General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
- M06: Farm & business development
Dr Nóra Székely was a lawyer who made cheese as a hobby. As her friends and relatives really appreciated her products, she decided to turn the hobby into a business. The Rural Development Programme (RDP)’s ‘start-up support for young farmers’ scheme enabled Dr. Székely to install heating, electricity, fans etc. in her farm building, acquire high pressure washing and disinfecting machinery, install a photovoltaic system and acquire livestock breeding equipment.
In addition to this, she also received support via the ‘adding value to agricultural products in processing’ scheme which financed the setting up of a cold room.
The Pipitér Cheese Workshop’s products (which include natural yogurts, butter, sour cream, various desserts, and more than 15 types of cheese) are now in high demand in and around Orosháza.
A total of six jobs were created.
The number of animals has been growing steadily since 2018 through purchases and breeding. Currently, the farm has 10 dairy cattle, 30 fattening bulls, 30 organically bred pigs and seven goats.
The farm processes 2 500 litres of its own milk weekly and produces and sells its dairy products directly. The current capacity of the plant could allow 5 000 litres of milk to be processed each week, so if demand increases production could be doubled without further investment in machinery.
Thanks to the photovoltaic plant, the farm can cover 50% of its electricity needs.
Currently, the products are sold only in Orosháza: twice a week onsite, and twice a week in a small shop in the town.

Dr. Nóra Klára Székely
M06: Total budget 40 983 (EUR)
EAFRD 32 000 (EUR)
National/Regional 8 000 (EUR)
Private 983 (EUR)
M04: Total budget 118 441 (EUR)
EAFRD 47 376 (EUR)
National/Regional 11 844 (EUR)
Private 59 221 (EUR)
(PDF – 410.36 Ko)