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EIP-AGRI Workshop Organic is operational: Final report

This EIP-AGRI workshop “Organic is Operational” (Hamburg, June 2017) offered an opportunity for improved networking…

EIP-AGRI Workshop 'Organic is operational': Final report: English version

This EIP-AGRI workshop “Organic is Operational” (Hamburg, June 2017) offered an opportunity for improved networking amongst the first Operational Groups (OGs), supported under the Rural Development Programmes, working in organic farming or closely related subjects across Europe.
At the time of organising the event, around 300 OG projects had started working on innovation in European agriculture and forestry. Organic farming had emerged as one of the top five themes with around 40 projects. Numbers are continuously growing, as more projects are being approved in the various regions of Europe. The organic OGs address challenges related to soil management, organic arable farming, organic horticulture, pasture and grassland management, various livestock species as well as well as business models and accessing the market and they often combine new technology with tradition.
This report provides an outline of what was discussed during the workshop.


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

EIP-AGRI Workshop 'Organic is operational': Final report: English version

(PDF – 2.3 Mo)