project - Innovative project

Foresight Farming
Foresight Farming

Completed | 2018 - 2019 Other, Scotland, United Kingdom
Completed | 2018 - 2019 Other, Scotland, United Kingdom
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Foresight Farming is a benchmarking project which identifies opportunities to deliver quality and economic benefits by applying ‘lean management’ principles to existing data sets. The project has brought together two key approaches to help farming businesses in Scotland: 1. Fixed cost benchmarking and 2. Lean manufacturing tools. Benchmarking is a systematic approach to a business improvement where best practice is sought and implemented to improve the process beyond the benchmark. Lean Management or Lean Manufacturing is a methodology originally derived from the car manufacturing company Toyota, are principles that focus on minimising waste within manufacturing systems while simultaneously maximising productivity, improving value to customers and continuous improvement. These approaches provide important tools for a strategic business decision, enable knowledge and innovative solutions to be shared and discussed.


Foresight Farming is a benchmarking project which identifies opportunities to deliver quality and economic benefits by applying ‘lean management’ principles to existing data sets. The project has brought together two key approaches to help farming businesses in Scotland: 1. Fixed cost benchmarking and 2. Lean manufacturing tools. Benchmarking is a systematic approach to a business improvement where best practice is sought and implemented to improve the process beyond the benchmark. Lean Management or Lean Manufacturing is a methodology originally derived from the car manufacturing company Toyota, are principles that focus on minimising waste within manufacturing systems while simultaneously maximising productivity, improving value to customers and continuous improvement. These approaches provide important tools for a strategic business decision, enable knowledge and innovative solutions to be shared and discussed.


The benchmarking process involved the comparison of actual farm businesses fixed costs. The first step of the project was to define and agree on the scope of the costings to be assessed. A series of engagement events were conducted by project partners/facilitators prior to data gathering to ensure members fully understand each cost heading and its implication as well as the methodology of data gathering. This also allowed members time outside their busy operation to collect the data as many conventional methods of collecting data are through business’ supplier invoices, which could be a lengthy process. The facilitators provided guidance of data gathering best practise, guided group discussions, stimulated ideas amongst members and seek innovative solutions. The facilitators also introduced lean principles and demonstrated success stories of adopting this best practice along with data gathering. In summary, the project held over 10 meetings across Scotland, with two on-farm demonstrations to help members understand the data best practice and lean management tools.


The benchmarking process involved the comparison of actual farm businesses fixed costs. The first step of the project was to define and agree on the scope of the costings to be assessed. A series of engagement events were conducted by project partners/facilitators prior to data gathering to ensure members fully understand each cost heading and its implication as well as the methodology of data gathering. This also allowed members time outside their busy operation to collect the data as many conventional methods of collecting data are through business’ supplier invoices, which could be a lengthy process. The facilitators provided guidance of data gathering best practise, guided group discussions, stimulated ideas amongst members and seek innovative solutions. The facilitators also introduced lean principles and demonstrated success stories of adopting this best practice along with data gathering. In summary, the project held over 10 meetings across Scotland, with two on-farm demonstrations to help members understand the data best practice and lean management tools.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020
Agricultural sectors
  • Cereals
  • Other arable crops
  • Protein crops

€ £95,880

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

€ £95,880

EU contribution

Any type of EU funding.


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Eric Anderson, Director, 01577 862759

Project coordinator

Project partners