General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6A: Diversification & job creation
RDP Measure
- M06: Farm & business development
In 2016, more than 5 million tourists visited Slovakia, which was a record number and a 15% increase compared to 2015. The increasing demand resulted the need to increase the capacity of tourist facilities and quality of the services offered.
A small rural accommodation provider used support from the rural development programme to construct three new wooden log cabins and thus increase his accommodation capacities. The beneficiary also set up leisure activities such as an outdoor swimming pool, a tennis court, a playground for children guests and a gazebo with possibility to barbecue and party.
- A 20 % increase of accommodated guests within the first year of operation after the project was completed.
- Created one new job and maintained the original jobs.
- Increased the offer of recreation services as now the facility offers the possibility to relax in a outdoor swimming pool, to play tennis, volleyball, street ball at the tennis court and a playground for children.

Ing. Vojtech Lampert
Total budget 348 982.96 (EUR)
EAFRD 143 955.46 (EUR)
National/regional 47 985.16 (EUR)
Private 157 042.34 (EUR)
(PDF – 607.27 Ko)