General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
In 2010, Andreas Sundgren Graniti set up the company Brännland Cider AB in Västerbotten, in the northern part of Sweden, which produces ice-cider from Swedish apples. At the start, the apples they used where sourced from southern Sweden, since there was no commercial apple orchard in the North.
In this context and in order for Brännland Cider to become a sustainable producer, they needed to control the input of raw material and ensure that supplies will continue to cover their increasing production needs. RDP support and crowdfunding were used to finance the establishment of a new apple orchard of about 1000 apple trees, in cooperation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
The new apple orchard created one new job.
The competitiveness of Brännland Cider increased as they can better control the raw material they use.
The new orchard has strengthened the links between Brännland Cider and the local community.
Farmers are beginning to grow apples for commercial reasons in Northern Sweden.

Brännland Cider AB
Total budget 235 980 (EUR)
EAFRD 47 196 (EUR)
National/Regional 47 196 (EUR)
Private 141 588 (EUR)
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