project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

C3 New alternative sources of animal feed
C3. Nuevas fuentes alternativas de alimentación animal

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
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The C3 project. The main objective of the project to find new alternative sources of animal feed is to study the feasibility of obtaining animal feed and feed products for poultry based on new alternative sources, such as insects.


El proyecto C3. Nuevas fuentes alternativas de alimentación animal tienen como objetivo principal estudiar la viabilidad de obtención de piensos y productos de alimentación animal para aves de corral basadas en nuevas fuentes alternativas, como son los insectos.


Activity 1. Evaluation and selection of by-products as a substrate for insect feed
Activity 2. Producing and rearing the insect Tenebrio molitor
Activity 3. Characterisation of the flour/product from Tenebrio molitor
Activity 4. Formulating organic feed and producing organic chickens using the formulated feed
Activity 5. Validation of the industrial feasibility of the animal feed production process


Actividad 1. Evaluación y selección de los subproductos como sustrato de alimentación de insectos
Actividad 2. Producción y cría de insecto Tenebrio molitor
Actividad 3. Caracterización harina/producto de Tenebrio molitor
Actividad 4. Formulación del pienso ecológico y producción de pollos ecológicos utilizando el pienso formulado
Actividad 5. Validación de la viabilidad industrial del proceso de elaboración del pienso por alimentación animal


The use of insects as an alternative protein source is a solution to the current and forecast future global protein shortage, that will initially impact on animal feed and, subsequently, on human consumption, in a context where demand is estimated to grow by 50 percent by mid-century, reaching 60 million tonnes of protein by 2030. Increasing world populations and changing diets have created an urgent need for the incorporation of protein supplements from sustainable sources into animal feed.
Insects are rich in protein and are a natural component of the diets of carnivorous fish and free-range poultry. Some insects can be reared on a wide range of by-products and provide a potential way of recovering materials discarded by agriculture and the food industry.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Tarragona

€ 151987.92

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • innovacc

    Project coordinator