General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2B: Entry of skilled/younger farmers
Justina grew up on her family’s farm in the Ukmergė region of central Lithuania and she wanted to continue in her family’s footsteps by becoming a young farmer. Initially, she had access to land and some older equipment. However, being an ambitious young person with a lot of ideas and aspirations for her business, she wanted to invest in modern machinery that could better help her to fulfil her business plans. The main objective of this project was to provide Justina with enough working capital to establish a viable farming business. She also planned to use the start-up funding as a way of helping her to demonstrate the profitability of her business. This could then help her secure further RDP funding for additional equipment from the RDP measure ‘supporting the modernisation of farm holdings’. Justina used her start-up funding from the RDP to contribute to the costs of purchasing new equipment for growing arable crops - including a mechanical sower, hydraulic cutter, equipment for spraying fertiliser, and machinery for grinding seeds.
The new equipment made it possible to carry out the work much faster and it requires much less effort.
The equipment provides much better and more comfortable working conditions for the people using it.
It also costs less for fuel and repairs. This gives better and more modern conditions for the farm and that allows the young farmer to compete with other farms.

Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture
Total budget 40 000 (EUR);
EAFRD 30 000 (EUR);
Own funds 10 000 (EUR).
(PDF – 515.98 Ko)
Justina Rudminaitė