General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6A: Diversification & job creation
The Smogavc family has been for many years engaged in farming and running a guest house. When it was time to modernise the heating system, the family decided to use wood biomass and also create a new source of income by providing heating to the neighbouring buildings. At first a wood biomass micro district heating system was set up. The infrastructure to connect the heating system with the neighbouring residential centre was also installed. Later on one additional biomass furnace was installed and the heating system was extended to two other farm houses, the nearby parish, a religious education study room and one individual house. Three apartments were set up and equipped. A log cabin was constructed from local wood with a sauna and a small children playground with outdoor fitness was set up as well.
Seven buildings are now connected to the biomass district heating system.
School groups visit the farm to learn about renewable energy and how the district heating system operates.
The family has now invested in the production of solar energy using their own funds.
The new apartments available on the farm have a steady growth rate in visits for the last 3 years.
The income from off-farm activities has been growing slowly and has exceeded the income generated from farming.

Irena Smogavc
Total budget 472 787 (EUR)
EAFRD 196 091(EUR)
National/regional 65 364 (EUR)
Private 211 332 (EUR)
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