The overarching aim of FAIRshare is to ensure that farm advisors and their organisations effectively use digital tools and services for supporting a more productive and sustainable agriculture. This project will engage, enable and empower the independent farm advisor community, creating a vibrant movement for farm advisory digital tools through sharing of tools, expertise and motivations.
See objectives in English
Project details
- Main funding source
- Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
- Horizon Project Type
- Multi-actor project
- Main geographical location
- South-East (IE)
EUR 6 998 652.00
Total budget
Total contributions including EU funding.
63 Practice Abstracts
The DIGI-WEED UC will demonstrate how advisors at Patriotisk Selskab can use the services of RoboWeedMaps and implement the benefits for both farmer and advisor. The RoboWeedMaps system can clarify the weed flora and density in a specific area in the fields thereby providing high resolution maps.Main UC activities is to photograph fields, upload, and process data, create weed-map and application-file based on weed population and location. The main activity will also be advisory of farmers based on their weed population – potential online advisory. The aim is to optimize and tailor use of data for decision making regarding herbicide use by mapping weed population in the field. The collected data should enable advisors to make an herbicide plan with targeted treatments tailored to the specific weed control in a specific area in a specific field. The tailored weed treatment is done by mapping of fields thus enabling herbicide savings for the farmer and reduced environmental impact. To obtain the envisioned optimizations in herbicide use, the advisor must be able to use the weed mapping services, produce maps and prescriptions to the farmer, thus the advisor needs expertise which DIGI-WEED can provide. As the RoboWeedMaps system offers the possibility to execute “virtual field inspections” (VFI) looking at the weeds from the photos, the advisor can select targeted herbicides and save a lot of time and effort compared to in-field inspections. Furthermore, the documentation of advice is simplified as data are saved and can be reassessed by others for quality control.
DIGI-WEED brugercasen vil demonstrere hvorledes rådgivere (her ved Patriotisk Selskab) kan udnytte værktøjet RoboWeedMaps og implementere fordelene for både landmænd og rådgivere. RoboWeedMaps værktøjet kan bestemme ukrudtsflora og ukrudtsdensitet både mark- og stedspecifikt, og genererer herved høj opløselige ukrudtskort. Primære brugercase aktiviteter er at fotografere markers ukrudtsflora, uploade og behandle data, udarbejde ukrudtskort og tildelingsfiler baseret på ukrudtspopulation og placering. En primær aktivitet vil også være at rådgive landmænd baseret på ukrudtsdata – potentielt online rådgivning. Et af målene er at anvende den kortlagte ukrudtspopulationen til at optimere og skræddersy brug af data til beslutningsstøtte angående herbicidbehandling i marken.Det opsamlede data skal muliggøre at rådgivere kan udarbejde en herbicidplan som er skræddersyet til markens specifikke ukrudtsproblem i specifikke områder i en specifik mark. Den skræddersyede ukrudtsbehandling er baseret på kortlægning af ukrudtsflora og population i marken, som potentielt kan reducere herbicidforbruget for landmanden, samt reducere miljøeffekten.Rådgiveren skal være i stand til at kunne bruge dette ukrudtsdata til at lave ukrudtskort, behandlingsplan og tildelingsfiler, for at kunne optimere og reducere herbicidforbruget. Dette er en ekspertise som DIGI-WEED kan tilbyde. RoboWeedMaps systemet tilbyder muligheden for at udføre en virtuel markvandring, ved at kigge på billeder af markens ukrudt og automatisk genkendt ukrudtsdata. Derved kan rådgiveren, baseret på konkret markdata, udvælge det herbicid som er målrettet ukrudtsproblemet samt spare tid i forhold til at udføre en fysisk markvandring i hele marken. Værktøjet kan også anvendes som et dokumentationsværktøj på bedriften, da landmanden eller rådgiveren kan tilgå disse ukudtskort og retfærdiggøre behandlingerne, samt bruge ukrudtskortene til historik af ukrudtsflora.
The mutual exchange of knowledge, experience, both at the level of advisors and at the level of service provision, could be facilitated by a digital platform of co-creation, which would provide an opportunity to share information.Advisors would be able to transfer their knowledge to farmers more efficiently:- The platform would provide the possibility to create an advisor's profile, indicating the most important information, such as the represented industry, sector, experience, certificates.- Final beneficiary of the service - the farmer - would, on the basis of this information, be able to decide quickly whether he or she would like to have a consultation or not. The platform would offer him the possibility to request a consultation with the relevant specialist.- The platform would allow to gather research results in one place and help find materials for advisors & farmers on a specific topic. The material is often not used after the lecture because it is not available to those interested. A platform would allow material to be made public under certain conditions, respecting intellectual property. Recommendations:- In order to promote mutual involvement between advisors and farmers, there should be an option to participate in discussion rooms.- Expand the availability of information to platform users.- By creating profiles on the platform, advisers should have the opportunity to show their professionalism and interests, which will help them attract clients.
Digitālā platforma, kas nodrošina savstarpēju zināšanu, informācijas un pieredzes apmaiņu starp konsultantiem, lauksaimniekiem, zinātniekiem. Konsultanti varēs efektīvāk nodot savas zināšanas lauksaimniekiem. Platforma nodrošinās iespēju izveidot konsultanta profilu, norādot svarīgāko informāciju, piemēram, pārstāvēto nozari, specialitāti, pieredzi, sertifikātus. Pakalpojuma gala saņēmējs – lauksaimnieks, pamatojoties uz šo informāciju, varēs ātri izlemt, vai viņš vēlas saņemt konsultāciju vai nē. Platforma nodrošinās iespēju pieteikties uz konsultāciju pie attiecīgā speciālista. Lai veicinātu konsultantu un lauksaimnieku savstarpējo iesaisti, būs iespēja piedalīties diskusiju telpās. Vietne ļautu vienuviet apkopot pētījumu rezultātus un palīdzēt atrast materiālus konsultantiem, lauksaimniekiem par konkrētu tēmu. Materiāli pēc lekcijas bieži netiek izmantoti, jo interesentiem tie nav pieejami. Platforma ļautu ar noteiktiem nosacījumiem publiskot materiālu. Digitālā platforma nodrošinātu informācijas apmaiņas efektivitāti starp konsultantiem, lauksaimniekiem un pētniekiem. Paplašinātu informācijas pieejamību platformas lietotājiem. Veidojot profilus platformā, konsultantiem būtu iespēja parādīt savu profesionalitāti un intereses, tādējādi piesaistot klientus.
User case covers 150 ProAgria advisors working with plant production affairs (using My farm Wisu) in Finland.ProAgria advisors use service model for plant production. The service model starts with priority discussion. Based on set priorities (farmer and advisory together), a plan for which areas to focus on is setup. My Farm Wisu covers following services:- cultivation plans, plotwise accounting, subsidy applying services- observation services during vegetation period- economical accounting of plant production- Smart Farming services- environmental services- plans for organic farming. ProAgria’s target is to increase significantly services delivered to plant production farms. This can be done by:- improving skills using digital planning tool, better and more efficiently- delivering services as distant services- participate more in data updating of farm´s basic data- increasing use of interactive network tools to make communication between clients and advisors easier. The UC makes it possible to focus on areas where an efficient and better use of Wisu would help to reach the target - increase significantly services delivered to farms. This is done among others by in-service training using senior advisors as mentors to deliver best practises and real-life case examples.ProAgria is collecting data and information concerning farm to data warehouse and what we call “farmers own desktop”, Bisnes+. Desktop consist of key figures of production and economy. Bisnes+ can be used as a support to Wisu in the relationship advisory – farmer.
Käyttötapaus koskee ProAgria organisaation kasvintuotannon asiantuntijoita (jotka käyttävät Minun Maatilani Wisu sovellusta ) Suomessa. Ryhmä koostuu noin 150 asiantuntijasta.ProAgrian asiantuntijat noudattavat palvelutoiminnassaan palvelukokonaisuutta. Palvelu alkaa aloituskeskustelulla. Keskustelussa määritetään viljelijän ja asiantuntijan kesken palvelun sisältö ja tavoitteet. Tässä käyttötapauksessa pyritään laajentamaan asiantuntijoiden osaamista aiempaa laajemmalle.Minun Maatilani Wisu tarjoaa seuraavia palveluita:- viljelysuunnittelu, lohkokirjanpito, tukien haku- kasvukauden aikaiset kasvustohavainnot- Smart Farming -palvelut- ympäristöpalvelut- luomutuotannon palvelutKäyttötapauksessa kehitetään asiantuntijoiden sovelluksen käyttöosaamista eri osapalveluissa. ProAgrian tavoitteena on lisätä palvelua käyttävien viljelijöiden määrää. Tämä voidaan tehdä:- lisäämällä digitaalisten välineiden käyttötaitoja- käyttämällä etäpalvelua- päivittämällä tilan perustietoja ulkoisista lähteistä saatavalla tiedolla- lisäämällä interaktiivista tiedonvälitystä viljelijän ja asiantuntijan kesken Käyttötapaus mahdollistaa keskittymisen alueille, jossa tehokas ja parempi Wisun hyödyntäminen auttaisi tavoitteeseen pääsemiseksi ja laajemman asiakaskunnan. Tämä toteutetaan käyttämällä sisäistä koulutusta hyödyntäen parhaiden käytäntöjen jakamista ja senior asiantuntijoiden kokemusta. ProAgria kokoaa suunnittelu- ja viljelytietoa tietovarastoon ja ns. viljelijän työpöydälle. Työpöydälle kootaan tuotannosta ja tilan taloudesta avaintunnuslukuja.
CropManager enables farmers and advisors to make in-season adjustments to the fertilizer plan according to the growing conditions and prices of crop and input. The adjusted fertilizer plan can then be used for creation of high resolution application maps, that can be send directly to farm applications ie. fertilizer spreader. The CropManager also offers a variety of other tools like application maps for pesticides, liming, water balance, growth stage models, yield prognoses and more. Main outcomes: We expect an increased awareness about tools availbale in CropManager among farmers and advisors. We anticipate an increased number of trial and normal sign ups.If advisors and farmers implement use of CropManager we expect general use of input on farm to decrease and yield and finacial income to increase.
CropManager gør det muligt for landmænd og rådgivere at foretage sæsonjuste-ringer af gødningsplanen i henhold til dyrkningsbetingelserne og priserne på af-grøde og input. Den justerede gødningsplan kan derefter bruges til at lave høj-opløselige udbringningskort, der kan sendes direkte til landbrugsansøgninger, dvs. gødningsspreder. CropManageren tilbyder også en række andre værktøjer som anvendelseskort for pesticider, kalkning, vandbalance, vækststadiemodel-ler, udbytteprognoser og mere. Vigtigste resultater: Vi forventer en øget be-vidsthed om tilgængelige værktøjer i CropManager blandt gårde og rådgivere. Vi forventer et øget antal prøve- og normale tilmeldinger. Hvis rådgivere og land-mænd implementerer brugen af CropManager, forventer vi, at generel brug af input på bedriften vil falde, og at udbyttet og den finansielle indkomst vil stige.
Due to the increasing digitalisation in various segments of the economy, including the agricultural sector, development of the digital tool “My Farm, My Way” will be of great importance for all stakeholders in the agricultural sector, from young farmers and women farmer to agricultural advisors, AKIS users, policy makers and general public.The digital platform will provide an overview of innovative and sustainable agricultural projects and farms in Croatia, a calendar overview of activities in the agricultural sector, knowledge transfer through articles and webinars, an overview of FAIRshare project applications, networking tool, training of agricultural advisors, and various webinars and farminars. Topics on which the platform will focus are those detected by the European Commission as being key within the Common Agricultural Policy, namely: organic farming, implementation of sustainable technologies, short supply chains, common market organisation and digitalisation of the agricultural sector.The objectives of the digital platform "My Farm, My Way" are to facilitate innovation, networking and education. It will be a space where innovative farms and sustainable agricultural business models are a source of inspiration for others, and where relevant information and knowledge is exchanged between farmers and advisors.You can learn more about this digital tool on the FAIRshare DATS Inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e38370750aeb3490a24f3cf&flag=…
Zbog sve većeg širenja digitalizacije u različite segmente gospodarstva, pa tako i u poljoprivredni sektor, razvoj digitalnog alata „Moja farma, moj način“ imat će veliki značaj za sve dionike poljoprivrednog sektora, uključujući mlade poljoprivrednike i žene poljoprivrednice, poljoprivredne savjetnike, AKIS korisnike, kreatore politika, ali i opću javnost. Digitalna platforma sadržavat će pregled inovativnih i održivih poljoprivrednih projekata i poljoprivrednih gospodarstava u Hrvatskoj, kalendarski pregled aktivnosti u poljoprivrednom sektoru, prijenos znanja putem članaka i webinara, pregled aplikacija FAIRshare projekta, alat za umrežavanje, mogućnost osposobljavanja poljoprivrednih savjetnika te različite webinare i farminare. Teme na koje će se orijentirati platforma su one koje je Europska komisija detektirala kao ključne unutar Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike (ZPP), a to su: ekološka poljoprivreda, implementacija održivih tehnologija, kratki lanci opskrbe, zajednička organizacija tržišta te digitalizacija poljoprivrednog sektora. Ciljevi digitalne platforme „Moja farma, moj način“ su olakšati inovacije, umrežavanje i obrazovanje, stvoriti prostor u kojem su inovativna poljoprivredna gospodarstva i održivi poljoprivredni poslovni modeli inspiracija za ostale poljoprivrednike te razmjena relevantnih informacija i znanja prema poljoprivrednicima, ali i među savjetnicima.
ForestSIM® - Information and Mapping System allows any national forest owner to manage his forest certification requirements. The relation between certification models and Ecosystem Services methodologies, with the use of ForestSIM®, is an innovative model for the forestry sector that will allow the provision of new markets to agroforest owners.ForestSIM is an online platform that have 4 main components: documents, forms, cartography, and planning components. Advisors and forest owner can fulfill and consult them in the field, or in the office, and confirm the compliance of the Forest Operation Plan and all the necessary requirements.ForestSIM allows advisors and/or agroforest owners, to have access to:• Digital property and plots limits, with Cartographic editions• Forms for the operational control of planed forest activities, with all the Health and Work Safety rules• Maps generated by ForestSIM with legal restriction layers• Productivity of forest stands, linked to a productivity model• Management orientations for biodiversity linked to layers of Natura 2000• Collect and monitoring information for the ecosystem services• Management plan, and operational costs.Using innovative technologies, this tool allows to manage information more efficiently, increase the effectiveness of support to owners to improve forest management and easily access all information online.
ForestSIM® - Sistema de Informação e Mapeamento permite que qualquer proprietário agroflorestal nacional faça a gestão dos requisitos de certificação florestal. A relação entre modelos de certificação e metodologias de Serviços dos Ecossistemas, recorrendo ao uso do ForestSIM®, é um modelo inovador para o setor florestal que permitirá a oferta de novos mercados aos proprietários agroflorestais.ForestSIM é uma plataforma online que possui quatro componentes principais: documentos, formulários, cartografia e planeamento. Todas estas informações e formulários estão disponíveis online, os técnicos e o proprietário florestal podem preencher e consultá-los em campo, ou no escritório, confirmar o cumprimento do Plano de Gestão Florestal e todos os requisitos necessários.O ForestSIM permite que técnicos e/ou proprietários agroflorestais, tenham acesso a:• Propriedade digital e limites de parcelas, com edição Cartográfica• Formulários para o controle operacional das atividades florestais planeadas, com todas as normas de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho• Mapas gerados pelo ForestSIM com camadas de restrições legais• Produtividade dos povoamentos florestais, associadas a modelos de produtividade• Orientações de gestão para a biodiversidade ligadas às camadas Natura 2000• Recolher e monitorizar informações dos serviços dos ecossistemas.• Plano de gestão e custos operacionais,A divulgação desta ferramenta irá contribuir para gerir a informação de forma mais eficaz, utilizando tecnologias inovadoras, aumentando a eficiência no apoio aos proprietários na melhoria da gestão florestal através do acesso fácil a toda a informação online.
One of the challenges agricultural advisors face in Latvia is functional and easy-to-use interactive crop rotation and fertilization plan. It is adapted directly to the agro-climatic conditions and Regulations of Latvia, including farm history, as well as perform a data storage function. Through our UC an interactive tool will be developed for advisors and farmers to plan crop production. This UC creates the following added value:• advisors will have a digital, easy-to-use tool that saves time. Therefore, more time to give advice to help farmers make better crop rotation planning, soil fertility and the choice of more appropriate and low-emission fertilization technologies. The fertilizer planning tool enables advisors to quickly assess the benefits and disadvantages of the various potential fertilising technology solutions, to choose the optimal one, thereby saving resources.• as we are planning to integrate this tool into the electronic farm management system, it will be possible for farmers to digitally save all developed crop rotation and fertilization plans, easier to submit to the controlling authorities. Farmers will also be less dependent on one specific advisor, as all information will be available digitally, and farmers will be able to ask for advice from other advisors if necessary.• for the environment - fertilizer planning is one of the measures to reduce ammonia emissions into the environment. Including the latest findings into intercropping and green manure efficiency in crop rotation and fertilizer planning will reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and increase crop diversity on the farm.In the future prepared crop rotation and fertilization plans can be automatically submitted to public authorities.
Viens no izaicinājumiem, ar ko saskaras lauksaimniecības konsultanti Latvijā, ir funkcionāls un ērti lietojams, interaktīvs augu maiņas un mēslošanas plāns, kas pielāgots tieši Latvijas agroklimatiskajiem apstākļiem un likumdošanai, nodrošinot saimniecības lauku vēsturi, kā arī veic datu uzglabāšanas funkciju. Projekta ietvaros mēs izstrādāsim interaktīvu rīku visiem konsultantiem un lauksaimniekiem, lai plānotu augkopību. Radīsim šādu pievienoto vērtību: • konsultantiem būs digitāls, ērti lietojams rīks, kas ietaupa laiku. Tāpēc vairāk laika paliks konsultācijām, lai palīdzētu lauksaimniekiem labāk plānot augu maiņu, augsnes auglību un izvēlēties piemērotākas un zemas emisijas mēslošanas tehnoloģijas. Mēslošanas līdzekļu plānošanas rīks ļauj konsultantiem ātri novērtēt dažādu iespējamo mēslošanas tehnoloģiju risinājumu priekšrocības un trūkumus, izvēlēties optimālāko, tādējādi ietaupot resursus. • lauksaimniekiem - tā kā plānojam šo rīku integrēt elektroniskajā saimniecību vadības sistēmā, būs iespējams digitāli saglabāt visus izstrādātos augu maiņas un mēslošanas plānus, ērtāk iesniegt kontrolējošām iestādēm. Lauksaimnieki arī būs mazāk atkarīgi no viena konkrēta konsultanta, jo visa informācija būs pieejama digitāli, un zemnieki nepieciešamības gadījumā varēs lūgt padomu citiem konsultantiem. • videi - mēslojuma plānošana ir viens no pasākumiem, lai samazinātu amonjaka emisijas vidē. Jaunāko atziņu iekļaušana starpkultūru un zaļmēslu efektivitātes jomā augu maiņas un mēslojuma plānošanā samazinās sintētiskā mēslojuma izmantošanu un palielinās kultūraugu daudzveidību saimniecībā. Nākotnē sagatavotos augu maiņas un mēslošanas plānus varēs automātiski iesniegt valsts iestādēs.
Nowadays the process of fertilizer and plant protection products data aggregation is a very time-consuming procces in agricultural advisory sector. To fullfill their duties, advisors, who are responsible for checking availability and prices with local distributors and gathering information, work under time pressure. This may cause additional errors in data.To integrate such process at every level of advisory sector, including the ministry and farmers, a comprehensive system supporting the collection of data of the market of the fertilizer and plant protection products in Poland will be created.Such system will allow:• farmers to get better access to newest and more actual fertilizer and plant protection market information• advisors to get tool that will improve their work• advisors to have more time to spent on visiting farmers• to create national database concerning market of fertilizer and plant protection products and improve the quality of data• advisors, farmers and advisory institutions to better optimize the decisions• stakeholders to save worktime by providing common and unified data• to be familiar with good practices.
W dzisiejszych czasach proces agregacji danych o nawozach i środkach ochrony roślin jest bardzo czasochłonny dla doradców. Składa się on z wielu aspektów i wymaga wykonania wielu czynności. Doradcy, którzy są odpowiedzialni za sprawdzanie dostępności i cen u lokalnych dystrybutorów, agregowanie zebranych informacji, pracują pod presją czasu, aby w pełni wywiązać się ze swoich obowiązków. Może to powodować dodatkowe błędy w danych.Aby zintegrować ten proces od doradcy lokalnego, poprzez doradcę regionalnego, specjalistę szczebla krajowego, aż po ministerstwo i rolników, zostanie stworzony kompleksowy system wspomagający gromadzenie danych o rynku nawozów i środków ochrony roślin w Polsce.System ten umożliwi:- rolnikom lepszy dostęp do najnowszych i bardziej aktualnych informacji o rynku nawozów i środków ochrony roślin;- doradcom uzyskanie narzędzia, które usprawni ich pracę przy zbieraniu danych, a także lepszy dostęp do całej bazy danych, co będzie przydatne w codziennej pracy, np. przy planowaniu agroprodukcji;- doradcy będą mieli więcej czasu na wizyty u rolników;- stworzenie krajowej bazy danych o rynku nawozów i środków ochrony roślin oraz poprawa jakości danych dzięki wspólnym standardom danych i walidacji;- doradcy, rolnicy i instytucje doradcze będą lepiej optymalizować swoje decyzje;- oszczędność czasu pracy wszystkich interesariuszy dzięki wspólnej strukturze danych, ujednoliconej bazie danych i interfejsowi;- zapoznanie się z dobrymi praktykami.
Digitals tools including Decision Support Systems (DSS) may contribute to increasing the sustainability of agriculture by supporting farmers and advisors in optimizing the application of agricultural inputs.However, the diffusion of digital tools in agriculture is still limited. Encouraging their adoption by agricultural advisors could be an efficient way to involve smallholder farmers that are usually unwilling to invest in new technologies. The Tuscany Living Lab is aimed at developing a unique web-app for olive growing, with advisors as co-creators, using a user-centric approach for sensing, prototyping, validating and refining solutions in a real-life context.The web-app will be aimed at encouraging the creation of a community of farmers and advisors for olive growing through a chat and a system for data exchange. The advisors accessing the web-app will also access the chat for the communication with farmers, that will allow them to send alerts and exchange data.Moreover, the web-app will include: DSS for fertilization, irrigation and olive fly control, using both traditional models and machine learning techniques, a tool for the monitoring of the infestation of olive fly and a tool for the self-evaluation of biodiversity preservation at the farm level, usable for marketing purposes.The advisors taking part in the User Case will be involved in all the steps of the web-app development from the co-creation to the testing.
Gli strumenti digitali dotati di sistemi di supporto alle decisioni (DSS) possono aumentare la sostenibilità dell'agricoltura, supportando agricoltori e consulenti nell'utilizzo degli input agricoli. Tuttavia, la diffusione di strumenti digitali in agricoltura è ancora limitata, soprattutto tra gli agricoltori. Incoraggiare l'adozione di tali strumenti da parte dei consulenti agricoli può essere un modo efficace di aumentare la digitalizzazione dell'agricoltura, coinvolgendo indirettamente anche i piccoli agricoltori che di solito sono poco disposti a investire in nuove tecnologie. L'obiettivo principale del Living Lab Toscano è lo sviluppo di un'unica web-app per l'olivicoltura, utilizzando un approccio incentrato sugli utenti, per rilevare i loro fabbisogni, sviluppare il prototipo, testarlo e convalidare lo strumento sul campo.La web-app sarà sviluppata anche con l'obiettivo di favorire la creazione di una comunità di agricoltori e consulenti agricoli per l'olivicoltura, favorendo la comunicazione e lo scambio di dati. I consulenti agricoli avranno la possibilità di comunicare con gli olivicoltori attraverso una chat, che permetterà loro di inviare allerte e scambiare dati.Inoltre, saranno integrati nell’app: DSS per la fertilizzazione, per l'irrigazione e per il controllo della mosca delle olive, usando sia modelli tradizionali che di machine learning, uno strumento per il monitoraggio dell'infestazione della mosca delle olive e uno per l'autovalutazione della conservazione della biodiversità nelle aziende, utile anche a fini di marketing.I consulenti agricoli del caso studio saranno coinvolti in tutte le fasi dello sviluppo della web-app, dalla co-creazione al test.
Late blight is the most damaging and common disease of potato, which can cause not only significant production losses but also quality defects. A tool that predicts the risk of development of late blight on potatoes, according to the weather, the variety, the planting and emergence dates, the sanitary state around the plot and the interventions carried out, could make it possible to effectively control late blight in potatoes.Such a tool is Mileos®. It uses local weather data, recorded by farmer's weather station or from the network of farms advisory structures. The use of the Mileos® decision support tool allows producers to change their practices and intervene when necessary.In order to understand the functioning of the models integrated in the tool and to accompany producers in the reasoned protection against mildew, a training is proposed. By accompanying farmers in the use of Mileos®, advisors play an essential role in the evolution of practices.Learn more about the tool and the training on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e2ea8af50aeb3490a24f37b&flag=…
Late blight is the most damaging and common disease of potato, which can cause not only significant production losses but also quality defects. A tool that predicts the risk of development of late blight on potatoes, according to the weather, the variety, the planting and emergence dates, the sanitary state around the plot and the interventions carried out, could make it possible to effectively control late blight in potatoes.Such a tool is Mileos®. It uses local weather data, recorded by farmer's weather station or from the network of farms advisory structures. The use of the Mileos® decision support tool allows producers to change their practices and intervene when necessary.In order to understand the functioning of the models integrated in the tool and to accompany producers in the reasoned protection against mildew, a training is proposed. By accompanying farmers in the use of Mileos®, advisors play an essential role in the evolution of practices.Learn more about the tool and the training on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e2ea8af50aeb3490a24f37b&flag=…
The collection of key information is an essential step in the diagnosis of farm performance and the design of innovative and sustainable alternatives. It is even more important that this data be easily uploaded, accessible and readable.To respond to this objective, the strategic choice tool SYSTERRE® developped a web application. SYSTERRE® provides key performance indicators at farm level to help farmers define the best suited farming strategies. By using standardised and scientifically robust calculation methods, users are able to precisely describe the functioning of a cropping system and assess the impact of individual choices in real-time. All the calculations made by the tool are available as Application Programming Interface (API) to allow interconnections between several innovative services.The transition to a web-based format for the SYSTERRE® tool has made it more accessible. Similarly, the revised interfaces have made navigation more intuitive and efficient, better meeting the needs of users. Learn more about the SYSTERRE® tool on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=62c31dc950164330517f9bef&flag=…
The collection of key information is an essential step in the diagnosis of farm performance and the design of innovative and sustainable alternatives. It is even more important that this data be easily uploaded, accessible and readable.To respond to this objective, the strategic choice tool SYSTERRE® developped a web application. SYSTERRE® provides key performance indicators at farm level to help farmers define the best suited farming strategies. By using standardised and scientifically robust calculation methods, users are able to precisely describe the functioning of a cropping system and assess the impact of individual choices in real-time. All the calculations made by the tool will be available as Application Programming Interface (API) to allow interconnections between several innovative services.The transition to a web-based format for the SYSTERRE® tool has made it more accessible. Similarly, the revised interfaces have made navigation more intuitive and efficient, better meeting the needs of users. Learn more about the SYSTERRE® tool on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=62c31dc950164330517f9bef&flag=…
A farm is a complex ecosystem in which all performance criteria must be evaluated before a strategy is implemented. To define the best strategy for their field, farmers must anticipate the consequences of each decision as it impacts economic, social and environmental factors. A decision-support tool could help farmers and advisors in their strategic decision-making.For example, the tool SYSTERRE® helps to diagnose cropping systems and to design innovative and sustainable alternatives. From the uploaded information, SYSTERRE® calculates about 20 performance indicators (economic, technical and environmental), commonly used in the technical and scientific community such as: performancy, economic efficiency of inputs, mechanization costs, margins, production costs, mineral balances, treatment frequency index (TFI), time of intervention and number of passages, fuel consumption, energy production and consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, etc. By treating these different criteria, SYSTERRE® allows an exhaustive analysis of the sustainability of cropping systems.Learn more about the SYSTERRE® tool on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=62c31dc950164330517f9bef&flag=…
A farm is a complex ecosystem in which all performance criteria must be evaluated before a strategy is implemented. To define the best strategy for their field, farmers must anticipate the consequences of each decision as it impacts economic, social and environmental factors. A decision-support tool could help farmers and advisors in their strategic decision-making.For example, the tool SYSTERRE® helps to diagnose cropping systems and to design innovative and sustainable alternatives. From the uploaded information, SYSTERRE® calculates about 20 performance indicators (economic, technical and environmental), commonly used in the technical and scientific community such as: performancy, economic efficiency of inputs, mechanization costs, margins, production costs, mineral balances, IFT, time of intervention and number of passages, fuel consumption, energy production and consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, etc. By treating these different criteria, SYSTERRE® allows an exhaustive analysis of the sustainability of cropping systems.Learn more about the SYSTERRE® tool on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=62c31dc950164330517f9bef&flag=…
In the wake of COVID-19, virtual platforms have made it possible to radically reimagine meetings and visits in the agricultural sector. The inability of meeting physically allowed us to find alternatives. Without wanting to break the bond between the advisor and the farmer, some basic consultations could be done remotely.To do this, a virtual meeting platform could be used (Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, etc). To begin with, in order to guide the farmer, the advisor could call him on the phone and help him to start the virtual meeting platform and connect. The advantage of the virtual meeting tool over a phone call is that the consultant and farmer can see each other and share the screen to get additional information or even to use an advisory tool at the same time.Learn more or train yourself in using a virtual meeting platform on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5ea08596a9b0da2ce018461e&flag=…
In the wake of COVID-19, virtual platforms have made it possible to radically reimagine meetings and visits in the agricultural sector. The inability of meeting physically allowed us to find alternatives. Without wanting to break the bond between the advisor and the farmer, some basic consultations could be done remotely.To do this, a virtual meeting platform could be used (Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, etc). To begin with, in order to guide the farmer, the advisor could call him on the phone and help him to start the virtual meeting platform and connect. The advantage of the virtual meeting tool over a phone call is that the consultant and farmer can see each other and share the screen to get additional information or even to use an advisory tool at the same time.Learn more or train yourself in using Microsoft Teams on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5ea08596a9b0da2ce018461e&flag=…
With the growing number of connected tools on the market, farmers need to evaluate their value in real conditions before investing in them. To meet this need, a network of experimental farms in France, called Digifermes®, has been created. These experimental farms test sensors, robots and decision support tools. The Digifermes® are made available to start-ups, research institutes and companies that wish to test their innovations in real farm conditions before they are commercialized.The Digifermes® carry out two types of actions:- Evaluations: they are a testing ground for new technologies or digital prototypes- Co-construction of innovations, by encouraging collaboration between players in the agricultural and digital worlds.Recommendations:- Have experimental farms with different specializations (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, field crops, mixed farming, vineyards, fruits and vegetables)- Evaluate tools and prototypes for interoperability, ergonomics, agronomic and economic value of use, etc.Learn more about the Digifermes® network here: https://digifermes.com/index.html
Face au nombre croissant d'outils connectés sur le marché, les agriculteurs ont besoin d'évaluer leur valeur en conditions réelles avant d'y investir. Pour répondre à ce besoin, un réseau des fermes expérimentales en France, appélées les Digifermes®, a été créé. Ces fermes testent des capteurs, des robots et des outils d'aide à la décision. Les Digifermes® sont mises à disposition aux start-ups, instituts de recherche et entreprises qui souhaitent tester leurs innovations dans les conditions réelles d’une exploitation agricole avant leur commercialisation.Les Digifermes® mènent deux types d’actions :- Des évaluations : elles sont un terrain d’expérience pour éprouver grandeur nature de nouvelles technologies ou des prototypes numériques- De la co-construction d’innovations, en encourageant la collaboration entre les acteurs du monde agricole et du monde numérique. Recommendations :- Avoir des fermes expérimentales avec des spécialisations différentes (bovins, ovins, caprins, équins, grandes cultures, polyculture élevage, vignes, fruits et légumes)- Faire des évaluations des outils et prototypes sur l’interopérabilité, l’ergonomie, la valeur d’usage agronomique et économique… En savoir plus sur le réseau Digifermes® ici : https://digifermes.com/index.html
Because of environmental issues and in order to control the costs of their farms, farmers want to reduce their consumption of phytosanitary products. To help them, the EcophytoPIC integrated crop protection web portal brings together all the knowledge and methods at their disposal. It as a real toolbox that contains a variety of resources:- information on the latest developments in integrated crop protection, with the possibility of filtering by sector;- synthetic focus on essential technical themes;- network resources including testimonies and videos of agricultural advisors, farmers or farms relating their experience;- a glyphosate/herbicide resource center to accompany the exit;- a copper resource center to accompany the reduction of copper in viticulture;- an agenda of upcoming events and a press review.For more information on the ÉcophytoPIC and the reduction of the use of phytosanitary products, check the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=635ba9a193be89780283e43d&flag=…
Because of environmental issues and in order to control the costs of their farms, farmers want to reduce their consumption of phytosanitary products. To help them, the EcophytoPIC integrated crop protection web portal brings together all the knowledge and methods at their disposal. It as a real toolbox that contains a variety of resources:- information on the latest developments in integrated crop protection, with the possibility of filtering by sector;- synthetic focus on essential technical themes;- network resources including testimonies and videos of agricultural advisors, farmers or farms relating their experience;- a glyphosate/herbicide resource center to accompany the exit;- a copper resource center to accompany the reduction of copper in viticulture;- an agenda of upcoming events and a press review.For more information on the ÉcophytoPIC and the reduction of the use of phytosanitary products, follow this link: https://ecophytopic.fr/
Farmers are increasingly faced with unpredictable weather conditions. To face these constraints which can alter the level of production in terms of quantity and quality, they have to precisely control their production throughout the year.A web application could facilitate the monitoring of wheat. In addition, the farmer could automatically receive an alert by SMS or email informing him of the state of his fields and the need to perform a technical operation. Also, the advisor could follow all the plots at distance at a glance thanks to a dashboard. By hovering over the map, a report on the situation of the plots is available: name, location, water and nitrogen alert thresholds.Recommendations:- It is important that this application is easy to use or that it offers training- Calibration for durum and soft wheat. Such a tool is éPILOTE. Learn more about it on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=634fb3e893be89780283e42a&flag=…
Les agriculteurs sont de plus en plus confrontés à des conditions météorologiques imprévisibles. Pour faire face à ces contraintes qui peuvent altérer le niveau de production en termes de quantité et de qualité, ils doivent contrôler précisément leur production tout au long de l'année.Une application web pourrait faciliter le suivi du blé. De plus, l'agriculteur pourrait recevoir automatiquement une alerte par SMS ou email l'informant de l'état de ses champs et de la nécessité d'effectuer une opération technique. De même, le conseiller pourrait suivre en un coup d'œil toutes les parcelles à distance grâce à un tableau de bord. En survolant la carte, un rapport sur la situation des parcelles serait disponible : nom, localisation, seuils d'alerte eau et azote.Recommandations :- Il est important que cette application soit facile à utiliser ou qu'elle propose une formation.- Calibrage pour le blé dur et le blé tendre. Un tel outil est éPILOTE. Pour en savoir plus, consultez l'inventaire DATS de FAIRshare : https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=634fb3e893be89780283e42a&flag=…
The reduction of the use of phytosanitary products (commonly called pesticides) constitutes a strong citizen expectation and a necessity to preserve our health and biodiversity. Governments commit to global action plans for the reduction of the use of plant protection products and decide to put an end to the main uses of glyphosate.In order not to leave farmers in a dead end, a resource center has been created in France to make available to the entire agricultural profession the existing solutions to get out of glyphosate. The Glyphosate Resource Center is an interactive platform that presents the main existing alternatives to glyphosate and more generally to herbicides. The resources are available and presented by major production sector, such as field crops, viticulture, arboriculture, vegetables, horticulture/medicinal plants and tropical cultures. Resources include review articles for a given use, data sheets on a specific alternative, feedback, videos, etc. Whether you are a farmer, an advisor, a teacher or a student interested in herbicide-saving weed management, you can use this tool to become a contributor and share your questions or experiences in the discussion forum.Learn more about it here on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=635ba67d93be89780283e43c&flag=…
The reduction of the use of phytosanitary products (commonly called pesticides) constitutes a strong citizen expectation and a necessity to preserve our health and biodiversity. Governments commit to global action plans for the reduction of the use of plant protection products with ambitious objectives, and decide to put an end to the main uses of glyphosate.In order not to leave farmers in a dead end, a resource center has been created in France to make available to the entire agricultural profession the existing solutions to get out of glyphosate. The Glyphosate Resource Center is an interactive platform that presents the main existing alternatives to glyphosate and more generally to herbicides. The resources are available and presented by major production sector, such as field crops, viticulture, arboriculture, vegetables, horticulture/medicinal plants and tropical crops. Resources include review articles for a given use, data sheets on a specific alternative, feedback, videos, etc. Whether you are a farmer, an advisor, a teacher or a student interested in herbicide-saving weed management, you can use this tool to become a contributor and share your questions or experiences in the discussion forum.
The main objective of the training modules is to facilitate the use of digital tools by farmers and advisors and to ease their transition to digital agriculture. The development of the training framework was based on the advisors needs and was built on the existing training modules on the FAIRshare platform.Training frameworks are series of general type and DATS specific training modules adapted to the agricultural advisors' needs. The aim is to adopt the use of digital tools in the chosen category, considering their current level of digital skills.There are three broad categories that encompass the needs of advisors that was applied for the development of training frameworks:• Communication,• Calculation and Data,• Decision Support Systems (DSS).In addition, as the scale of users' digital skills is very wide and variable, two different levels of advancement in digital tools have been distinguished: basic and advanced users of digital tools.Although the training frameworks are largely tailored to French-speaking advisors, they serve as an example for other countries to find equivalent trainings.You can check the training frameworks on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/training-frameworks
The main objective of the training modules is to facilitate the use of digital tools by farmers and advisors and to ease their transition to digital agriculture. The development of the training framework was based on the advisors needs and was built on the existing training modules on the FAIRshare platform.Training frameworks are series of general type and DATS specific training modules adapted to the agricultural advisors' needs. The aim is to adopt the use of digital tools in the chosen category, considering their current level of digital skills.There are three broad categories that encompass the needs of advisors that was applied for the development of training frameworks:• Communication,• Calculation and Data,• Decision Support Systems (DSS).In addition, as the scale of users' digital skills is very wide and variable, two different levels of advancement in digital tools have been distinguished: basic and advanced users of digital tools.Although the training frameworks are largely tailored to French-speaking advisors, they serve as an example for other countries to find equivalent trainings.You can check the training frameworks on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/training-frameworks
The introduction to digital tools is often arduous because farmers feel lost among the abundance of digital tools on the market. Also, advisors might not always feel confident to guide them, especially if they do not have much experience with digital tools. For this reason, an inventory of existing training modules has been created on the FAIRshare website to make it as visible and accessible as possible for the potential users. Because lack of digital literacy is one of the barriers to effective use of DATS, the inventory contains both general and DATS-specific trainings. It was developed with partners from all across Europe. It took nearly 3 months to compile an inventory of 180 existing training modules. Training modules are divided into 3 groups which represent the large target audiences:• trainings for advisors,• trainings for farmers,• trainings for both advisors and farmers.In order to facilitate their search on the FAIRshare platform, training courses can be sorted according to their language, target audience, type of training and duration. Also, a target search by key word is available. All these measures allow to refine the search and find courses more easily.Recommendations:- It is important that the training information is regularly updated by the training providers so that the list is reliable.You can check the training modules inventory on the FAIRshare platform: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/training-modules
L'introduction aux outils numériques est souvent ardue car les agriculteurs se sentent perdus parmi l'abondance d'outils numériques sur le marché. De plus, les conseillers ne sont pas toujours en confiance pour les guider, surtout s'ils n'ont pas beaucoup d'expérience avec des outils numériques. C'est pourquoi un inventaire des modèles de formation existants a été créé sur le site FAIRshare afin de le rendre aussi visible et accessible que possible pour les utilisateurs potentiels.Le manque de connaissances numériques étant l'un des obstacles à l'utilisation efficace des DATS, l'inventaire contient des formations de type générale et spécifique selon les secteurs. Il a été élaboré avec des partenaires de toute l'Europe. Il a fallu près de 3 mois pour dresser un inventaire des 182 formation existantes. Les formations sont divisées en 3 groupes qui représentent les grands publics cibles :- les formations pour les conseillers,- les formations pour les agriculteurs,- les formations destinées à la fois aux conseillers et aux agriculteurs.Afin de faciliter leur recherche sur la plateforme FAIRshare, les formations peuvent être triées en fonction de leur langue, du public cible, du type de formation et de leur durée. Une recherche ciblée par mot-clé est également disponible. Toutes ces mesures permettent d'affiner la recherche et de trouver des cours plus facilement.Recommandations :- Il est important que les informations sur les formations soient régulièrement mises à jour par les prestataires de formation afin que la liste soit fiable.Vous pouvez consulter l'inventaire des modules de formation sur la plateforme FAIRshare : https://fairshare-pnf.eu/training-modules
In horticulture (fruit, grape and olive production) the quality of products and their market value are influenced by the population of pests and plant pathogens. For advisors to successfully transfer knowledge and technology to growers, they need new skills and tools that will allow them to better monitor pest and plant pathogen populations. They need a digital tool that will help them systematically collect their results over the course of the growing season with access to the temporal dimension of the data (history of pathogen attacks over previous growing seasons). Classical Early Warning System (EWS) consists of gathering the data in the growing regions on all agricultural crops for all important agricultural pests (diseases, insects, bacteria, viruses, etc) and is based on the presence of pathogens recommendation on the intervention to the farmers. A solid database with correct and up-to-date information is mandatory in order to provide proper recommendations. The traditional tracking system is manual (paper and pen) and the data is then digitized, making it small, tedious and difficult to use when quick action or general analysis is needed. Digital technologies (mobile phone with cameras, mobile apps, GIS systems) enable the improvement of the EWS system. “Phytoview – Pest Monitoring System in horticulture” mobile app is planned to be the entry point for all the information (growth stage, presence of pathogens) on plant pest distribution observed by the advisory service in Croatia.Learn more about the Phytoview mobile app on the FAIRshare DATS Inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5f317eca1f68f325af42e130&flag=…
Studija slučaja - Phytoview – aplikacija za praćenje u hortikulturi ima za cilj razvoj mobilne aplikacije za praćenje pojave bolesti i štetnika u hortikulturi i njenu integraciju u sustav Izvještajno progonznih poslova u radu Uprave za stručnu podršku razvoju poljoprivrede Ministrarstva poljoprivrede. U hortikulturi – voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu, maslinarstvo kvaliteta proizvoda i njihova tržišna vrijednost znaton je pod utjecajem bolesti i štetnika. Kako bi poljoprivredni savjetnici uspješno prenijeli znanja o tehnologiji uzgoja nužno je kontinuirana edukacija i unapređenje sustava praćenja pojave štetnika te digitalni alat koji će im pomoći da sustavno prikupljaju svoja opažanja tijekom vegetacijske sezone (povijest napada patogena u prethodnim vegetacijskim sezonama). Klasični izvještajno prognozni sustav se sastoji od prikupljanja podataka u svim važnijim uzgojnim regijama, o svim važnim poljoprivrednim kulturama i uključuje sve važne poljoprivredne štetnike (bolesti, kukci, bakterije, virusi itd.). Na temelju prisutnosti štetočinja, pragova štetnosti odnosno pragova odluka daje se preporuka o potrebi provođenja mjera zaštite bilja poljoprivrednicima. Kako bismo mogli dati odgovarajuću preporuku, dobra baza podataka s točnim i ažurnim informacijama je nužna. Klasični sustav praćenja (papir i olovka) te naknadna digitalizacija podataka je spora, zamorna i vrlo zahtjevna za korištenje (veliki utrošak radnog vremena) i onemogućuje brzu analiu i reakciju. Digitalne tehnologije, a posebice mobilne aplikacije (mobilne aplikacije, GIS sustavi) omogućuju unapređenje Izvještajno progonoznih poslova. Planirano je da mobilna aplikacija Phytoview bude ulazna točka za sve informacije o rasprostranjenosti biljnih štetnika i razvojnim fazama poljoprivrednog bilja koje prati savjetodavna služba – Uprava za stručnu podršku razvoju poljoprivrede u Hrvatskoj.
Advice and knowledge transfer to dairy farms in Serbia has been focused on improving genetics and nutrition. However, less emphasis has been placed on the management of animal health. The consequences are high levels of lameness and hoof disease in dairy cows, frequent udder, uterine and other inflammations.Mastitis is still a very important animal welfare and economic problem in dairy cattle production systems, causing significant financial losses, but it is often underestimated. Costs due to mastitis include reduced milk production, diagnostics, treatment, discarded milk, reduced milk quality, penalties, increased culling, appetite and weight loss, increased mortality, increased incidence of other diseases and labour. Also, mastitis causes changes in milk composition, i.e. decreased casein content and changes in this protein, decreased amount of milk fat and lactose, which can cause problems in milk processing and low quality of dairy products.This User Case aims at giving farmers the necessary information on the situation regarding financial losses due to mastitis occurrence on their farm, by implementing digital tool Cost check: Mastitis Cost Calculator for advisors and farmers. This digital advisory tool (DAT) enables each dairy farmer to assess the potential gain from reducing the incidence of mastitis on his/her dairy farm. Besides being a digital tool, Mastitis Cost Calculator is also a tool for raising the awareness among farmers about milk quality in terms of hygiene and somatic cell count. This User Case is one component and an important initial driving force to establish a mastitis control program in Serbia, thus contributing to milk quality improvement and competitiveness of milk production.To find the training or digital tool for digital health and welfare monitoring, visit the FAIRshare platform: https://www.h2020fairshare.eu/
Prenos saveta i znanja proizvođačima mleka u Srbiji usmeren je na poboljšanje genetike i ishrane, dok se manji akcenat stavlja na dobrobit i upravljanje zdravljem životinja. Posledice su visoka učestalost pojave bolesti papaka kod mlečnih krava, česte upale vimena (mastitis), materice i drugih.Mastitis je i dalje veoma važan problem dobrobiti životinja i ekonomski problem u sistemima uzgoja mlečnih krava, koji uzrokuje značajne finansijske gubitke i često se potcenjuje. Troškovi uzrokovani mastitisom uključuju: smanjenu proizvodnju mleka, dijagnostiku, lečenje, odbačeno mleko, smanjen kvalitet mleka, nižu otkupnu cenu, povećano izlučivanje, smanjenje apetita i gubitak težine, povećan mortalitet, povećanu pojavu drugih bolesti i veću količinu posla. Takođe, mastitis izaziva promene u sastavu mleka, odnosno smanjenje sadržaja kazeina i promene na ovom proteinu, smanjenje količine mlečne masti i laktoze, što može izazvati probleme u preradi mleka i loš kvalitet mlečnih proizvoda.Ovaj korisnički slučaj ima za cilj da poljoprivrednicima pruži neophodne informacije o situaciji u vezi sa finansijskim gubicima zbog pojave mastitisa na njihovoj farmi, uz pomoć digitalnog alata za proveru troškova mastitisa - Kalkulator troškova mastitisa, koji je namenjen savetodavcima i proizvođačima mleka. Ovaj digitalni savetodavni alat (DAT) omogućava svakom proizvođaču mleka da proceni potencijalnu dobit od smanjenja pojave mastitisa na njegovoj farmi, Osim što je digitalni alat, Kalkulator troškova mastitisa je takođe alat za podizanje svesti među farmerima o važnosti kvaliteta mleka u pogledu higijene i broja somatskih ćelija. Ovaj korisnički slučaj je jedna komponenta i važna početna pokretačka snaga za uspostavljanje programa kontrole mastitisa u Srbiji, čime se doprinosi poboljšanju kvaliteta i konkurentnosti proizvodnje mleka.Više informacija možete nači na sajtu: FAIRshare projekta: https://www.h2020fairshare.eu/
Agricultural production in Western Balkan and Serbia is mostly organized in small family farms (FFs), which are characterized by low production results and non-profitability, making Serbian agriculture considered underdeveloped and uncompetitive. Farm Agricultural Advisory and professional Service (FAS/PSSS) is an important link in the agricultural development chain. In Serbia, there is a strong need to strengthen knowledge transfer to agricultural producers, in order to increase profitability on FFs and improve the competitiveness of agriculture.A DAT for calculation of the gross margin (GM) as a tool for evaluation of FF profitability and analyzing the economic effectiveness of different inputs could improve the results of the advisors' work. Similarly, the improvement in gross margin recorded and justified on family farms could be used for evaluation of advisory work.Institute for Applied Science in Agriculture (IPN/ISAA) and FAS had a long term history in providing Gross Margin calculation to advisors and farmers across a wide range of family farms. Results are hidden in laptops and printed reports and cannot present a good overview of the farm to the advisor. Since much of the data is generated live and constantly updated in different systems, farmers and advisors need to be able to review performance data in the field on a single screen with a dedicated DAT. Learn more about the Family Farm Profitability Calculator on the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=6015832807449914a3bf92b9&flag=…
Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u Zapadnom Balkanu i Srbiji je uglavnom organizovana na malim porodičnim gazdinstvima (PPG), koja se odlikuju lošim proizvodnim rezultatima i neprofitabilnošću, zbog čega se srpska poljoprivreda ponaša kao nerazvijena i nekonkurentna. Poljoprivredna savetodavna i stručna služba (PSSS) su važna karika u lancu razvoja poljoprivrede. U Srbiji postoji snažna potreba za jačanjem transfera znanja poljoprivrednim proizvođačima, kako bi se povećala profitabilnost na PPG i poboljšala konkurentnost poljoprivrede. U okviru FAIRshare projekta tražićemo moguće poboljšanje efekata savetodavnog rada na PPG (zasnovanog na privatnom vlasništvu nad zemljištem i drugim proizvodnim sredstvima), kao i povezanost PPG i porodice kao izvora radne snage, kroz unapređenje ocene efikasnosti savetodavnog rada.DAT za izračunavanje bruto marže (BM) kao instrument za procenu profitabilnosti porodičnih gazdinstava i analizu ekonomske efektivnosti različitih inputa mogao bi da poboljša rezultate rada savetodavaca.Takođe, zabeleženo i opravdano poboljšanje BM-a na PPG može biti sredstvo za procenu savetodavnog rada. IPN i PSSS su imali dugu istoriju u korišćenja kalkulatora bruto marži među savetodavcima i farmerima u širokom spektru PPG. Rezultati su skriveni u laptopovima i štampanim izveštajima i ne mogu savetodavcu da obezbede dobar pregled ekonomskog stanja sgazdinstva. Pošto se veliki deo podataka generiše uživo i stalno se ažurira u različitim sistemima, farmeri i savetnici moraju da budu u mogućnosti da pregledaju podatke o učinku u pokretu, na jednom ekranu, preko namenskog DAT-a. Ciljna grupa: Savetodavci iz PSSS, poljoprivrednici (PPG) i mala preduzeća.Više o digitalnom alatu na FAIRshare DATs platformi: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=6015832807449914a3bf92b9&flag=…
Main result/outcome: Farmers and advisors use a tool which enables to decrease emissions of milk cows by optimizing feedMain practical recommendations: New European policies and society in general demand that farmers create as little negative environmental impact as possible with their activities. One important of this demands is the minimization of polluting gases in the breeding of dairy cows. The Smart Melken tool developed by ILVO allows farmers to simulate different kinds of feeds and estimate:(a) the amount of polluting gases(b) the production output following the feed.Thus famers and advisors can estimate how feed combinations affect both the environment but also the firms bottom line.Learn more about this tool on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e58f0154d7ecc6d4c67b60e&flag=…
Hauptempfehlungen: Zukunftsgerichtete europäische Strategien aber auch die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen fordern von Landwirt*innen minimal negative klimatische Auswirkungen durch landwirtschaftliche Betriebe. Hauptkritikpunkt sind Emissionen im Milchkuhbereich. Das von ILVO entwickelte Werkzeug SmartMelken ermöglicht es Landwirt*innen zu simulieren welche umweltspezifischen Auswirkungen bestimmte Futtermischungen haben. Dabei werden selbstverständlich auch die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen (z.B. Produktionsmenge) mit ausgewertet. Somit eine Balance zwischen Umweltschutz und wirtschaftlicher Nachhaltigkeit des Betriebs betrachtet werden. Das Werkzeug ist nicht nur für Landwirt*innen selber eine gute Unterstützung aber auch für z.B. Futtermittelberater*innen.
Main result: A chatbot on www.lko.at on the investment grants sectionExpected outcome: Interactive, targeted automated interaction for information on investment grants for farmers; no specific advise but tailor made information.Main practical recommendations: Farmers can access tailored-information at any time and from any place. Instead of having to scroll through information on the website, the chatbot is programmed to answer questions quickly and comprehensively. Communication occurs naturally through a mix of form-based responses where farmers can select keywords of interest, followed by open-ended questions. To get initial information, farmers do not need to travel and make an appointment with an advisor, saving time and money. When expert advice is needed, farmers are redirected to advisors in their geographic area for follow-up.This tool is exclusively for farmers, especially since we are increasingly entering the digital age and the generational change in farm management brings farmers who are more comfortable with digital.
Ergebnis: Ein Chatbot auf www.lko.at in der Sektion Investitionsförderung, der die interaktive, zielgerichtete Automatisierung der Inforamtionssuche für Landwrit*innen ermöglicht und somit eine gemütliche und nutzer-spezifische Information liefert; der Chatbot soll als Erstinforamtionsstelle dienen und nicht die fachspezifische Beratung ersetzenPraxisnutzen: Landwirt*innen erhalten personalisierte Informationen zeit- und ortsunabhängig. Sie müssen sich nicht durch Webseiten mit undurchsichtigen Informationen scrollen, sondern erhalten vom Chatbot rasche, zielgerichtete und umfangreiche Informationen. Die Kommunikation fliesst natürlich durch eine Mischung von strukturierten Auswahl- und offenen Fragen. Landwirt'innen müssen für eine Erstinformation nicht reisen bzw. ein Treffen mit einem Fachberater vereinbaren, was Zeit und Kosten spart. Wenn Fragen an den Chatbot aufzeigen, dass eine Beratung nötig ist, informiert der Chatbot den Fachberater aus der geographischen Gegend des Landwirten für ein Folgegespräch.Der Chatbot richtet sich direkt und ausschließlich an Landwirt*innen. Die wachsende Digitalisierung, auch im Agrarbereich, sowie der Generationswechsel zu digital-erfahrenen Betriebsleiter*innen, eröffnet durch den Chatbot einen weiteren Kommunikationskanal für diese.
he Mes Parcelles platform is an online service offered to farmers to help them manage their farms. New services have been integrated into the Mes Parcelles platform in order to offer more services to farmers but also to centralize them for easy access and to make Mes Parcelles a marketplace. This will allow farmers to have more services in one place helping them to improve the management of their farms, the collection of farm data and to optimize the use of these data.Two services have been identified to enrich the Mes Parcelles platform: Mes Sat'images and Decitrait. These are tools that already exist elsewhere that we wanted to make interoperable by using Mes Parcelles as a central hub. There is therefore an initial development phase to integrate the services into the platform, followed by a test phase with farmers and advisors to check that everything is working well, and finally the official launch phase. The success of this process will be measured by the number of farmers who will use these new services.Learn more about the Mes Parcelles platform on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e4518414d7ecc6d4c67b5ea&flag=…
La plateforme Mes Parcelles est un service en ligne proposer aux agriculteurs pour les aider dans la gestion de leur exploitation. De nouveaux services ont été intégrés à la plateforme Mes Parcelles afin d'offrir plus de services aux agriculteurs mais aussi de les centraliser pour un accès facile et de faire de Mes Parcelles une place de marché. Cela permettra aux agriculteurs d'avoir plus de services afin d'améliorer le pilotage de leurs exploitations mais également d'améliorer la collecte des données de l'exploitation et d'optimiser l'utilisation de ces données afin d'aider aux mieux les agriculteurs dans leurs métiers mais aussi de permettre aux conseillers d'accompagner au mieux les agriculteurs.Deux services ont été identifiés pour enrichir la plateforme Mes Parcelles : Mes Sat'images et Decitrait. Ce sont des outils qui existent déjà ailleurs et que nous avons voulu rendre interopérables en utilisant Mes Parcelles comme hub central. Il y a donc une première phase de développement afin d'intégrer les services à la plateforme, ensuite une phase de test avec des agriculteurs et des conseillers afin de vérifier que tout fonctionne bien. La dernière phase est le lancement officiel. Le succès de ce processus se mesurera aux nombres d'agriculteurs qui utiliseront ces nouveaux services.
Greenhouse horticulture is intensive production that requires frequent monitoring to detect and react to rapid changes in the crop. In this way, advisors have an intensive and crucial activity: they give frequent recommendations to the growers, which should be digitally registered for later audit and easy communication to the grower. In southeast Spain the advisors are starting using mobile applications for this purpose, but these tools are not yet comfortable enough to be used directly in the field. In most cases, advisors follow up by giving a written recommendation, which is digitalized later, with the resulting loss of time. The aim is to optimize the use of DATS for this purpose (Campogest, Hispatec S.A., Spain), thereby making it adequate for on-farm storage of the recommendations in connection with the field diary and the ERP of the cooperative.An important aspect of the advisory activity is focused on fertigation, as intensive vegetable production systems are generally characterized by heavy fertilizer applications, thus promoting leaching losses that lead to aquifer contamination. The use of model-based DSS able to simulate accurately crop nutrient and water requirements facilitates the preparation of fertigation plans. VegSyst-DSS has been developed and calibrated in the conditions of the greenhouses of South-East Spain for nitrogen recommendations. The objective is to extend the tool to other nutrients and make it easily accessible to the users.Learn more about the tool VegSyst-DSS on the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e33213450aeb3490a24f3a8&flag=…
La horticultura de invernadero es una producción intensiva que necesita un seguimiento frecuente para detectar cambios rápidos en el cultivo y reaccionar seguidamente. De esta forma, los técnicos de asesoramiento tienen una actividad intensiva crucial, dando recomendaciones frecuentes a los agricultores que deben quedar registradas digitalmente para su posterior auditoría y fácil comunicación al agricultor. En el sureste de España los asesores están empezando a utilizar aplicaciones móviles para este fin, pero estas herramientas no son actualmente lo suficientemente cómodas como para ser utilizadas directamente en el campo y, en la práctica, los técnicos siguen dando una recomendación escrita en la mayoría de los casos, que se digitaliza posteriormente, con la consiguiente pérdida de tiempo. El objetivo del caso de uso es optimizar la herramienta digital más utilizada en la zona para este fin (Campogest, Hispatec S.A., España), haciéndola adecuada para el almacenamiento de las recomendaciones en finca y en conexión con el cuaderno de campo y el ERP de la cooperativa.Un aspecto importante de la actividad de asesoramiento se centra en la fertirrigación ya que los sistemas de producción intensiva de hortalizas se caracterizan habitualmente por abundantes aplicaciones de fertilizantes, lo que favorece las pérdidas por lixiviación que se traducen en la contaminación de los acuíferos. El uso de un DSS basado en modelos capaz de simular con precisión las necesidades de nutrientes y agua de los cultivos facilita la preparación de los planes de fertirrigación. VegSyst-DSS ha sido desarrollado y calibrado en las condiciones de los invernaderos del sureste español para las recomendaciones de nitrógeno. El objetivo es ampliar la herramienta a otros nutrientes y hacerla fácilmente accesible a los usuarios.
Knowledge of the soil condition per field is extremely useful for farmers, advisors and policy makers. The tool Farm Soil Water Plan (Bedrijfs Bodem en Water Plan, BBWP) requires one-time data entry and provides each actor with the relevant information.For farmers, BBWP suggests soil measures per field, tailored to the soil, crop and groundwater characteristics of their parcels and farms. If a farmer indicates which measures he will take, he can improve his performance and demonstrate his contribution to healthy soil and water. The farmer understands in a simple way his contribution to the challenges of soil quality, water quality, drought, biodiversity and climate.For advisors, BBWP offers a tool to discuss with farmers the implementation of policy challenges concerning soil quality, water quality, drought, biodiversity and climate. BBWP offers possibilities for a structured dialogue with the entrepreneur and to offer quality in advisory talks. It offers extensive background information on various measures, so that the advisor can help entrepreneurs to make the right choices for their business.BBWP helps policy makers to translate area assignments into concrete measures and to monitor them. For each farm, it is clear what the regional assignments are and how the farmer can contribute concretely. The BBWP brings knowledge into practice, registers recommendations in a uniform manner and guarantees the quality of recommendations. This gives policymakers and farmers confidence that the policy goals will be achieved.To learn more about the tool BBWP, check out the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=621f379ec58bd61d4da357e2&flag=…
Kennis over de bodemgesteldheid per perceel is uiterst nuttig voor landbouwers, adviseurs en beleidsmakers. Bedrijfs Bodem Water Plan (BBWP) vKennis over de bodemgesteldheid per perceel is uiterst nuttig voor landbouwers, adviseurs en beleidsmakers. Bedrijfs Bodem Water Plan (BBWP) vereist eenmalige invoer van gegevens en voorziet elke actor van informatie die voor hem relevant is.Voor boeren stelt BBWP per perceel bodemmaatregelen voor, afgestemd op de bodem-, gewas- en grondwaterkenmerken van hun percelen en bedrijven. Als een boer aangeeft welke maatregelen hij gaat nemen, kan hij zijn prestaties verbeteren en zijn bijdrage aan een gezonde bodem en water aantonen. Een boer krijgt op een eenvoudige manier inzicht in zijn bijdragen aan de opgaves rond bodemkwaliteit, waterkwaliteit, droogte, biodiversiteit en klimaat.Voor adviseurs biedt BBWP een tool om met boeren in gesprek te gaan over de invulling van de beleidsopgaves rond bodemkwaliteit, waterkwaliteit, droogte, biodiversiteit en klimaat. BBWP biedt mogelijkheden om gestructureerd in gesprek te gaan met de ondernemer en kwaliteit te bieden in adviesgesprekken. Het biedt ruime achtergrondinformatie over verschillende maatregelen, zodat de adviseur ondernemers kan helpen de juiste keuzes te maken voor hun bedrijf.Beleidsmakers helpt BBWP bij de vertaling van gebiedsopgave naar concrete maatregelen, en de monitoring daarvan. Per bedrijf is duidelijk wat de gebiedsopgaven zijn, en hoe de boer concreet daaraan kan bijdragen. Het BBWP brengt kennis naar de praktijk, registreert adviezen op een uniforme wijze en borgt de kwaliteit van adviezen. Dat biedt beleidsmakers en boeren vertrouwen in het halen van de beleidsdoelen. Voor boeren stelt BBWP per perceel bodemmaatregelen voor, afgestemd op de bodem-, gewas- en grondwaterkenmerken van hun percelen en bedrijven. Als een boer aangeeft welke maatregelen hij gaat nemen, kan hij zijn prestaties verbeteren en zijn bijdrage aan een gezonde bodem en water aantonen. Een boer krijgt op een eenvoudige manier inzicht in zijn bijdragen aan de opgaves rond bodemkwaliteit, waterkwaliteit, droogte, biodiversiteit en klimaat.Voor adviseurs biedt BBWP een tool om met boeren in gesprek te gaan over de invulling van de beleidsopgaves rond bodemkwaliteit, waterkwaliteit, droogte, biodiversiteit en klimaat. BBWP biedt mogelijkheden om gestructureerd in gesprek te gaan met de ondernemer en kwaliteit te bieden in adviesgesprekken. Het biedt ruime achtergrondinformatie over verschillende maatregelen, zodat de adviseur ondernemers kan helpen de juiste keuzes te maken voor hun bedrijf.Beleidsmakers helpt BBWP bij de vertaling van gebiedsopgave naar concrete maatregelen, en de monitoring daarvan. Per bedrijf is duidelijk wat de gebiedsopgaven zijn, en hoe de boer concreet daaraan kan bijdragen. Het BBWP brengt kennis naar de praktijk, registreert adviezen op een uniforme wijze en borgt de kwaliteit van adviezen. Dat biedt beleidsmakers en boeren vertrouwen in het halen van de beleidsdoelen.
The Standard Production Value (SPV) calculator is a self-developed application of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and is available on the official portal of the organisation. The SPV calculator expresses the standardized output value of the agricultural sectors. It provides significant assistance to farmers and advisors in calculating the production value of farms in the case of Rural Development Program applications. After entering the appropriate data (crop production, livestock, farm size) the calculator helps to establish whether the farmer meets the application conditions. The calculator is applicable to any product, sector, crop or livestock and can be used to determine the total level of profitability of agricultural production for the farmer.The SPV calculator application was launched in 2015 and there was a minor development in 2016. Further development processes are needed for widespread use of the calculator by farmers and advisors. In the context of the User Case, creation of a multi-lingual calculator is planned to be identified and inplemented for the usability of the calculator at EU level. The developments will be followed by dissemination activities.To learn more about the Standard Production Value calculator, check the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=6086dcedab95c24b38cfa693&flag=…;
A Standard Termelési Érték (STÉ) kalkulátor a Magyar Agrárgazdasági Kamara saját fejlesztésű alkalmazása, jelenleg a szervezet hivatalos portálján érhető el. Az STÉ kalkulátor a mezőgazdasági ágazatok standardizált kibocsátási értékét fejezi ki. Jelentős segítséget nyújt a gazdálkodóknak és a szaktanácsadóknak a mezőgazdasági üzemek termelési értékének kiszámításában a Vidékfejlesztési Program pályázatai esetében.A megfelelő adatok (növénytermesztés, állatállomány, üzemméret) megadása után a kalkulátor segít megállapítani, hogy a gazdálkodó megfelel-e a pályázati feltételeknek. A kalkulátor alkalmazható minden termékhez, területhez vagy állatállományhoz köthető támogatás esetén. Segítségével megállapítható, hogy a mezőgazdasági termelés összesen mekkora jövedelmezőségi szintet jelent a gazdálkodó számára. Az STÉ kalkulátor alkalmazás 2015-ben indult, majd 2016-ban kisebb fejlesztésen esett át.További fejlesztési folyamatokra van szükséga kalkulátor széleskörű használatához a gazdálkodók és szaktanácsadók körében. A felhasználói eset keretében a kalkulátor fejlesztési lehetőségeinek – például többnyelvű alkalmazás létrehozásának – azonosítása és implementálása tervezett a kalkulátor EU-szinten való használhatósága érdekében, melyet disszeminációs tevékenységek egészítenek ki.
Users of an online communication platform, mainly farmers and agronomists, can share information to collaborate effectively on certain issues, which can help them make decisions. They can also share recommendations and reports. Here are some benefits of using a communication platform:- increase of productivity,- improvement of yield quality,- optimization of resources use,- environmental protection,- increase of profit/farm income,- efficient strategy planning,- effective operational management and- better interaction between farmer and advisor. A good practice is to offer a first version of the application for free so that the user can try it and know if it would be interesting to subscribe monthly.To find a communication tool that meets your needs, you can consult the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/
Korisnici takve platforme, uglavnom poljoprivrednici i agronomi, mogu dijeliti informacije kako bi učinkovito surađivali na određenim pitanjima, što im može pomoći u donošenju odluka. Također mogu dijeliti preporuke i izvješća. Prednosti korištenja: povećanje produktivnosti,poboljšanje kvalitete prinosa,optimizacija korištenja resursa,zaštita okoliša,povećanje dobiti/prihoda poljoprivrednog gospodarstva,učinkovito strateško planiranje,učinkovito operativno upravljanje ibolja interakcija između poljoprivrednika i savjetnika.Dobra praksa je ponuditi prvu verziju aplikacije besplatno kako bi je korisnik mogao isprobati i znati bi li se bilo zanimljivo pretplatiti se mjesečno. Platforma je dizajnirana zapoljoprivrednike koji su aktivni u poljoprivrednim sektorima u komunikaciji i distribuciji. Izazovi koji se rješavaju je upravljanje zaštitom bilja,upravljanje ishranom/gnojidbom, poboljšanje njege životinja.
Farm advisors are spending more and more time in the office and less time on the farm. There is a risk that farm advisors will lose touch with what is happening on their clients' farms and that their technical knowledge and confidence will diminish.Getting advisors out to farms more often and maximizing the value of their farm visits/focus groups by reducing office work is possible through digitization. Freeing up advisors from the office and reconnecting them to their clients and their clients’ farms will make better use of advisors time and strengthen the traditional bonds they have with clients and their families. Increasing the uptake of digital tools among farm advisors will add value to farm visits and discussion group meetings.This will be achieved by combining:• A powerful, portable, easy to use device e.g. Smart Tablet• Good connectivity to required information sources (e.g. in Ireland, Teagasc, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation, Environmental Protection Agency, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ordnance Survey Ireland, Agrinet etc).• Powerful, easy to use software to support farm advisors and their clientsResults:• Improve access/uptake of digital tools on farms• Reduced follow-up office work for advisors = saving time• Increased access to real time data and technical information during farm visits• Increased efficiency e.g. mapping in real time• Improved group meetings, farm walks, one-to-one• Encouraging innovation and future app development
Farm advisors are spending more and more time in the office and less time on the farm. There is a risk that farm advisors will lose touch with what is happening on their clients' farms and that their technical knowledge and confidence will diminish.Getting advisors out to farms more often and maximizing the value of their farm visits/focus groups by reducing office work is possible through digitization. Freeing up advisors from the office and reconnecting them to their clients and their clients’ farms will make better use of advisors time and strengthen the traditional bonds they have with clients and their families. Increasing the uptake of digital tools among farm advisors will add value to farm visits and discussion group meetings.This will be achieved by combining:• A powerful, portable, easy to use device e.g. Smart Tablet• Good connectivity to required information sources (e.g. in Ireland, Teagasc, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation, Environmental Protection Agency, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ordnance Survey Ireland, Agrinet etc).• Powerful, easy to use software to support farm advisors and their clientsResults:• Improve access/uptake of digital tools on farms• Reduced follow-up office work for advisors = saving time• Increased access to real time data and technical information during farm visits• Increased efficiency e.g. mapping in real time• Improved group meetings, farm walks, one-to-one• Encouraging innovation and future app development
The User Case MobITAlqueva aims at giving farmers the necessary information to produce in a more sustainable way. The sustainability aspect encompasses economic, social, and environmental indicators. This User Case (UC) allows farmers to learn where their activity can be improved by highlighting sustainability KPI's and allowing them to benchmark with other equivalent farmers. Also, MobITAlqueva shows to farmers what practices they can implement to improve their overall sustainability "performance". Also, this UC allows EDIA (the organization that is responsible for the irrigation water in Alqueva region) to play a role and to coordinate with farmers a more sustainable production. The UC is brought together by using Agro BI. This DAT allies data integration, and technical knowledge with Microsoft's platform, PowerBI. In this way, during the UC MobITAlqueva, the work that is being done is focused on farmers and data gathering. In short, this UC aims at a coordinated regional approach to sustainability with the support of the DAT AgroBI. To learn more about the Agro BI, check out the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e1f47079b113a708c7e1b6f&flag=…
A UC MobITAlqueva visa dar aos agricultores a informação necessária para produzir de uma forma mais sustentável. O aspecto da sustentabilidade neste UC engloba indicadores económicos, sociais, e ambientais. Esta UC permite aos agricultores aprenderem onde a sua actividade pode ser melhorada, destacando os KPI's de sustentabilidade e permitindo-lhes comparar com outros agricultores equivalentes. Além disso, o UC MobITAlqueva mostrará aos agricultores as práticas que podem implementar para melhorar o seu "desempenho" global de sustentabilidade. Por outro lado, esta UC também permite à EDIA (a organização responsável pela água de irrigação na região) desempenhar um papel e coordenar com os agricultores uma produção mais sustentável. Esta UC utiliza o DAT AgroBI como solução. Este DAT alia a integração de dados, e conhecimentos técnicos com a plataforma da Microsoft, PowerBI. Desta forma, na UC MobITAlqueva, o trabalho que está a ser feito está centrado nos agricultores e na recolha de dados. Em suma, esta UC visa uma abordagem regional coordenada da sustentabilidade com o apoio do DAT AgroBI.
The meeting restriction rules necessarily imposed in 2020 due to COVID-19, meant that many farmers were not able to have face-to-face interactions with their advisors and receive the advice and training needed to help them develop their businesses. To help overcome this challenge, I4Agri developed ‘IfA Live’, an online virtual events platform where advisors could remotely consult their clients, and run workshops with multiple farmers. This facilitated not only regular advisor-client interactions during lockdowns but also enabled peer-to-peer learning between farmers. No participant limitation due to travel time or meeting room size was an additional benefit of the remote nature of the tool. ‘IfA Live’ also allows the storage and distribution of training material, so farmers can read the material provided at a time more convenient to them and their business.Restricted meetings with advisors can have an impact on a farmer's decision-making ability when it comes to choosing a tool to measure carbon on the farm. This is why we are also integrating the I4Agri Carbon Decision Support Tool into our user case. This will allow advisors to enter their clients' data, and direct them to the best suited tool to their farm's needs, as well as to the services offered by each carbon tool.Therefore, we envision the outcomes of our user case for advisors are:1) more frequent interaction with clients2) increased opportunity for peer-to-peer learning between clients3) improved resource use by clients4) improved guidance in carbon tool selectionLearn more about the IfA Live: Online Events Platform on the FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=62c5b0e950164330517f9bfd&flag=…
The meeting restriction rules necessarily imposed in 2020 due to COVID-19, meant that many farmers were not able to have face-to-face interactions with their advisors and receive the advice and training needed to help them develop their businesses. To help overcome this challenge, I4Agri developed ‘IfA Live’, an online virtual events platform where advisors could remotely consult their clients, and run workshops with multiple farmers. This facilitated not only regular advisor-client interactions during lockdowns but also enabled peer-to-peer learning between farmers. No participant limitation due to travel time or meeting room size was an additional benefit of the remote nature of the tool. ‘IfA Live’ also allows for the storage and distribution of training material, so farmers can read the material provided at a time more convenient to them and their business.There are currently many tools available for measuring farm carbon, and restricted meetings with advisors may impact a farmer’s decision-making ability. We therefore are also incorporating I4Agri’s Carbon Decision Support Tool into our user case. This will allow advisors to input their clients’ data, and will direct them to the tool best suited for the needs of their farm, and the services offered by each carbon tool.Therefore, we envision the outcomes of our user case for advisors are:1) more frequent interaction with clients2) increased opportunity for peer-to-peer learning between clients3) improved resource use by clients4) improved guidance in carbon tool selection
Besides the traditional way of contact (phone, fax, email, site visits) which is still relevant, we use many different ways to get in touch with farmers. For example, social media, including messengers such as WhatsApp and an interactive homepage, are becoming increasingly popular. For the majority of advisors and farmers, face-to-face communication, including site visits, remains essential. Both, advisors and farmers, need one channel to communicate directly, quickly and safely. Neither the farmers nor the advisors should have more work, but should benefit from grouped and specific information requested and provided just in time. The quality and the quantity of information should not be lowered but overlap and doubling should be avoided. The vision could be a separate communication platform suitable on a (mobile) device that is already in daily use, like a smartphone.The DATS "Appack" can provide an mobile application focused on smartphones. Learn more about it on FAIRshare DATS inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=600600a207449914a3bf928d&flag=…
Momentan nutzen wir zu viele Möglichkeiten, mit den Landwirten in Kontakt zu treten. Die traditionelle Art der Kontaktaufnahme (Telefon, Fax, E-Mail, Besuche vor Ort) bleibt bestehen. Andererseits werden die sozialen Medien, einschließlich Messenger wie WhatsApp und eine interaktive Homepage, immer beliebter. Wichtig für die Mehrheit der Berater und Landwirte ist nach wie vor die persönliche Kommunikation einschließlich der Besuche vor Ort. Deshalb brauchen Berater und Landwirte einen Kanal, um direkt, schnell und sicher zu kommunizieren. Weder Landwirte noch Berater sollten mehr Arbeit haben, sondern den Vorteil einer gebündelten und spezifischen Information, die schnell angefordert und geliefert wird. Die Qualität und Quantität der Informationen sollten nicht geringer werden, aber Überschneidungen und Doppelungen sollten vermieden werden. Die Vision könnte eine eigene Kommunikationsplattform sein, die sich für ein (mobiles) Gerät eignet, das bereits tagtäglich genutzt wird, wie ein Smartphone. Das DATS "Appack" kann eine mobile Anwendung für Smartphones bereitstellen.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is the world's most widely used interactive open source learning platform. Through adaptation for the use within agricultural sector, this digital tool will facilitate the transfer of knowledge (advisor-farmer, advisor-advisor). All agricultural advisors will have access to user-friendly and simple digital tool that will allow them to view and add professional content (depending on the level of user rights), while also having the opportunity for their own creativity. Thanks to the possibility of text / video communication, forums and interactive questionnaires, advisors will gain a broader insight into the needs of farmers and their knowledge in a particular field and adapt / prepare professional content, trainings and most importantly, will be able to offer much more specific advice at any time. In order for the platform to serve the set goals most effectively, it is important that advisors are involved as much as possible in the testing phase of the digital tool.INTIA gives an example of Moodle paltform adoption for agriculture sector. Check the FAIRshare DATS Inventory for more details: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=625e80509f3a4d64d917d972&flag=…
Moodle oziroma sistem za spletno učenje je svetovno najbolj razširjeno interaktivno izobraževalno spletno okolje, ki bo preko prilagoditve uporabi za kmetijski sektor, oljašalo prenos znanja od svetovalcev do kmetov, kakor tudi med kmetijskimi svetovalci. Vsi kmetijski svetovalci bodo dobili dostop do uporabniku izredno prijaznega in enostavnega digitalnega orodja, ki jim bo omogočal pregledovanje in dodajanje strokovne vsebine (v odvisnosti od nivoja uporabniških pravic). Pri dodajanju in oblikovanju vsebine bodo svetovalci imeli tudi možnost lastne kreativnosti. Preko tekstovne/video komunikacije, forumov in interaktivnih vprašalnikov bodo svetovalci dobili širši vpogled v potrebe kmetov in njihovo znanje z določenega področja ter temu primerno prilagajali/pripravljali tudi strokovno vsebino, izobraževanja in kar je najpomembnejše, lahko bodo nudili veliko bolj specifično svetovanje. Da bo platforma najbolj učinkovito služila zastavljenim ciljem, je pomembno, da svetovalci v čim večji meri sodelujejo pri testiranju in prilagajanju digitalnega orodja.
Digital transformation has many dimensions, among them the use of advanced collaborative and educational methods. The advisory service follows this flow and strives to be more innovative, as well as more responsive and accessible to farmers at any time. This need was further accentuated during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using a common platform for knowledge transfer and easy communication between farmer and advisor (via text or video), agricultural advisors will provide farmers with faster and better-quality services, supported by professional content from all fields of agriculture gathered in one place. The so called E-learning is based on the Moodle platform and thus designed and adapted to the needs of the farmers. The professional content of the platform will be taken care of by advisors, specialists in individual fields of agriculture. Farmers will be able to access professional content and at the same time to communicate online with an advisor on specific content. Content recommendations for the e-learning platform for farmers and advisors:- E-learning platform has to contain video trainings, forums, workshops, agricultural seminars, an overview of all trainings- It could also have a section of events and important dates in agriculture, the possibility of obtaining certificates from trainings, etc.
Uporaba naprednih izobraževalnih metod je v samem vrhu digitalne transformacije. Kmetijska svetovalna služba želi slediti temu trendu in si vseskozi prizadeva biti inovativnejša, pa tudi bolj odzivna in dostopna kmetom v vsakem trenutku. Ta potreba je postala še bolj izrazita v času pandemije Covid-19. Z uporabo skupne platforme za prenos znanja in enostavno tekstovno ali video komunikacijo med kmetom in svetovalcem, bodo kmetijski svetovalci kmetom zagotavljali hitrejše in bolj kakovostne storitve, podprte s strokovno vsebino z vseh področij kmetijstva. Tako imenovana e-učilnica temelji na sistemu Moodle, prilagojenemu potrebam kmetov. Za strokovno vsebino platforme bodo skrbeli svetovalci, zlasti specialisti za posamezna področja kmetijstva. Kmetje bodo imeli možnost dostopa do strokovne vsebine in hkrati možnost komunikacije s svetovalcem v zvezi s konkretno vsebino. Poleg navedenga pa bodo pomemben del platforme še spletni seminarji, farminarji, forumi, delavnice, krožki, koledar dogodkov in pomebnih rokov, možnost pridobitve certifikata o izobraževanju ipd.
A good business plan is a tool for the farmer to find his way to the best possible economic result. Strategic planning begins with the assessment of which strategy is most suitable for an individual farmer. From there, it is much easier to make a comprehensive assessment of current and future business developments on the farm.For this purpose, advisors of 3 expert groups (in the field of agricultural economics, rural development and entrepreneurship & social entrepreneurship) conducted 3-day workshops for groups of 8-10 farmers, which resulted in a personal strategy and action plan for each participant.The workshops were implemented using a digital interactive strategic management tool (SMT) and a methodology that puts the farmer at the center, i.e. instead of an advisor, the farmer himself is responsible for the content of the strategic plan. During the workshop, farmers were able to intensively experience the entire strategic management process and simultaneously develop the skills necessary for the future of their business. Main results of the workshops:a) clear and realistic understanding of the current situation on the farm (strong and weak points, external influencing factors,...) and the farmer (knowledge, skills, personal characteristics,...);b) Formulation of the strategy that fits best to the specific farm and desires of the farmer;c) Improvement of farmers' general management capacity. To learn more about the Strategic Management Tool, check out the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5fb65afb3aa62c0b9acfaafe&flag=…
Dober poslovni načrt je orodje za kmeta, da najde pot do najboljšega možnega ekonomskega rezultata. Strateško načrtovanje se začne z oceno, katera strategija je za posameznega kmeta najbolj primerna. Od te točke naprej je veliko lažje narediti celovito oceno trenutnega in prihodnjega poslovnega razvoja na kmetiji. V ta namen bodo svetovalci treh strokovnih skupin, in sicer s področja kmetijske ekonomike, razvoja podeželja in podjetništva & socialnega podjetništva, izvedli tridnevne delavnice za skupine po 8-10 kmetov, ki bodo vodile do osebne strategije in strateškega načrta za vsakega udeleženca. Delavnice se bodo izvajale s pomočjo digitalnega orodja SMT (Interactive Strategic Management) in zelo dobro razvite metodologije, ki v središče postavlja kmeta, kar pomeni, da je namesto svetovalca za vsebino strateškega načrta odgovoren kmet sam. Na delavnici bodo kmetje lahko intenzivno izkusili celoten proces strateškega načrtovanja in hkrati razvili kompetence, potrebne za prihodnost njihovega poslovanja. Glavni rezultati delavnic:a) jasno in realno razumevanje trenutnega stanja na kmetiji (močne in šibke točke, zunanji vplivni dejavniki,...) in kmeta (znanja, veščine, osebnostne lastnosti,...);b) Oblikovanje strategije, ki najbolj ustreza specifični kmetiji in željam kmeta;c) Izboljšanje podjetniških veščin kmetov.
The European agricultural sector has witnessed many changes in recent decades. The ability to make and implement long-term decisions and the entrepreneurial skills of agricultural producers are becoming key factors of success, especially for small farms, which represent the majority of farms in Slovenia. However, farmers focus on day-to-day and operational management, rather than strategic decisions. Strategic Management Tool (SMT) is a digital tool that will help farmers make long-term decisions in the farm. Through an in-depth analysis of the farm, the interactive SMT helps him or her prepare a farm development strategy and its implementation. Using the SMT provides important benefits:a) Beginning farmers, who are just deciding on the direction of their production, will be able to make more correct decisions and create an economically successful operation more quickly;b) Farmers who have already specialized in production will be able to adequately upgrade, modify or improve it;c) Overall improvement of the economic situation on the farm.In the use of SMT tools and interpretation of results, farmers will be assisted by qualified agricultural advisors. SMT tool will help advisors to present farmers the real picture of each farm, different opportunities for their future development and to give farmers clear, understandable and argumemntative information for their own decisions.To learn more, check out the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5fb65afb3aa62c0b9acfaafe&flag=…
Evropski kmetijski sektor je bil v zadnjih desetletjih priča številnim spremembam. Sposobnost sprejemanja in izvajanja dolgoročnih odločitev ter podjetniške sposobnosti kmetijskih pridelovalcev postajajo ključni dejavniki uspeha. To še zlasti velja za majhne kmetije, ki predstavljajo večino kmetij v Sloveniji. Kmetje se vse prevečl osredotočajo na vsakodnevno operativne in veliko manj na strateške odločitve. SMT (Strategic Management Tool) je digitalno orodje, ki bo kmetom pomagalo pri dolgoročnih odločitvah na kmetiji. SMT s poglobljeno analizo kmetije opozori kmeta na možnosti in mu pomaga pri pripravi strategije razvoja kmetije – kmet z orodjem ugotovi, katera strategija kmetovanja je zanj najbolj primerna in kako jo lahko uresniči. Uporaba SMT bo prinesla nekatere pomembne koristi: a) Mladi kmetje, ki se šele odločajo o smeri proizvodnje, se bodo lahko pravilneje odločali in tako hitreje vzpostavili ekonomsko uspešno kmetijo (osnova je dober načrt);b) kmetje, ki so se že specializirali za proizvodnjo, jo bodo lahko ustrezno nadgradili, spremenili ali izboljšali; c) Splošno izboljšanje ekonomskega položaja na kmetiji.Pri uporabi orodij SMT in interpretaciji rezultatov bodo kmetom pomagali usposobljeni kmetijski svetovalci. S pomočjo SMT orodja bodo svetovalci lahko pomagali kmetu pri razumevanju realnega stanja kmetije in razvojnih priložnosti, ki jih ponuja, ter na podlagi rezultatov, ki jih poda SMT, ponudili kmetu pomembne informacije in usmeritve.
The daily modernization of agriculture and the European agricultural policy encourage the constant search for new opportunities through scientific and technical innovation. Mobile applications of digital tools are becoming more and more popular. Their main objective is to facilitate and improve access to and use of information. Real-time information is available instantly. In 2011, the Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture launched e-GEBA, a computer-based farm management programme designed for service advisors and farmers who want to manage all farm data and processes in one place (system). The programme consists of four interlinked modules where farm data can be collected, farm activities planned, stocks managed, reports prepared, etc.For this programme, a mobile application „eGEBA“ is being developed for one of the four modules (specifically "Plant Production"). The application will allow closer cooperation between advisors and farmers at a distance, so that farmers will not have to go to the advisory office to get the information they need. Farmers will be able to send data in different formats to the advisor and receive real-time feedback on the services provided.To learn more about this tool, check out the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e3dbc7a4d7ecc6d4c67b5d3&flag=…
Kasdien modernėjantis šalies žemės ūkis bei Europos žemės ūkio politika skatina nuolat ieškoti naujų galimybių pasinaudojant mokslo ir technikos inovacijomis. Tie, kas siekia moderniai ūkininkauti, vis dažniau renkasi skaitmeninių įrankių mobilias programėles. Jos sparčiai populiarėja. Pagrindinė jų paskirtis – palengvinti ir pagerinti informacijos prieinamumą ir panaudojimą. Realaus laiko informaciją galima gauti čia ir dabar.Lietuvos žemės ūkio akademija 2011 metais pradėjo kurti kompiuterinę ūkio valdymo programą e-GEBĄ, kuri skirta konsultantams ir ūkininkams, kurie nori vienoje vietoje (sistemoje) valdyti visus ūkio duomenis bei procesus. Programa sudaryta iš keturių, tarpusavyje susietų modulių, kuriuose galima kaupti ūkio duomenis, planuoti ūkio veiklą, valdyti turimas atsargas, rengti ataskaitas ir.t.t.Šiai programai kuriama mobili programėlė „eGEBA“ skirta vienam iš keturių modulių (konkrečiai „Augalininkystė“). Programėlė suteiks galimybę glaudžiau bendradarbiauti konsultantams ir ūkininkams nuotoliniu būdu – dėl reikiamos informacijos ūkininkams nereiks vykti į ofisą pas konsultantą. Žemdirbiai turės galimybę siųsti įvairių formatų duomenis konsultantui ir realiu laiku gauti atsakymą apie atliktas paslaugas.
A digital tool could store and enable the sharing of knowledge. Advisors create a great amount of information, knowledge and recommendations. Therefore, they need a space to share it with advisors with similar issues or concerns, to consult remotely and compare experiences.Benefits of using DATs:- Such a tool would improve advisors' decision making process- It would create a culture of peer-to-peer learning among advisors- Increase advisors' ability to exchange knowledge and prescriptions with farmers, allowing them to access to determined information and reaching more farmers.Recommendations:- The tool should make it easy to download and save information and recommendations.- Such a tool should include a possibility to share information with others advisors. To find such a tool, you can consult the FAIRshare DATS inventory and sort DATS by language, agricultural sector and required services: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/
Un herramienta digital para guardar y compartir todo el valioso conocimiento creado por los asesores. Los asesores crean una gran cantidad de información, conocimiento y recomendaciones, por lo que el resultado principal será una herramienta que proporcione una manera fácil para que los asesores guarden y registren todas las prescripciones o los resultados de algunos problemas detectados, para que otros asesores con problemas e inquietudes similares, pueden consultar de forma remota estas experiencias previas. Esta herramienta tendrá un impacto significativo en los servicios de asesoramiento, ya que los asesores podrán compartir información para colaborar de manera efectiva con otros asesores, por lo que mejorarán en su toma de decisiones. Además, esta herramienta creará una cultura de empresa, construyendo un aprendizaje de igual a igual entre los asesores. Aparte de eso, esta herramienta, aumentará la capacidad de los asesores para intercambiar conocimientos y consejos con los agricultores, permitiéndoles acceder a determinada información y llegar a más agricultores.
COUPROD is an IT application dedicated to the on farm cost of production calculation. It can be used offline or online and it aims to help in strategic decisions by using benchmarking and farm comparison. Couprod is adapted to dairy and beef production, sheep and goat activities.COUPROD enables to produce a dashboard with its datas. The objective is to resume economics and technical data in operational dashboards including results and references. Those data can be used at 2 levels:- by farmers themselves to pilot their farm- by agricultural organizations to pilot the market with indication of the costs of production.Each organization can decide about its participation in the dashboard project and if they don’t want, their data won’t be used.To learn more, check out the FAIRshare DATs inventory: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details?id=5e394c4f50aeb3490a24f3df&flag=…
COUPROD est une application informatique dédiée au calcul des coûts de production à la ferme. Elle peut être utilisée hors ligne ou en ligne et a pour but d'aider aux décisions stratégiques en utilisant le benchmarking et la comparaison des exploitations. COUPROD est adapté aux productions laitières et bovines, aux activités ovines et caprines.COUPROD permet de produire un tableau de bord avec ses données. L'objectif est de synthétiser les données économiques et techniques dans des tableaux de bord opérationnels incluant des résultats et des références. Ces données peuvent être utilisées à 2 niveaux : par les agriculteurs eux-mêmes pour piloter leur exploitation, par les organisations agricoles pour piloter le marché avec indication des coûts de production.Chaque organisation peut décider de sa participation au projet de tableau de bord et si elle ne le souhaite pas, ses données ne seront pas utilisées.
A platform used by farmers to catalogue data captured by farmers in their fields can also be leveraged to create and organize field maps over the seasons. These maps could then be shared directly via the platform in order to be used by agronomists and other farmers.
This type of tool can be used to detect pest pressure, to set field boundaries or to define soil sampling points. Users of such a platform, mainly farmers and agronomists, can share information to collaborate effectively on certain issues, which can help them make decisions. They can also share recommendations and reports.
A good practice is to offer a first version of the application for free so that the user can try it and know if it would be interesting to subscribe monthly.
Special attention should be paid to data protection when sharing. A good example of such a tool is Sirrus. Learn more about it on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/60bde1322e2a4b141eb3b39d
The creation of an application to monitor the vaccination of livestock can be an interesting tool to allow the veterinarian to follow the vaccination schedule of the animals he or she treats.
Thanks to a notification system, notifications are sent to both the farmer and his or her referring veterinarian. Such an application ensures a better management of the appointment booking and a better respect of the vaccination protocol. Such an application is especially useful for farmers raising different types of animals with different vaccination schedules.
In short, such an application facilitates the life of the farmer, limits their stress, and is a good way to manage animal welfare and keep animals safe by preventing the occurrence of epidemics.
In order to reduce the environmental impact of cattle breeding activities and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, an application is needed to measure the environmental performance of a farm seems to be an interesting tool to allow farmers to build a relevant action plan to reduce their carbon footprint.
This online tool, usable by farmers and their advisors, can be divided into 2 options:
- the first option allows to measure the carbon footprint of a farm. This option offers a simple analysis to determine the main levers on which to act in order to reduce GHG emissions.
- The second option offers a much more elaborate analysis and allows to measure GHG emissions in detail and to simulate the effect of actions to be taken to reduce them.
The general objective of the tool is to allow farmers to carry out their carbon footprint, by measuring energy consumption, GHG emissions and the nitrogen footprint with potential losses to air and water. The carbon footprint allows to evaluate the quantity of GHG emitted and stored over one year per production unit (milk or meat). The most emitting items are identified in order to target the actions to be implemented to reduce their impact. A good example of such a tool is CAP'2ER. Learn more about it on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5fe3127a07449914a3bf9266
Some farmers wish to diversify their production by setting up a sheep production in their farm. It can be useful for them to have an application that can help them to make the right decisions before starting this new production. To do so, the farmer has to make an inventory of different parameters such as the available space on his farm (grassland, buildings), the availability of labour to work on this new activity in order to know his or her possibilities when it comes to including sheep production on the farm.
A decision support tool available online and allowing to have a first technical and economic calculation of the consequences of the creation of a sheep unit according to different scenarios presents a significant advantage for the farmer. Indeed, after having entered the technical and economic data provided by the application, the farmer can benefit from a personalized help to accompany him in his decision making and in the start of his new activity.
Such a tool can also be useful for young farmers who want to know which combinations of farming activities are the most efficient when setting up their farm project. A good example of such a tool is Oviplan. Learn more about it on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5fa568b83aa62c0b9acfaad1
A tool to evaluate the profitability of an equestrian center can be useful to the managers of these establishments. Such a tool should allow them to know quickly and with few indicators if the riding center is in good economic health, if it is profitable or not, in order to estimate, for example, the capacity to invest in new equipment.
Such a tool should aggregate several criteria (number of horses on the riding school, number of hours worked per week per horse, number of employees working on the school, etc.) and compare them to the turnover of the riding school in order to get a first quick evaluation of the economic situation of the school. This tool will show which criteria need to be improved to achieve better profitability. It can help to increase productivity, optimize the use of resources, increase the farm's income and optimize the use of inputs.
This tool does not replace the work of a consultant, but can give an initial idea of the economic situation of the equestrian center. Such a tool is EQUIPILOTE. Learn more about it on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5fa129cb3aa62c0b9acfaac0
A web tool or an application helping farmers to evaluate their sprayer and pesticide usage can allow for the sharing of good agricultural practices when using this tool. It can allow for the generalization of virtuous practices and can contribute to the reduction in the use of pesticides and to preserve the quality of water by allowing more effective treatments.
The online tool should make it possible to evaluate one's equipment, to explore avenues of improvement for the sprayer itself and for agricultural practices; and it can also advise the farmer in the purchase of a new sprayer if his or hers is obsolete. Such an application will be considered more reliable if it is created by specialists, and thus give confidence to buyers/users.
This type of tool is essential for the preservation of water quality and biodiversity, as well as for the respect of legal obligations by farmers. Anticipating the legal evolutions of the norms in terms of treatment by choosing the right sprayer can contribute to the reduction of costs for the farmers.
Another interesting point is to present the web/application tool in several languages so that farmers can fully understand the characteristics of each sprayer. A good example of such a tool is STEP-water. Learn more about it on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5e2ee7e950aeb3490a24f37f
In order to contribute to the development of innovative agriculture while protecting farmers' data, the development of tools allowing automatic sharing of agricultural data in the form of Application Programming Interfaces makes it possible to both save data and enhance it with other players in the agricultural value chain. To be effective, this tool must have an interface that can be easily used by farmers.
To ensure that the farmer remains in control of the data from his or her farm, a consent management system must be established: the farmer's data must not be shared without his informed consent.
Another important point of vigilance lies in the secrecy of shared data. It is important to know who can access it and how, and to ensure good data confidentiality. The perfect application would be very secure for farmers and advisors and would be free of charges.
The size of poultry farms are growing all the time. Most processes on these farms such as feed, water and climate control are fully automated. Automation is possible due to accurate monitoring based on sensor readings. The abundance of data however makes the interpretation and decision making in poultry production challenging.The challenges is to be able to give poultry farmers and advisors a quick overview of the status of their flock using this data and visualise the data in such a way that data interpretation and farm decision making is done easily. Such a system would free farmers from manual record keeping. Free the advisors from large time investments in preparing farm visits by automating farm record keeping and farm data analysis, so they can invest more time in bonding with their clients. Farm data contain a lot of information for the farmer and an advisor. The challenge however lies in the correct interpretation of these data. Therefore, Digital Advisory Tools and Services (DATS) are needed to transform these data into valuable information for the farmer and the advisor to optimize the poultry production process. The potential impact includes:
• Decision making based on continuous record keeping instead of snapshot farm visit
• Translate data into key production indices
• 24/7 automated monitoring of the poultry flock ease of mind for farmer.
• Early warning on health and welfare issues
Het aantal stuks pluimvee in moderne pluimveestallen neemt toe. Vele processen in de stal worden reeds volautomatisch uitgevoerd, wat enkel mogelijk is door een accurate opvolging van het proces door betrouwbare sensormeettechnieken. De overvloed aan gegevens die deze sensoren opleveren maken de interpretatie en het beslissingproces in het bedrijfsmanagement zeer uitdagend.
De uitdaging bestaat er in om pluimveehouders en -adviseurs een snel overzicht te geven van de status van het koppel hennen in de stal. Een juiste visualisatie van de gegevens maakt de interpretatie en het nemen van juiste beslissingen in het management veel gemakkelijker
De pluimveehouder wordt vrijgesteld van het handmatig verzamelen van gegevens. Bedrijfsadviseurs zullen minder tijd moeten investeren in het voorbereiden van hun bedrijfsbezoeken door de automatisering van de gegevensverzameling en de analyse van deze gegevens. Hierdoor kunnen de adviseurs meer tijd investeren in het opbouwen van een band met zijn klanten. Bedrijfsgegevens bevatten een hoop informatie voor de pluimveehouder en de bedrijfsadviseur. De uitdaging ligt echter in de juiste interpretatie van de gegevens. Digitale Advies Organen zijn daarom nodig om deze gegevens te vertalen naar waardevolle informatie voor de pluimveehouder en de adviseurs, om zo het hele productieproces te optimaliseren.
Potentiële impact
- beslissingen worden gebaseerd op real-time gegevens van de ronde in plaats van een eenmalig blitzbezoek in de stal.
- vertaling van de gegevens naar standaard kengetallen
- 24/7 automatische opvolging van het koppel kippen geeft een zekere gemoedsrust voor de pluimveehouder
- snellere waarschuwing bij gezondheids- en welzijnsproblemen
Sensors have many possible applications in dairy farming. A wide variety of technologies exist today, hence the importance of creating a knowledge platform that gathers information on the use of these technologies. This platform should provide an overview of all sensors currently available on the market, divided into categories according to their functions. Such a platform is useful for agricultural advisors to find the most suitable tools for farmers' needs, but can also be used directly by dairy farmers to choose the sensors with the right characteristics for their needs.
The platform must be neutral, present all types of equipment, and be regularly updated to maintain its effectiveness. The platform is also more effective and relevant when farmers can amend it, to highlight the absence of a sensor or to provide their user feedback. Another important element for a good use of the platform is its availability in several languages.
Thanks to this tool, the farmer and the advisor will be able to choose more efficiently the sensor allowing to increase productivity, to improve yield quality, to optimize the use of resources, to increase profit and/or to minimize the cost of inputs. A good example of such tool is CowSenser. Learn more on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5e54fae14d7ecc6d4c67b607
A tool that centralizes a lot of information about producers, such as their names, their certificate numbers, the crops and species they grow and/or raise, can be called a primary producer data registry. The purpose of such a register is to help advisors to have a summary of the information available on the farmer he/she is advising.
This type of register facilitates the work of the agricultural advisor, but can also meet the expectations of consumers by providing information on the products origin, production methods, traceability, etc. However, it is important to keep in mind that the personal information of producers must not be made public and that the register must comply with European legislation in terms of GDPR.
The positive points of these tools are the centralization and the facilitation of the access to information, for the consultant as well as for the producer who sees his documents and information centralized in a single platform or tool.
The ration on a dairy farm is key for the whole farm output. In order to have a good calculation, evaluation and decision tool, Inagro started finetuning its Excel-based dairy ration program. On the one hand the program is being developed into a more extended calculation and evaluation tool. On the other hand, the integration of different existing data sources and coupling with the calculated ration and farm performances is on the agenda. The output of rationing and animal and farm performance will be put into a clear and simple dashboard. The tool is meant for dairy advisors to calculate the ration for lactating dairy cows, dry cows and heifers. The tool also allow farmers to check their farm performances. Later on, they forsee benchmarking of performances for the participating dairy farms. The value of this innovative tool for a dairy farmer: (1) gets an insight in how to feed best the different groups of animals on his or her farm, (2) evaluation of the feeding based on the data of the animals, (3) provides an insight into the costs and revenues of their feeding strategy, (4) allows them to visualise the evolution of this data when input is modified or output has changed. The tool shows in a clear way the performance of the farm and its evolution over time. It enables results to be compared with colleagues and indicates how to adapt the farm management to increase the performance and profitability.
Het rantsoen op een melkveebedrijf is sleutel voor de output van het bedrijf. Om over een correcte reken-, evaluatie-, en beslissingstool te beschikken startte Inagro met het finetunen van hun Excel-gebaseerd rantsoenberekeningsprogramma. Enerzijds zal het programma ontwikkeld worden tot een meer uitgebreide reken- en evaluatool. Anderzijds staat de integratie van verschillende bestaande data bronnen en de koppeling met berekende rantsoenen en bedrijfsprestaties op de agenda. De output van rantsoenberekening en dieren- en bedrijfsprestaties zullen in een duidelijke en eenvoudig dashboard geplaatst worden. De tool is bedoeld voor melkveeadviseurs om het rantsoen van melkgevende en droogstaande koeien, alsook vaarzen te berekenen. De tool laat ook toe om bedrijfsprestaties te bekijken. Later zal benchmarking voorzien worden voor de deelnemende bedrijven. De waarde van deze innovatieve tool voor de melkveehouder zit hem in de volgende zaken: (1) inzicht in hoe je best de verschillende diergroepen kan voederen op je bedrijf, (2) een evaluatie van de voeding gebaseerd op data van je dieren, (3) inzicht verkrijgen in kosten en opbrengsten in evaluatie van je voederstrategie, (4) visualisatie van de evolutie van deze data wanneer input of output wijzigt. De tool toont in een overzichtelijke manier de bedrijfsprestaties en de evolutie over de tijd heen. Hij laat toe om resultaten te vergelijken met collega's en geeft aan hoe bedrijfsbeheer aangepast kan worden om de prestaties en winstgevenheid van je bedrijf te verhogen.
Inside greenhouses, the water needs of vegetables are not the same as outside. A good option for saving water is to have a tool that can estimate the water needs of crops using water status sensors. Such a tool is very useful in helping farmers make good decisions about how much water to provide to their crops through irrigation. Soil sensors are already used by farmers, but they do not always take into account soil heterogeneity. The ideal tool should combine these sensors with soil models to ensure that a logical amount of water is applied through irrigation. Then, the amount of water needed is easily calculated.Such a tool is environmentally friendly because it saves water, especially in arid areas. In addition, it is economically advantageous because farmers have lower water costs. It is also transferable because the parameters can be changed on an application to suit the appropriate climate. Such a tool is STEP-water. Learn more about it on https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5e2ee7e950aeb3490a24f37f
Having digital tools that can be used offline is a real advantage for farmers, who don't always have the connectivity needed to run their decision support tools throughout their operation. The issue of internet access is particularly relevant in the field, which is also where farmers need their tools the most. Decision support tools help choose a strategy to increase productivity and/or optimize resource use. As an example, such DATS exists for grassland management. This type of digital resource is very useful for profitability because good management and use of grass is an important factor for the profitability of farms. It is therefore necessary that the farmer has the ability to monitor his or her grass quantity offline, so that he or she is not disadvantaged by the lack of connectivity in the field. The data collected offline is synchronized later when the farmer regains connectivity. This mode of operation is a significant advantage for farmers and should be taken into consideration when designing new digital tools for agriculture. An example of such a tool is Pasturebase, see the FAIRshare project Inventory for more details: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5ea307f2a9b0da2ce0184638
Automatic acquisition of various data is an important innovation for dairy producers. In order to build an efficient strategy based on the analysis of this data, several operators offer to collect and process a large quantity of information coming from different farms. A good digital solution providing advice for dairy producers to improve their farm's performance should enable the automatic acquisition of data on several criterias (financial aspect, animal care, carbon footprinting and biodiversity indicators, for example). After collecting the data, the tool should provide a well-organized vision of the dataset and make it accessible for the farmers thanks to a dashboard and visual representations.
Benchmarks and insights should be provided at farm, group and regional level. The value of such an innovation for a dairy farmer and an advisor lies in (i) getting to know if the expenses for feed or manure are too high ; (ii) being able to think about solutions based on the farm's data ; (iii) visualizing the evolution of these data when variables are modified. Thus, the tool should allow to see the evolution in the short and long term and to adapt the farmer's strategy to increase the performance and profitability of dairies. Conditions under whitch farmers' data will be used should be stricly defined and farmers' consent should be asked before using their data.
A good example of such management tool is Opticow. Learn more here : https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5e31a06050aeb3490a24f393
To meet the needs of the various actors in the agricultural world, it is interesting for developers, integrators, advisers and end users to be offered and to use a catalogue of knowledge, innovations and technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Such catalogue should have several functions such as:
- A user case explorer
- An inventory of existing products
- A directory of value propositions
- A directory of ICT common issues
- A catalog of solutions addressing those issues
Such a catalogue should allow users to select and choose the IoT solution that fits best to their needs. It is also part of an operational process to digititalize the European agricultural sector.
Actors in the agricultural world, thanks to this type of platform, will see their work modernized and their access to information simplified.
More specifically, they can use the catalogue to (i) explore the list of existing products, their characteristics, where to buy them, at what price, etc.; (ii) to study the solutions that might help solving the problems of information and communication technologies; (iii) as a basis for learning and documentation.
A good example of such platform is IoT platform. Learn more here: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tool-details/5e32eed050aeb3490a24f3a6
To ensure that farmers can get more visibility, even in times of health crisis or other phenomenon, the concept of online agricultural events has been developed. The main recommandation is to get farmers' interested for online events that are not usually part of their daily lives. There is a need for these events to be free and open to a broad public.
Agricultural events are important for farmers because they allow them to have interactions with other farmers and professionals, but it is also an opportunity for them to discover and interact with innovative companies, to ask them for advice and to eventually invest in innovative equipment.
Even if there are no physical meetings, since the event is online, interactions can be created between farmers and agricultural businesses via the chosen platform and it should have a dedicated space for this.
The fact that this type of platform is free for farmers allows more farmers to participate and to connect with businesses. The platform should also allow farmers to access the event whenever they want (more flexible than physical events).
If the access to the online event is charged for farmers, a solution must be found to keep farmers willing to participate and to ensure the viability of this type of online events organized on platforms where payment in mandatory.
The goal here is to create multi-actor groups that will be composed of farmers, advisors and digital industry, all between several European countries. Thus Europe has been divided into 4 Regions:
- West Europe: France, Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal
- North East Europe: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Norway and Moldova
- South East Europe: Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania
- Central Europe: Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria
Each Region will organise a "focus group" and a "workshop" bringing together a farmer, an advisor and a digital industry from each country in the region.
This is not an easy exercise because it is necessary that everyone speaks a common language (very often English), is available to go instead of the "focus group" or the "workshop" and is obviously familiar with digital tools.
The goal will be to get all these people exchange on the theme of the use of digital in their activity, how it is used, what problems are encountered, the benefits identified, etc.
Thanks to these multi-stakeholder groups we will have a more concrete vision of the levers and barriers to the adoption of digital tools by advisors and farmers.
Le but ici est de créer des groupes multi-acteurs qui seront composé d'agriculteurs, de conseillers et de société du numérique, le tout entre plusieurs pays européens. Ainsi l'Europe a été découpée en 4 Régions :
- Europe de l'Ouest : France, Irlande, Royaume-Unis, Espagne et Portugal
- Europe du Nord-Est : Lithuanie, Lettonie, Estonie, Finlande, Danemark, Pologne, Norvège et Moldavie
- Europe du Sud-Est : Grèce, Croatie, Serbie, Slovénie, Bulgarie, Hongrie, Kosovo, Macédoine, Montenegro et Roumanie
- Europe centrale : Allemagne, Italie, Suisse, Belgique, Pays-Bas, République Tchèque, Slovaquie, Autriche
Chaque Régions organisera un "focus group" et un "workshop" en réunissant un agriculteurs, un conseiller et une société du numérique de chaque pays de la région.
Il ne s'agit pas d'un exercise facile car il faut que chacun parle une langue commune (très souvent l'anglais), soit disponible pour se rendre au lieu du "focus group" ou du "workshop" et soit évidemment familiarisé avec les outils numériques.
Le but sera de faire échanger toutes ces personnes sur le sujet de l'utilisation du numérique dans leur activité, comment l'utilisent-t-ils, quels sont les problèmes rencontrés, les avantages identifiés, etc.
Grâce à ces groupes multi-acteurs nous aurons une vision plus concrète des leviers et des freins à l'adoption des outils numérique par les conseillers et les agriculteurs.
Responsible Research and Innovation is a framework which supports the development of technologies in a way that harnesses the benefits whilst managing the risks – it aims to ensure the trajectory of innovation is responsive to the concerns, needs and expectations of society. FAIRshare is committed to the principles of RRI. A series of ‘RRI workshops’ within WP7 focus on cross-cutting ‘hot topics’ which consider the social changes technology can bring. At the 2019 annual Consortium Meeting in November, the FAIRshare consortium discussed the issue of data and ethics specifically in the area of Digital Advisory Tools and Services, and reflected on the issues which may arise in this context and what actions the FAIRshare project and other actors can take to mitigate against unexpected consequences. The main risks consortium partners associated with data generation through the use of DATS included: manipulation of data (misuse of data); integrity of data (trustworthiness of data); power shifts; and rights of the farmer. Suggested responses require actions from a wide range of actors but of particular relevance for the FAIRshare project, a number of actions were identified which involve the advisor. The advisor is viewed as having a gatekeeper role and can help to (1) raise awareness and inform farming communities about this issue; (2) provide practical support, education and training to farmers in this area; and (3) ensure that the actions and behaviours they themselves undertake with respect to DATS are responsible. It was identified that for advisors to assume such roles, training and awareness in the area of data and ethics in digital agriculture is first and foremost required for advisory services.
The ultimate goal of WP1 is to create a Permanent Networking Facility (PNF), basically a digital platform, used by a broad network of advisors and relevant stakeholders in all agricultural fields. The Inventory of Digital Advisory Tools and Services (DATS), is also integrated and hosted inside this platform, which can be accessed by the official website of FAIRshare project. In the PNF, registered users but also guests, are able to view the list of DATS. The list of DATS is retrieved from the database and is automatically updated, every time a registered user uploads a new DATS. The list is presented in a friendly card-based mode, where the user can easily and quickly view some basic information about each DATS, before he clicks on a specific DATS to view all details about it (stored in the database) as well as images, documents and potentially contact the providers. The user has the ability to search in the database, by entering search terms, or can see a specific subset of DATS by using some provided filters.
The user can also create a personal account in the PNF, by completing a registration process. For a newly registered user, an explanatory introductory text is provided to facilitate him/her with the registration. Only a registered user is able to register a new DATS. The user will have to fill in a form which was developed according to an initial questionnaire, and all the DATS related information are stored in the Inventory’s database. The user can view the DATS he has already uploaded, as well as edit specific fields of the DATS, or delete the whole DATS from the database of the Inventory. The population of DATS Inventory has started with the first beta version of the PNF and will be continuous throughout the project.
Following a participatory methodology and a user requirement analysis, a database system was designed to support the DATS Inventory with all the current and future functionalities. The database behind the DATS Inventory was designed and developed to meet the needs of its primary end users: advisors and farmers. There are two main collections of information in the Inventory: a) the ‘USERS’ collection and 2) the ‘DATS’ collection. The USERS collection stores all information required for each user who enters the platform, namely his/her name, occupation, organization/self-employment as well as his/her authentication credentials.
The ‘DATS’ collection has a detailed and well-structured set of attributes which refer and best describe a DATS. As an example of the information stored in the database, some important attributes of a DATS are: 1) name, 2) short title, 3) website, 4) full description in English and optionally a 2nd language, 5) languages supported, 6) countries supported, 7) information about the providers (name, organization, emails, websites), 8) target groups, 9) agricultural sectors, 10) category (communication/dissemination, e-services, organization), 11) information about the connectivity, level of training or complexity, sources of input, 12) its cost, 13) benefits form its use, 14) challenges it addresses, 15) keywords. Furthermore, images, documents, hyperlinks associated with each DATS are stored. The ultimate goal is to show the user the basic information about each DATS, help him/her understand its functionality and use and facilitate him/her to communicate with the providers.
Μετά την ανάλυση των απαιτήσεων των χρηστών, ένα σύστημα βάσης δεδομένων σχεδιάστηκε για να υποστηρίζει μια λίστα Ψηφιακών Εργαλείων και Υπηρεσιών (DATS - Digital Advisory Tools and Services). Η βάση δεδομένων πίσω από την λίστα των Ψηφιακών Εργαλείων, σχεδιάστηκε και αναπτύχθηκε για να καλύψει τις ανάγκες των τελικών χρηστών του: συμβούλους γεωπόνους. Υπάρχουν δύο κύριες συλλογές πληροφοριών στην βάση: α) η συλλογή «ΧΡΗΣΤΕΣ» και 2) η συλλογή «ΨΗΦΙΑΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ». Η συλλογή ΧΡΗΣΤΕΣ αποθηκεύει όλες τις πληροφορίες που απαιτούνται για κάθε χρήστη, δηλαδή το όνομα, το επάγγελμά του, τον οργανισμό απασχόλησης/αυτοαπασχόληση καθώς και τα διαπιστευτήριά του/της για την είσοδο στην πλατφόρμα.
Η συλλογή ΨΗΦΙΑΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ έχει ένα καλά δομημένο σύνολο χαρακτηριστικών που περιγράφουν με βέλτιστο τρόπο κάθε ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΟ. Ως παράδειγμα των αποθηκευμένων πληροφοριών, ορισμένα σημαντικά χαρακτηριστικά ενός ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΥ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΟΥ, είναι: 1) όνομα, 2) τίτλος, 3) δικτυακός τόπος, 4) πλήρης περιγραφή στα αγγλικά και προαιρετικά σε 2η γλώσσα, 5) γλώσσες και χώρες που υποστηρίζει, 6) πληροφορίες για τους παρόχους, 7) ομάδες χρηστών, 8) γεωργικοί τομείς 9) κατηγορία (επικοινωνία / διάδοση, ηλεκτρονικές υπηρεσίες, οργάνωση) 10) συνδεσιμότητα, πολυπλοκότητα, ανάγκη για εκπαίδευση, 11) οφέλη από τη χρήση του, 12) προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζει, 13) λέξεις-κλειδιά. Επιπλέον, αποθηκεύονται εικόνες, έγγραφα, υπερσύνδεσμοι που σχετίζονται με κάθε DATS. Ο απώτερος στόχος είναι να δείξει στον χρήστη τις βασικές πληροφορίες για κάθε DATS, να τον βοηθήσει να καταλάβει τη χρήση του και να τον διευκολύνει να επικοινωνήσει με τους παρόχους.
A digital platform to be used by the farming community, and specifically advisors, is developed in FAIRshare’s WP1 with the standpoint to create an Inventory for the acquisition, exchange and dissemination of Digital Advisory Tools and Services. A systematic review was performed focusing on the needs of advisory services serving the farmers and how to persuade them become users of the platform. During the first six months of the project, WP1 partners have been discussing the following issues: a) the scope and variety of DATS b) the definition of providers of the DATS and potential users of the platform c) the definition of the users’ needs and benefits from the platform d) the amount and type of information required and how to acquire it and e) the communication and dissemination strategies for engaging as many users as possible from the beginning.
Digital Advisory Tools and Services (DATS) are technologies which include computer and mobile phone applications and services. The primary goal of the FAIRshare’s platform is to host an Inventory of DATS, and for this purpose, a data acquisition process was followed. In order to facilitate the process, a detailed but concise questionnaire was created, with the aim to provide all substantial information and resources which best describe a DATS. Real examples of existing DATS were used, in order to validate how they would fit the needs of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was transformed in an online form, designed to be user-friendly and structured thematically for better navigation. After the design process, mock up screens were designed, regarding the online form and the basic DATS details page, in order to help the end users visualize the expected platform pages, and receive feedback from them.
Whilst farmer engagement with digital tools has been widely researched the same cannot be said about research concerning advisors engagement with DATS. Nevertheless, there has been increased focus in the advisory field recently and this trend is expected to continue, and hopefully intensify, over the lifetime of the FAIRshare project. This scope of the relevant studies on the DATS implication in advising activities lights on the main factors influencing their impacts:
- The performance expectancy of a decision support tool : it has to improve decision-making and productivity.
- The ease of use. It should be simple, practical and rapid to show its effect.
- Peer recommendations. Reinforcing the social representation.
- The trust in tools and embedded knowledges
- The tool cost. Free apps are often preferred, but any digital tool is supported by an economic model built with investment and maintenance costs.
- Usual habits. Co-design and co-creation with involvement of peers cooperation and collaboration, farmer/advisor mutual influence and trust are crucial.
- Relevance to user needs. DATS should be sufficiently flexible to serve the needs of an individual user.
- Farmer-adviser compatibility. The DATS adoption will be strengthen by their adaptation to the interface farmer/advisors relationship.
- Ability to pass over the digital divide; i.e. the knowledge gap (skills and competences) and the technological divide
- Innovation Uncertainty to match by fostering knowledge development and exchange and greater public and private R&D collaboration
- The advisor skills and behaviour. DATS need to be adapted to the innovation facilitator uses
Bien que l'engagement des agriculteurs avec les outils numériques ait fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches, on ne peut pas en dire autant de la recherche concernant l'engagement des conseillers avec les Outils et Services Numériques de Conseil (DATS en anglais). Des études sur le rôle des DATS dans les activités de conseil soulignent les principaux facteurs influençant leur adoption par les utilisateurs:
- La performance de l'outil d'aide à la décision : il doit améliorer la prise de décision et la productivité.
- La facilité d'utilisation. Il doit être simple, pratique et rapide pour montrer son effet.
- Recommandations des pairs. Renforcer la représentation sociale.
- La confiance dans les outils et les connaissances embarquées
- Le coût de l'outil. Les applications gratuites sont souvent préférées, mais tout outil numérique est soutenu par un modèle économique construit avec des coûts d'investissement et de maintenance.
- Intégration dans les pratiques habituelles. La co-conception et la co-création avec la participation de la coopération et de la collaboration des pairs, l'influence mutuelle des agriculteurs / conseillers sont cruciales.
- Pertinence par rapport aux besoins des utilisateurs.
- Compatibilité agriculteur-conseiller. L'adoption du DATS sera renforcée par son adaptation à la relation entre agriculteurs et conseillers.
- Capacité à dépasser la fracture numérique; c'est-à-dire le manque de connaissances (aptitudes et compétences) et la fracture technologique
- Capacité à favoriser le développement et l'échange de connaissances et une plus grande collaboration publique et privée en R&D
- Adaptation du DATS aux compétences et au comportement du conseiller.
The objective of deliverable 2.1 is to present the central deliberations underpinning the identification of Digital Advisory Tools and Services (DATS) ‘Good Practices’ in an attempt to balance the goals of:
a) Identifying consistent criteria for recognising Good Practices across different contexts/countries and;
b) Illuminating practices that are ‘good’ in ways that are actor and context specific, but which may nonetheless be transferable/adapted for transferability to other contexts.
The framework developed firstly enables partners to understand the meaning of Good Practice and why it’s important. Nine Principles for Digitalisation are then presented as further elements that should be considered when evaluating digital advisory tools. Thereafter the deliverable depicts the framing process of who, why, what, where, and how which assists in capturing the needs of end-users.
D2.1 outlines how Hot Topics (key themes) are suggested by the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) as particularly useful thematically organising Good Practices. Hot Topics were identified via relevant literature as well as from multi-actor workshop outputs from project partners. In total seven parent Hot Topic categories captured the key themes related to DATS: Social; Economic; Environmental; Knowledge Brokering; Business Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, Data Management; and lastly Usability and Utility. A Hot Topic dictionary lists the primary subcategories associated with each respective parent category. The framework therefore enables end-users to identify Good Practices and having done so allows them to taxonomise Good Practices according to Hot Topics/key themes relevant to DATS.
Project coordinator
Project coordinator
Project partners
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner