre.


    The community centre provides a space for a range of leisure activities which benefit the entire village, as well as other residents of the surrounding area. The renovated building is a source of pride for the whole village.

    Viničky village

    Viničky village


    Total budget 149 883.67 (EUR)

    EAFRD 112 412.75 (EUR)

    National/Regional 37 470.92 (EUR)



    English language

    Reconstruction of unused building for community and association activities in Viničky village

    (PDF – 2.23 Mo)


    Viničky is a small village and municipality in south-east Slovakia with a population of about 520 people. The village did not have a dedicated space for social and cultural activities despite there being a great deal of interest on the part of the residents. Local associations, including a retirement club, a singing group, a chess club, a youth club, an association of winegrowers, etc., were all in need of a proper space in which to run their gatherings and activities.


    By establishing a community centre, this project aimed to improve the quality of life in the village by creating a shared public space where local social and leisure groups could hold their activities.


    The project financed the reconstruction of a dilapidated and abandoned 232 m2 former family home. The works carried out involved the full restoration of the interior and exterior of the building, updating the electric wiring and plumbing, installing internet connection and adapting the interior spaces to serve as a multipurpose community centre.

    Main results

    The investment has increased the local quality of life. The community centre provides a space for a range of leisure activities which benefit the entire village, as well as other residents of the surrounding area.

    As the building is located in the centre of the village, when it stood dilapidated and unused, it created a sense of abandonment and hopelessness among the local population. Now that it is renovated and a dynamic hub of activity, it is a source of pride for the village.

    Key lessons

    Multipurpose facilities can play a key role in improving the quality of life in rural areas.

    Contact Information