General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6A: Diversification & job creation
RDP Measure
- M16: Cooperation
‘Nos Oignons’ is an association that supports social inclusion by organising collective and individual activities on farms for people who suffer from mental health and/or social issues. This kind of interaction helps patients to learn new things, become empowered, build new relationships and gain self-confidence.
Since 2017, ‘Nos Oignons’ has contributed to three RDP funded projects in Wallonia. These projects include: organisation of collective workshops and individual experiences at participating farms; networking with other institutions in the territory and the creation of an operational framework with other operators in Wallonia to address legal issues that obstruct the growth of social farming. The project promoters are two NGOs and a public Social Care Centre.
Reduced cost of day care. In Wallonia, home day care costs on average 190 EUR/day/patient and for hospitalisation, 430 EUR/day/patient. Social farming is estimated to cost 80 EUR/day/patient.
Increased income for farmers of up to 40 EUR/day.
2000 “farms days” for individuals and 900 days of collective workshops will be delivered by the end of the three projects.

1. Service de Santé Mentale Entre Mots de la ‘Clinique Saint-Pierre d’Ottignies’ asbl 2. Service de Santé Mentale ‘Safrans’ asbl 3. CPAS de Tubize
Total budget 1 300 490 (EUR)
EAFRD 682 757 (EUR)
National/Regional 617 278 (EUR)
(PDF – 435.83 Ko)